
By Official_MCfan

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Hero / Warrior
Warrior / Prologue
Upholder / Prologue


147 1 0
By Official_MCfan

I was grateful for weekends--Saturday in particular. It was what I liked to call my sit around, be lazy, drink tea, and read Twilight day. Or, in a summary, my favorite day.

I sat cross-legged on my couch and sipped on the tea in my hand, finally at ease after the stressful week I'd had. If I really narrowed it down, it was all Shane's fault. A nice kick to the groin could be my payback for not one but three encounters with the mystery boy, or Styles rather.

But, as per usual, my lovely kickback day was short-lived as a sharp knock at my door alerted me. I suppressed a groan as I reluctantly set down my tea and book, tossed off the blanket snuggled around me, and shuffled to the door. Fully aware that I looked like a dying cat with bad bedhead, I opened the door and was thoroughly surprised to see Olivia standing there.

"Um, hi, Olivia, what are you doing here?" I mumbled, scratching my neck awkwardly.

"Hi Alice! Oh! Did I catch you at a bad time? I'm so sorry, it's just..." She continued to ramble on but my mind went blank and I effectively spaced out on whatever she was rapidly trying to tell me. After a long minute of the endless rant I held up my hand and grimaced. "Hold on, please, one question. How the hell did you get my address?"

I felt almost bad for my harsh response to whatever she was saying, but it didn't seem to bother her. Nothing could bring this girl down. She had no off switch.

"Oh, remember your housewarming party? Or should I say flat-warming party...?"

"Okay, um, I don't know," I muttered. "So why are you here?"

She eyed me critically, an expression I rarely saw on her. I began to feel self-conscious as her eyes raked over my face, looking for something I noticed. She leaned a bit away from me after a moment and asked a rather unexpected question. "How are you feeling?"


"Have you been feeling okay lately? Anything weird going on?"

My skin prickled with goosebumps as she spoke, the normal happy light in her eyes replaced by something more intuitive. I realized then that I had never looked past Olivia's cheery exterior to see that underneath her joyful bubble she was really very observant and clever. I fidgeted nervously, unsure how to answer her question.

I could lie and say no, nothing had been going on, when really there had been several weird occurrences in my life recently, or I could come out with the truth. I had always been quite pleased with my honesty streak, but I feared questioning if I told the truth. And besides, was meeting a gang member a few times really all that out of the norm, especially for someone with a brother like mine?

"No..." I trailed off. "Why?"

"Ah, so you don't know," she murmured, exhaling loudly.

"Don't know what?" My voice was aggravated. I was sick of Olivia's odd cryptic tactic she was taking. It made me uneasy and impatient.

"About Seth."

His name being said out loud like that brought a shower of memories flooding to the forefront of my mind, but I pushed them back quickly. My eyes shut briefly as I choked back the tears threatening to spill over my cheeks. I subconsciously rubbed at my arms as I stared at Olivia. She was waiting, gauging my reaction and giving me a moment to process what she'd just said.

"He's in town," she continued slowly, her eyes suddenly wary. "He came by the office today looking for you."

"W-what did you tell him?" I stuttered out, attempting to force some calm into my voice.

She hesitated before replying, and I felt like she was editing something out of what she was about to say. "I explained that you weren't in the office, but that you should be back around Monday."

"That's it...?" I pressed.

"He also asked for your number," she added, her voice hesitant again.

"And?" My voice was tight now, guarded.

"I didn't give it to him," she exhaled a breath, relaxing her taut stance. "I just said that it wasn't my place. But I would be expecting him on Monday."


She gave me a small smile, and it was almost sympathetic, before saying a quick goodbye and heading for the lift. I stood there in the doorway, watching her go, and I realized something.

I had never told Olivia anything about Seth that I was aware of aside from the small details that he was in fact my ex-boyfriend. But based on the way she was acting, I wondered if she knew a bit more than I thought.


"I want to go out."

"Look, Al, you're cute and everything, don't get me wrong, but after all this time, I--"

"Not like that," I rolled my eyes and lightly slapped Shane's arm. "I meant I want you to take me out somewhere to help me get my mind off of some things. I need a good distraction."

"Distraction from what?" he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

I had felt off since Olivia visited me yesterday. Not only did she explain that my abusive ex-boyfriend was in town, but she was also acting in a very non-Olivia-y way. It had frightened me almost, her attentiveness and even the tone of her voice: dark and serious. If I didn't know any better I'd have thought she had some monotonous, creepy twin or something.

I had yet to tell Shane about Seth being back though. It all felt surreal. I felt that if I told Shane though, it would somehow deem it true. Seth would really be back. And then all hell would break loose.

On the other hand though, I couldn't not tell Shane. He was my best friend, my brother, and I had to tell him. My only true concern at this point was Elijah finding out. I shuddered internally at the mere thought.

"There's just been a lot on my mind," I replied, telling only half of the story. I refused to lie to Shane.

"Like?" he prompted. Stubbornness was my least favorite quality in him.

"Seth's back." I slapped my hand across my mouth as soon as the words flew out of it. It had been like I couldn't even control the blurt. It just happened.

Shane didn't say a word, which surprised me. Instead he began patting his pockets, frowned when he found them empty, and continued to pillage my house (not really) in search of something. He had already found his phone and had it to his ear when I realized with a jolt what he was doing.

I launched myself at him and grabbed the phone from his grasp, quickly ending the call with a twist of my fingers. He glared up at me from his position on the floor. "What the hell, Alice?"

"You can't call him." My voice shook with fear. If Elijah found out that Seth was back in town my life would be torn apart. I had finally managed to somewhat move on from Seth, aside from the recent nightmares I'd been experiencing. I'd changed my cellphone number and moved into a new flat across town from my previous one. Aside from my job, everything about me had changed. I had even cut my hair some, though I was dead set against dying it.

"He needs to know, Al," Shane replied as he slowly sat up, his voice smooth and what I think he supposed to be persuasive.

"He can't," I deadpanned. Shane was stubborn, but I had to win this fight. There was no way in hell that Elijah could find out Seth was back, at least not until I was one hundred percent positive he had returned and confirmed that he was a threat to me.

"Alice, Seth's dangerous," he smiled sadly and grabbed by hands gently in his own. I could sense the extra carefulness there as I was sure he remembered all that had happened. I shuddered, because I did too. "I swear on my life that I won't let him hurt you again, but your brother needs to know. Think about it, if he finds out later that Seth made a reappearance in town without either of us telling him, he'll be livid."

"He doesn't have to find out," I countered.

"Even if we don't tell him, he'll find out, Al," Shane raised an eyebrow, daring me to object. "He's got eyes everywhere."

Shane had me cornered there. I had no valid argument against him now, and he could see that. A smug, victorious smile began to stretch across his face in response to my obvious defeat. I'd just have to change my tactics then.

"Please, Shane," I mumbled, staring at him through wide eyes as I gripped his hands more tightly in my own. "You can protect me enough... for now. If Elijah finds out, he can be mad at me, alright? I'll take the hit for it"--Shane flinched at my word choice but I continued on anyway--"and everything will be fine. Just, please. I don't want Elijah coming back just for this. I-I want him to come back because he wants to..." I trailed off, unsure how to finish.

"He misses you, Al," Shane frowned. "Don't doubt that."

I let out a breath. Even with my job and Shane, I was lonely. I had no real family to rely on. The only person I had was gone three-fourths of the year. I just didn't have somebody dependable, but I didn't want to have to basically send up a flare for them to come running back home. I wanted Elijah back on his own time, when he wanted to.

"Yeah, I know," I let out a shaky breath. "Just, please, Shane. Don't tell him. Not yet."

Shane looked torn, so I threw in another 'please'.

"Fine," he sighed in defeat. "But when your brother finds out, you can take the wrath."


I was feeling oddly confident as Shane pulled his car to a stop in my usual parking spot. Monday morning had come quicker than I'd wanted and soon enough I was preparing for another day at work--except for this time I wasn't readying myself just for work, but also a possible meeting with the last person I wanted to see.

The confidence could only be blamed on the fact that Shane had insisted on tagging along and bringing one of his friend's from the bar--Micah. They had grown pretty close, and the fact that Micah was 6'1 and banded with muscle had made me feel a bit better about heading into work today.

"Ready?" Shane looked over at me from the driver's side. I took a deep breath and nodded before stepping out of the car. Immediately the pair of them flanked me, Micah flashing me a reassuring smile. On the trip over I had learned that he was a mechanic and worked at an auto repair store a few blocks away from my flat and he enjoyed pool. The useless trivia had kept me entertained long enough to build some sort of wall around myself, hopefully protecting me from what was about to come, but I felt it all crumble as I stepped inside the office that was already bustling with noise: loud chatter, rushed footsteps, paper falling.

"It's okay, Al," Shane said in a low voice from behind me. I nodded, more to myself than him and proceeded forward, now feeling Shane's hand on the small of my back.

"Alice!" Olivia called when I began to approach my desk. A big smile was spread across her face. "Look, I've finished my article! Two days early too! Would you mind reading it? I could use a pair of second eyes."

"Hi Olivia," I let a fake smile play across my lips. "I'm actually a bit busy at the moment. Maybe Joel can help you," I added, gesturing to one of our co-workers who was currently sitting at his desk with a blank, bored expression. He always managed to get his article done almost as soon as he'd received it, and it was always stellar. It truly amazed me.

"Alright then, thanks," she gushed back.

I nodded and turned, quickly heading to my own desk without any further interruptions.

"She's the one who told you about it?" Shane questioned, his eyebrows raised in slight disbelief. "I thought you said she was... scary when she was speaking to you."

I grimaced, knowing this would happen. After my plea for Shane not to tell Elijah about Seth, he had demanded how I had even learned about it, and Olivia had come up as the topic of discussion. In truth, it seemed almost unbelievable now that she had seemed so creepy and observant when she'd shown up at my place bearing the news. She was so different from her typical happy quirkiness.

"I swear, she was," I told him in a rushed tone. "I don't know what--"

"Alice Maddox." I flinched at the sound of Heidi's voice, floating obnoxiously loud from her office. Just by the tone of it I could tell I was about to get a verbal beating. I wondered absently what I had done this time.

"Who's that?" Micah asked, his head snapping toward the sound.

"My boss," I groaned as I shoved away from my desk. "Just wait here, alright? I'll be back."

I trudged to her office reluctantly, a million possibilities shooting through my mind. Had I offended someone? Had I misplaced something? Had I somehow slipped a sexual innuendo into my article again? I swear to you, it was a mistake. Maybe.

"Yes?" I replied, trying to keep my voice light rather than monotonous and expectant.

What she said next surprised me. It was no sexual innuendo, I tell you.

"Would you mind explaining to me why a boy came in here this morning asking about you?" she asked, eyebrows raised. "He called himself Styles, I believe."

My throat went dry. I had nearly forgotten about the mystery boy in all the haze of Seth's possible return paired with Olivia's weirdness that I still couldn't understand. Him making another appearance baffled me. I clearly remembered how opposed he was to my interaction with him, even if it was by accident on every occasion. It's not like I wanted to be near him.

"W-who?" I stuttered, my eyes wide.

Heidi rolled her eyes. "If it helps, he's been waiting around," she said, her voice no longer professional but instead annoyed as she jabbed a thumb over her shoulder at the window. "Maybe you'll recognize him."

I walked slowly over toward the window and stared out of it in horror. Sure enough I could see a dark head of curls from Heidi's two-story office. He was leaning against some sleek black car that I couldn't for the life of me tell you the name of. I'd have to ask Shane.

He seemed perfectly at ease, not impatient or anything as he, supposedly, waited there for me.

"How long has it been out there?" I choked out.

"Almost an hour," she replied shortly. "I don't like him though, Alice. I don't like people like that showing up at my office demanding your whereabouts. If this has to do with your assignment, it was incredibly stupid of you to--"

"Yep, my assignment, sorry!" I played it off nervously. Heidi was just waiting for the chance to fire me. If she thought I was associating myself with gang members, I'd surely be done for. She'd repeated time and time again that this was a professional paper, not a playhouse. It was one of my favorite Heidi Olsen quotes.

She narrowed her eyes before letting out a huff. "Just get rid of him."

I nodded hastily, tossing around a few more apologies before I dashed back to my desk. Shane and Micah were both seated in chairs (one I realized they'd stolen from one of my sick co-workers), talking something about pool before I arrived.

"There you are," Shane smiled. "Everything alright?"

"Err, yeah," I nodded. "I think it is. You can go now."

Micah frowned. "You sure? What if he shows up--"

"I'll call," I plastered a smile to my face. They both frowned, sharing a look. I knew Shane wouldn't believe me, and it seemed Micah didn't either. Damn.

"Alright..." Shane trailed off as he stood up slowly. "I'm checking in on you in an hour. Be safe, alright?" He planted a kiss to my forehead and I suppressed a shiver at the memory of Styles telling me to be safe right before he'd left me. I had thought that was the last time I was going to see him. Apparently I was wrong.

After several more reassurances that I was fine I finally got the two of them to leave, and suddenly I was nervous and fidgety. Would it have been better for me to have kept Shane and Micah by my side? After all this Styles person wasdangerous, even if I didn't see him as a threat to myself. He had made it pretty clear.

I shook off those feelings and tried to fill myself with confidence as I silently walked out into the crisp morning air. It was only ten.

I spotted him right away, and I couldn't help but feel slightly confused as to how I hadn't before. Maybe he had been sitting in the car. Or maybe I was just oblivious and stupid, too focused on the path ahead of me that I was sure would lead to Seth.

I made the most silent approach I think I ever have, walking slowly across the pavement as I wondered why he was here after he so blatantly told me goodbye.

He looked up suddenly, his green eyes meeting mine. They were bright at first, a nice jade that I supposed was the natural shade, but they darkened considerably as they met mine. I felt the nerves twist in my stomach as I walked toward him until I was just a few feet away and decided it would be best to stop.

Silence ensued. He didn't say a word, just stared at me curiously through those dark green orbs I couldn't understand.

"So... you wanted to see me?" My voice sounded weak and fearful almost, and I cleared it as noiselessly as possible. I didn't want to seem scared. Not of him. I wasn't. I was scared of why he was here.

"I did," he agreed with a slight nod, his eyes drifting upwards toward the sky momentarily before they met mine again. It was impossible to look away from his stare.

"W-why?" I silently cursed myself for stuttering.

"I want you to stay inside," he said bluntly. "Lock your doors, shut your windows. Don't leave your home for anything, not even food."


"Just... listen," he said carefully, seemingly changing his words at the last moment as he stared at me through eyes that had turned to charcoal now.

His tone surprised me. It was dark, but had a protective layer to it. I couldn't understand why he was telling me these things. I had a job to do. I couldn't just lock myself up in my flat until he decided I could leave again. It wasn't an option.

"I can't," I frowned. "I have responsibilities."

He stepped forward suddenly so that there was barely an inch of space between us, and bent down so that he was eye level with me. "I know what I'm talking about."

His hot breath hit my face and I took an immediate step back, trying to recompose my disorientation. "Explain it to me then," I urged curiously. If I was going to lock myself up in my flat, I at least wanted to know why.

"You're stubborn," he noted.

"And you're avoiding the subject," I quipped.

"Careful, princess," he raised an eyebrow. "Don't push your limits."

"Just tell me--"

My sentence was interrupted suddenly by a loud noise that reminded me of the backfire on an old car, but I knew immediately that it wasn't.

"Get in the car." I didn't even hesitate as he threw open the passenger door and I climbed inside, fumbling with the seat belt as he rounded the front and slid inside. He didn't even bother with the buckle before he sped away from the parking lot, the car tires screeching noisily against the pavement.

The last thing I saw before we turned the corner was a dark silhouette, unrecognizable yet familiar all the same, a gun swinging from their hand.

And all I could feel was scared.

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