October 31st

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"Dear Diary,

I had so much fun.

----What happened----

I woke up as normal. No school today and it is Thursday. Rebel. Well the school is closed today so I'm not a rebel. But still. I thought every thing was okay until 26th of October happened. Now I live with a psycho murderer. Worst part everyone knows but won't tell. 

I sat in my room thinking what will happen today. I got changed and did everything else. He left to do 'something', so I can do what I want. Wait what about his diary. No Flandre you shouldn't do that. Before I knew it, I was facing his door. No Flandre. I opened his door and made my way over to his shelf. I looked for the diary. He moved it but didn't hide it well since I found it.

Dear Diary,

I painted the walls red. Who knew that the beautiful scarlet paint lived in my victims. My 2 best friends betrayed me so I painted the walls red with their blood. 

I turned the pages to a later date.

Dear Diary,

Everyone knows now. They still accepted me as a friend, They weren't scared of me.

So killed people when he was a teenager but no one cared. Damn people are weird. What am I saying I'm a vampire that makes me weird. Why do people think crosses affect vampires, they don't affect me and my sister.

I put the diary back on the shelf and left the room. Why would my sister make me stay with a crazy person. 


The darkness of night covered the sky. I stood in the back garden watching the moon rise. It was a deep shade of red. I lift my wings and flew through the air, it was a cool breeze. The night was full of people dressed up or scaring each other. I found a small street but there was a lot of people. I landed gently on the path and started to have a wander round. I looked up the moon was still red. I got that feeling. My eyes changed to a deep scarlet, my teeth hurting, getting sharper and taste for blood started. Two boys came up to me.

"Hey, kids like you shouldn't be out here alone."

"You shouldn't be alone either." My voice sound dull when I said that.

"Shut up Bitch and go home." Do they want to die. I turned to face them. It took a split second till my hand went straight through one of the boys' chests pulling out his heart while the other starred and cowering at the corpse that was his friend. I turned with my insane but cute smile to look at the poor soul. I suddenly let out my evil laugh, that scared him.

"Don't go alone next time~" 

20 Minutes later

I collect parts of bodies eyes, legs, arms. Any part i could eat. The last house on the street. 

Knock Knock

"Hello, what an adorable outfit." I had already put a cute face on she would be none the wiser.

"Here have some swe......." She had only just looked behind. Dropping what she was holding. I grabbed her hand pulling off her arm. Blood splattered everywhere. 

"Thanks for the treats~" I sang. closing the door. Corpses loitered the streets, cars a flame. The only sound to be heard was the wind and fire. I couldn't contain my laughter. A burst into a fit of giggles. Wiping away a tear, I set off home eating a brown eyeball which blood ran out of my mouth. 

I finally made it home but had eaten everything so I have nothing now. Oh well they were all tasty. Before I opened the door I heard something behind me. 

"Ms Scarlet.." More like someone. It was him. Shock filled eyes. I opened the door and went to my room. It was fun just like they said.


Halloween is the fun time of the year.

Good Bye diary


I wrote as blood dripped from my checks, messing up the pages.

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