Life After Tragedy: A Dricki...

_Sabriniii tarafından

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Life After Tragedy: A Dricki Sequel
Chapter 1- Rehearsal
Chapter 2- What's Best
Chapter 3- CoastEnd
Chapter 4- Clue
Chapter 5- Lost and Found (Part 1)
Chapter 6- Lost and Found (Part 2)
Chapter 7- One Thing After Another
Chapter 8- The Trial
Chapter 9- The Favor
Chapter 10- The Results
Chapter 11- ALMOST Paradise...
Chapter 12- Daddy Daddy
Chapter 13- Story Tellers
Chapter 14- A Little Too Late
Chapter 15- Celebrate Good Times and Remember The Bad
Chapter 16-Like The Very First Time
Chapter 17- Please, I'm Begging You
Chapter 18-No Lie
Chapter 19-Unexpected and Unforgettable (Part 1)
Chapter 21- Flashback
Notification To Readers!
Chapter 22- Remember Me?
Chapter 23-Makes You Stronger
Chapter 24-Visitors
Chapter 25- Bad Karma
Chapter 26- A Very Special Day(Part 1)
Chapter 27- A Very Special Day (Part 2)
Chapter 28- Playing Match-Maker
Chapter 29- Heart Beats
New Book!

Chapter 20-Unexpected and Unforgettable (Part 2)

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_Sabriniii tarafından

Two hours later Liv is just waking up from the anesthetics...

Olivia-(in hospital bed) Mmmm.... Ughhhhh...

Cam'ron-Doc, she's waking up.

Doctor-(comes in the room) Olivia? Can you hear me?

O-Where am I?

D-You're at St. Michael's Hospital. You were experiencing bad pain in your back and abdomen.

O-Am I ok?

D-Yes... But ummm. Unfortanately, we ran a few tests and found that one of your babies has now been diagnosed with Toxoplasmosis.

O-What the hell is that?

D-It's spread by a tiny common parasite from animals and can be easily spread to humans by eating undercooked meat. While even a mother may remain un-effected. The parasite can easily move on to another closer link. In this case being, the baby.

O-(in shock) No... What's gonna happen to her???

D-Well some of the effects include stillbirth, premature delivery, and physical devastating effects. BUT because we found no problems with those symptoms.  The baby is still at risk to problems later in life such as mental retardation.


D-But. Because this case is so mild the most that will happen are some eye disorders.

O-Eye disorders like what???? Like being blind or just wearing glasses????

D-We don't know yet. When the babies are born. We'll test her health like any other baby. And then in about 2 weeks time after birth, when her vision has regulated to color. We'll test her eyes.

O-Ok... But why was I bleeding down there? I thought I was having a miscarriage

D- Well, while it is relatively common for miscarriages of only one twin. That's usually in only the first 6 weeks. The bleeding and pain was just the baby's way and your body's way of telling us something was wrong.

O-But everythings ok now?

D-Everything's ok now

O-And my other baby? Kylee's ok???

D-Yes, throughout this entire episode. The other baby remained at a steady heart rate. They should both continue to grow and thrive.

O-Oh thank God they're ok

D-ALright you two can go home now. I'll just get this needle out of you Olivia.

At Cam'rons house...

Olivia-Umm babe, who are these people in the kitchen??? (pic on the right)

Cam'ron-Oh my god! Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?!

Cam's mom- We live here. Come give momma a kiss eh.

C-(kisses his mother on the cheek and hugs his dad then turns to Liv) Uh, babe, these are my parents.

O-Oh, hi. It's so nice to finally meet you.

CM-(hugs Liv) Hi dear. So you're the girl my son just can't stop talking about, it's good to meet you too. I'm Ronetta. 

Cam'rons Dad- (hugs Liv) Hi! I'm Christian. You must be Olivia. (puts his hand on her belly) And these must be our grandbabies (smiling hard)

O-(laughs a little) Yea. Would you like to see sonogram pictures?

CM-No need. Cam'ron sends them all to us. After every appointment

 O-Aww, that's nice

CD-Come on son. We're only here for two days. Let's go play some football in the backyard(leaves with Cam)

CM-(sitting down on the couch in the living room and signaling for Liv to sit next to her) So how is everything?

O-Honestly, not to good. We just came back from the hospital.

CM-Oh sweet green beans and gangster leans! What happened??

O-Well i started bleeding and was in alot of pain, we were so scared. i thought it was a miscarriage. but thank god everything's ok... well kinda, you see one of the girls has a disease called toxoplasmosis. Her whole life could be affected from her losing her vision partially or completely. and just thinking that my daughter won't be able to see everything the world has to offer her it just..(tries to hold in her cry) it's really an upsetting thought. it's disturbing actually, i just want her to be ok. (crying)

CM-(rubbing her back sympathetically) Oh now baby everythings gonna be fine. Even if that child can't see, she will know that she is surrounded by people who love her. She has amazing parents who would give her the world. She's alright. I mean look at Ray Charles, and Stevie Wonder. They came out just fine.

O-Of course I'll still love her if she's blind... I just want her to be normal. I want her to have a normal life. I never had normal at all. I was always in magazines and interviews and photoshoots at such a young age, evryone wanted to see Nicki Minaj and Lil wayne's daughter... I hated it. I wanted to be special because of me. I just wanted to be a normal kid. She'll be treated so differently if she's blind. Other kids will make fun of her. She'll be "the blind girl" and Kylee will be "the blind girls sister" She'll have to go to special schools and everyone will have to learn brail when she learns how to read... i think... wait... yea it's called brail

CM-Child, you so focused on the negative. Stay C,C, and C


CM-Calm cool and collected. These girls can't have a nervous wreck as a mother. That's why we moved to Jamaica, no worries

O-But what about your kids?

CM-Oh, Cam'rons practically grown, this is his house now, he'll need it. And his brother is another story. Do you know Travis?

O-I just met him today at the baby shower, he got us a stroller.

CM-He on his own. He always up and down those streets lookin for trouble. He hangs with those older men with no class who call themselves "a gang". Then he kept gettin in trouble wit that lil girl Lola. Her mother callin me up askin if i was aware her daughter was getting her third abortion and she has an STI from him. I kicked his ass to the curb. He think he a big man, he can go be a big man elsewhere. 

O-Wow, it must've been hard

CM-Well sometimes when you love someone you have to let them go. And in some cases the reason why they need to be let go off are unexpected and unforgettable. It's hard to explain how i felt afterwards but I know that he'll learn his lesson out on his own. Everyone realizes they need their momma one way or another. You just don't know until you've turned their back on her.

O-Trust me I know exactly what you mean...

CM-But anyways.. how's the other baby momma?


CM-Yes the crackhead.

 O-Well we actually ran into her the other day and Cam'ron told me that he had given her money and a place to stay and i guess i can't be mad at him for that but i just wish he would've told me instead of keeping it a secret.

CM-Good god i just hope she's not out using that money for drugs... It's a shame what young ladies get themselves into these days


CM-Well sweety why dont you come with me to take our minds off all this. We can all go eat dinner somewhere

Cam's mom and Liv go outside and get Cam's dad and cam. They drive to Chipotle for dinner. Meanwhile at the Dricki house...

 Nicki-Well how was it?

Drake-It was ok. Bunch of teenagers and such. She got some good gifts but ours made her cry.

N-That wasn't our gift. That was your gift.

D-Well it turns out that the lullaby sung in the music box was a song you used to sing with her and she got all hormonal. I left after that. 

N-Austin, did you enjoy that girls baby shower

Austin-First of all. "That girl" is my sister and your daughter. Second of all after dad left she stood up and started bleeding and screaming

N-(eyes go wide in fear) Really???

A-Yea, and then they left for the hospital. I'm not really sure what happened but everyone just went home.

N-My god. She could be dying right now! 

A-Well a few minutes ago it sounded like you didn't care if she dropped dead or not....

N-Just call your fucking sister! 

A-Fine (pulls out his phone)

Meanwhile back at Cam'rons house...

Dana-(opens the front door) Hello? Is anyone home??? (steps inside) I guess not. Come on Ty, daddy's not home yet.

TyShawn-Ok(comes inside)

D-put your bag up in your room baby

Ty-Ok(wals upstairs to his room)

D-Hm, well since he's not here...(goes upstairs to Cam and Liv's room and starts searching through draws and under everything until she finds...) Ha, yes! I knew he would be stacked...(takes a credit card and 3 rubber band stacks of money out of a hidden space carved into a Bible on the nightstand) God this is enough for a whole 5 months. Now let's see what else I can do here...(picks up her phone)

Phone convo:



Cam-Dana? What is it?

D-Ty's here.


D-He wanted to see his daddy and I needed you...

Cam-What do you mean?

D-(lying)Cam I'm hurt.. They got me! I'ts just not safe emought out there. And our son is in danger if I'm in danger. 

Cam-(sighs in frustration) Ok Dana, I'll be right there..(hangs up)

At Chipotle...

CD-What happened?

C-(getting up) Dana needs me.

O-Yea well your family needs you too.

C-(getting mad) Ty is my family and he is also Dana's son! Just deal with that I don't see why it always has to be a competition or a fight between the baby momma's!!

O-I thought I was more than just your baby momma... I guess I was wrong(gets up and leaves she takes a cab to the Drciki house)

C-(sighs) I have to get home Danan neeeds me to be there for Ty.

CM-Don't let that girl keep using your son as an excuse to live off you. You don't need that.

C-I know.. Are you guys staying here?

CD-Hell yeah. I just got my food. 

C-'K Bye Ma. bye dad.(leaves and goes home)

Back at Cam'rons house...

Cam-(runs upstairs into Ty's room) You alright little guy?? (hugs him)

Ty-What are you talking about? Daddy you're being silly! I'm fine.

C-(looking confused) Where's mommy?

Ty-(points to the master bedroom) In there

C-Ok. You stay here. (goes over to the room and slowly opens the door and closes it behind him) Dana? Where are you??

Dana-(from the bathroom) In here.

C-(ges into the bathroom and realizes dana is in the shower so he closes his eyes) What the hell are you doing?

D-Taking a shower

C-Why are you taking a shower here????

D-Look we need somwhere safe.

C-Stop giving me that bullshit! Ty said he was fine.

D-He is.

C-So why are you here.

D-I'm hurt

C-Did you get shot or something? What the hell happend??

D-(stepping out the shower) No Cam'ron. I'm hurting here (takes his hand and puts it over her heart)

C-(his eyes suddenly open when he realizes Dana is out the shower and touching him) What are you doing?!! (pulls his hand away)

D-What are you talking about?

C-(hands her a towel) Here. Put that on. And get dressed!

D-Why? I'm not done with my shower yet. I was hoping you would join me (reaches for his hand again)

C-No! Dana get your ass in line!! I am in love with Olivia! Nothing is going to change that!

D-That's the same thing you said about me 3 and a half years ago... And then you cheated anyways. I want that Olivia girl to know how I felt! You're not the man everyone thinks you are Cam'ron and I'm not going to stop until everyone knows that! You always tell everyone that we broke up because I was addicted to heroin. That may be true but I got addicted because of your constant cheating!! You are not capable of loving anyone but yourself. So stop pretending! And get in the shower with me...

C-I cheated once! And I told you the truth about it! That was 3 years ago let it go! And I'm not getting in that shower with you!!

D-Oh you don't want to get in the shower? That's ok (walks out the bathroom and to the bed) We can do it right here.

C-What the fuck?? Have you lost your damn mind?!!

D-Im sick of playing games now! (gets up from the bed and goes over to Cam and pushes him down on th bed) 

C-(getting too frustrated) Dana I'm going to count to three before I loose my got damn mind... 1...2...2 and a half!

D-Oh what are you going to do?!

C-Three! (punches Dana in the jaw)

D-(falls off Cam and drps to the floor crying)

C-I told you to stop!! I counted to three!!!

D-(crying) I'm sorry

C-Sorry doesn't fix a damn thing! Why you over here tryna fuck up my relationship?!!! You a sick twisted bitch you know that!!! You can burn in hell for all I care!

D-I'll meet you there...

C-(kicks her in the stomach) Shutup!

Ty-(knocking on the door) Mommy? Daddy?


C-(locks the door) Ty you can't come in right now. Mommy and daddy are having a talk.

Ty-Oh..ok...(walks back into his room and watches TV)

C-(walks over to Dana and picks her up by her hair) Don't you ever say a word about this! To anyone!! Especially not Ty!

D-(crying) Ok! Cam'ron let me go!

C-(puts her down) Get dressed and leave! Ty is staying!

D-No! Hell no! My son is coming with me!

C-(raises his hand above her face as a warning) He. Is staying. Right. Here.

Basically Dana gets up gets dressed and leaves and Cam'ron is just playing with Ty as if nothing had just happened. but back at the Dricki house...

Austin-Heyyy my sissy's home! (runs and hugs Liv)

Olivia-(smiles) Hey bro.


O-Hi daddy (hugs him)

Nicki-(looks at Liv) 

O-(looks at Nicki but then back to Austin and Drake) Anyways, I'm just visiting. And Austin said he was really worried so...

D-Yea. What happened when I left?

O-Well.. long story short: I thought I had a miscarriage but the babies are both fine it's just that one of them was diagnosed with Toxoplasmosis. So she'll have eye problems, and there's a high chance she could even be born blind...

A-Oh my god!

D-Woah. Are you serious?

N-(doesn't say anything but has a look of shock, disbelief, and worry on her face)

O-So I just came to keep everyone updated. And um, I guess I'll be leaving now...

A-Wait! Saty a little longer!

D-Yea we miss you here. Why don't you have dinner with us? Like old times...When you still lived here.

O-Oh, no thanks, I just ate I had dinner with Cam'rons parents. Sooo bye guys.

Austin and Drake-Bye! Love you

O-Love you too. (leaves to back to Cam'rons house)


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