My Dangerous Pleasure


5.1K 236 21

Erique, a ruthless vampire, is on the brink of declaring war with the humans. He's tired of seeing his people... More

My Dangerous Pleasure
The Feeling Of Anger
The Plan Of Revenge
The Expected Event
The Struggle
Rejection Hurts Like A Bitch
The Visitor
The Vampire's Sister
Befriending Her
What I Don't Know
Reasons, Reasons, Reasons
Found A Greag Blog

Impossible To Stop

298 20 4

Impossible To Stop

I looked through the rooms on the second floor but none of them suited my tastes. The paint was always too bright or just plain black. I wanted a room that was in between.

I leaned against the wall out in the hallway and put my forehead against the cool surface.

What have I gotten myself into? What have I gotten my pack into?

I closed my eyes, trying to push all my overwhelming emotions away. I couldn't deal with feelings right now, I had too many things I needed to focus on. Getting Keith back to normal was first.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"Isn't it funny that we always end up meeting in the hallway?" Erique's voice ruined my silence.

"It's better than meeting in a bedroom if that's what you're implying." I snorted in response.

"Yes...I suppose it would." His voice had become huskier.

"What do you want, I have no interest in talking to you or seeing your face. Why don't you just scram?" I offered and he growled.

"My sister wanted me to check up on you so I followed her wishes, it's not like I wanted to see you anyway." He snarled.

I turned, facing him.

"Your sister says you do what you please, so don't feed me bullshit. You want to mess with me so just hightail it on out of here. I don't feel like being in your twisted games, I have more important things to do." I snapped.

"Like what? Being an Alpha? Too bad your little friend doesn't think so." He smirked and pain clawed at my chest.

"Go away you damn bastard." I growled and he laughed.

"I don't think I want to. Remember, I still have to get back at you for slapping me." His smile grew to an evil grin.

"Stop!" I shouted and he seemed taken back.

"What?" He asked.

"You only have one choice. I'm not going to sit here and be your little play toy. You rejected me, so you'd better damn well leave me alone. I'm not going to be tormented and I'm not going to be in pain because you keep appearing and reminding me of your rejection. I have a heart, so yes, I feel pain. Your rejection hurts, so if you're just going to torment me, let me and my pack mates go." I spoke.

He laughed again.

"Sorry, but your execution is coming up, try not to forget." He said and then walked away.

"The nerve of you people!" I scoffed and stomped off down the hallway.

I need to find a way out of here anyway for when Keith gets better. Hopefully, that'll be before our execution, but even if it's not, Erique wouldn't be able to kill his own mate.

It's impossible.

Really, Dani? You're going to underestimate the Vampire King? Good luck with that. I told myself.

I growled, seething as I walked down a set of stairs.

"Vampires and their damn egotistical ways. They always have to have the upper hand!" I snarled as my feet hit the last step.

I marched down hallways, looking for possible escape routes.

There were doors that led outside but they were all blocked by guards. Guards who were infuriatingly disrespectful.

"You're not going anywhere, dog." One had said and the others laughed.

I had flicked him off before trying to find another way out.

"Beat it, mutt." The next guard said.

Luckily there wasn't anyone around to laugh. But I had a good laugh when I walked up to him and spat in his face.

"You little bitch!" He was enraged.

"Takes one to know one, jackass." I replied before walking away.

He couldn't do anything to me and he knew that I knew that. He was stuck with guard duty and if he moved from that spot, I'd be able to escape.

"I'll be quite content when I see you killed in front of our people. I'll enjoy the cries of pain you'll scream when you're being whipped before your hanging." He smiled cruelly.

"And how do you know I'll just willingly give myself to death?" I taunted, giving him a smirk.

Then I walked away from that guard, and that is how I ended up walking down empty hallways.

I sighed, feeling someone following me.

"You can come out now, I know you're there." I spoke, stopping as I did.

By the scent of the person, I could tell it was Erique. Especially with the amount of power radiating off of him.

"Why are you following me?" I snapped.

"Because I can, this is my house, so I have free reign to do what I please." Was his cool response.

"I know your thing is trying to be evil and mysterious but stalking me is just creepy. You're taking things to a whole new level, when things don't need to be there. I'm perfectly fine walking the hallways, it's not like I'm gonna kill you." I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"And that is precisely why I must follow you. You say you are doing nothing wrong, but how do I know that you're not just saying that to get rid of me? I'm not stupid, dog." He insulted me.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Excuse me for thinking so, but aren't you the one crazy enough to kill your own mate?" I snarled, becoming furious.

He was quiet for a second.

"I have no mate and I never will. You are just some pathetic lowlife who thinks she can actually meet my standards for a woman." His smile was tight and cold.

"Stop lying to yourself, Erique. It's not going to get you anywhere in life. Anyway, I have more important things to do than have you stalk me like some lost puppy, so why don't you go find some slut to bang because I'm sure that's all you do during your pathetic excuse of a life. Or wait, why don't you go kill some more humans?" I seethed, stomping off.

"Is that permission?" He called and I nearly ripped my hair out.

"Shut up, I don't have time for you. You're a waste of space on this planet, you and your kind." I spat, not turning around.

He was in front of me before I could take another step, his hand wrapped around my neck.

"You are in no position to downgrade me. Aren't you the weak, powerless one? Aren't you the one who can't do anything? Aren't you the waste of space?" He snarled, his grip tightening around my throat.

I clawed at his fingers, desperately wanting him to let go. He didn't.

I was beginning to see black spots, the room spinning.

"Your execution just moved to tomorrow. You'll be the last killed since you let some of your mutts get away. I want to see the look on your face when the two werewolves you failed to free, die." He sneered and shoved me to the ground.

I landed on my hip, my hand twisting wrong. I screamed at the pain in caused when a loud crack sounded in the hallway.

I cradled my hand to my chest, trying to keep the tears at bay. Both from the pain and the fact that Erique had the audacity to hurt me, his mate.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I heard a feminine voice snarl.


Erique didn't reply.

His sister was by my side in seconds, helping me stand.

My eyes met Erique's, and I couldn't keep the disgust and pain from showing.

"You don't deserve to be alive." I whispered harshly.

I was even angrier at the fact that his face was void of emotion.

Linda helped me to the infirmary room since I was weak. Erique had done a successful job at scaring me. If he was capable to hurt his own mate, he was capable of anything.

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