Dragons of Terragon: The Ligh...

By OhDearCharlie

654 54 38

"Hello?" he mustered as he kept eye contact. In response, the dragonet garbled something and waddled over to... More

Author notes
A Map of Terragon
A guide gifted by Mayry and Hayry
A guide gifted by Mayry and Hayry
A guide gifted by Mayry and Hayry
Prologue: Terragon's Newest Additions
Chapter One: Frolicking in the Forest
Chapter Two: Tension Within
Chapter Four: Dreams really Do come True
Chapter Five: New Perspectives
Chapter Six: New Minds
Chapter Seven: The Lunar Gathering of Pacification and Prosperity
Sketches and Art
The End?

Chapter Three: Toucan-anas and Other Hybrids

25 3 0
By OhDearCharlie

The picture above was drawn by the very artistic ThunderclanWarrior12. I suggest checking her out if you love the art~


The cool breeze brushed against Rougeoyer's soft red scales as he watched the sun set. The swish of leaves filled his ears as he sat atop a jungle tree, quite some distance away from the village. Amaryllis was beside him, her tail coiled around his right leg. They were silent as the forest went dark. They could occasionally see fireflies peak out from the treetops and birds screech. After all, it was still a jungle. Far out was the tie-dye glow of their village, courtesy of the Luminbrilles. The duo sat in silence until it was broken by Amaryllis.

"That dream must've been a sign."

"Mm hm," Rougeoyer mumbled.

"But it's been weeks. And nothing has happened."

"Score two for captain obvious."

"Amar is the most beautiful Flos in the forest."


"And Rouger would love nothing more than to mate her."

"Uh hu- wait a second," Rougeoyer flew out of though to turn towards Amaryllis, ears and feelers fallen back as she laughed. No one but Amaryllis would be able to tell that he was blushing due to his red scales. 

"That would be cross-breeding, Amar!"

"You make it sound like we're animals. And that it's never been done before."

Rougeoyer shook his head. "We're getting off topic," he avoided, "the dream- why would Mayry and Hayry choose us?"

"Well, either it was a mistake, were just some story being told by my dad, or Mayry and Hayry needed some fresh, young minds."

"Yeah, to sacrifice," Rougeoyer shivered as the memories of the dreams reignited in his mind.

"They wouldn't do that. Unless it was for, like, the greater good," the Flos spoke softly.

"Like I'm worth sacrificing!" Rougeoyer sighed, throwing his hands up. Amaryllis chuckled.

"Well, if it'd help, we can talk to my mom. She knows someone who can interpret dreams."

"At this point, what choice do we have? The dream can't simply go unnoticed."

It was agreed. Go to Dragontail so she can find someone to interpret their dream. Hopefully it wasn't as literal as it seemed. Amaryllis glided below the treetops as Rougeoyer climbed down head first. Once on the ground, the duo pranced off to locate Dragontail, which was easier said than done. Dragontail was one of the Catchers, meaning she and her bonding partner located insects and flowers, recorded where they naturally grew and why, then proceeded to try and grow them nearby. Luckily for Rougeoyer and Amaryllis, Dragontail should be teaching rather than out in the field at this time of... just past dusk? It was hard to tell, with seven moons in the sky. It was bright enough to simulate a soft sun, and the sun had just set... Regardless, Dragontail usually taught both day and night partners for the purpose of breaks for dragons who specialized in specifically night or day.

Dragontail's teaching area was lush and just as far from the village as Largeur's teaching area. Once there, Rougeoyer saw the snouts of students in bushes, while the tail of others stuck out of them. Dragontail seemed mildly pleased with her work, swishing her... well, dragontail-inspired dragon tail across the dirt, picking up some dust. Amaryllis just happened to get it right in the snout, coughing. Dragontail's ears perked up as she turned around.

"Oh, Amaryllis, sweetheart, sorry, I didn't see you there!" the mother brushed off some dust that had laid on her daughter.

"That means we must be super stealthy!" Amaryllis exclaimed like an excited dragonet.

"The day I meet a stealthy Luminbrille is the day where Mayry and Hayry come down from the sky to make me a God!" Rougeoyer noted, chuckling at the thought of a Luminbrille sneaking up on a dragon, despite their glowing scales.

"So, what brings you two here? Wanna start class early?"

"No!" Rougeoyer squeaked, a little too frightened, "no, no, um, actually, it's about dream interpretation. Amaryllis said you knew someone."

Dragontail pondered this for a moment before turning towards Rougeoyer. "I do, but they're not dragon. Not full dragon, to be precise"

When Rougeoyer tilted his head in confusion, Dragontail continued. "It's a Seraph."

"They can talk?!" Rougeoyer questioned.

"Kinda. It's broken dragon. Probably as a result of their... hybrid...ness. I know one of them who knew how to interpret dreams. They were actually outcasted for it. The others thought he was crazy. He actually lives in the forest. Just, hear for the name 'Armir'."

Rougeoyer nodded his head in understanding. "Where exactly does he live? It's a pretty big jungle."

"I've got a map back at home for you guys to use. Just grab it and-" before she finished her sentence, she turned to check on her students after hearing the sound of struggling. Rougeoyer and Amaryllis peaked over Dragontail to find a yellow Luminbrille holding the beak of a toucan while the rest of the bird struggled to get away from the glowing dragon. Dragontail sighed.

"Soleil, that's not a banana, that's a toucan."

"What? It is so a banana, this bird is just trying to hide it from me!"

Although Rougeoyer wanted to see how this played out, Amaryllis slowly dragged him off by the tail as he complained to her. He ranted on about how educational the experience could be and played the 'if you ever loved me, you would let me see Soleil make a fool of himself!' card. Amaryllis shook her head, turning her head only to snort at Rougeoyer. Once she dragged him to their Flos den, she left him outside to lay on his back. For most dragons, it would've probably been uncomfortable as a result of their spine ridges, but his were soft, allowing flexibility.

Amaryllis rumbled around inside before slipping out from the entrance, a scroll in hand. Rougeoyer perked up, ears and feeler pointed upwards. He fumbled for a bit before ending up onto his stomach. He took a curious closer glance towards the scroll.

"This it?" he asked, snorting on the scroll to blow off some dust.

Amaryllis coughed a bit as Rougeoyer waved his clawless paw at the dust. "I don't know," she spoke, "does 'possible locations of Armir the Seraph' sound like a good start?"

"Very," the Luminbrille answered, brushing his tail against Amaryllis. The Flos coiled her own tail around his for a moment before they decided to open the scroll. It was a little rushed and smudged, but remained readable. The duo were able to point out familiar parts of the jungle before they traced their gaze to a few Xs on the map, which were obviously indicators of Armir's possible locations. There was one located in a cave the pair knew and was most likely the Seraph's den, making it the place he would most likely be at a time like this. After confirming the location, Amaryllis rolled up the scroll and began flying off in the direction of the cave. Rougeoyer followed swiftly on foot.

Rougeoyer was soon complaining about how far the cave was. In return, Amaryllis told him to dragon up. Rougeoyer would say something like 'maybe it would be easier to dragon up if I could fly!' She would respond with 'okay then, just squirrel up', which resulted with his roar of laughter. Eventually, to Amaryllis' relief, the cave was in sight, just beyond some trees. She landed beside Rougeoyer, wrapping her tail around his head to shut up his complaining. They advanced into the clearing just outside of the cave, the moonlight illuminating the area. They peaked inside the cave to find a golden and red feathered creature; better known as a Seraph. This must've been Armir.

He was a lot bigger than they expected. They knew Seraphs were approximately the size of half a full grown oak, which meant it was about a quarter of a typical jungle tree, but Armir seemed larger than average. Or maybe that was just them being smaller than average dragons. Regardless, they were starting to doubt their plan. As Rougeoyer shook his head wildly, Amaryllis sighed and inhaled bravely.

"Hello? Armir?" the Flos spoke with confidence.

The Seraph shifted, wings fluttering as he stuck out his head from his feathers. He seemed more than grumpy.

"Who's are there?" Armir demanded. It took Rougeoyer a second to realize what was said. Broken dragon, well of course.

"I'm Amaryllis, and this is Rougeoyer. We don't mean to bother-"

"Which you're diding."

"-but we needed your help with... Dream interpretation...?"

Amaryllis shrunk down, as if trying to act meek to prevent any aggression. Armir, obviously not nocturnal, was too tired to care for aggression. All he saw were nosey little dragonets, metaphorically poking him with a stick. Little did he not know is that Rougeoyer was actually tempted to.

"Dream interprerert-" he began in a grumpy tone.

"Interpretation," Rougeoyer helped, earning himself a glare from the Seraph.

"Speak of your dream."

Rougeoyer and Amaryllis exchanged their own glances before Amaryllis began retelling the gruesome. Rougeoyer's shiver built throughout the story as Amaryllis left no detail out of her explanations. I mean, for dream interpretation, it would be best to include everything. Armir seemed to be listening carefully. Once Amaryllis finished, Rougeoyer turned towards Armir.

"So?" the Luminbrille started, "what do you think?"

"Thought yous ate something bad, honestly."

"I can assure you that our food was fine. Can you actually interprete dreams or not?"

"Feh! It's reason why I got removed from flock! I understand none of start but the end is common to that of the end of peace across your dragon world. Seraphs will be left alone, most likely."

"What?" Rougeoyer asked, slightly panicking, "no, wait, it can't be that black and white."

"Most dreams is not. Yours has non existent other explanations."

"Maybe we didn't explain it right. It started-"

"Nope. The conflict not is you explaining. It is you not accepting. Now, accept my answer and allow my slumber."

And with that said, Armir placed his head back onto his feathers before Rougeoyer could respond. Rougeoyer's scales grew brighter as did his annoyance as he picked up a stone to hurl at the Seraph. Amaryllis placed a claw on his paw, shaking her head and his scales dimmed back to their normal brightness as the stone stipped from his paw. Together, they stumbled back to the village. Maybe they wouldn't miss Catchers class with Dragontail. Now that would be a nice change.

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