Chapter 11

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*Morgan point of view*

    "Babygirl, we gotta go" I insist. "The rehearsal dinner starts in thirty minutes"
     "Oh angel fish, angel fish" she says back, running across the room. "You can wait"
     "Mama, your lipstick is fine, can we please go?" I beg, just trying to get her out the damn door.
     "No no no" she argues. "The problem is this. I have my blue bracelet on, which coordinates to this flower" she points to a flower on her left sleeve. "But, I'm missing my pink bracelet for this flower" she directs my attention to a flower locates on her stomach. "I don't want it to feel lonely at the wedding" she whines.
      "Garcia, this is just the rehearsal." I assure her. "For the actual wedding, tomorrow night, you're wearing your bridesmaid dress"
    She looks down at her white high heels and lets out a sigh. A sigh that signifies me winning. "So, can we please get in the car?"
    "Yeah" she gives me a faint smile before heading out the door. The drive to the restaurant was silent, with a cough here and there.
   Once we arrived, the waiters and waitresses greeted us with big smiles and side hugs.
   "Hey guys" Emily exclaimed as we walked into the event room. She was wearing a tight red dress with her hair straight.
     "You look so amazing Emily" Garcia screeches as she reaches for a hug.
   "You look great, E" I smile.
     "Thanks guys. Aaron is in the back waiting for the actual rehearsal"
     "Where Pretty boy, and pretty girl?" I laugh at the thought of them being late because of some stuff. "I bet they're"
    "Right behind you?" I hear JJ smirk as he touches my shoulder.
"Nice going M" Emily laughs as she motions for the girls to follow her. Garcia gives me a kiss on the cheek before following.
"So, Pretty boy." I say when I get reid alone. "How's it going with your lady?"
"Good" he answers awkwardly. "We should probably find Hotch"
"Trouble in paradise?" I ask, noticing his 'change in subject'.
"No, she's just been acting weird."he confesses.
    "I'm sure she's fine" I try and make him feel better. JJ has never been the type to act weird, unless something was bothering her. The last time this happened, we realized it was the anniversary of her sisters suicide. That wasn't for another like three months, but it was worth a shot. "Maybe It has something to do with her sister?"
     "No her sisters birthday is in four months and five days, and the anniversary of her death is in six months and three days." He argues, signifying that he already considered that. "Maybe she's just having an off day." He shrugs and goes to find Hotch. I can tell this is really bothering the kid, but I had a job my job was to be one of Hotch's groomsmen.
   "Hey where's the man of the night?" Rossi asks as he find Reid and I.
      "We don't know." I quickly answer.
    "Did you know that, statistically 47 percent of grooms get cold feet and run before the bride walks down the aisle?" Reid announces, in the middle of the rehearsal hall.
     "Well, this is just the rehearsal, so let's hope he's not that scared." Rossi adds, trying to make sense.
    "Look Reid" I point to A small room where Hotch is talking to his brother. "Still here, and calm."
      We join the men in the room and discuss the plan.
    "Twenty minutes until, pre-show showdown" Rossi informs us. We are all wearing casual clothes, excerpt Reid. He's wearing a purple button down shirt with tan dress pants, and black dress shoes. Honestly, it's his normal attire.
"So we are just going to walk out in order, then sit in your designated seat. Speeches will occur after that." Hotch reminds us.
Shortly after, the music starts. We watch as the girls walk out in a line, all carrying pipe cleaners, to replace the flowers. Now that I think about it, JJ does look really distracted. She is acting happy for Emily, of course, but I can see something in her eye.
"Now" Reid pushes me out of the tiny room. I walk to my seat, which is right next to Garcia, and take my seat. We all do.
"Thank you for coming" Emily starts as all the guests end up in the right place. "Let's get started"
After Emily's mom spoke about 1000 words, we were finally cleared to go home. Reid stayed behind to help Hotch with last minute details.
"Hey Babygirl, I'm gonna go talk to JJ"
She gives me a quick hug and runs over to Emily.
"Hey JJ" I say as I approach.
"Hi" She mumbles.
"What the hell has gotten into you? I'm gonna be straight forward, because we are close."
"Shut up Derek"
"What did I do?" I defend. Something was clearly bothering her. "Did something happen?"
"Nothing happened" she insisted.
"Then what? You're acting like you're pregnant"
She stays silent. Then, she gives me the look. The look of 'keep your damn mouth shut'
"Yes" she whispers. "I'm pregnant."
"That's great, why are you upset?"
"Spence won't be happy about this" she begins to cry. "He's going to be devastated."
"Are you crazy?" I almost yell that. "He's always wanted kids, especially with you."
"Really?" She smiles again, ear to ear. She was honestly adorable.
"Yes, now you just need to think of a way to tell him" I pat her on the shoulder and walk away.
I walk away knowing that all of my friends are about to experience the best times of their lives.

Family of seven Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora