
By a-writing-potato

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it's chaos... but it's their family chaos. and they love it. ◈¨°◑¸»¯✺﹢°⇤∴∝∗ [[ D I S C O N T I N U E D ]] ◈¨°... More

surprise, bitch
penthouse life
finding out
planting love with lilies
i'm problematic lmao why did i start a book
meet the malfoys
crazy rich wizards
unknown numbers
i'm sorry
glasses ; oneshot

letters from asshole aunts

7K 107 139
By a-writing-potato

"I turned over a new leaf, only to realize that
It came from a tree I planted with memories."


Hermione Malfoy was making some breakfast for her and her family when the doorbell rang. She wiped her hands on a towel and answered the door.

"Yes?" She asked. It was a mailman, giving her a letter.

"Oh, thank you." She nodded and stared curiously at the letter.

"Morning, Mum." Ara yawned, still in her blue onesie.

Unlike what most expected, Ara Vela Malfoy had long curly brown hair with some natural highlights. She had her mother's nose and slightly tanned skin but had her father's eyes and face shape as well as the ability to do the signature Malfoy smirk, like all her siblings.

Other than that, she was a 17 year old, book-loving Slytherin that had her dad's cunningness but brains, kindness, and warmth from her mother.

Starring Sofie Dossi

"Good morning, sweetheart. Call your siblings, breakfast is ready." Hermione ordered her firstborn, and opened the letter.

"To Hermione,

We invite you to the Granger Family Reunion next week from June 2(Saturday) up until June 6(Wednesday) at 11:00AM in Serpens et Leo Hotel. You know, the one in Las Vegas. Hope you can afford it.

(a/n: shoutout to IwasRuinedHERE4162 for helping out with the translation.)

Bring casual and formal clothes as well as swimwear. Bring your boyfriend(if you even have one, I'm sure not) and bring some money(or allowance from your parents which is probably the only money you have).

Be sure to come. No excuses. Your grandparents and a few cousins miss you(and them only).

Your Aunt Gladys"


"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy!" Ara shouted at her younger brother who was snoring away.

"What! What! What happened?!" Scorpius jumped grabbed his wand. He then looked on the floor to find his sister dying of laughter.

"It's not funny, Ara!" The 15 year old threw a pillow at her.

To nobody's surprise, the boy looked like a replica of his father with the exception of his eyes, which were the caramel brown of his mother.

Starring Lucky Blue Smith

A Gryffindor, the first Malfoy to ever be so, and proud, had his mother's bravery, humility and his father's love for breaking the rules, much to Hermione's dismay.

"C'mon, let's wake the others." Ara brushed herself off.


Hermione scowled. Seems as though more than half of her family still hates her, with the exception of her parents. At least her grandparents, Uncle Chad, Uncle John, Aunt Mary, Jazz, Belle, Ced, and Alex actually like her.

She suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a chin on her shoulder.

"Morning, love." Draco greeted, kissing the top of her head. "What's wrong?"

"Family Reunion. At yours and Blaise's hotel. No more excuses." She sulked.

"Which one?" He asked her.

"Serpens et Leo, the main." She simply replied.


"This Saturday to Wednesday. You busy?"

"Yeah. Friday to Sunday morning. But isn't there a ball for someone I know?" He asks her.

"Yeah, yeah, the Revelation Ball or what not. I'm gonna get too much attention, I don't like that." She frowned.

"Really? So that's why you're friends with Harry Potter?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

"That's different!"

"I beg to disagree love." He smirked and gave her a peck on the lips.


"Leo or Hya(pronounced like 'haya')?" Scorpius asked groggily, still sleepy.

"Leo." Ara replied and walked into Leo's room.

"Leo. Leo. It's time to wake up." She shook him.

"Hm, what? Oh." The sixteen year old yawned.

Leo Caelum Malfoy, had the brown hair of his mother's and his father's pale skin and gray eyes. He's a Quidditch-loving Slytherin that has his father's slight arrogance and stubbornness but not much because his mother will actually kill him.

Starring Nico Morani

"Hya. Hya. Hydra!" Scorpius shook his sister.

"I'll punch your face, Scorpius, if you shake me one more time." The 12 year old threatened.

Hydra Lynx Malfoy is a feisty Gryffindor that a lot of boys come after, much to her father's dismay. She had her father's hair and skin but her eyes were caramel brown. Smart, as the girl was, kind, and brave like her mother and fierce like both of her parents.

Starring Dakota Fanning

"C'mon darling sister, no need for that." He said, backing away. If there was anything he's afraid of, it's his sisters.


"Hydra, Leo, Ara, Scorpius! What's taking so long?" Hermione yelled

"Coming Mum!" They chorused rushed down the stairs.

"What's that?" Scorpius asked pertaining to the letter his mother was holding, biting a bit of toast.

"Family Reunion." Hermione replied, sipping her coffee.

"Wasn't that just last Christmas?" Leo raised a brow.

"My side of the family." Hermione sighed.

"Yay! We get to see Grandma and Grandpa Granger." Hydra clapped.

"Yeah, well it's not just that. Most of my uncles, aunts, and cousins are snobby little-"

"Bitches." Draco flipped a page of the Prophet.

"Who hate me and they tend to be arrogant, pretend to be higher than they already are, and.." Hermione thought.

"And?" The children inched closer.

"They have quite the obsession on your father." She smirked.

The kids laughed and Scorpius laughed so hard he fell out of his chair.

"It's not funny when you're chased by crazy-ass reporters." Draco frowned.

"Tell me about it." The whole family replied. Soon they were all laughing.

"Such a crazy family." Blaise shook his head.

"Hey Uncle Blaise!" Ara greeted her godfather.

"Hey Ara, everyone." He nodded.

"Where's Luna? Won't she be looking for you?" Hermione asked.

"Oh no, she left this morning a little early so she can find some fireflies that actually light on fire easier with Cris and Cel, which I'm not sure I believe, but oh well." Blaise shrugged. Cristopher and Celestine Zabini are twins.

"Wait, Ma, where's the reunion?" Hydra asked.

"Serpens et Leo." She replied.

"No!" The family laughed.

"What reunion?" Blaise asked confused.

"Mom's side of the family who are mostly a bunch of snobby sluts-"


"Alright, a bunch of bitches-"

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, one more time." Hermione gave him a death glare which he gulped at. Scratch what he said earlier, he's afraid of both his sisters and his mother.

"Okay, are having a reunion at Serpens et Leo. The main, wasn't it?" Scorpius asked

"Yup. And they got the hots for Dad." Leo laughed.

"Obsession. If they didn't have that, they wouldn't have gone for the main hotel out of all the hotels if they wouldn't want to see Dad." Hydra pointed out. Blaise was already laughing.

"It's not even funny. I wanna shove my wedding ring down their throats." He frowned.

"Okay, that's enough. What's this package?" Hydra asked Ara, who held it with curiosity.

"New cosmetic launch next month, teamed up with Yves Saint Laurent." Hermione shrugged.

"Shut. Up." The girls squealed and opened the box to see lip kits and pallettes.

"Oh my Godric, they're so pretty!" Hydra squealed.

"Look at this lipstick shade! Dibs!" Ara jumped up and down.

"Girls." The boys shook their head, earning a good bump on the head from Mrs. Malfoy.

"Bloody hell, Mia, that hurt." Draco frowned.

"Shut up." She said and joined her daughters.


This is the same thing but with better grammar(shade).

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