FAMOUS (Camren)

By BabeLoRegui

521K 15.3K 20.4K

Camila Cabello's in for a surprise when she witnesses who famous pop sensation Lauren Jauregui really is. Aft... More

Chapter I: You Again
Chapter II: Day One of Hell
Chapter III: I'll Show Her
Chapter IV: Bad Broke Bitch
Chapter V: Too Hard
Chapter VI: Consequences
Chapter VII: This Isn't Over
Chapter VIII: The E word
Chapter IX: Strike Two
Chapter X: Real Friends
Chapter XI: Why Can't You Show Me?
Chapter XII: It's You, Babe
Chapter XIII: All About Lauren Michelle
Chapter XIV: I Should've Told You
Chapter XV: Dear Lauren, Big News
Chapter XVI: You Are the Father
Chapter XVII: Save Myself
Chapter XVIII: The Only Exception
Chapter XIX: It's A...
Chapter XXI: I'm Not Your Toy
Chapter XXII: Must Be Love
Chapter XXIII: When You're Gone
Chapter XXIV: Over
Chapter XXV: Final

Chapter XX: More Than Ever

16K 494 491
By BabeLoRegui

Lauren's POV

Camila is so fucking beautiful.

Like, the most beautiful human being I'd ever known. And I wasn't just talking about her face and body. No, she was so much more than just the physical.

I hated what I did to her all those years ago. How I took advantage of her innocent self at only 18, and then how I treated her afterwards. She never deserved that.

Then again if it didn't happen, we wouldn't have Finn. I couldn't imagine my life without that little boy now. He's one of the best things that happened to me. If not, the best and I thank Camila every day for him. Him and our beautiful baby girl on the way.

It was safe to say Camila meant the world to me. She wasn't just some girl who I wanted to put my dick inside of. Not anymore.

She was the only girl I wanted to put my dick inside of. That's a fucking upgrade if I do say so myself.

Well, not only that but I needed to appreciate the woman who brought a smile to my face at the mere thought of her. Even Ariana Grande couldn't fuck with that.

"...Is that even a question?" she looked at me seriously without a trace of shock.

"Yes, it is. Maybe I'm ignorant but I just need to hear the words," I replied in an underlying plea.

"What's it matter anyway?" she shook her head, shrugging. "You're with Camila Cabello, have two kids with her, you're... in love with her."

"Woah, woah, woah, don't make assumptions," I frowned. "I asked you one question from you and only you. Don't deflect it."

She took a deep breath and looked down. "Well, I'm not going to answer it since it's not going to change anything."

"You don't know that."

"You're not going to leave your girlfriend for me."

"No, but... after all we've been through, Ariana-"

"No, Lauren, just don't," she closed her eyes. "We shouldn't even bother. We're friends and that's how it should always be."

"So... no more feelings?" I whispered, trying to figure it out.

"I can't admit that."

"Then admit whatever the fuck you feel, Jesus Christ. You give me the messiest head all the damn time, you know that? Why can't you be easy?" an annoyed tone grew in my voice as I started getting frustrated.

"We were never easy. And maybe that's why we don't belong," she folded her arms.

I swallowed hard and nodded, "You got that right. Nothing was in our favor. Ever."

She got up from her seat, grabbed her bag and began on her way out. Pausing by my side she whispered close to my ear, "But I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat."

What the fuck?

"Your family loves you so much already, baby girl." I heard Camila's soothing voice coming from the living room where I was heading to after that disturbing flashback. "...You have the sweetest big brother who's gonna protect you. Grandparents and aunts who are gonna spoil you like crazy." I listened in from a distance, watching her as she looked down at her growing bump and spoke to our baby. "And two mothers who will give you the world. We all will. We can't wait to meet you."

"You're fucking incredible," I smirked when I reached her at the sliding door.

"Oh... hey, babe," she husked, allowing me to kiss her. "You heard all of that?"

"Just about how loved our little one's going to be," I answered softly.

"She really is. No wonder I was crying when you brought home that beautiful crib last night," she chuckled, shaking her head and leaning close into my body.

Kissing the top of her head, "Just doing what a good parent should do."

That and the conversation I had with Ariana pretty much drove me crazy enough to drive all the way to the store and buy a crib at that time of night. The workers probably thought I was high or something. And I actually wasn't for once.

"Uh.. Lauren, you're hard," she stepped back and looked down at my lower half covered in nothing but boxer briefs.

"Oh.. yeah," I sighed at the boner that must've been poking at her.

"Morning wood or just horny thinking about me?" she smirked, licking her lips.

"Little bit of both," I smirked back. "Wanna help me out with it?"

"Come on," she jokingly rolled her eyes, took my hand and led us back to our room.

Hitting from the back wasn't exactly my favorite position much to one's surprise. I mean, it was great and I found it shocking that it was one of Camila's favorites but it just brought me back to the days where I'd use women for pleasure only. "This doesn't feel degrading right, Camz?" I panted while thrusting myself into her.

"No, it feels so good," she moaned against the pillow she rested her head on. At least she was comfortable.

Couldn't argue that it was probably the best feeling in the world for me as well.

"Holy fucking shit." Camila was on her knees, looking back at me with my cock in her mouth while swallowing. "Wait a minute," I frowned, "if you swallow my cum, won't that also go to the baby?" I worriedly had to ask no matter how embarrassing and dumb I probably sounded.

She released me, "I don't think so. But... I don't think I want to research that."



Camila's POV

I didn't know how it was possible but as soon as Lauren dropped her single "Expectations," she grew even more famous. The star power she possessed jumped out like a flash before everyone's eyes and it was like she was back on top. Lauren Jauregui was back and better than ever.

We were out Christmas shopping with her team, having a nice time until a crowd suddenly appeared before us. A crowd for Lauren.

"Oh wow, this is unexpected," she said while we walked out onto Melrose by an ice cream stand.

"Damn, did you tweet out that you were here or something?" I frowned.

"Not at all," she chuckled, appearing to like the attention from fans shouting for her.

"Lauren! Selfie!"

"Please, Lauren!"

"Lauren, I love you!"

Thankfully we had security with us to keep them back although Lauren approached them anyway and began taking pictures. I could tell she was surprised, as was I, and had to get back into the feel of meeting fans again. I remained at a distance and let her do her thing. It wasn't like the fan girls were screaming for me.

"Lauren, can I please give you this?" one fan handed her a note which she took and put in her bag.

"Of course, babe. How are you?" my girlfriend replied sweetly. I watched from afar with Keana, Tara and Amanda.

"I'm good. I-I never thought I'd meet you. I thought you quit music," she told, getting choked up at the mere sight of her idol.

"Almost did but I'm back now. Don't worry, I'm here for you guys. I promise I won't go away again," Lauren opened her arms and offered her a touching hug. I smiled widely

"Oh my god, I've been supporting you since X Factor and haven't stopped once. You've been my all time favorite artist who's literally saved my life. I'll never stop supporting you," the fan went on while Lauren smiled lovingly.

"Aww, babe! You're the cutest. I'm touched and honored to have that impact. You changed my life just as much, okay? I love you," she brought her in for another hug.

"I love you too."

It was crazy watching this interaction since I was once in that fan's shoes. Now look where I was... actually in a relationship with my fave. Anything really could happen.

"You want some ice cream? It's on me," she offered to her and then to the rest of her fans. She bought almost all 20 or so fans their preferred flavor, including myself and her team. Which was nice, I didn't expect to see such a vibrant, positive and loving vibe from her to them.

"Are you going to the AMAs this weekend?" one fan asked Lauren while we ate our dessert together and continued to chat.

"Uh.." she looked at me, "I was asked to present and Camz is a nominee so I'm planning on it."

I smiled at her answer but then grew tense. Suddenly, I wasn't so sure if I fancied the idea of her going to the AMAs. If she caused this reaction by a handful of fans on the streets, what could happen at a star-studded award show? She'd draw so much attention. Maybe... too much attention.

What if all the clout she'd been receiving went to her head? I mean, it looked like she loved all the crazy fan attention just like she used to. I was worried if she'd take it for granted. Couldn't let that happen.

"You okay?" Lauren frowned at me, confused.

"Yeah, fine."


Lauren's POV

"You're wearing that to the award show?" I squinted at how Camila was dressed in sweats and one of my T-shirts that looked a little big but obviously to fit the growing baby bump. And she just liked wearing my clothes which I wasn't mad about since she looked cute.

"Uh..." she nervously chuckled and sat back down on our bed. "I don't think I'm going to make it to the AMAs tonight."

"You're not? Well, what about your award?" I asked, stunned at her decision to skip out on it. I was sure her team was not too thrilled but it looked like she got her way. I mean, who could argue with a pregnant woman? Not even I could.

"I'll find out if I win from the comfort of my own living room," she grinned. Oh.

"So... I'm not going either then?" I sat down next to her.

"Well, you can but... are you really going to leave your pregnant girlfriend home alone?" she gave me a look.

"You have Finn here," I joked only for her to scowl.


"No, of course I won't, baby," my hand placed itself on her knee in assurance. "But... you've been looking forward to this for weeks. Why this all of a sudden?"

"Eh," she shrugged unsatisfied. "Not in the mood for that kind of event tonight... I'm too pregnant."

"Are you sure?" my brows furrowed.

"Yeah," she sighed.

"Do you want me to get you anything?"

"No, it's fine. I just want to spend the rest of the night with you and Finn," she responded, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Mommies! Mommies!" We heard Finn's little voice running throughout the hallway in search of us.

"Speak of the devil."

"Wook what I did!" Our little boy entered the bedroom, shirtless and black marker all over his entire upper body.

"Oh nooo! Look at you!" Camila let out in a laugh while my eyes widened in horror.

"What the hell did you do, boy?! I thought you were just coloring?" I questioned as he proudly climbed up into my lap. "Apparently you colored yourself, huh?"

"Looks like he gave himself some tattoos," Camila commented, scanning the little doodles he drew.

"I have tattoos like Mommy," he smiled at me.

"Aww, that's sweet! You look just like Mommy," Camila found it adorable and I had to laugh of course.

"Down to the knife tattoo.. damn," I sighed at the big ass knife he drew along his torso. Did that mean I was a bad influence? Hell, I couldn't even count the amount of times he got into my weed.

The fam decided to all take a trip to the aquarium a few hours before it closed at 5. And luckily it was basically empty so that we pretty much got the place to ourselves.

"You're a great daddy," Camila breathed against my neck as I held her from behind.

"Because I took you and our son to the aquarium?" I smirked.

"Because you put family first. Thank you for being here instead of the AMAs. You didn't want to go that badly, did you?" she asked a bit hesitantly.

"Nah," I shrugged off. "Especially since I wasn't nominated or performing. Plus, the red carpet is always annoying. You were nominated though," I reminded.

"Right and as I said, I can just watch from our home," she turned around to face me. "Awards don't even matter anyway. I just want to be with you."

Smiling and kissing her, "I want to be with you, too. And Finn," I looked to where he was still watching the fish swim around. "And our little bun in the oven," I finished lightly, hand on her bump.

"Sounds like everything I need as well," she cooed, pressing her lips against mine again but longer.

"Mommy! There's a biiiig fish!" Finn suddenly pulled my hand and tugged me over to look at the aquarium with him.

"Woah, look at that guy! He's bigger than you!" I teased, chuckling.

"No, he's not! I'm a big boy!" he said strongly, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You're not allowed to get big! You're Mommy's little boy!" I picked him up, making him squeal and laugh. A laugh I never grew tired of and wanted to hear forever.


"Can you pass the fries, babe?" I asked Camila during our dinner on the hood of the Range Rover underneath the stars. Kind of corny but my girl requested it. Finn was asleep in his car seat inside.

"Yeah, here," she handed them over.

"If I get fat after all these late night fast food runs it's all your fault," I huffed, biting into the triple cheeseburger I ordered.

"Yay, you can get fat with me out of sympathy!" she chuckled as she ate her own cheeseburger and drank her vanilla milkshake. This had to be our third or fourth McDonalds run this week.

"You're still skinny as fuck, but I know you're gonna lose that little bit of baby weight right after you give birth. Then how am I gonna look? I'm gonna be the fat old dad," I ranted.

"No, you won't. You'll always be hot," she pulled me in for a kiss.

"Yeah... fuck the AMAs. This is actually so much better," I spoke. Stuffing my face full of grease didn't sound like a whole lot of fun but it was right now. Especially after hitting a blunt.

"Damn right. Still pretty happy I won though," she grinned.

"True. I'm proud of you, Camz," I smiled back.

"Thank you, Lauren."

"Now you need fourteen more to break my record," I joked.

"Yeah, hopefully I'll get there in at least twenty years," she rolled her eyes.

Frowning, "Nah, you'll get there before you know it. I mean, hello? You're blowing up everywhere. You got a tour coming up right after you pop that little girl out."

She laughed and hit my arm. "You too though." I shrugged. "Your single debuted in the top 15, that's huge for after what you've been through."

"I guess, and I feel incredibly grateful for all the fans coming back and supporting me. It means the world, you know? I didn't expect this much energy for my comeback."

She shook her head, "Me neither. I'm gonna be honest... I'm a little nervous for you."

"Oh yeah?" I faced her. "Why's that?"

"Just... you know how fame is. It's wild," she replied casually.

"Yeah. Though if I did it before, I can do it again," I laughed softly. "In a better way this time now that I grew up just a little."

"Thanks to Finn."

"And you, Camila," I smiled lovingly. "You taught me a lot."

"Even though I'm six years younger?" she cackled wholeheartedly.

"Yes, even though," I nodded, laughing as well. "Both you and Finn taught me to be the best person I can be and how important family really is. I never had a real family before you guys."

"Lauren," her face fell before I saw tears gloss over her eyes.

"I never not want this, you know? I'm never not going to want this. No matter how many times I feel like I pull away emotionally or how many times we argue and don't agree on things... I'm still gonna be here. I'll always come back," I assured, pulling her into my side.

"You're so much more sweet and loving than you think," she said in almost a whisper, kissing my cheek.

"I'm trying, alright?" I blushed.

"And thank you for telling me. I know I give you a hard time about that stuff but I just always want to know you're here, committed to us. I'm not going anywhere as long as you aren't."

"I am committed. You don't have to worry," my forehead leaned against hers to give her eskimo kisses.

Committed more than ever.


Camila's POV

December couldn't have been a better month for our family. Not only were Lauren and I both nominated for Grammys this year (yes, you read that correctly) but I was about to give Lauren the best Christmas present ever.

"Aren't you full yet, bud?" Lauren asked Finn as he shoveled another huge piece of birthday cake into his mouth.

Our baby boy turned 5-years-old today and I couldn't believe one bit of it. He wasn't even a baby anymore yet he always will be to me. Lauren got him his own little motor bike after he'd been constantly asking for one, just like her's of course. He loved when they had matching things. It was even so cute when he was asked in school what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said "just like Mommy."

"No, I love this cake," he happily answered. He probably loved it more because it was Iron Man themed (his favorite superhero which was unsurprisingly Lauren's favorite as well). Well, right after Scarlet Witch.

But anyway, Ally made the cake and cupcakes from scratch which was absolutely sweet of her. And the fam devoured it within the first hour. Clara, Calvin and Chris helped too since they were now officially moved into our apartment. That meant the boys all had to share a room which wasn't so easy nor quiet at night time. And by that I meant, the little boys always caused a ruckus, annoying the hell out of Calvin and the rest of the house. We still loved them regardless.

Other than that, we were a big happy family only growing by the second. And I wasn't just talking about the baby on the way.

"You guys look so cute!" Ally beamed as she took our photos from the living room couch. Lauren posed with her brothers and son in Santa and birthday hats before Clara and I hopped in to join them. Then we set up the camera so that it would take a picture of all seven of us to complete the photoshoot.

Clara was okay. Obviously not good but not the worst either. It was depressing to see her slow and tired, also with her loss of hair which she covered with a chemo hat. It was more painful for Lauren having to see her like that. But Clara was still coherent although she had a rough PET scan last week. However, today we decided that no one was going to bring up cancer talk and just enjoy the holidays of Christmas and Finn's birthday.

Lauren didn't ask for any presents but of course I wasn't going to agree to that. Especially not after she bought me a pair of gorgeous earrings and a bracelet that cost a fortune. But it wasn't even about the money. I got her something that was worth while. Something she truly deserved after she lost it once before.

Her boys.

"Wait, that's not all the gifts," I smirked with Ally after what seemed like the last of opening our presents.

"There's more?" Lauren frowned.

"Is it for me?" Calvin lit up.

"Nope, be right back." Ally and I left the apartment to go downstairs and outside to get the present. I had to have her in on the surprise since I mainly got the little guys from her friend.

I couldn't exactly get Lauren's old dogs back. I had no idea where I would find them and they were probably gone to some other families. But I could adopt her some new dogs to help her fill the void. I could just see her reaction now. She was gonna go insane.

Gasping at the first sight of them in the van, "Oh my god! They're so small!"

"Can we really keep them in our apartment? All of them?" Ally asked worriedly.

"Probably not but who cares? This is for Lauren," I picked up the Dalmatian puppy first and let Ally grab the cute little German Shepherd and Rottweiler puppy. We smuggled the three little ones into the building and up to our room safe and soundly without anyone catching us.

And when we brought the puppies into our apartment, joy immediately filled the room.

"Woah, what the..." Lauren sat up in shock at the first glance of the baby dogs.

"Merry Christmas!!" I cheered happily before the boys all came running toward Ally and I.

"Puppieeeesss!!!" Finn and Chris squealed, jumping up and down.

"Camz, did you seriously just get three puppies?" Lauren questioned when she approached me.

"Yep, just for you. Do you like them?"

She took the Dalmatian into her own arms while the kids played with the others. "I love them. They're just like my boys."

"I know. They're all male and the same breeds as your old dogs. Well, except you had a Malinois and this is a German Shepherd. I could only get that."

"That's okay. Close enough!" she laughed and looked at me in full admiration. "Holy shit, thank you so much, babe!" I was brought into her tight hold in which my arms wrapped around her.

"You're welcome, baby." Yep, definitely worth while.


"I'm gonna name this guy Rocky," Lauren said, holding the Rottweiler.

"And this is Thunder," I replied with the all black German Shepherd. "What's the Dalmatian's name, Finny?"

"I wanna name him Ollie!" our boy exclaimed while playing with the pup on the floor.

"That's a cute name!" I smiled. "You like it, Lo?"

"Yeah, sure!" she giggled as Rocky began licking her face.

"All these animals are gonna give me a damn headache," Clara sighed from her seat on the furthest chair.

"Come on, Mom. They're just wittle puppies!" Lauren held the Rottweiler up to her.

"As long as I don't have to clean up their shit and piss," she waved off.

"Don't worry about that. I'll have them trained in no time," my girlfriend assured.

"Please do. I remember your last Rottweiler was a little more behind on the potty training than the others and had quite the time in my bedroom," Ally reminded, causing Lauren to laugh.

"Yeah, Rex was a little fuck, wasn't he?" she shook her head. "But not this guy!"

"Lauren, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Clara asked her and she looked curious.

Lauren's POV

"What's going on?" I stepped into my mother's bedroom with her privately.

"I know we said no cancer talk today but... I wanted to give you this today since it's Christmas. I could do it tomorrow but what's it matter?" she started, opening her drawer.

"Oh... Mom... you didn't have to get me anything," I sighed, sitting on the bed.

"No, I know but... after all that you've done for me, it's the least I can do. Not like I bought it anyway," she said.

"Oh, right," I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Here," she pulled out a rectangle red velvet box that appeared to have a necklace inside of it.


"Just open it."

Opening the lid, a small gasp escaped from my lips at the sight of the stunning diamond necklace. "Wait.. is this?"

"Yes, it's mine. Well, it was mine from when I was teenager. When my grandmother gave it to me." She loved both of her grandparents. They were pretty much the ones who raised her instead of her own drug addicted parents. Clara was actually a decent person until Mike corrupted her.

"It still looks brand new," I held it up to see its beauty.

"I want you to keep it now. Something to remember me by for when I'm gone," she said, surprising me.

"You're already willing me your stuff?" I mildly joked.

"Lauren... you know how at the last scan the doctor said it looked like I had another six months or so?"


"Well, he called me a few days ago and told me it could be sooner," she confessed. Oh shit.

"...How long?"

"Three more months if we're lucky?"

My heart sank, "So, they cut it in half just like that?"

"Don't get upset. We knew how bad I was. I mean, look at me," she shrugged.

I didn't like looking at her. I hated it. She looked twenty years older, tired, wrinkly and tumors everywhere. It just wasn't fair.

"Yeah, but we knew we had more time and then it keeps getting shorter."

"And I know you're doing everything in your power to save me. You don't know how much I appreciate it. I-I'm so grateful for you. For everything you do. Letting me and my sons live with you, taking care of them, helping me with my treatment so I could wake up another day. Even before that. You've saved my life more than you know throughout the years," she was getting choked up and emotional. "And I'm so sorry for the life I gave you which was purely hell. I'd take it all back if I could. You never deserved any of that. You were my baby who I always should've protected and cared for. I should have been the best for you and I failed miserably. I hate myself for being such a fucked up mother. Especially when you are such a better mother than I could ever be by a thousand miles. I... I'm so fucking sorry," she bursted out sobbing into her hands but then unexpectedly pulled me in for a hug.

"Oh, Mom... it's.. it's okay. You don't have to apologize. Again," I told since this had to be the fiftieth time she's apologized like this. Even though her saying sorry for all the shit she put me through wasn't bad. I guess I could keep listening to it.

"Well, just know how I genuinely mean it," she said, wiping her eyes.

Handing her a tissue, "I think I do now. And I appreciate it."

Smiling and taking it, "You're such a sweetheart even if you hate to admit it."

Ugh, I do.

"And although I might not see your little girl being born, I'll be looking down on her." Wow. That actually made my throat close up. "Actually I'm probably going to hell so scratch that."

I laughed, "That maybe so, Clara. But... I'll tell her about you for sure. How you weren't that bad in the end."

She nodded proudly, "Maybe you could also give that necklace to her one day as well."

"Yeah, I just might. When the timing's right," I looked down at the chain and diamond and hung it around my neck. In her honor and memory.

A/N: Hey! Long time no see! So I had quite a busy last two weeks. I visited my brother down south since he's training in the Army and there had been a death in my family so I was busy dealing with that. But I want to assure you that I'm still fully committed to this story and there's much more to it! Not that much more but still more!

So... Lauren's new music has finally been revealed to us via the HFK tour! What's your favorite of the three? I feel like Expectations would do really well it's amazingggg

I'm going to try really really hard to get another chapter up by tomorrow or Wednesday since it's been so long so you don't have to wait forever!

Love you and thanks for sticking with me! Give this chapter a vote! ❤️

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