December 27th

75 1 1

Christmas is finally over and everyone helped me get that knife for Mad.

"Big brother." He looked at me. Oh why did I say that. "I-I mean Mad. Hehe"

"Flan, I don't mind if you call me that."

"So you are now Big brother Mad." He smiled and hugged me tightly. Why are humans so warm?

Mad's POV

Miss Scarlet now calls me her Big Brother. Which makes no sense since she is older than me but I guess she still is a little girl. Since we have joined up as a team killing is much more fun. The one problem is every time I leave the house and go down to the alley it feels like someone is watching me. Either way killing someone with the knife Flan gave me would make her happy.

This Time skip was brought to you by me being lazy :D

"You want anything?" I shouted up the stairs.


"Okay, see you later." I shut the door before walking down the street. "This is odd.." I looked down the blood covered alley. "It's fresh..." I looked around to see a small sign. A small heart drawn in blood with a heart with an X through it. Who ever it is they hate couples. I looked over at the bodies of a teenage couple. "Nice cuts and slices though." I wonder if they are still around. "Hey!" I called out no reply. Hmm, I will not be beaten at my own game.

???'s POV

Oh look at the poor man. All sad and angry. "Hey!" I sat up on roof watching him look round. He also commented on how I cut and slice. I think I will mess around with him. I looked over at the house. Ugh that bitch is staring at him again. If she ever comes out I will turn her insides into lunch meat. God she pisses me off. If she tells the police or him that I am killing couples. I will do something worse.

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