Suffer. (Chris Brown Love St...

By princesstakeover

83K 2.2K 795

23 year old Ranae Collin who joins Chris Brown crew as a dancer, escapes her pass and starts her life over. B... More

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1.3K 37 6
By princesstakeover


"Are you sure you're sick from something?"

"I have to be mom"

I just got finish throwing up for the 50th time this week. I brushed my teeth and wiped my mouth. I looked in the mirror and saw my mom giving me this look.

"What?" I asked.

"You need to take a test Ranae"

"A test? What kind of test?"

"You know what test I'm talking about" She said walking away and I followed.

"You don't believe that I'm... pregnant do you?"

"Its possible"

I laughed and brushed her off.

"Well I'm gonna go, I have to meet Kait for lunch"

"Ok be safe, I love you and put on a jacket its cold outside"

"I love you too" I gave her a kiss on the cheek, grabbed my jacket and left out.

I made my way over to the bar and grill restaurant and met Kait at a booth near the window.

"Hey girl hey" I said giving her a hug and then sitting down.

"Hey babe I miss you"

"I miss you too"

"Soooo, how was Jamaica" She winked.

"Fun" I said.

"Meet any cute guys?"

"Something like that"

After we finished eating we headed back to her house to chill for a little bit. We were on the couch watching Basketball Wives LA.

"You have any snacks?" I asked cause I was still hungry.

"Yea its in the kitchen, help yourself"

I stood up and went into the kitchen to find what I wanted. I grabbed the bag of plain chips and scooped me up some vanilla ice cream from the fridge. I went back to the couch and began eating the chips with the ice cream. As I was eating I looked over at Kait and she was giving me this disgusted look.


"Weird combo Nae"

"Its good you wanna try?" I put the bowl out.

"No thanks" She shook her head.

I shrugged and took another bite.

"Tami's my spirit animal" I laughed.


I was about to take another bite but felt something coming up. I quickly put the bowl down and rushed to her bathroom that was luckily a few feet away. I lift the lid up and threw up everything I ate today.

"Oh my gosh" I mumbled.

"Ranae are you okay?" Kait said walking in.

"Yea its just something I ate..I think"

"You think?" She said giving me a rag from the cabinet.

"Kait I don't know but I think I could be pregnant"

"Wow really? that's amazing Ranae" She flashed a big smile.

"Do you wanna go to the drug store to get a test?" She asked.

I thought for a minute and then nodded.

"Ok come on" She said putting her hand out.


"Which one do you want to get?"

"I don't know, get the most expensive one"

"Ouu look at these flavored condoms"



"Stay focused"

"Ok my bad dang"

I picked up the most expensive one I seen and another one and looked at the back. As I was reading I saw a flash. I quickly looked at my left and saw someone with a camera outside.


"What the hell was that" Kait said looking.


"Oh hell, here give me the test"

I gave her both boxes and she put it in her pocket. I gave 50 dollars to the cashier and we headed out. When we finally made it back to her house, I went into the bathroom and peed on the stick. I went back into the living room and waited.

"So what if you're pregnant? How would you feel?"

"I don't know, I mean it's a baby I don't think I'm ready for that to be honest" I looked down.

I drunk a whole bottle of water in the next 5 minutes and it was about time to check the test.

"Its time" Kait said.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the test. I looked at the two lines that appeared on the result window. I scrunched my face and grabbed the box to re-read the directions. I then put the test back down and closed the door. I gotten the other test and peed on it. I let that sit on the counter and just waited.

"Are you ok in there?"

"Yea just give me a few minutes"

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and check the time. If I was really pregnant I would've know what to do, I don't think me and Chris are actually ready for this and it's honestly too soon.

The 5 minutes was up and I took a deep breath. I grabbed the test and looked down at it. Two lines. I sighed and grabbed them both then walked out. Kait quickly got up and walked towards me.

"So?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant"

"Oh my gosh" she smiled and hug me.

I hugged her back but I wasn't excited like she was. She let go of me and her smile slowly went away, I guess she noticed my blank expression.

"Oh I'm sorry"

"No it's ok"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No it's ok I should go, and tell Chris" She nodded.

I grabbed my jacket and purse.

"If you need anything just call or text me ok?"

"Yea, thanks Kaitlyn"

"No problem"

I gave her one last hug then left. Instead of heading home or to Chris house I wanted to make sure for myself that this was true.

It took me about 15 minutes to get to my destination and I went inside. I checked in and waited for my name to be called. As I was waiting in the waiting room I received a text from Chris.

Chris: Hey you coming over later right ?

Me: yea I'll be there shortly

Chris: ok where r u now?

Me: Kait's

Chris: ard hurry up

"Ranae" I heard someone called. I locked my phone and stood up. Once I saw who it was I smiled.

"Hey Dr.Quinn" I shook her hand.

"Nice to see you again Ranae, your doctor is busy so I offered to take you. What's going on today?"

"Well, I think I'm pregnant"

She looked back at me and gave me a smile.

"How ironic"

"Yea" I chuckled.

We entered the room and went over everything and did the urine test, the same as I remembered.

"Ok remember two to three days, I'll keep you posted"

"Ok thank you so much Dr.Quinn"

"No problem"

After that was over I headed over to Chris house finally. I missed my boo so much. I pulled up in his drive way and hopped out. I knocked on the door and waited until he answered.

He opened the door with nothing on but sweatpants and smiled. I walked and he closed the door behind me. Before I could take another step I was snatched back and arms was now around me.

"I miss you" He said.

"Aw I miss you too"

I kissed him and backed away but he grabbed my face and started kissing me again. I dropped my purse and put my arms around his neck. He moved down to my neck and slowly took my jacket off.

"What you trynna make a baby or something?" I chuckled.

"I will shit"

We made our way to the couch and he pulled a condom out from somewhere, now this nigga wanted to use condoms, and I think you know what happened next..

After our session we cuddled underneath the covers and watch tv. I stroked his hand and smiled to myself.

"Hey Chris?"


"Have you ever been in love?"

It was silent for a minute.

"Yea why?"

"When you was with her, did y'all ever consider having a child?"

"She wanted to but I didn't at the time"

"Is that the reason y'all broke up?"

"Now that I really think about it yes but that's over with I'm with you now, what's up with the questions?" He lifted my chin up so now I was looking at him.

"Nothing I was just wondering"


He gave me a kiss and we went back to watching tv.

I really hope I'm not pregnant. I'm not pregnant.


The next three days flew past and the first place I was going to this morning was the hospital to get my results. I was patiently waiting in the waiting room until my name was called. I wasn't really nervous because this happened before and my period was suppose to come on yesterday but I'm sure it will come on sometime today anyway.


I stood up and saw Dr.Quinn. I smiled and walked to the back with her.

"Welcome back Ranae"

She closed the door, grabbed her chair and some files from the desk.

"So I know you're aware that the pregnancy results are back"

I nodded.

"Ok now let's see what we have here"

She opened the folder and looked through the papers and then closed the folder.

"So?" I asked.

"Congratulations you're pregnant!" She smiled.

I could feel my heart beat starting to increase.

"And you're about four weeks along"

"I'm sorry what? Four weeks?"


I felt my heart beat increase more.

"Now we're done here, I will call to set your next appointment to get down to real business. You will be seeing a different doctor but I'll let you know. Thanks for coming and again congratulations!"

"Yea thanks"

I stood up slowly and walked out. As I was driving back home I couldn't help but think about the thoughts that were running through my mind. I quickly wipe the tear that fell down my face and tried to suck it up but I couldn't. Tears started streaming down my face causing me not to see the road. I pulled over and put the car in park. I tried to calm down but that didn't work instead I continued crying. I grabbed my phone and dialed Kait phone number.

Kait- "Hello?"

Me-" Kait something really bad happen and now I don't know what to do"

Kait-"Wait slow down what happen ?!"

Me-" I can't talk about it over the phone"

Kait-"Ok meet me at my house I'll be here"


I hung up and put the car in drive then sped off.

I rung the door bell and she quickly opened it.

"Hey come in"

I walked inside and went straight to her couch.

"So what's going on?" She said sitting across from me.

"I don't know where to start"

"Start from the beginning" I looked at her and sighed.

"I'm listening"

I took a deep breath and began talking.

"When I went away to Jamaica, I lied it wasn't fun at all. I mean at first it was but it didn't end that way. I was acting out and ending up sleeping with two people because I was mad at Chris and upset about my dad"

I grabbed my phone and went to the camera roll.

"And one night I went to the club and and uh.." I started to tear up.

"I met this guy name Mark and he seemed pretty cool at first but I was wrong. He tried to come onto me but I wasn't with it. So I went to the bathroom and I came back and several minutes later I don't know what's going on"

"What you mean?" She sat up.

"Its like I blanked out I woke up two days later and my body was sore and I found bruises on my face and arms"

"Oh my gosh"

"And I found this" I gave her the phone and she played the video.

I cried just hearing it.

"Come to find out that nigga put something in my drink and raped me Kait" I said through gritted teeth and cried.

"I went to the hospital and they said I didn't have no internal injuries or diseases so I left"

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Ranae" she started crying and stood up to come sit next to me.

"Do Chris know?"

I shook my head.

"No and you can't tell him please"

She just looked at me weird.

"Kaitlyn please"

She hesitated but nodded.

"Wait it's more. I went to the doctors three days ago just to make sure if I was pregnant or not and I am. I'm along about four weeks and that's the time I got raped and me and Chris had sex that same week and we didn't use a condom"

She covered her mouth.

"I don't know who the father is"

I broke down even more and she hugged me.

What the hell was I gonna do.


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