Yes Daddy

By EdenTrevino

147K 1.6K 599

Athena, a young highschool girl who smiles every day to take away her pain. She's new at her highschool and f... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2

ch. 6

14K 166 18
By EdenTrevino

Athenas pov.

Im awoken by sunlight hitting my face, I stretch my arms and yawn fluttering my eyes. I turn my head and see my daddy and valentine asleep with me. I smiles looking at both of them, but soon realize we are all naked.
    I gasp getting up and off the bed, I rush to find my clothes and put on a different outfit.

I look around to see a clock to finally see an alarm clock on the nightstand. "7:45 A.M!! OMG im gonna be late-"
   Daddy woke up and chuckled, "Flower what are you babbling about so early in the morning Hm?" I put my hands on my hips and walk over to him and give him a stern look, "Daddy, today is school and if you have forgotten YOU are the principal so come on we can't be late!!! Btw...its 7:45."
   I see him check his hand watch and groan getting out of bed.. Finally!!!
Daddy finally gets dressed in his suit and I kiss his cheek as he looks at himself in the bathroom mirror checking if he looks sophisticated. He smiled and pinched my cheek. "Little angel~ go get your school bag ill be downstairs to get my files." I blushed, and grabbed my backpack. As I walked out the bedroom door "I almost forgot!"
  I turned around and went to Valentine giving him a peck on his lips, "Bye daddy in going to school now, sleep well~"

I then ran out the door and down the stairs to go, "Come on daddy hurry!!" I grabbed his hands and ran out the door to see his black car ready for us to leave.

As we arrived at school I went out the door walking with daddy to the gates. As I walked inside he kissed my head a goodbye and left saying he'll see me later.

"Athena!! Hey!!" I turn around to see Alex that girl I met on the first day! "Hey Alex how are you?" I asked.

(Alex btw^^^)
"Im okay, hey I saw you with the were in his car?"

"O-oh yes I was... He took me to his place last night... D-don't tell anyone please.. I don't want rumors or anything. " I shyly looked down and i felt Alex wrap her arm in mine and smiled, "Its me and your little secret gurl don't worry!" I smiled and we walked to class together.

"H-hey..since and you and the principal got a thing.. Do you think you can hit me up with his brother Ezekiel?" I laughed and nodded, "Ill ask if Gabriel can let you come over tonight for a s-sleep over maybe? If you want to" I smiled. "Are you joking?  Id love to!!" we both nodded and she texted her parents she's spending the night with a friend of hers, they allowed her to.


I gulp down my insecurities and knock on daddies office door, "Come in" he said. I opened the door and closed it behind me as I walked in. "Hello flower to what do I pay this honored visit hm?  He patted his lap and I came to him sitting on his lap, "Is it Okie if my friend Alex spends the night daddy? She's my only friend and her parents already said its ok!" I said hoping he'd say its ok. "Hm..well I guess it'll be nice to see who my angel is making friends with. Alright darling she can." 
  "Yay!!! Thank you daddy!!" I hugged him tightly and run put the door to go tell Alex its ok.

"Do you have everything you need?" I ask. "Yesss don't worry its just one night I have everything don't stress Gurl"
    I giggled and grabbed her hand to rush to leave school and into Gabriels car.

We drove home and we rushed inside. "Wow its gigantic! " said Alex. We went inside greeted by Gabriels two brothers. "Hello angel, you brought a friend?" said Ezekeil. He grabbed Alex's hand and kissed it. Alex blushed and gave him a smile. "I-m Alex, Athenas friend from school."
  Ezekeil just stood there eying her body. I cleared my throat and grabbed Alex's hand to walk away. "Im gonna show you around Ale-" Ezekeil interrupted. "I can show her the place Athena thank you. " and with that they both left into the hallway talking and flirting.

Its late at night and I can't find Alex or Ezekeil? ?? Wtf?????!!!

I walk past the rooms, the hallways. I even checked outside-  THE KITCHEN I need to check there! I run as fast as I can to the kitchen to see-

"Alex??? Ezekeil??? What the hell are you two-" I interrupt there little make out session and I just cross my arms forming a frown.

Alex gets up and goes to the bedroom I give Ezekeil a dirty look and follow her. "Alex what were you thinking- "
  "I like him that's all...he actually wants me can you believe it????"

"Yes actually. I can."


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