Chapter 3 - The Void

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When I woke up I was laying on the ground, looking at a star filled sky. It looked like there was a moon, but where the light came from was shrouded in deep purple clouds. I looked out over the cliff and saw an ocean, which seemed to stop instantly at the black abyss that engulfed the coast on all sides.

I couldn't hear my own breathing or the sound when I took a step, only a soft chant that ran through the air like a type of energy that was dangerous, yet allouring. I walked deeper into the thicket, walking away from the seemling safe coast but realized the farther in I went, the lighter it got. This wasn't like the light from the sun, no, it seemed more... ominous. As I grew closer to the light source, I started to noticed engravings appear on the walls and suddenly everything dissapeared from veiw, except one pedistool.

I got closer and realized there was a indent, about the size and shape of my exact hand size. I was very reluctant to put my hand in, but i started hearing the chanting get louder and louder. My hand grew a mind of its own and started heading for the indent, i tried pulling it back, but to no avail. The chanting now aurrounded me, blowing out my eardrums and making me fall to my knees, gripping my ears in pain and shouting out, i felt my hand slide onto the marbal surface and suddenly it went numb, and my sight seemed to fail me. Than the images started all over again and i felt a searing hot pain on my back and down my arm but i couldnt see what had happened. Than my eyes failed me and i went unconsous.

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