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Harry's Range Rover was only made for five people so Harry let Zayn drive with the blonde in the front seat, and the rest of us in the back, me curled up on Harry's lap. It was strange, how comfortable I felt near him right now. Maybe I was trying to hold onto the protective boy that I had believed him to be, instead of letting the harsh reality of what Seth had said corrupt it.

Harry didn't complain about it. His arms were around me, rubbing my arms and stroking through my hair every now and then. The conversation in the car was minimal. I learned the three others names: Niall, the blonde; Louis, the fringe; and then Liam, the one with the sweet face. No one seemed compelled to speak, so the only sound was the thrum of the engine as we moved silently across the road.

After about ten minutes I realized that the warehouses were fading away from us and the city of Bradford was taking it's place. We were still in the more rundown parts of it, but I was suddenly curious as to where we were going. I voiced my curiosity aloud.

"Zayn's flat," Harry replied.

I looked at him questioningly.

"We're running out of places to keep you," he said lightly, gauging my reaction.

"Why can't I just go home?" I frowned. I wanted nothing more than to put on my silky pajamas, my bunny slippers, and grab my Twilight books. A pained expression flitted across Harry's features briefly.

"It's not safe." His words had my mind reeling. If it wasn't safe, that meant that Seth was still a threat. Or someone was.

"He's going to keep coming for me," I whispered. It wasn't a question, but a factual statement. I could see it in the darkness in his eyes that seemed permanent since he got in the car that I was right. Seth wasn't going to stop.

"Alice, I'll keep you safe," he repeated the words he'd said so many times. "You don't have to worry about--"

"That's not what I'm worried about," I interrupted him. He stared at me, a hint of sadness in his dark eyes. "I'm worried about never being able to live normally again. I want to go home. I want to go back and live my life without being driven around by a gang to the next fucking safe house! I--"

I was interrupted by Harry's lips suddenly attaching to mine. I was sure that this was just his nice way of saying 'shut the hell up' but it was surprisingly sweet. It lasted only a few seconds, but when he pulled away my head felt dizzy.

I heard someones breathy chuckle. "Always the charmer."

Harry smirked and shook his head, obviously amused by the comment before his eyes locked on mine. Neither of us spoke. The silence had resumed over the car. The two of us just sat there staring at one another until the Range Rover rolled to a complete stop.

Harry pushed open the door with one hand and I climbed out of the car. He followed shortly after. I frowned when I noticed that no on else had exited the automobile. Zayn rolled down the window and chucked Harry a pair of keys.

There was a moment of tense silence while the two just looked at each other.

"Keep her safe, man," Zayn finally said with a sigh. "And don't wreck my house."

Harry grinned, dimples slicing his cheeks. "I will. Take care of my car."

Zayn rolled his eyes but nodded before his attention was focused on me. "Stay safe," he told me sincerely. "We'll be seeing you real soon."

I nodded hesitantly, unsure of him. He offered me a shy smile though, for which I was grateful, and I carefully returned it before he revved the engine, shot me a wink, and was speeding away back the way we'd come.

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