The Twilight's Plain

De EddScript

158 6 1

Jeff excepts today to be like every other day of his average life, what he doesnt know is the darkness that l... Mais

Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 3 - The Void
Chapter 4 - What's Real?
Chapter 5 - Stepping into reality
Chapter 6 - Story-Time
Chapter 7 - Outside World, Revisited
Chapter 8 - The New Threat
Chapter 9 - The Revival

Chapter 2 - Finding The Void

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De EddScript

We dropped off at our school's loop and headed down to the cafeteria for breakfast. After eating we went through our classes and got through homeroom, which seemed to take longer every passing day. I decided i would walk home today, seeing as i always wanted a way to excerise or at least feel like i did something like it.

I got through a few streets and decided to take a shortcut into the woods, i always thought it was easier for the feet and eyes to walk along the creek. The creek looked diffrent though, it was purple and it looked as if it didnt have a bottom. The trees grew into towers of wood and they closed around me, like a constricter pulling in its victums, tighter and tighter.

A faint purple glow was emitted from a nearby tree and out of curiousity i stepped closer. The illumination coming from deeper inside the trunk, but as i looked the tree up and down, i realized the tree was a faint tinge of purple too. I placed my hand on the trunk and suddenly my world went black, images flowing through my mind like the slides to a old movie. Words appeared but only stood there for a second before fading into the endless oblivion that was unfolding before my eyes. Suddenly the words and images stopped and i was left in the nothingness, alone.

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