Taken by One Direction (1D Fa...

By 4GirlswithaDream

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One Direction is our boyfriends? Yes, 100% in love with them. Meet us, Kristin, Mason, Elizabeth, and Rhianno... More

Taken by One Direction (1D Fanfic)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter TEN
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirty One

975 10 0
By 4GirlswithaDream

Mason, get back home from Key West and take this gift I bought you...that's right, I bought something for you. It's not food...sorry and Liz hurry back from your trip for real. Rhi stop being such a stranger, write more by the way. :D

Anyways...Chapter Thirty One :)


Kristin's POV

"Hope you enjoy your freaking cake." I said, taking some icing from the top and licking it off my finger.

"If you did that any slower, I think I would die." Liam said, chuckling.

I took another bit of icing and walked over to him, his eyes were studying me, I wiped it on his nose and smiled, walking back to where I was.

"Stop taking icing!!" Niall pouted while shoving so many bites in his mouth.

Louis came back out with a bag of carrots, "A carrot a day keeps the eye doctor away." Then he winked at us.

"Nerd." I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

Louis stuck his tongue out and then shoved a carrot in his mouth like Niall did, that was weird.

Liam was doing who knows what, but he came back over to me, smiling, holding his hands behind his back, suspiciously.

"Whatcha hidin'?" I was going back and forth on the heels of my feet.

Liam smirked at Louis who just smiled at me, then I looked back at Liam who put his arm around me and then with his other hand, wiped flour over my chest and face, I was now covered in flour.

Mason almost choked on her cake, she was laughing hard. I laughed and then tried to wipe my eyes so I could see better. Liam was trying to look so innocent. Louis was covering his mouth, holding in his laughter and Niall was chuckling, still sticking lots of bites into his mouth.

"Come here, baby." I looked at Liam, holding my arms out.

"Nah, that's alright, I'll stay over here." Liam shook his head.

I pouted, "Pwease?" Then I ran after him, he was running towards our flat, I jumped on his back making him fall on the ground as soon as he opened the flat door. We were both laughing now.

Liam tried escaping, but I turned him around and hugged him, making flour go all over him, then I kissed him all over his face, then kissed his lips, smirking as I pulled away. I got up and headed to the bathroom, grabbing a cloth and soaking it in water, wiping my face and somewhat of my shirt. It wasn't working very well with my shirt so I took it off, leaving myself in my bra, still wiping it off my face, and my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and over to Liam, wiping it off of his face, then letting the cold cloth down his shirt.

"Hey!" Liam laughed, it was really cold, he was struggling to get it out, it was funny. 


"LALALALA!" I was trying to bleep over his cursing.


"LALALALALALA!!!!" I yelled again.

"Ah, that was he-"

"LALALALALALLAALLAAAAAAA!" I yelled for the last time, giggling.

"Thanks for the help, babe." Liam said sarcastically, then chuckling.

I heard Liam's phone start ringing, and as the ninja I thought I was, I was jumping over the bed and couch, getting it and answering it.

"Hello?" I answered, happily.

"Where's Liam?" It was management I suppose.

"Uh, right now he's in the bathroom...might be a while." I bit my lip, trying to hold in the laughter, Liam shook his head as he stood next to me.

"Could you tell the boys that they have an interview-" Liam took the phone.

"Hello?" Liam answered.

"I'm the phone answerer." I placed my hands on my hips, sticking my tongue out.

"Interview? Alright, bye." Liam said.

"Can I come?" I jumped up and down.

"How much sugar have you had this morning?" Liam laughed, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Hmm...none actua- icing!" I giggled.

"Management said two of you girls can come, guessing you and Mason?" Liam asked as we headed out of our flat, still carrying me over his shoulder.

"Woo!" I shouted, placing my cold hands under his shirt and slowly going up his back, it made him shiver, making me smirk.

"No wedgies." Liam warned, letting me down gently.

"MASON!" I ran in the kitchen for her.

"MHM!" She mumbled, still eating.

"You, me, the boys, interview today!" I said, smiling.

"Wfhut trime?" Mason asked, facing Liam and I.

"Noon." Liam replied.

Mason quickly grabbed her phone and it said 10:30. She quickly ate more until she decided she'll finish it later and to get ready for all of this time.

"Let's go get ready." I pulled Liam up the stairs.

"You guys are loud." Harry walked out of the flat, only sweat pants on.

"Well wake up curly, interview in an hour and a half. Rhi has to stay with Mary." I told him, pushing Liam in the flat.

Harry mumbled something, but eventually walked back into his flat, hopefully telling Rhiannon.

 Mason's POV

I smirked, shoveling cake into my mouth.

"I think it would have been better if they put Congrats on the Sex on the top." I said, and Niall choked on his cake as he laughed. 

 "I'm going to get ready. You have to get ready too babe. C'mon."  I said, pulling the cake away from him and tugging him upstairs.

"Are you going to help me shower again." 

"No. That won't be happening again."

"You're lying and we both know it."

"Shut up and get dressed. I laughed, running around the room and looking for something to wear.

"Have you seen my - ah forget it. I'll just go in sweats. Hey, grab my black baggy sweats babe?" I asked Niall, and he nodded. I stripped down, grabbing a pair of his boxers and pulling them on before tugging on my sweats.

"What are you doing." Niall said, looking over as I was fixing the boxers in my sweats.

"They're comfier than my underwear. I like them."  I said, shrugging and grabbing a lime green abecrombie v-neck and pulling it on over my white cami. 

"You ready yet?" I asked, fluffing my hair with one hand and making sure my eyeliner was okay.

"In a minute." Niall whined, and I laughed.

"C'mere babe." 

"How long do we have." Niall asked, and I looked at my phone.

"Hour and a half. But we have to le- mmf" I said, getting cut off by Niall crashing his lips to mine. 

"Are you kid-"

"No. Shut up and accept me as I am." Niall smirked, and I laughed.

 "As you wish." I said, winking at him.

"You're cute. Not stop and be sexy." Niall said, making me laugh again. 

"I can't be sexy."

"Yeah yeah, now lets skip the teasing and all that and-" This time, I cut him off by kissing him.

"Also? Sweats and boxers are easier to get off." I smirked, and he smiled at me.

"You're smart."

"I know."

"MASON! NIALL! We have to GO." Kristin yelled right as I was pulling my sweats on again.

"Aw. NIALL. You messed my hair up." I smirked, flipping my head over and ruffling it before flipping it over again, patting it down.

"How do you and Harry do that? Shum shum shum its fixed?!" Niall asked, trying to fix his.

"Because we're perfect curly haired people." I smirked, walking over and fixing it for him.

"Thanks babe." He said,  planting a light kiss on my lips before dragging me downstairs.

"Why did that take you so long?" Liam asked, and I tried to now smirk. 

"Well Liam, when two people love each other very much-"

"Shut the hell up Niall." 

"Just saying." Niall replied, grinning at Liam. Kris and I were giggling loudly, climbing into the van with the other boys. 

"What did Niall do this time?"

"Well. Liam asked why it took Niall and I so long to get down here. Niall started to explain."

"Yeah. All I said was that when two people love each other very much-"

"We get it." Zayn stopped him, and Niall high fived me.

"How long does it take to get there?" 

"About five minutes." Louis said, and I nodded and hopped in my seat some.

"Okay. Almost there. Calm down." Harry laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"OH. OH YEAH. I'd like to know something. Why are you too so bloody loud all the time now? It's gotten worse." I smirked, looking directly at Harry.

"What? I thought it was soundproofed?!"

"Nope. We fixed the acoustics and made it so everything echoed a bit, making Mary and Zayn very uncomfortable." 

"I HATE YOU. SO THATS WHY YOU ALL WERE ALL GIGGLING AND SHUTTING UP WHENEVER WE CAME AROUND. YOU PRICKS." Zayn yelled, making me laugh incredibly hard. Everyone who was in on it was laughing, and Harry looked a bit proud of  himself while Zayn fumed.

"Who planned that? WAIT. Mason and Kris?" 

"All of three of us girls, actually." I smirked, my arms crossed over my chest. 

"Your pants are crooked." Kris told me, and I shrugged. 

"Oops. I'll fix em when we get out."

"Are you really wearing that? I mean, look at Kristin. At least she's wearing yoga- OUCH." Louis said, and I slapped him in the back of the head.

"Shut up Tommo." I smirked, and he rubbed the back of his head while glaring at me.

"Whatever. We're here. Behave you two." Liam said, pointing to Louis and I.

"What ever could that mean!? I think I'm a right angel." I said, giving Liam a sassy look.

"And I KNOW I'm an angel." Louis said, following in my footsteps.

"Wait, let me fix my pants." I said, fixing them and then going back to sassing Liam.

"I swear to god I'm a father of nine for my job." Someone said, and we all looked over at Paul.

"PAULIE! HIGGANIGGA!" I yelled, and he rubbed his face with his hands.

"Oh my god."

"MASON!" Liam yelled, and I shrugged.

"I can't be all motherly all the time. I'm having a break. LOULOU LETS GO DO SOMETHING. LOOPYLOU." I said, and he nodded and we tried running away. Paul grabbed the back of my shirt and the hood of Lou's jumper.

"Paaaauuuulllllll." We whined.

"Interview, then you can run off all you want."

"Deal." Louis and I said, and he let us go. We decided to cooperate and follow the rest of the boys in. I was gripping Niall's hand tightly, there was lots of Directioners all outside the building. I smiled and waved with my other hand, but I stayed close to Niall's side.

"Okay. Room is right back here..." Someone said, showing us to a room we were supposed to get the boys ready in. They were getting their hair and makeup done, and I was giggling because of it.

"I love how that have to wear makeup. I mean, come on. Make up?"

"Be nice Mase." Kris smirked.

"What? I think they're all beautiful as they are. Except Lou."



"Shut UP Lou. It was a joke!" I laughed loudly, and he huffed and sat back in his chair.

"Aw, LoopyLou, you know I was just kidding.  I love your perfectly sassy self." I smiled, hugging him.

"Alright. Whatever. Don't TOUCH THE QUEEN." Louis said, making me laugh.

"Oh you sassy little boy." 

"Stage in five." Someone said, poking their head in the door.

"You guys are singing first right?" 

"Yep." Harry said, fiddling with his blazer.

 "What makes you beautiful?" I asked, and Liam shook his head.

"No. One Thing." 

"I'd like to see you guys do Gotta Be You. Or I Wish. Maybe Stand Up...OH! Do Stand Up! Pleaseeeeeeee?" I said, and Niall laughed.

"S'not our choice princess. If we could, we would, but we can't." Niall said, wrapping me under his arm and kissing the top of my head.

"I wonder how Rhiannon and the baby are doing back at home."

"Harry. It's fine. She's only like,  a month and a half in. She'll be fine. Mary is at home with her too. Chill." I said, smiling at him.

"Show time!" The same person said, the boys standing up and going to leave. 

"Have fun babes!" Kris and I said at the same time, then laughing and giving each other a high five. I knew there was a silly smirk on my face, and Kris rolled her eyes at me. I laughed, watching our lovely boys walk onto the little stage area and start to sing.

"God, I am so proud of them. Can you believe that it's going to be two years in a month?" I said, and Kris shook her head.

"No, I can't really. Can you believe I'm getting married in three or so months?" She grinned back, and I shook my head.

"Not at all. But we should start planning that. Get your honeymoon down and  all sorts of things like that. Where do you think you'll have it? Wolverhampton? Back home?" I asked, and Kris shrugged.

"I don't know. I haven't really even talked about it with Liam yet."

"You need to. It's only like, three months. Maybe four. In that amount of time, Rhiannon will know if she's having a boy or girl, and let's face it, someone else will be engaged." I said, and she bit her lip and nodded. 

"I mean, Niall and I's two year is in a few weeks. And Liz and Lou's one year and seven months is in  August. And my birthday is in August, also. Wow. I'm the next birthday. I'll be nineteen. Damn. Wasn't it just yesterday I was turning fourteen and I was getting my bellybutton pierced? Jeez, it's already been five years since that?" I asked, and Kris nodded with a sigh.

"I know right. I think we're being signaled to go up and sit with them."

"What. I didn't know we were actually going on stage! Oh crap. I look like poo." I squeaked, and Kris smirked before tugging me out. I put on a smile, as did Kris, and walked out to meet the boys on the couch. I placed myself between Lou and Niall, usually where I sat at home. Kris, of course, sat beside Liam and Harry.

 "Welcome up ladies!" The interviewer, I have no idea what his name was, I didn't watch talk shows, said. I looked at Niall for help, before smiling and saying hello. 

"James." Niall mouthed to me, and I sighed. 

"Thanks babe."  I mouthed back, and he smiled.

"So, ladies, I talked to my producers about this interview and decided that we would mostly focus on you two, because we all know that there aren't enough interviews where the lovely One Direction ladies get to spill secrets about their men. Am I right?" He smirked, and I nodded. He wa so gay it was basically radiating. I though LOU looked gay when he wanted to...

"Thats right. We never get to tell anyone the boys secrets." I smirked. The entire band knew that I was the best, and the worst, to tell secrets to. Silly embarrassing things were bad, because I'd tell anyone those. Actual secrets I could keep, easy. So they were all basically giving me horrified looks.

"How many do they have?"

"I know that Louis is hiding something. As is Harry. And Nialler boo has a pretty big whoopsie that I find funny." I smirked, and Lou gave me a pissy look.

"Don't do it Mase." Lou warned, and I shrugged.

"It might be payback for eating my ice cream the other day. Don't push it Tommo. Kris, Liz, and I just pulled a pretty good prank on Zayn, Harry, Rhiannon, and Zayn's new girlfriend Mary the other night, actually. It was pretty funny, if you ask us." I said, and James got a look that said that he was dying to know.

Zayn and Harry were both blushing some, but everyone else was smirking and had a bit of a spill look to them.

"Well. We all know that Harry and Rhiannon decided  to go visit Harry's family in Cheshire, and they were there for awhile. But what you all don't know, is that Harry and Rhiannon can be a bit... Loud, I guess. Okay, very loud, and the rest of us got a bit irritated with it." I started, and Kris smiled.

"There's also the fact that Rhiannon and Harry have a bit of an addiction to each other. It's weird, really. Not weird, just irritating. So when they were gone, staying with Harry's mother for a week, they couldn't exactly deal with that obsession."

"And Zayn lives right next door to the lovely couple, so he gets irritated by it the most. He gets really bugged by it, so he usually just chills in our flat until their done, but we can still mostly hear them from our flat, most of the time. But anyway. Zayn started to see Mary, and Mary is quiet and seemingly innocent and kind of just adorable."

"So we came up with a plan." Kris smirked at me, and we looked over at the blushing Zayn.

"Basically, for the first time as Mary being over is just a day or so after Rhiannon and Harry getting home, so we knew that we had to do something big. I called in a favour and got a friend of mine to boost the acoustics in the Styles flat, making everything ten times as loud and basically impossible to ignore. By this point, we told the rest of the guys this, except for Harry, Rhiannon, Zayn, and Mary."

"Mason was a freaking genius when it came to figuring out how to do that. Get the acoustics, I mean. We had the basic idea that we would get Mary and Zayn all uncomfortable with it, but we didn't know how to do it. Maybe get Rhiannon and Harry drunk and they'd end up doing it in Zayn's bathroom, who knows. But after recent activities, that wasn't an option, so Mason figured this out."

"And then we told Rhi and Harry we soundproofed their flat, making them think that they could be as loud as they wanted. So we had Mary over, and and all of us were kind of smirking to ourselves when Harry and Rhi left the house, and we pretended like we didn't hear anything while Mary and Zayn were all flustered." I finished, and the interviewer laughed.

"Thats actually pretty good. So, the girls are the pranksters, are they?"

"We are. The Tommo is pretty good himself, but when you get Liz, Kris, and I? It's like hell, mostly. But when the Tommoy is added then its much, much worse. Lou and I can be pretty childish when we want. Paul had to make sure we didn't run off and cause chaos before the show, since Liz isn't here to do it with him." I explained, and the interviewer chuckled.

"Okay, so into some questions, huh? I will ask the lads some questions as well."

"Is this going to be like a quickfire thing?" Louis asked, and I smirked.

"Kind of, yes. These are all questions your fans have sent in via twitter and facebook."

"Alrighty then. Fan questions are always creative." Liam said, smiling.

"Indeed they are. Heres one from twitter, a fan basically asking what happened a few weeks back between Mason and Niall. I quote, 'You two just stopped with everything. Did the pics destroy Miall!?" 

"Well. Basically, I was spending a lovely day with Liam, who I am pretty close to, for a surprise for Kristin, so we couldn't say anything to the other lads or girls or anything. So as we were doing so, paps caught Liam saying something to me about Kris, but assumed it was to me and about me, which caused a lot of bull-"

"Mason." Liam snapped, and I smirked as I talked.

"Bad things to arise. So Niall and I got in a major fight when he saw the pictures, and we both said things we meant and had to come out as some point, but basically destroyed us in doing so. We uh-" I stuttered, a blush rising to my cheeks as I looked over at Niall. He smiled at me, tightening his grip on my hand as I continued. "We broke up. And I moved in with Zayn for a bit, living in his guest bedroom and not really eating or talking to anyone for a few days. Then there was this huge fiasco about this uh, drinking issue I had, and Niall got jealous and we faught and he gave me a second chance, which I didn't take."

"She was being stupid." Louis said, and I slapped his leg.

"Meanie.  But yeah, I was. He gave me a few chances before I got some balls and went for it. But anyway, we're all happy and fixed now. Still a touchy subject. But. Meh." I said, biting my lip and avoiding looking at James or the camera. 

Well, I wouldn't really look at much other than Niall right now.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Another question here asking about that day, actually. 'What were Mason and Liam at a jewelry store for? Are Kristin and Liam engaged?!?" I looked over at Kris and Liam, who both blushed and tightened their hands together, looking at one another and then over at the interviewer.

"I take that as a yes! Is this the first time you've said anything about it?"

"It is actually. Just our family and the rest of the group knew. Mason was in on it the entire time." Kris said, and I grinned.

"Guilty as charged. It caused some serious problems for awhile. But. We've learned to NEVER hide things from each other now." I said, and the interviewer nodded.

"Is there anymore drama going on?" 

"Some things that I don't think we're ready to come out with yet." Harry said, and we all gave him a knowing look.

"Are you sure you can't spill a little bit?" 

"It involves Harry and his curly hair." Louis said, nodding and playing Larry up for the camera. 

"Well. ANother question, from facebook this time. How long have you known the boys, and how did you all meet? From a girl named Cassidy."

"Well. All the girls, minus Mary, knew each other from school. They were all pretty close friends, apparently, and they drifted when they went into college to do their own thing." Niall said, and I bit my lip, looking at Kristin.

"And I met Liam at the beach, just a year and a half ago. It was only a few weeks after the big Payzer break up, and we started talking. He was so sweet. Then we went out to dinner and switched numbers, and there it all began." Kris said sweetly, and I fake gagged.

"Shut up red." She laughed, and I shrugged.

'Whatever babes." 

"And the way I met Rhiannon some people don't really, uh, like. So Basically we met on a night out."

"They were both each others one night stands, but turned into more. So romantic, blah blah blah." Louis said, making me laugh loudly.

"SNORT AND SQUEAK." Kris cried, and I covered my mouth with my hands. 

"SHUSH." I yelled from behind my hands, my face flushed.

"HAH." She yelled, sticking her tongue out at me. I moved my hand to do something, but Liam slammed his hand down, making me hit the couch with my hand.

"LIAM IS BEING FRISKY."  Louis yelled.

"LIAM. STOP. I CAN'T. WE CAN'T." I cried, putting my other hand to my head.

"Oh my god, you two." Liam said, moving his hadns and covering his face. Louis and I laughed, high fives over Harry, Kris, and Liam.

"Mary and Zayn met while we were at Nandos. Mary works there and they flirted endlessly before doing a number swap and then went on a few dates, including a particularly fun one with Mason and I." Niall said, and I grinned and nodded.

"I met my lovely blonde while at bungee jumping. Bit weird, isn't it? We were in the same group to go, and she was a right laugh, and she said she loved our music. We hit it off easy." Louis grinned, and I smiled. Louis and Liz aren't very romantic or lovey, but when Lou talks about her, it's adorable. 

"And how did Mason meet Niall?"

"Well. I met them all before the rest of the girls, actually. I'm the main photographer for Rolling Stone, and we were doing the photoshoot to signal their first year together as a very succesful boyband, and I was cranky. So, I met them like that. But we actually started dating when I was at nandos later, and he sat down in front of me and asked for some of my food."

"I stayed because she said no." Niall grinned, kissing my back of my hand.

"And I let him stay because he laughed and said he would never share his food either."

"Don't forget to mention that the next week you shared your ice cream with me and I shared my cake with you." He said, smiling and kissing the tip of my nose.

"Nope. Never forget that." I whispered, smiling and looking over the interviewer.

"How did you all find out that the girls all knew each other?"

"Well. Liz and Mason were the first to be reintroduced, and then Rhiannon was added in, and then Kristin, who Mason was probably more estatic to see than nandos when she's hungry."

"Shut up Hazza!" I laughed, smiling at him.

"Well. It's true!"

"Still." I smiled, leaning forwar dand smiling at Kristin.

"Another facebook question, and I wanted to use this one because it made me think it might make the boys uncomfortable. You know the boxer brief question? Well, this is the female version. Thongs or boyshorts? From a boy named Terrance." Louis smirked at us, and I tried to not laugh.

Kris was smirking, and I was gigglign quietly to myself.


"Well. Can I say neither? Am I allowed to do that?" I said, smirking and standing up.

"MASON." Liam squeaked, and I smirked. Niall was laughed. I tugged on my sweats, them landing below my knee. I was squating a bit so the pants wouldn't fall the entire way down, the boxers riding up a bit and showing off from my knee to half my thigh.

"Uh. Babe." Niall smirked in his laughter, looking at the dark spot on the inside of my thigh. My face burned, and I pulled my pants up and sat down again. 

"Was that a lovebite?!" Louis laughed loudly, and I smirked.

"So THATS why it took you so long!" Harry laughed, and I blushed, biting my lip and trying to not laugh or smirk or anything.

"Well. I was trying to fix his hair!" I said, and Liam looked horrified.

"I can't believe you two." He mumbled, and Louis smirked.

"He was repaying the favour, right Mase?" Louis smirked at me, and my eyes went wide and I blushed horribly.

"Repay- WHAT DID YOU DO." Liam cried, and I opened my mouth and clsoed it, trying to figure out what to say. I gave a half shrug, and Niall was grinning proudly.

"You know. Returning the favour." Louis smirked, giving Liam a knowing look.

"But- Niall- Mason- Oh my god you two are as bad as Rhiannon and Harry." 

"Nah. I don't know about that. I mean, it's not that bad. It was just a -"

"MASON." Kris laughed, and I shrugged.

"You were in the room beside us." Niall said, and Kristin groaned, making Liam gape at us.

"What? I love my man." I said, shrugging.

"Okay. Can we get another question? Stop them from continuing this conversation?" Liam said, and I smirked.

"Oh, Daddy Direction is having a problem." Harry teased, and Liam gave him a look.

"Yeah, I'm Daddy Direction." That shut Harry up, and the interviewer was giving us questioning looks.

"Anyway... Another twitter question. Where's Elizabeth?" 

"She's in California visiting her family. She'll be home in a few days, actually." Louis smiled, and the interviewer nodded. 

"There have been tour rumors again. Another tour starting soon?" 

"Actually, yes. It starts in about a week, and then we end it in Australia around September. We're all really excited to be getting back on tour again. We missed doing shows and meeting our girls." Harry said, speaking up for one of the first times in the interview.

"I bet your fans missing seeing you all as well."

"Being a fan myself, I know that I was always waiting for the boys to start tour up again. All the pictures and stories always made me laugh." Kris said, and I nodded in agreement.

"I agree with that. Tumblr is like my jesus, and when the boys aren't on tour it's a bit boring sometimes."

"You still have that?" Kris smirked, and I nodded.

"Yup. I love my tumblr."

"...Is there any pictures of me that I'm not aware of on there." Niall asked, and I shrugged.

"You'll never know and I'm not giving out my URL." I said, stubbornly crossing my arms over my chest.

"But why."

"Directioners will figure it out anyway. FBI chickies for the win." I smirked, and Kris nodded in agreement.

"We found a picture of Harry on the toilet. That I didn't take." Kris said, and I laughed loudly.

"S and S." Kris sang, and I leaned forward and looked at her.



"SEE. TOLD YOU. He's more of a gucci guy."

"What is wrong with you two!" Lou yelled, and we laughed.

"Full story or summary?" 

"Lets move on." Harry said, and I smirked again. 

"Well. Any news about a new album?" 

"We're in the studio every now and then working on it. It should be out before or around Christmas. The new single should be out around the end of the tour, in September, and the music video for it will be out about two weeks later." Harry explained again, and the interviewer nodded.

"Anything special you can tell us about the single?"

"It's amazing." Niall said, and I nodded.

"It is. Liz and I were in the studio with them while Zayn was recording his vocals, and Louis did his. What I've heard is amazing." I gushed, grinning happily.

"I was in with Rhiannon for Liam and Harry's, and Mase and I are going in soon to hear Niall record his. It really is great. I'm really excited to hear all of it together." Kris said, and I nodded.

"And we're all really excited to see our lads back on tour." I said, smiling.

"Even though we will miss them LOADS, we're so proud and happy for them. For this tour, I think it was said that Rhiannon and I are going with them, and Mason and Liz are staying back for a bit to watch baby Lux, mostly Mason, because she isn't able to fly with us this time. And then in the middle of the tour they're supposed to come visit for a bit, bringing Lux, and then head home without the wee child." Kris said, and I nodded.

"I'll miss my special snowflake, but I'm happy he's doing what he loves." I said, kissing his cheek and smiling.

"I think that we're at a good place to say goodbye for the day. Loved having you all on the show! It was very nice to meet you two lovely ladies, and maybe next time we'll get to meet the rest of the girls, yeah?" James said, and I smirked.

"I hope you don't mean all at once. We're a bit uncontrolable when we're together." 

"I'll try to remember that! Anyway, up next is Katy Perry about her last tour. See you again soon lads!" He said, and we all smiled and headed off screen. 

"Is Katy Perry really here. Can I meet her. Is that allowed." I said, bubbly and bouncing slightly.

"I think it might be. Hi, I'm Katy." I squeaked slightly, turning and looking at her.

"Jesus tits you're gorgeous." I said without thinking, and then blushed. She smiled at me and laughed.

"Thank you! I can same the same to you and Kristin over there!"She said, and I grinned.

"Thank you so much! And I really, really have always wanted to thank you for telling Niall yes. Thank you so much for that." I said, and she smiled.

"He didn't dissapoint me, so I'm happy too. Speaking of. Look at you! You're so cute! And so much more grown up since the last time I saw you! You didn't let me down at all!" Katy said to Niall, who blushed and gave her a silly smile.

"Thank youuuuuu." He said, and she smiled.

"Welp, looks like I have to get on stage. But one day we'll talk more, promise." She said, hugging Niall and I before walking off stage.

"Did that just happen. Am I okay." I said, and Niall shook his head.

"You meet famous people almost every day, and you're fangirling."

"Yes. I am. DON'T JUGDE ME."  I cried, and we laughed. 

"...Let's get you home..." Kris said, and I giggled.

"I might need some sleep."

"When was the last time you slept?"

"Uh. Hm. Niall."

"You didn't sleep last night, and you only slept three hours the night before."  

"Hmm." I said, shrugging slightly and giving Kris a big grin before spinning in a circle.

"I'm so bored." I whined, and Niall laughed.

"Yeah. You need some sleep."


"Alright, alright. Shh." 



Guess whos back.

No, not the Terminator.


 Yeah, vacay is over & I have a new laptop<3

I miss my vacay. & none of you found me so. HAH.

Love you guys! 

Vote, comment, fan, and add to your library yeah? ;) 

-Masee xx

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