Wolf By Night (Wolfiplier)

By Wolfiplier3612

11.5K 368 173

Mark unfortunately catches the flu one day and his friends take care of him the best they can. That is, until... More

Chapter 1: A Not So Normal Night
Chapter 3: Discovery
Chapter 4: Just A Dream
Chapter 5: Reality
Chapter 6: Present Day
Chapter 7: Confessing
Chapter 8: Full Wolf
Chapter 9: Ethan Or Monster?
Chapter 10: Sick Day
Chapter 11: First Transformation
Chapter 12: Trapped
Chapter 13: Sunrise
Chapter 14: Three Makes A Pack

Chapter 2: The Turning Point

1.1K 29 3
By Wolfiplier3612

Mark's Pov

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier," I said, beginning my intro as normal. Amy was still at work and Ethan was with Tyler and Kathryn at the movies (they had left a note too.) So, I was by myself that night. Even with the cold medicine I had taken earlier, my symptoms hadn't gotten any better. Instead, they had managed to get gradually worse throughout the day. Now I was feeling miserable with my entire body feeling hot and achey. I hid it through my smile as I played the game though. After a while, I felt as if I was going to vomit. I quickly ran to the closest bathroom and started to gag into the toilet. I eventually stopped gagging  and I left the bathroom once I was completely sure I wasn't going to throw up. Once I was back in my recording room, I checked the time on the screen. I watched it just as it turned from 9:59 to 10.

Immediately I could feel my body get a hundred times warmer than it already was. The aches spread all over and intensified into agonizing pain. I gritted my teeth together and groaned. The pain then focused itself into my hands. I stared down at them in confusion only to see my nails darken and begin to point. Raising my right hand up to my face in disbelief, I continued to watch my nails grow to sharp black claws, occasionally flipping my hand over to make sure it wasn't an illusion. I quickly raised my other hand and it was the same as the right. Now I was starting to panic. My breathing started to quicken along with my heartbeat. The pain focused to my mouth, causing me to wince and look at my reflection in the camera. I bared my teeth as they slowly grew and sharpened in my mouth, my canines being the longest ones. The metallic taste of blood was starting to fill my mouth from the process. I backed up a little and ran my hands through my hair, trying to stay as calm as I could. I spat out the blood into the trashcan under my desk, unfortunately missing a little and blood getting onto my carpet. This had to be a dream, right? That's the only way to explain this madness! But the quick stabs of burning pain in my legs put me back in the reality that it wasn't.

My back suddenly issued a loud crack followed by intense agony. I started to fall forward, my chair seemingly slipping away from under me. In a weak attempt to keep myself from going down onto the ground, I quickly grabbed my desk. But it failed and I fell down to the ground on my knees along with a few things from my desk. I groaned loudly as more of my bones and joints started to make painful pops, cracks and movements. I looked behind me to my legs where the pain was the worst at the moment. They were slowly changing underneath my skin, forming similar to a dog's, and tears burned into the corners of my eyes as one of my legs snapped loudly to fit the new shape. The same happened to my other leg and I let out a short scream in pain. I shuddered as I felt my ears stretch and move to somewhere on the top of my head.

Suddenly, I heard a ripping sound behind me along with an intense pain in my tailbone. Once again, I turned my head to look behind me and gasped. A fluffy, black tail was resting between my shifting legs. By now, my legs looked completely dog-like from what I could see past my shorts. Thick black fur completed the changes in my legs and it just seemed to spread upward. I could feel my stomach and chest become engulfed by black fur and I watched my hands painfully change to paws before the fur spread there too. By now, the rest of my arms had shifted too and my body looked almost completely dog-like save for my head and face. The thick black fur spread up neck and my head, blending with my hair. A burning feeling washed over my face, making it feel like it was on fire. I screamed loudly at the pain. I could hear my bones cracking in my ears and I could see my face stretching in front of my eyes. My screaming slowly changed to howls as the process finished. I was shaking, my legs barely able to hold me up as I wobbled on them. I tried my best to stay up but my legs collapsed under me as I whimpered and passed out.

I woke up sometime later and thought that I had just had the weirdest dream of my life. But as I woke up and took in my surroundings, I saw my paws and my snout in front of me. I whined softly, my tail curling closer to my body and falling between my legs. Every single part of me was terrified right now. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't move very much from my sore body. "Why did his have to happen to me?" I asked miserably in my head. My new ears suddenly twitched on top of my head as I heard a small clicking sound come from downstairs. I then hear someone walk into the house before I could catch their scent. All of these new senses were so overwhelming to me, but I pushed my feelings aside and carefully listened to what was happening downstairs. I heard a familiar voice call out "Mark! I'm home!" It was Amy coming back from work.

"Oh noooooo..." I groaned in my head. I could feel my ears droop backwards and my tail was still in between my legs in worry. She couldn't see me like this! She'd freak out! I looked around my recording room frantically for a place to hide. Under the desk? No, that was too obvious. Behind the door? Also too risky, but what other choice did I have? I quickly limped over to the door and pressed myself up against the wall close to it. My black fur helped camouflage me but at the same time it also made me stand out. I desperately hoped this would work. I heard Amy start to slowly walk up the stairs with soft thumps.

"Mark?" She called. I tried to press myself closer to the wall as she neared. My sore body screamed in painful protest. I suddenly felt a whine rising up from the back of my throat and I couldn't stop it. So instead, I tried to let it out as quiet as possible. Despite my efforts, Amy heard it anyway. She came closer to the door of the recording room. She asked on the other side, "Chica? You in there girl? Did someone lock you in by accident?" Amy opened the door and stepped into the room. She quickly looked around for Chica but she obviously didn't see her. Confusion spread across her face and she continued to search the room. Amy then started to walk over to the door that was giving me a hiding space. She giggled softly "Chica, this is no time to be playing hide and seek." She then moved the door away so it would reveal whatever was behind it, including me.

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