Days gone by

By Hibiki_Mutsuki

2.1K 47 8

A story of my life. Madness with a slight chance of blood in England. A murderer and a vampire nothing can go... More

(Hiatus) Days gone by
August 27
September 1st
September 5th
September 11th
September 13th
September 14th
October 26th
October 31st
November 1st Part 1
November 1st part 2
Remember, Remember the 5th of November
November 7th
December 27th
January 6th

November 6th

67 2 0
By Hibiki_Mutsuki

Blood stained books and walls.


I woke up at 6am to my alarm. I was still thinking about yesterday. I got ready for school. It was 10 to 8 when I left but I still got there on time. Mad didn't wake up today. Maybe he was tired or resting up because of his leg. I walked to Math. Math, one lesson that should not be held at 8:50 am. After that there is Textiles which is good because I like sewing a lot. 

"Alright we have a test tomorrow." My class started to complain but we had to get to next lesson. I walked into the sewing room. 

----Le Time skip----

I was sitting in English when 'they' showed up with their guy friends. 5 minutes late as usual. They sat down and continued chatting. 

" Hey did you see a strange figure flying over head last night?"

"Yeah, I mean it's wings were glowing how could we not see it." Great call me 'it' because that's my name. I blocked out most of their conversation. We were watching The Hunger Games. It's pretty good in my opinion. The teacher told them to stop talking which they did.

----Tim skip of doom----

I decided to walk home since the sun wasn't out. I was half way across the field when I heard some annoying voices behind me.

"When did she start walking home?"

"I thought the twins take her home."

"No on days like this she walks"

"HEY FLANDRE!" I turned to see them run towards me. "Can we ask you something?"

"sure" I said and carried on walking home. 

"Who do you live with?"

"My older brother" I lied.

"Where were you on November 6th and 31st of October?"


"How did you find out about the flying figure and the massacre?"

"someone told me" Before I ran full sprint home. I opened the door a shut it quickly. I headed straight for my room and looked out the window. They followed me to my street but I got inside before they could see my house.


How long have they been out there? Its 6pm I thought they would go home. I wasn't in my school uniform anymore and still hand theirs on with all their school books too. Time to think of a plan.


Right 8pm and they haven't left. Lets do this.

"I'll be back in a minute."

"Okay" I heard his voice reply. I walked out the front door and head down the road with them following me. I walked past a few house and the moon was fully out. I spotted an alleyway and walked down it. There was crimson splattered all over the walls and floor. So this is where he like to kill everyone. I stopped three quarters beroe the end. I turned on my heels to look at them.

"Why are you down?"

"I don't have an older brother, only a older sister."

"W-what you lied?"

"I know about the flyinf figure and the the masscre." I lifted my wings which were glowing eight colours. "Because it was me." They turned to run but stopped when they saw two of their friends lying lifelessly on the ground as the blood ran towards them. Mad was there if his kitchen knife. I struck the next two down. Only two left. They were cowering up the wall. The both made a run for it but I struck Ryan down by crushing his skull with my eye. Olive was able to get out of the alley but couldn't help but stare in horror as I drank the blood from the corpses known as her friends. She sprint home.

"Whats hould we do with her?"

"Let her run Mad no one will listen to her until they find the bodies."

"Shall we go?"


It was a long journey home because we got stopped and I had to lie again.


I was outside my bedroom and he was crouching down to my height.

"Good night Flandre"

"Good night Mad." I said before hugging him. He hugged back. I released from the hug and shut my bedroom door and got changed. I pulled out my diary and began to write about what happened. I closed the blood soaked book and put it back on the shelf. I turned off my lamp and drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face. A vampire and a murderer make a great team.

Mad's POV

"I'll be back in a minute"

"Okay." I replied getting ready to help Miss Scarlet eliminate her little problem. I waited ten minutes before leaving. 

----------You know what happened----------

"Shall we go?"

"Yes."  She put her bloody and in mine and we walked home. We were almost home when I heard a car pull up to us,

"Excuse me can I ask you a few questions?" 

"sure." Crap why does it have to be the police.

"Why is her arm covered it blood?"

"I fell into a bramble bush." She said sweetly. She was a good liar after all.

"Okay you get her and bandage up her hand."


"Have a safe trip home."

"We will." I smiled as they drove off. Her adorableness can kill a person's eyesight which she probably uses to kill. We finally got home and got cleaned up from all of are bloody clothes. 

I crouched down to where we could look into each other's eyes.

"Good night Flandre"

"Good night Mad." She said before hugging me. I was totally surprised but hugged back. She was cold and her skin was soft. She let go before shutting her door. I walked to my room and lay on my bed. I think I might be able to use her but maybe to kill my enemies. I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

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