SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko n...

By Trufflerabbit13

1.3M 32.1K 10.3K

Kuroko Koyuki was very much similar and different to her cousin Kuroko Tetsuya. They both had a burning passi... More

Chapter 1: Meeting the Cousin Rewritten
Chapter 2: She's back Rewritten
Chapter 3: She's Rather Popular Rewritten
Chapter 4: Scrambled Eggs Rewritten
Reunion Chapter 5 Rewritten
CHAPTER 7: P-PERVERT?! Rewritten
CHAPTER 8: British Accent Rewritten
CHAPTER 9 "We play." Rewritten
CHAPTER 10 "YOU TRAITORS!!!!" Rewritten
CHAPTER 11 Basketball at the beach! Rewritten
CHAPTER 12 Results and Dinner rewritten
CHAPTER 13 BET rewrittened
CHAPTER 15 Girl's Day rewritten
CHAPTER 16 Empress's Eye rewritten
CHAPTER 17 edited
CHAPTER 18 edited
CHAPTER 19 edited
CHAPTER 20 edited
CHAPTER 21 edited
CHAPTER 22 edited
CHAPTER .......
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51


14.4K 414 59
By Trufflerabbit13


I cussed under my breath as Shutoku made the point.

I can't let this continue.....

I slipped my jacket off and threw it on the bench. Now that Mido-kun is no longer fighting alone.... Shutoku has become a true team.... I need to play to stop this!

"Coach, switch me in..."

Everyone snapped they're head towards me.


I smiled, and eyed the court where Teppei-senpai was smiling happily, "Don't worry guys, Teppei-senpai is the type of guy who's reliable at the time like this... And me in the game I can start to pass the ball around without worry, Takao-kun can't guard two phantom players..."


I frowned as I stretched my arms waiting for Izuki-senpai to switch with me. The crowds were loud with murmurs, the tension in the air heavy. My magenta eyes immediately met with green one as I looked at the court.

Mido-kun's eyes immediately widen, a look of worry and panic filling them. I watched as he grabbed Takao-kun's attention by grabbing onto the ravenette's arm. They both looked at me before heatedly whispering to each other.

"Oi, Yuki-chan good luck," Izuki-senpai stated as he high-fived me as we switched. I smirked and ran towards where my team were gathering.

Hyuga-senpai smirked and ruffled my bright hair, "Good thing you decided to join us."

I laughed and moved away from his sweating skin. Though we immediately grew serious as we formed a tight circle.

"No worries guys, it's just a pinch," Teppei-senpai chirped, "It's not like the match is over. Let's go have fu~n."

I couldn't help but smile at Teppei-senpai's positive attitude, I admire that personality.

"A-Ah, alright!" Hyuga-senpai seemed taken back from his friends comment but agreed as well, "Though I can't think of a way to stop the current Shutoku."

Teppei-senpai smiled and scratched his head, "That's why we're all going to start thinking now, right?"

Captain got an irk mark on his head as he hit the crown-less general, "You got nothing?!" He bellowed.

Teppei-senpai rubbed his head sheepishly, "Well, I guess- we'll start by getting rid of Kuroko!"

I gaped as Tet-chan looked shock.

"Eh!!!" We both gasped.

"He'll just drag if he can't use misdirection at all." I watched in horror as an invisible arrow stabbed through my cousin's body, "Although you do seem to be trying pretty hard, if I were to choose between whether you were an assist or a liability, I'd pick the later."

I winced again as I saw more arrows pierce his body. Tet-chan...

"Anyways, right now there's no point in him being here."

Oh... That was the last one... My cousin fell to the ground, poking the ground with his finger.

"So that's why..."

"No," I interrupt making everyone look at me, "I need Tet-chan on the courts to play."

Everyone looked at me in surprise, "Yuki-chan, but if Kuroko can't use misdirection..."

I smirked and placed my hand on my waist, "It'll work if there's two phantom players..." Everyone's eye widen in surprise while I nodded, "Takao-kun can only guard one player, that means one of us," I pointed at Tet-chan who recovered, "Is going to be free and will be able to pass the ball with misdirection."

"Yosh!" Tai-chan yelled as he wrapped his arm around my neck and rubbed my head with his fist. I whined and tried to escape from his strong hold.

Our team laughed as we wrestled with each other, "Alright let's do this team!"

As I walked back to court I quickly grabbed Tai-chan's arm catching his attention, "Huh? Something wrong Yuki?"

I smiled at him and made him lean down, "Tai-chan, it's likely that Mido-kun is going to continue to pass the ball, but jump without hesitation, I will be guarding him from the back and side, I'll prevent him from passing it and faking a shot."

Tai-chan grinned wildly at me and grabbed my head with his hand, "Thanks."

I nodded before quickly running towards the court. I immediately ran towards Teppei-senpai and grabbed his shirt, "I'll be double teaming against Mido-kun with Tai-chan. So senpai please protect the hoop."

The tall teen nodded and patted my head with a smile, "Good luck Yuki-nyan."

Nyan? A cat?


Senpai smiled at me and patted my head again, "Cause you're like a cat."

A cat? I am...?

I shrugged the thought out of my mind and quickly met with Tai-chan who stood in middle of the court, I sighed as I saw the red head glaring at the green haired teen from the opposite team.

"Yuki." Mido-kun greeted me with a stiff nod, I smirked he's definitely worried.


I became amused as I watched Mido-kun grunt in annoyance as he got guarded by Tai-chan. Currently, Takao-kun stood behind me making sure I didn't get the ball.

"You sure you should be guarding me?" I questioned as I tried to run past the ravenette.

He smirked and quickly blocked me again, "I'm not letting you get any closer to the ball!"

I smiled at him confidently and shook my head, "Honey, you're forgetting about someone else..." I chirped as the ball shot past us.

"Shit!" Takao cussed his eyes wide in disbelief as he realized Tet-chan passed the ball to Hyuga-senpai while he was distracted with me. Using his distraction as an advantage I shot past him and ran after Hyuga-senpai who dribbled with the ball towards the hoop.

I gave my captain a swift nod as he gave me a fast pass making us invade towards the enemy in an amazing speed. I passed the ball towards Teppei-senpai who waited by the hoop.

He jumped to dunk but number 3 jumped up to block him.

"No way! Go die!" The blonde yelled, but it was useless, senpai using his large hands passed the ball at Tet-chan at the last moment.

"Goooooo!!!" The Seirin bench yelled as the ball left my stoic cousin's fingers.

Every single person in the stadium except the Seirin team were frozen in disbelief as the ball my cousin shot went inside the basket perfectly.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Mido-kun yelled in shock as he stared at the bouncing ball on the ground.

I smirked, beat that, my cousin can actually shoot.


"AGH! I knew it! They already started!" A pink haired female gasped as she finished running up the long stairs that lead up to the stadium.

'Geeze, stupid Aomine-kun! He won't even come with me... In the first place, what's up with sending a girl alone without thinking twice?' Momoi thought to herself. 'It's a bit disheartening, and I would have thought he'll come after seeing Yu-chan kiss Kagami-kun like that!' She thought as her cheeks blushed while she fan girled.

"My little baby is growing up!" She whispered to herself as she touched her pink cheeks.

"Eh?" A familiar voice muttered catching the pinkette's attention, "It's Momo-cchi! You came to watch Yuki-cchi and Kuroko-cchi's match against Midorima-cchi?"

Momoi gasped as she smiled at the blonde, "Ki-chan!

Kise frowned and shook his head, "Can you please stop with the nickname....?"

"But Ki-chan is Ki-chan right? And you allow Yu-chan to use nicknames on you, and you call people with you're nicknames!" Momoi argued as she smiled at the blonde, "You alone?"

The blonde Kaijo student pouted as he leaned against the rail, "Yup, even though I asked all my senpai's, they all rejected me... It's so disheartening!"

Momoi sweat dropped realizing she was in a similar state as Kise.

"Well. Normally It'll be weird to watch a match with someone I lost to but our winter cup participations are already decided, so I'll call a truce for now," Kise stated as he looked at the pink haired female from the side of his eye.

Momoi smiled sadly, "Yeah... You're right...." Though she quickly remembered why she came here, "That's right! How's the match?"

Kise's yellow eyes narrowed with amusement a smirk appearing on his face, "Well..." He paused.

"It's becoming interesting..."


Takao panted as he took a quick sip out of his bottle, "So this is the new Seirin!"

"No, that's not quiet right," Otsubo the captain of Shutoku commented earning a confused look from Takao, "To be exact, they're back."


Otsubo turned toward his team with a grim look, "Seirin's style is offensive team basketball, but Kiyoshi's team was much faster. Kiyoshi and Hyuga's in-and-out double highlights, along with five-man footwork and passing. They competed for points using those.

Despite having an overwhelming shallow history, the Seirin team managed to specialized in offense by forcing their opponent into rapid shoot-outs, they succeeded in rising up to last year Tokyo region best 4. That's their strength.

Run&Gun speed basketball, that's their true fighting style." Otsubo finished earning small clap from his team.

Though he sighed, "Though that girl is definitely making them much stronger..."


"Damn..." The magentanette panted as she rested on the bench. She gasped as someone slapped her back with force.

Kagami smirked as he ruffled the girls long hair, "You shouldn't be too harsh to yourself, you're one of the reasons why we're so even out with Shutoku." Kagami uncharacteristically stated as he scratched his cheek with his finger, his cheeks tinted a light pink.

Koyuki smiled at the red head's rare gesture, she knew it was one of the nicest things her red haired teammate just said to her.


The magenta haired female sighed as Midorima made another three point shot. Maybe... Her eyes searched for the court, they quickly stopped on the ravenette, perfect he's guarding her cousin right now.

She gritted her teeth and shot towards Midorima as she saw him get ready to shoot the ball.

'If Tai-chan can't get from the front, I just have to go from the BACK!'

She took a tremendous leap, her small petite body soaring into the air over the two tall teens as her damp hair flew around.

"I'm not letting you!!!" She yelled as she slammed the ball out of the green haired males hand before landing on the ground with a harsh thump before rolling to a stop with a pant. Hyuga taking the chance grabbed the ball and threw it to Teppei who immediately dunked it after he got himself out of shock.

Midorima stared at the female on the ground in shock, his eyes wide while his voice was lost on his throat, 'Unbelievable, her jump power has increased since middle school! It's higher then Kagami!'

"Yuki-chan!" The Seirin team all shouted in worry as the female laid on the ground panting. Kuroko was immediately beside his female cousin, his eyes filled with worry and panic.

Though Koyuki was laughing as she laid on the ground in a sweaty mess, "Hahaha! Wow," she laughed as she gasped for air, "I did think it was going to jump that high!" She laughed as she covered her eyes with her forearm.

She removed her arm and saw two hands in front of her.

"Hurry up idiot, we need to continue the game." Kagami blushed as he offered his hand.

"Yuki-chan are you ok? That was an impressive jump." Kuroko smiled his own pale hand offered to his smaller cousin.

Koyuki grinned and gripped both of the hands, the two teen both lifted the girl of the ground before patting her on the head and back.

Kuroko then grabbed his cousin's arm and pulled her ear towards his mouth.

"I think I'll be able to do the new drive..."


I smirked, "About time Tet-chan, it better be impressive enough that you need to sneak out even night to practice on it," I tease as I hold hands with him. His pale blue eyes stared down at me while a small smile graced his sweaty face.

"There's no question right?!" Tai-chan smirked as he pushed Tet-chan's back, "...More than that, you better pluck their souls out, okay?"

Tet-chan smiled, "...Yes... Of course!!!


The speed of the passes slowly decreased, we're forgetting the run&gun plan for now. Now my first priority is to get the ball to my dear cousin.

Hyuga-senpai passed the ball from me and I quickly used misdirection to shoot the ball towards the waiting Tet-chan. Ough I worried slightly as Mido-kun was keeping a sharp eye on him.

My eyes widen when my cousin caught the ball with both his hand. If he did that misdirection won't work!

"Midorima! Watch out!" Number three yelled as he loudly warned the green haired teen.

My head snapped towards Tai-chan as I heard his voice, "Sorry but it's not on that level, it,so not either 'fast' or 'skilled'." My magenta eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "That drive that only Kuroko can do well!"

My magenta eyes widen when my cousin suddenly disappeared. What?! Even when he used misdirection, I never lost sight of him before, what's happening?

"He completely vanished!" Mido-kun gasped as he stood frozen in the same place.

My mouth fell open but I quickly ran to the hoop as I saw him appear right behind Mido-kun.

"WHAT?!" Everyone gasped.

I smirked my pink lips curling up in entertainment, impressive. Tet-chan quickly spotted me as I ran beside him and passed the ball.

"Nice pass!" Kiyoshi-senpai yelled as he turned his back towards me. Without hesitation, I used the tall center's back as a boost and slammed the ball into the net.

"Yes!" I cried and hung on the hoop, Teppei-senpai immediately got me down and patted me on the back while laughing.

"Nice dunk!" He smiled as he ruffled my sweaty magenta hair, I grinned up at him smiled with glea.


I smirked as I noticed few of the Shutoku players were panicking and loosing their patience . As one of the players missed the shot, number five, Kimura jumped for a rebound. Though he immediately went to dunk it.

No use, Teppei-senpai is guarding, there's no way he'll let anyone through.

"Don't be impatient Kimura!" The captain of Shutoku yelled. To late... Teppei-senpai smacked the ball out of his hand. I jumped for the orange ball and caught it, lucky!

I easily spotted my cousin and threw the ball at him, "Tet-chan!!!"

I gritted my teeth as I watched Takao-kun ran to Tet-chan. Please!

"I won't let you!" The ravenette yelled as he blocked the phantom player. I watched as Tet-chan's mouth tipped up at the corner before vanishing right in front of my eye.

He reappeared behind Takao-kun before passing the ball to the waiting Hyuga-senpai. Senpai's glasses gleamed under the light as he jumped up to shoot.

I grinned and jumped up, my fist in the air. "Yes!" My eyes darted to the score board, 73 to 76, Shutoku still in the lead. Though my mouth opened in shock as Tet-chan suddenly appeared in front of the ball passing the ball to me. With out hesitation I jumped from the three point line and shot, the ball slowly leaving my fingers.

My hands covered my mouth as is watched the ball enter the net with a whoosh as soon as the whistled was blown indicating this quarter ended.

"YEEEESSSS!!!" I was tackled to the ground as my team cheered loudly. "We tied!" I sighed in relief, one more quarter left...


WOW, I'm surprised at myself, I actually have an early update!

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