Young justice spitfire

By Artsy2231

17.3K 348 33

Artemis and Wally will not stop fighting will they stop arguing or continue hating each other. Also this stor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
not an update
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapters 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 22

279 5 1
By Artsy2231

Artemis's POV

After two days of him not showing up I was starting to get worried. I don't know if I will actually be going on the stupid team bonding camping trip. Bruce had been coming over the past few nights to try and convince me everything is alright and that I didn't need to stay up and that he would watch out for him, but I didn't trust him with this. Even though he is batman I can't put her life in his hands, it would crush me if she died. At around 8:30 just after I had purched myself upon the top of the fire escape, he shows up dressed in his batman suit and says "Artemis you need to sleep you don't even know if he will show up but I know that you need sleep, go rest for five minutes and I will wake you up." I look at him skeptically "only five minutes?" He nods patiently "just five." I sigh knowing the benifits of it outweighed the bad. I went down climbing in the window going to my room. As soon as I lied down I was out like a light. When I wake up I look around to my bedside clock to see that it's almost 2:30! What no I was only supposed to be out for five minutes, I can't believe I let myself sleep this long. I run to the top to see batman sitting there looking down at the city. "HOW COULD YOU!" I continue on in a whisper scream "YOU SAID YOU WOULD WAKE ME IN FIVE MINUTES!" he calmly says "you were tired it would have done you no good to only sleep for five minutes." I growl knowing he's right, ugh why can't he ever just be wrong! He says "now that your up and refreshed I really should be going home, I believe you have everything under control?" I nod and he sets of grappling to the top of the nearest building and running off. I sigh only a few hours till I can go in. After what seems to be forever the lights start to go on signaling it's time for me to go in. I do the regular morning routine of waking her up and getting ready before Oliver rings the doorbell to take her to therapy. When she's gone I start to pack, Batts told me last night that I was going on that trip even if he had to nock me out and drag me there so of course I was going on my own free will, nock out gas leaves a major headache, and him punching me would also leave a headache and a bruise, so instead I was going if my own accord. I packed everything I think I would need it's so much different than how I used to camp with my dad and sister, he would drop us out there with nothing but the clothes on our back a knife and each other and if we didn't make it back we died out there. It took us weeks but we always made it back. This would be different, it would not mean life or death, this would be fun, I think. I'm just finishing up packing when the doorbell rings. Walking to the kitchen, I make a note that there is a knife on the table right behind me, if it happened to be my father. As I opened the door I was surprised to find that it was Jade, with a full looking bag. She says "hey kid, I figured I would stick around here till we make sure mom would be alright." I look skeptically at her before bringing her in a hug and crying. I couldn't do this alone and we both knew that. She sits there without a word of complaint holding me in her arms whispering that it would be ok. Jade may act heartless and tough, she may be a vilane, but she will always be there for me and mom, no matter how hard and cold she may seem she wasn't like my father and for that I am glad, she just ended up on the wrong side, when I got the right one. After I am done crying she comes in and looks around, "so nothing has changed here." After inspecting the rest of the house she makes her way to our room. When she opens the door she doesn't go in just shakes her head "you didn't decorate at all, rather boring don't you think?" I shake my head we never were allowed to with our father here and I guess I just got in the habit. She goes and hops on her bed so I walk in "packed a bag, leaving I see." I shake my head "trip with my friends." As soon as I said the word friend she smiled as big as the Cheshire cat, "yay, my baby sister finally made some friends, I'm so happy!" My smile grows brighter, Jade was always the best older sister, until she left that is. We sit for a while just catching up on everything before the door opens and mom yells "honey, I'm home." I say "mom someone's home" and me and Jade walk out together. She gasps holding her arms out for her. Jade happily runs into them for a hug. So for the rest of the night we catch up laugh and cry while watching tv, overall a perfect day. I have the most important people in my world next to me and nothing bad happened, perfect.

Hey guys, ok so your all probably like what she's evil but guys I wanted to show that she cares and that even if someone is evil they can have a good side and that they can care about people. Anyway thanks for reading I love you guys, till next time my lovelys

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