Prologue: Terragon's Newest Additions

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The picture above was drawn by the very artistic ThunderclanWarrior12. I suggest checking her out if you love the art~


The night sky sparkled as the stars oversaw the land and seas of Terragon. Six of the fifteen moons lit the jungle with a mystical glow as the rays peeked through the cracks left in the canopy. Although most of the species present in the jungle were asleep, there were a few who differed in routine, calling out through the forest. In addition to the magical scene were two species of the world's dominant creatures: dragons. These were the Flos and the Luminbrille, which was common as their unspoken alliance had remained for many generations.

A year old Luminbrille - who had earned the name of Rougeoyer - leapt across the forest floor, his undetermined white glow flashing as he raced along. His physique allowed long leaps rather than sprinting, as his back legs were longer and more powerful than his front. They were more adapted to grabbing objects like vines and insects. His soft, lightweight tail glowed the brightest and resembled that of a squirrel rather than a lizard. His ears and feelers, shaped like longer ears, were pressed down to prevent drag. Rougeoyer's oval head also helped him with this, as his large black eyes granted him vision through the night. Though flight would seem the most efficient for a dragon, Luminbrilles did not poses wings like many of the others. He would have to settle for leaping and walking.

Rougeoyer, like many of the Flos and Luminbrilles, was excited. A nest of Flos eggs were scheduled to hatch, meaning he had the potential to find a bonding partner. As a bonding partner, he would spend the rest of his life with this Flos, helping each other and such. A symbiotic relationship. It was also the reason he had not bothered to make friends with other Luminbrilles; his life would revolve around the Flos'. Rougeoyer leapt into the Flos and Luminbrille's village, swiftly navigating around the other dragons, some awake and some asleep.Most of the Flos weren't nocturnal, as the flower which possessed the nectar they consumed was more active during the day. As a result, their lives revolved around the flower, just as their Luminbrille partner's life revolved around them.

Rougeoyer soon found himself galloping with other Luminbrilles, all who weren't too much younger than him and all shared the undetermined white shade of glow. They all seemed to be heading to the scheduled Flos nest, which consisted of a mound of grass and leaves, for the Flower Ceremony. Rougeoyer found himself laughing along with the younger dragonets as they snuck in between the adults, some who shook their heads while others laughed as well. He, like the other anxious Luminbrille dragonets, awaited in front of the adults, being a part of the Flos and Luminbrille circle that formed around the nest. The only dragons in the centre were the new parents, who seemed just as excited as the young Luminbrilles.

Although Rougeoyer couldn't see the eggs clearly, he did see the multiple variants of flowers offered around the nest. It was custom for a variety of fresh flowers to be placed around the newborn's nest, as the Flos dragonets were to choose a flower they liked the most. This choice would not only determine the shade of their scales, but where they would live when grown up, their sleep cycle, and their food source. In other words, they would most likely make their most life changing decision at birth. It was a lot on the line and Rougeoyer would sometimes ponder what it was like for these newborns. Were they pressured, or didn't even care? Maybe he'd be able to ask his bonding partner when grown.

Regardless, the whole process seemed a lot more intricate than the Luminbrille's hatching. The glowing eggs would be hung from a tree using a hammock made of leaves. The dragonets would have to climb down after birth. Sure, it was a lot to ask, but it ensured that they would be able to compensate for their lack of wings. Sometimes it took weeks for a dragonet to climb down, but there had never been a time where one was unsuccessful, thankfully. Injured, maybe, but they survived.

Rougeoyer turned his focus back onto the ceremony, where he was able to get glimpses of the eggs as they shook. Many of the adults gasped excitedly and began whispering to each other. Rougeoyer, too, was whispering to the younger dragonets.

"It's happening," hissed one of his fellow Luminbrille.

"They're gonna be so small!"

"Hey, we're not too far off," Rougeoyer was able to squeeze in.

"They're gonna choose the purple flower. Purple is obviously the superior choice."

Rougeoyer quickly went silent as he spotted a small snout sticking out from one of the shells. He could spot the dragonet's nostrils intaking this new substance known as air. It was phenomenal. The other dragons also went silent, as if speaking would influence the dragonet's choice of plant. Slowly, the dragonet bursted out of its shell, followed by the others. One of the Luminbrilles beside Rougeoyer jumped up excited and began to trot towards the nest, only to be held back by an elder Flos.

"Wait," she hissed, "they still have to choose their favourite flower. Once all have been determined, then you may step forward."

She made it seem like this choice was equivalent to life and death, which made Rougeoyer gulp then shift his weight. Although it made sense that this choice was important, Rougeoyer had not expected the intensity and stress that he should've had. He interpreted the meeting subtle but... right. Like, he'd know when he had the right partner. Just as he now knew that it was almost time.

The small Flos dragonets had all been freed from their egg shells and were observing the world around them, which was crowded with colourful Flos and glowing Luminbrilles. Eventually one of them, one of the first to escape their shell, crawled over to one of the flowers placed around them. They seemed so curious and carefree that it made Rougeoyer question their decision making skills. Two others decided to follow this leader, all of them taking a whiff of on of the flowers: a pink and white Amaryllis. The leader seemed to enjoy the scent and grasped the flower in its small talons. Shortly after, it tasted the nectar and fell in love. Within about thirty seconds, the scales of the dragonet shifted to match the colours of the Amaryllis. The parents of the small dragon dubbed it, or rather her, after the flower: Amaryllis.

The others weren't easily satisfied, walking elsewhere. There were a few double up in flower choices, but eventually all of the other Flos were also covered in a beautiful array of colours. With the Flos dragonets satisfied, the Luminbrille dragonets were becoming anxious. The elder who had previously held them back did nothing of the sorts when Rougeoyer stepped forward. Soon, all of the Luminbrille dragonets approached the Flos newborns was cautious movements. Rougeoyer took his time, which allowed the other Luminbrilles to bond with the Flos. When the group was down to half, Rougeoyer finally decided to approach one of the Flos, specifically Amaryllis. The dragonets locked eyes and Rougeoyer could feel a spark within him. He no longer felt afraid. When looking into her eyes, he felt at peace.

As Rougeoyer approached Amaryllis, he could barely feel the spark in his chest spread out to the rest of his body. In fact, he didn't realize the colour of his glow shift from white to red. By the time they were in arms distance, Rougeoyer had no spot of white on his soft scales.

"Hello?" he mustered as he kept eye contact. In response, the dragonet garbled something and waddled over to inspect him. After the longest moment of his life, the weight on his chest lifted as Amaryllis crawled over to him and touched snout tips. It seemed like the moons and stars flashed brighter upon their interaction, but Rougeoyer only had one thing on his mind.

This moment. This is right.

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