Family of seven

By pagingdrreid

22.5K 367 90

Seven people rely on eachother for everything. Family 💜 More

Authors note
Chapter one
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 : the day before
Chapter 17: the day
Chapter 18: leaf

Chapter 13

657 17 5
By pagingdrreid

Hey guys!! I am so sorry that I've been dead on here for the past few months, I have been crazy busy. My summer break is about to start, so I've decided to update my stories. I am going to switch from first person to third person, because I have updated my writing style. Hope you enjoy <3

*four months later*

"Spence!" JJ called out.
"What's wrong? Is it the baby?" Spencer asked as he frantically ran into their bedroom. Once he took in his surroundings, and realized JJ wasn't in labor he continued, "JJ what the.."
"I cant fit into my heels" she whined as she flopped back onto their bed. "My ankles are huge, my back hurts, and I can't eat eggs without getting sick."
Spencer couldn't help but laugh. He loved JJ being pregnant, though he did wish he could relieve her pains. "You look beautiful" he finally replied, joining her on the bed.
"I'm sorry" she answered, beginning to cry.
Reid responded by pulling her close and gently massaging her back. "so so sorry" she continued.
"Shhhh" he began. "It's okay"
"No it's not" she cried. "You're not going to love me anymore when I get even fatter!"
Spencer froze. "Jennifer Jareau I will always love you" he chuckled slightly as she calmed down. "Always."

Emily Prentiss rolled over to snuggle closer to her now husband, Aaron Hotchner. Unfortunately for her, she was met with an empty space, which woke her up for good. She got out of bed and embarked on a mission: find Aaron.
It was not very hard to find him after she exited the bedroom. He was sitting at the bar sipping his coffee and reading the morning paper.
"What are you, seventy five?" Emily joked as she sat next to him.
"Hey you" he replied, kissing his wife good morning. "Oh, and happy anniversary."
A puzzled look filled Emily's face. They had only been married a little over three months, no anniversary was anywhere in sight.
"Of our first date." He finished, seeing the confused, yet adorable, look on Emily's face. "It's been two years."
"Oh my!" Emily gasped. "I'm so sorry I forgot baby"
"It's okay. I just wanted you to have this." Aaron reached behind him and hanged Emily an envelope. "Read this."
Emily opened the letter and began to read:
Dear Emily Prentiss,

Thank you for making my life better, bearable, and all around amazing. Not just for the past two years, but for the past five years that we've known each other. That moment you stepped into my office I just knew you were the one. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for helping me through hell. Thank you for letting me get to know you. I love you, and can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. Build a family. Establish a home. You will forever be my favorite badass agent, and I'm so happy that I get to experience everyday of it right there with you. I love you Emily Prentiss.
-Aaron Hotchner

Emily wiped the tears that were flowing down her face. "I love you too."


"Baby girl, you have got to stop doing that." Morgan whined as he and Garcia entered the bullpen on Monday morning. "You know I cant handle it."
"I'm sorry Thunder, I just love the feeling of your lips on mine." She argued, kissing him again.
"Excuse me, please keep the making out behind closed doors." Rossi asked, as he got stuck behind the frisky couple.
The awkward silence only lasted a few moments until Hotch broke it, "everyone conference room. Now."

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