It Started In Gary IN. (a Mic...

By Groovysm00thie

12.6K 305 60

(Starts in 1987) When Michael Jackson and his family go back to Gary, Indiana, Michael meets a girl in the WE... More

Chapter one: Ready for church, Mrs. Henderson?
chapter two- Her Voice
chapter four- A weird Meeting
chapter five- Nice To Meet You
Chapter six: No Where In Particular
chapter Eight- The Hospital Room
Chapter Nine: Waking Up
Chapter Ten- Adjusting
Chapter Eleven- Gettin Out
Chapter Twelve: Emergency stop
Chapter Thirteen: Welcome To Kentucky
Chapter fourteen: Smile
Chapter fifthteen: Beat It!
Chapter Sixteen: Rapist
Chapter seventeen: Going home
Chapter eighteen: The Pastors Daughter
Chapter Nineteen: Birthday surprise
Chapter Twenty: Telling Her Parents
Chapter Twenty one- Dancing in my bedroom
Chapter twenty two: Welcome to Neverland!
Chapter Twenty three: Model
Chapter Twenty four- First Day
Chapter twenty five: Decisions
Chapter Twenty six- Secrets
chapter Twenty seven: Fixing the Problen
chapter twenty eight- EAT
Chapter Twenty Nine: That Slut!
Chapter Thirty: A New Friend
Chapter thrity one: Weaves have been snatched
Chapter Thrity two: Talking
Chapter Thrity three: Healed
Chapter thirty four: halloween
Chapter thirty five: finding out
Chpater 36: The word is out
Chapter 37: Really Jermaine?
Chapter 38: Bad News
Chapter 39: Jolene
Chapter 40: Will you?
Chapter 41: The Grammys
Chapter 42: Girl or a Boy?
Chapter 43: Victim of Tatiana
Chapter 44: Letter
Chapter 45: Horribly wrong
Chapter 47: without you
Chapter 48: baby
Chapter 49: Adopting
Chapter 50: Breakdown
Chapter 51: Janet to the rescue
Fun fact
Chapter 52: Wedding
Chapter 53: Dem Babies
Chapter 54: Tabloid Image
Chapter 55: Getting ready for Matthew
Chapter 56: big brother
Chapter 57: Christmas
Chapter 58- 1989 recap
Chapter 60: in trouble
Chapter 61: thunder storm
Chapter 62: It Gets Worse
Chapter 63: Show Off!
Chapter 64: final chapter in this book

Chapter 46: Gone to soon

126 3 0
By Groovysm00thie

Shelby's POV
same day

I was bleeding......


"AHH! MICHAEL!!!" I screamed in horror, as I fell to the floor, holding my stomach.

As soon as I screamed, I heard Michael from downstairs racing upstairs.

He then busted through the doors to see me on the floor.

Michael's POV

I was downstairs in the kitchen talking to Bill when all of the sudden I heard:

"AHH! MICHAEL!" From upstairs.


Something must be terribly wrong, for her to scream like that.

I sprinted up the stairs, down the hall and into our room. When I turned the bedroom knob, I could hear her crying from the bathroom.

I ran to the bathroom door, and opened it quickly.

I turned in to see Shelby on the floor, in a giant puddle of blood.

"SHELBY!" I yelled as I ran over to her.

I picked her up and laid her in my lap.

"Michael! I-I'm Hemorrhaging!" She screamed.

"Everything oka- oh my gosh," Bill said, as he came in.

"Bill, call the ambulance, NOW!" I screamed

"Yes sir," he said, racing downstairs.

"It's gonna be okay, Shelby, I promise everything will be okay," I said calmly, rubbing her arm.

"Is the baby gonna be okay?" She cried.

".........Shelby, I can't say," I said quietly.

"The ambulance is on its way, Mr. Jackson," Bill said, running into the bathroom.

"Thank you Bill. Now, go in the closet and pack her a bag," I commanded to Bill.

"Yes sir," he walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to get a bag.

He ran back into the bathroom and into her closet to grab a bunch of clothes.

"Alright, your bag is all packed, anything else I can do," Bill said, hauling out a travel bag with Shelby'a clothes and a few baby things.

"Shit, we need to call our parents, Shelby, I'll be right back, Bill, come hold her up, please," I said kissing her head.

"No Michael please don't leave me!" She cried.

"I'll just be right back okay?" I said, running out of the bathroom.

I quickly ran over to the phone in our bedroom and dialed my mothers phone number.

"Hello Michael," she said happily.

"Hey mom, we need you to come to UCLA hospital in about 20 minutes, Shelby's hemorrhaging," I tried to say strongly, but I just couldn't.

"Oh my gosh, okay I'll be there in a few," She said, as I sat the phone done.

"Hello?" Loretta said into the phone.

"Hello Loretta I just wanted to let you know that Shelby and I are on the way to the hospital, she's hemorrhaging," I cried.

"What? Oh my gosh," Loretta said

"I can get you all a flight tonight, would you like that," I asked

"Oh yes please do that," she said putting the phone down.

I ran back into the bathroom to find Bill holding Shelby as she was in the same position.

"See I told you I wouldn't be long," I said, taking Bill's place.

Shelby was now laying on her head in my chest the same way she was a few minutes ago. I held her head and softly ran my finger in her wet hair.

"Michael, the ambulance is here," Bill said, running in the room.

Within a few minutes paramedics came running in, as they lifted her on a stretcher.

We all ran out of the house to see bunches of fans with signs.

The fans all of the sudden got really nervous and all started screaming.

"Mic-michael What's gonna happen?" Shelby cried as we got settled in the ambulance.

"I don't know Shelby, just hold on Okay?" I said, kissing her head.

"We're gonna be there in a few Ms. Henderson," a paramedic said.

The paramedics started hooking her up to all kinds of needles and wires and such, as we sped through the streets.

Normal POV

"Breaking News: Michael and Soon to be Shelby Jackson race to the hospital in an ambulance for the second time this year, when we receive more information we will let you know,"

Michael's POV

We got to the hospital within about five minutes and we raced out of the ambulance.

There was TONS of paparazzi blocking the doors and all around us.

"MICHAEL! MICHAEL!" My mother waved at us as her and to my surprise Joseph ran through the paparazzi.

I held Shelby hand as the paparazzi pushed at us as we sprinted to the doors.


"PLEASE MOVE OUT OF THE WAY WE HAVE TO GO!!" I screamed at them.

Eventually we made it through the crowd and into the hospital as Shelby laid crying on the hospital Gurnee, I held her hand, my mother and Joseph walked as fast as there old legs could, and the paramedics pushed Shelby.

We raced into the emergency room and into a surgery room.

"Only the husband can come in," a nurse said to my parents.

"Do fiancés count," I didn't even ask

"Yes that's fine," she said

"Okay, Michael Janet's on her way and Latoya and Jackie are gonna pick Loretta and Greg up from the airport Okay?" My mother said, kissing my cheek.

"Okay just wait here in the waiting room," I said, as we pushed through the doors.

"Put this on," a nurse commanded, handing me come green surgery type clothes.

I quickly stepped into them, and ran over to Shelby.

"Mr. Jackson, were gonna have to do a c-section," a female doctor said.

"Is the baby gonna be okay?" I asked

"We don't really know Mr. Jackson," she nodded.

"What are you gonna do?" Shelby tried to say as the doctor put her to sleep.

Shelby's POV
A Few hours later
(Bet you read that like in spongebob 😂)

My eyes fluttered open to see my surroundings.

I was in a hospital room.

"What?" I said disoriented

Then I noticed Michael sitting to the side of me, silently crying.

"Michael? Why are you crying?" I asked like I was really out of it.

He didn't answer. He just cried more.

"Michael please tell me why you're crying,"

He tries to speak but the words just wouldn't come out. He was now crying like crazy.

"Michael, I need you to tell me why you're crying," I commanded.

"We-we lost the baby," he cried.

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