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he Finn Long that I had come to know was a sweet, happy person. He was like a human teddy bear, always there to make people laugh and give them hugs when they needed them.

But right now he looked like hell. He was completely battered, bruises and cuts lining nearly every inch of his dirty face. Deep bags blended in with the marked skin beneath droopy, bloodshot eyes. I could see smeared blood in his hair, on the front of his ripped white shirt. I noticed that he also wore black trousers and his nice shoes. There must have been some sort of dinner party during the time that Sykes had gotten to him. I shuddered.

"F-Finn," I whispered, uncaring that my towel had fallen from my body in my shock as I pushed past the boys, my bathing suit and damp skin on full display. "What happened to you?" My voice cracked, the impending tears tingling at the back of my eyes. I was trying to hold them back. I couldn't lose it right now.

"M'sorry, Alice," Finn mumbled, his head lolling to the side as he attempted to gaze at me. A flash of pain crossed his features at the simplest movement and I felt my welling tears grow more rapidly.

"N-no," I shook my head, my hand firmly grasping his. "Don't be sorry. This isn't your fault... I'msorry. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be in this mess."

"Alice." It was Harry, his voice right behind me. I knew that he was waiting for me to turn around, but I didn't, instead staring helplessly at Finn's broken figure. It was my fault that he was in this mess. If it wasn't for me, Finn would be living a normal life, but now he had been pulled into my dark, chaotic world.

"Alice," Harry repeated, his voice growing a bit frustrated, but still I didn't move. Tears were blurring my vision as I watched Finn take in a deep breath, his face contorting in pain again. What had they done to him?

Large hands enveloped my wrists and I instinctively struggled against them, desperately trying to move my way back to Finn. He looked so hurt, so destroyed. I was only pulled farther back though, and that's when I lost it.

"Let go of me!" I screeched, rounding suddenly on Harry. My arms twisted painfully with the movement, but Harry only stared at me, his gaze dark. "Let go!" I repeated, pulling angrily against him, but there were tears cascading down my face and I was visibly crumbling.

Harry didn't listen. He pulled me to his chest, and I willingly fell into him, my muffled sobs the only sound in the room as he held me. When I felt him try to get me to walk with him, though, I started moving back again, my body all but flying to be next to Finn's.

Harry was quick though, his long legs and swift moves proving to be advantageous to him as he made a skillful grab for my waist and pulled me back to him. "No!" I cried, my voice pleading as I kicked out at him. From the grunt of pain that issued a moment later, I knew I had hit him, but he continued to drag me back. The boys watched us solemnly, all of their excitement and teasing from just moments ago disappearing.

"Harry please!" I begged as he kept his arms tightly around my waist. I was clawing at the air, my feet kicking out, but he wouldn't let me down as he backed us towards the door. "I c-can't just leave him! This is my fault! Please!"

I caught Zayn's eye and he stared at me sadly before he was out of my view and Harry was carrying me downstairs. When I realized that it was no use I fell limp in Harry's arms and he swung my legs up to carry me bridal style as I sobbed into his chest.

My cries began to quiet as Harry walked us up the stairs, somehow not faltering in his balance despite the extra weight he was carrying. He kicked his bedroom door open with his foot and immediately went for the bed. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, his grip tightening on me as he shifted my body so that I could wrap my arms around his neck, my tears streaking down his bare chest.

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