By Whimsy_Neptune

1.6K 76 2

It had started once Mon-El left. Kara had been devastated that she couldn't find another solution, and Lena h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

241 12 0
By Whimsy_Neptune

Being in love with her best friend was a curse.

Not because Kara was a super-powered alien, not because of their families' history, but because if she found out Lena's feelings, it could ruin them.

Lena knew that Kara would try her hardest to get passed it, but she saw how things were between her and Winn, and her and James. She knew that the awkwardness would be just as intense, if not more so, between herself and Kara.

She sat next to Kara three weeks later, right after their sixth round of mind blowing sex that night. She was breathless, and Kara wasn't saying a word, just staring up at the ceiling like she was about to burn a hole through it... which was entirely possible with her laser vision.

"What's going through your mind?"

Kara looked over at her and sighed contentedly. "Today marks seven months."

Lena's heart dropped.... Kara was still hurting over the Slave Owner. It killed her, but she knew that with all that Kara had lost, it only made sense for Kara to still be heartbroken. She needed her friend's support, and that was precisely what Lena intended to give her, no matter how bad it destroyed her heart to see Kara still hung up on someone else. "I'm sorry, Kara. I had no idea you were still keeping track of the days Mon-El has been gone." Lena croaked out. "It must hurt. I can't begin to pretend to understand what you must be feeling."

Kara furrowed her brow. "No, Lena." The Kryptonian said as she shook her head. "Seven months since we started this." She motioned between herself and Lena. "You know... the extra benefits."

Lena's heart melted at Kara's adorable mannerisms and the fact that she had been keeping track of how long they'd been... together-ish. "Is that so?"

Kara nodded. "Yes. Happy Friendiversary." She giggled.

Lena smiled despite herself. She'd rather have a real Anniversary with Kara, and preferably her last name as well, but if this was all Kara could give her, Lena would greedily accept. "Happy Friendiversary, Kara."

Kara's smile turned predatory as she tackled Lena onto the bed and positioned herself on top of her.

They were both naked, which meant their bare breasts were touching, and although they had been in that particular position approximately four hundred and forty-eight times, Lena was still breathless by the sensation.

"I think we should make tonight and today special, don't you?" Kara asked.

Lena gulped, excitement and anticipation streaming through her veins. "How?"

Kara grinned. "By beating our record." She declared. "We've had sex six times tonight, which is the highest we normally go. So, I say we go for seven since that's how many months we've been doing this together. What'd you say? You up for the challenge?"

Lena nodded her head; she'd always be up for this.

Kara beamed at her and leaned in, kissing Lena much more passionately than usual which set the brunette's heart on fire. Lena moaned and wrapped her arm around the Kryptonian above her, never wanting this night to end. Never wanting to wake up the next morning to see Kara getting around to leave once again.

Kara's hands were all over her body as Lena lay beneath her, enjoying every single feather-like caress.

"Kara," Lena whispered as their bodies touched. Kara smiled softly at her from above, slowly intertwining their bodies.

"Yes, Lena?" The Kryptonian whispered into Lena's ear, her warm breath sending shivers down Lena's spine.

The CEO gulped. "I-I need." She trailed off, unable to form the rest of the sentence.

"What do you need, Lee? What do you need?" Kara urged.

"You," Lena whispered breathlessly. She knew it was a risk to say it out loud, but it was the only truth that was available. "I need you."

She felt Kara smile into her neck, placing a gentle kiss on the nape before sitting up, her knees on either side of Lena's hips. Her breasts were the shape of Hershey Kisses and were just as delightful to devour. Her dark pink, coin sized areolas hardened and pointy staring down at her, Lena wanted nothing more than to know that she'd be the only one to witness the sight before her for the rest of her life, but she wasn't naïve, she knew this wasn't going to be everlasting. So, she intended to make the best of it. She leaned up, collected Kara's nipple into her mouth, and began flicking her tongue against it just how she knew Kara loved it.

Kara moaned loudly, causing arousal to pool at Lena's apex, and the next thing she knew, three Kryptonian fingers plunged deep into her.

Lena wailed out in surprise and pleasure and knew that the night was still young.


That morning, Lena awoke to something that wasn't normal.

Kara was spooning her, and by god if it wasn't the most magnificent sensation to ever take over her. She sighed contentedly and decided to bask in that moment for as long as Kara slept. She wasn't sure if Kara had purposely cuddled her, or if it had been a fluke throughout the night, but she definitely didn't mind it either way.

Cuddling was normal after they had sex, but they never fell asleep in each other's arms, and they certainly had never awoke to find themselves embracing each other. Yet, being enveloped in Kara's arms felt so right, and Lena never wanted it to stop.

Lena began to softly rub her hand up and down the Kryptonian arm around her waist and smiled as she thought about being able to do this every morning. Waking up in Kara's embrace, kissing her good morning, kissing her goodnight... Being able to call Kara her girlfriend, fiancée and eventually wife. The three cats, and two dogs they'd have in their massive penthouse that they'd buy together. Being Mrs. and Mrs. Zor-el Danvers, because she would never let Kara take on the Luthor curse, and would like to escape it herself if she were honest.

She smiled as joy overwhelmed her at the thought of what their life would be like, but then, Kara's arm slowly departed her body, and as she turned around, she saw Kara's wide eyes.

"Oh, gee, Lena. I'm so sorry!" Kara said worriedly. "I-I don't know what came over me."

Lena's heart fell, but then she realized that it seemed like Kara had spooned her on purpose. "You wanted to cuddle, and I love cuddles. You have nothing to apologize for." She said happily, feeling the smallest amount of hope arise within her.

Kara let out a small breath. "Promise?"

Lena nodded. "Especially since it's our Friendiversary." She chuckled.

Kara smiled and bit her lip, her eyes downcast. "Do you think we could spend the day together then? You know... as a Friendiversary Day?"

Lena misheard Kara for a moment and swore that she heard date, but she quickly replayed Kara's question in her mind and realized her mistake. With a tiny hint of disappointment in her heart, she agreed eagerly, because date or no date, spending time with Kara was the one thing that made her heart soar.



They were walking down Main Street while they ate ice cream cones when Kara's phone rang. The blonde looked to Lena apologetically, and although she felt a bit of disappointment, Lena waved her guilt away. "It may be important."

Kara smiled appreciatively at her and nodded before answering it.

"Alex? What's wrong?" She waited for her sister's reply.

Kara rolled her eyes. "No, Alex. I'm fine, just hanging out with Lena."

Another pause as Alex spoke. "Well, I feel like I deserve a break too, Alex."

Kara stood silently for a few moments. "Yes, of course," Kara said in earnest.

"No, I'm really just grabbing some ice cream with Lena."

Kara let out a huff and gestured for Lena to come closer. Lena did as Kara requested and watched as the blonde opened her camera. They both raised their cones and smiled at the camera as Kara snapped the picture. Kara pulled away from Lena and winked before mouthing 'Thank you' as she sent her sister the picture.

"See, Alex? No secret boyfriend." Kara laughed at whatever her sister had responded with, "I promise when I get one you'll be the first to know, now can I go back to enjoying my ice cream?"

Lena's heart descended to the deepest part of her soul... The reminder that Kara wasn't hers refractured her already mangled heart. She watched as Kara hung up the phone and turned back to her. "Sorry, like I said, She's been incredibly nosy recently."

Lena chuckled as she waved away Kara's apology once more. "She's being a sister. No need to apologize for that." She smiled, fighting back the ache at hearing Kara tell Alex she was indeed on the market for a boyfriend.

"Thanks, Lee, you're incredible." Kara declared before she licked her ice cream.

Lena watched as Kara's tongue delicately traced the cone. She was enraptured by just how incredible that tongue was. She was so entranced by that magical tongue, that had made her call out for a god that she doesn't believe in hundreds of times, that she hadn't even realized that she dropped her own cone.

Kara looked down at the wasted ice cream and chuckled as she picked it up and threw it into the nearby trash bin. "So, we got ice cream, and it seems pretty clear that you didn't want it." She laughed "But I think that I know what you really want." She said flirtatiously... Well, as flirtatious as Kara would get with her in the public eye.

Lena froze, her heart palpitating out of her chest. Had her gawking given her away? "You do?" She asked tentatively.

Kara nodded as she smirked. "I mean... It's pretty obvious."

Lena averted her eyes, realizing that Kara had no idea what it was that Lena genuinely craved. "Oh? What is it that I want?"

"You want to go to that new Italian restaurant by Noonan's!" Kara announced excitedly. "You've been dropping hints all week!"

I've also dropped hints that I want to be with you, but you seem to miss all of those. "Yes!" She said with a façade of excitement. It may have been evident that Lena wanted to go there, but the reasoning was apparently lost by Kara.

Lena had been suggesting that they go to il Picchio Rosso all week, but she'd been trying to hint that she wanted it to be a date, but it was clear that Kara had missed that.

Yet, Lena couldn't help but dream that it would end up meaning more than she knew it did. Kara wasn't interested in anything but sex with her, she'd been adamant about not wanting to ruin their friendship in the very beginning, and it seemed like she was only interested in dating men... Sleeping with women, however, seemed to be something Kara enjoyed very, very much, so it didn't quite make sense.

Kara smiled. "They don't open until four, and it's only two-thirty, so what do you want to do until then?"

Lena smirked. "Well, we have to change out of these clothes and into fancier ones if you're planning on taking me out tonight, soooo... I have a few ideas of how you can get me out of these clothes."

Kara's eyes glossed over with something Lena was all too familiar with being directed at her by now... Lust. "I know a shortcut to your place... Follow me."


Kara had worn her out, but getting to see Kara all dressed up for her? That was something she'd persevere through anything to see.

She had broken out the nicest dress she had in her closet; it was a teal Versace dress with a semi-circle collar made of silk. It hugged her every curve and revealed just enough cleavage that it might bring Kara back to her place to stay the night once more. It only went just past her knees so that Kara could enjoy her legs all night as well... She hoped to god that soon she wouldn't have to seduce Kara just to get her to stay the night, that someday soon, Kara would be with her all the time; publicly, and privately.

Kara had flown back to her apartment to find a dress of her own and was supposed to arrive any moment, so Lena carefully applied her eyeliner, and made sure her lipstick hadn't gotten on her teeth. As soon as she resituated her dress, and made sure that her hair wouldn't frizz out because of the wind, a knock sounded at her door, and Kara walked in.

When Lena turned around, her breath hitched. Kara looked absolutely radiant. She could have easily ornamented the cover of any magazine or billboard within the entire world. Except, that wouldn't do her justice, she was so much prettier than any two-dimensional model that was photoshopped to look 'perfect.' Because her natural beauty would far outdo any photoshopped Victoria Angel. Her eyes, cerulean like the sea, were orbs of lustrous blue, carved onto her warm beige face like hypnotizing gems. Her molten gold hair plummeted to her shoulders and cascaded down her back like a waterfall of gold. She had champagne-red lips, crystal white teeth, and a red dress that hugged her tightly in all the right places.

If Lena hadn't wholly believed that Kara was a goddess before, she surely knew it at that moment. She hadn't fallen in love with Kara for her looks, but holy hell did they not help her unrequited love.

"My god, Kara... You're absolutely gorgeous!"

Kara blushed. "Lena, have you looked in a mirror lately? You're always stunning... I figured it was time to step up my game."

Lena was just about to contest Kara's statement when the blonde took her hand from behind her back to reveal a gorgeous bouquet of Gardenias. Kara smiled nervously as she handed them to her, and Lena's breath was taken away.

Two questions were running through her mind.

Is this a date?


Does she know what these flowers stand for?


Gardenias- Forbidden, or secret love.

Thoughts? :)

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