This all started with a parki...

By baseballguirl

3.1M 23.3K 4.7K

McKenna Woods was never a complete loner, nor the most popular kid in school. She's got an additude, and not... More

Part 1
Part 2
part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 (Short, sorry!)
Part 11, (Short again)
Part 12!
Part 13
Part 14!
Part 15!
Part 16
update, update, UPDATE!
Part 17!
Part 18
Part 19(Short, ://////) (Sorry, these parts were jenked up)
Part 20.
part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26 skip this one!
Part 26
Part 27 NOT THE END.
Part 27B, the end!
Read the sequel.

Part 7

114K 874 114
By baseballguirl

Hey everyone! OH MY GOSH, this story is on the "What's Hot!" list as number 54!

you are all amazing!

especially PiccoloGiglio!

And I love you all! Please keep on reading and voting! Tell me what you want to see happen !


"So, this Tyler kid," Chase starts talking. I can't even look at him without thinking about that kiss. It was so short and simple, I should have forgotten it.

But I didn't.

"Yeah, he's a creep. And my mom came an visited, she dropped him off." My voice catches and I try to pass it off as a cough, but Chase see's right through me.

"I'm sorry. I know how it feels, seeing your other parent. My dad lives out of state and came back one time to get some clothes. He acted like it was totally normal, and it sucked." He sighs a little. " I need to call my mom, see you in class, 'wifey dearest!'!" The smirk is back, and he runs to the doors.

"Hey McKenny!" A familar voice yells. I turn slowly, as to hold in my anger, and see Tyler.

"Don't you ever call me that. Ever. That woman decided her life wasn't good enough, that I wasn't good enough, so I don't want reminders of her." I growl, menacingly. He steps back a little and gives me a sly smile.


"Now, what do you want?"

"I have no idea where any of my classes are." He says in a 'duh' voice.

"Who do you have first hour?"

"Uh.. Mrs. Weensil?"

Horrorstruck, I grab the schedule. Sure enough, his schedule is identical to mine. "Follow me." I mumble as we start towards the class. He catches up to me an throws his arm over my shoulders.

"Get your hands off of me!" I shout and push him off. He just shrugs and follows me into the class.

"Welcome, Mr. Henningway. I'm Mrs. Wensil and you teacher for this class, english/lit." She gives him the whole speech and a place to sit. Lucky for me, he's next to Kenzie Jenson.

"Oh, what about our project?" Kenzie asks while making googly eyes at him. Why does that bug me?

"Hey Micky." Chase whispers in my ear and I feel all tingly, like I did after our kiss.

"Hey ChaCha!"

"Oh, thats right. Since you know McKenna, we shall do this; we'll throw an affair into Chase & McKennas marriage, so Tyler, go ahead and sit next to Chase." She points to Chase and Tyler gets up.

All of the sudden, Chase goes rigid, and is giving Tyler daggers. I turn to see Tyler doing the same. Chase stands up and says, "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Chase." He stresses the 'meet you'. I have no clue whats going on, but I've never seen Chase act like this.

Chase's POV;

Mrs. Wensil is going on an on about something to Kenzie and whoever is sitting next to her. I rush up behind Micky and whisper a hello into her ear. She blushes a little and gives me a hi back.

"Oh, thats right. Since you know McKenna, we shall do this; we'll throw an affair into Chase & McKennas marriage, so Tyler, go ahead and sit next to Chase." She points to me and the kid sitting next to Kenzie stands up. He looks familiar.

That's Tyler Henningway.

I feel myself tense up, and I can't look Tyler in the eyes. I think of how McKenna's watching us, so I stand up and put my hand to for a shake. "Hello, nice to MEET you, I'm Chase." I hope he gets I don't want Micky knowing we know each other. Of all the people who had to move here, into Micky's house, it had to be Tyler? Really?

"Hey, I'm Tyler Henningway." He shakes it and gives me a look telling me I'm gonna have to explain sometime.

"So, your trying to get my 'wife' to cheat on me?" I ask, trying to collect myself. My minds spinning with every memory I've pushed away since I left Pennslivania.

**Flashback- 6 years ago**

I just moved in with my dad, because my mom needed 'time to herself'. He lived with his friend, Annie henningway, who had a kid my age named Tyler. We were both 10, almost 11.

"Hi, I'm Tyler."

"Hi, I'm Chase. Got any video games?"

"Yeah, lets play Call Of Duty."

And we played. We became good friends and always hung out. Until Damian moved into town. He was a thug, you could tell by his looks. Tyler thought he was the coolest kid ever, and started ditching me for him. He got into drugs and all that crap I couldn't stand.

One day, I decided to tell him.

"Uh, Tyler, it's not cool to do this crap. Drugs can mess up your mind. And you don't look cool, either."

"SHUTUP, GOD. I HATE YOU, YOUR A FREAKING A-HOLE." Tyler screamed as he popped a pill.

"Tyler, stop." I tried grabbing the pills from his hand. He punched me in the face, and thats how the fight started. I threw a rock at him, landing right above his left eyebrow. Then, all I remember was blacking out.

Tyler shot me. In my thiegh, so nothing terrible was done. But I moved home the next month, and started school here.

**End of flashback**

"Yeah, shes pretty sexy." He smiles slyly at me.

"Yeah, I'll lay you out if you touch her." I say aggressively. He looks from me to her, and realizes somethings going on between us.

"Oh, are you two dating?"

"No." Micky quickly answers, getting red.

"Yeah, just friends." I add.

"Then, may the best man win." He mumbles only to me.

"What?" Micky asks, but Tyler just waves away her question and smirks at me.

McKenna's POV;

All day Chase has been hovering over me, more then usual. "Chase, you need to calm down!"

"Well, now that my 'wife' is cheating on me, she should feel really guilty." He winks at me.

"Oh, shutup. I hate the guy as much as you do." I lightly hit his chest. I remember when I actually thought I could hurt him. It's lunchtime and I've avoided Tyler as much as possible. Dodged all of his questions and let the cheerleaders attack him. Chase steers me into his lunchgroup and I spot Jack. Stupid, annoying, creeper Jack.

"Can't we just sit somewhere together?" I whisper in fear. I look up to see a smirking Chase.

"Well of course. You know, you fall in love way too fast."

"Uhm, you actually think I'd fall in love with you? Your funny." I retort.

"Yeah, whatever you say, Micky. Do you want to come over tonight, meet my mom and sister?" He asks and I drop my mouth open. Doesn't that mean something? I never had a real boyfriend, so I have no clue how this works.

"ChaCha, did you just ask me on a date?" I laugh a little while he just smirks.

"Haha, you could say that."

"Then, no." I smile playfully as we sit down.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 8."

I can't even finish my lunch, I'm so excited for 8:01 tonight.


School dragged, and I was dying when I had to be partners with Tyler in gym, our last period.

"Whats your favorite color?" He asks


"Favortie song?"

"Mine by Taylor Swift."

"Favorite movie?"

"Grease or hairspray."

"Okay, and-" I cut him off with a wave.

"Whats with the twenty questions here, Tyler?"

"I'm curious to know. You are my roomate, technically. So, yeah."

"Okay, then tell me your favorite things."

He launches into all of his favorite things and I tune him out. I'm thinking about Chase and his life.

He's always been a player, playing girls like thier toys and running away from any commitment.

Why would he ask me on a date?

'Technically, it's not a date.' My inner voice tells me. Thats true, I jumped to that conclusion because I'm used to him just coming by.

He can't do that anymore unless we want Tyler up our butts, though.

He finishes talking and we play volleyball in silence. Not exactly akward, just thinking silence, I guess you could call it. 10 minutes before the period ends, Tyler needs to go to the bathroom so I just practice my form.

"Yeah, the new guy is fighting someone!" Somebody shouts as the bell rings. I run into the locker room and change as fast as I can. This guy has been here for a day and is fighting someone? Really? I hate this kid. And my Mom, and Dad. All of them. They let this kid come here. I enter the hallway and hear screaming.



"Tylers getting beat up!"

HAH! Good, I run over to break up the fight and see Chase is the one beating up Tyler.

God, I love Chase.

"STOPPIT, TYLER AND CHASE. CHASE!" I scream and squeeze in between them so I'm looking striaght into Chase's eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, concerned.

"I- nothing. Cmon, lets go." He throws a glare at Tyler, whos nose is bloody and his hair messy. But his hair doesn't look good messy like Chase's does. It's more of an organized mess.

"I need to give Tyler a ride home..." I say quietly.

"No, It's okay. I'll find someone else to get me a ride." Tyler says, smirking.

"I will!" Olive offers. And then me and Chase are out of the door.

"Chase, what the hell was that?"

"That- was just the foreplay!" He smirks devilishly. I remember him saying those words when he threw me on his bike.

"Oh? Okay, but I need to go home first. My dad wants me to call his girlfriend, because, shes worried about me or something."

"Whatever you say, but your still coming over at 8, yes?"

"Why would I want to be in the same house as that thing? Yes!"

We ride in my car and I drop him off at his house.

"Okay, so I'll see you at 8?" I ask, maybe a little too clingy.

"Yep!" He says. Before he gets out, he leans over and lightly kisses me. When he pulled away, he was smiling.

"Bye..." I say as I blush. He waves and goes in his house.


When I get home I see Tyler cleaning himself up. "Let me help you." I say and rush over to him. I don't like the guy but, Chase didn't need to hurt him.


"Why were you fighting?" I ask, suddenly I needed to know.


"Spit it out, Tyler."

"It was about someone."

"Named?" I'm jealous now. The girl who got Chase's attention... ugh.


My jaw drops and I start laughing hysterically.

"Thats- a- funny- joke!!!" I'm still laughing. His face hardens.

"No, seriously. I said some things he thought were offensive, so he defended you. He's a good boyfriend to you." He coughs and I swear I heard him say, "But I'd be a better one."

My ears must not be working. Whatever.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Yeah, he said the same thing. But still. You two should see yourselves around each other."

"Uhm, meaning?"

"Meaning it looks like your about to have your way with each other right where you are."

"Your funny." I finish cleaning him up and his eye is bruised. I lightly kiss it. "Sorry that happened." I motion to his face. He laughs.

"Would've happened soon enough." He sighs and starts walking upstairs. I lie down on the couch and drift into sleep.

"Wakeup, Micky!" Someone whispers and I feel alot of weight on me. I groan and hit Chase.

"Get off me!" I yelp and he does.

"MCKENNA, PHONE FOR YOU. IT'S YOUR MOM!" Tyler yells and comes down. He eyes Chase and hands it to me.

"Hello?" I hear her ask.


"How are you honey?"

"Just peachy, considering the woman who screwed up my family keeps trying to talk to me."

"I'll ignore that. I have an idea...!"

"If it includes taking Tyler back, go right ahead."

"I want you to come live with me."

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