The Sanctuary Of Sideville: N...

By Richie-LinnuxOnyx

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Thrill to the story of a post-apocalyptic state Earth where everything has turned south, a story where spanni... More

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By Richie-LinnuxOnyx

As per usual I woke up shuttering my eyes, groggily sitting up from my bed, not like the beds from before, but this will have to do…
I kept my eyes shut, not wanting to do anything other than to rest my head ontop of my pillow, enjoy some more sleep and the safety of it too, albeit a false sense of safety I can melt to….

A beep of buttons can be heard, then a loud knocking outside my bedroom door has taken my attention from my thoughts and into the source of the noise. There is only one person with the access code apart from myself that can enter my apartment and have the decency to not barge into my bedroom unexpectedly.

"Wilfrid open the door!" A loud male voice is demanding my attention and bringing me to reality, leaving my loopy thoughts behind. There is only one person this could be….

"What is it Logan?" I raised my voice so my best friend can hear my question. My muscle memory is forcing me to get up from bed while my mind wants nothing more then rest, leaving me into a dilemma of what I should do versus what would be nice to do….

The knocking on my door became much louder and faster. Logan obviously growing more impatient that he didn't get a response, well he did, he just couldn't hear me, but that didn't stop him relentlessly pounding my door with his hands.

I immediately got up from the my bed and lazily walked over to the door, then pressed a button which opened the door, revealing a man-like figure in front of me. As I predicted, it is Logan, he was tapping his feet impatiently and crossed his arms, his curly red hair was a little neater today then usual, apart from a strand that falls below his eyebrow….

"Well, good morning to you Wilfrid, we have jobs to do in case you forgot, assigned by the Headwatch"
Logan sounded almost mad at me. Oh right he has every reason too, the Headwatch has assigned everyone that has turned eighteen to apply to a specialised permanent job in the Sanctuary where we will be doing tasks that would suit us best. I and Logan have applied to the security branch called "Militarum Protectorate" and, we were meant to do it together.

I jumped at the realisation today is the day where we would be taking part in our future "jobs". Logan couldn't help but transition into a laughing fit when he seen my reaction.

"Well we better go then, I do not want to be late!" I exclaimed. I do not want to be late at this course and I don't think the Headwatch would be happy with me.

Logan placed his hand on my shoulder keeping me in place, then took a step back and looked up and down at me.

"I see you are dressed and dressed into the same clothes as yesterday it seems" he quirked up an eyebrow while looking at me, wanting an explanation, but Logan could tell I fell asleep in them and didn't bother getting changed, before I could reply he continued on
"Anyways, those clothes you are wearing are good enough, come on now, we have to get breakfast first before we do anything else later on today"

I immediately put on some runners that were outside my door, feeling the air from these refined shoes refresh and ventilate my feet after each step. I walked across my apartment to the exit door, I pressed a button and the door slided into the walls for Logan, hissing as it moved.

"Thank you, you're such a gentleman" Logan said, smirking at me as he left my apartment. I followed soon after him and pressed the lock button which closed my apartment door and a sealing came over the access panel.
I walked side to side with Logan to the Cafeteria.

"Of course I am such a gentleman, my motto is ladies first" I smiled triumphantly at Logan, while Logan only could think of a counter, but none came to his mind it seems. Anyways, with this new opportunity I should probably say something about his clothes, he said something about mine, so fair is fair!
"Oh, look we have Logan from three years ago, Logan from two years ago and Logan from one year ago with me today, point is you don't change your style at all, always basically the same type of clothing" I now had a grin on my face, satisfied with my rant while Logan could only faintly groan at me mocking his simple style of just wearing a grey suite of clothes that has blue optic strips weaving across his clothes, the seams going unnoticed.

"I shouldn't have woken you up at all" Logan silently said, but loud enough for me to hear it.

"I see you have regrets already, you've made that apparent" I turned my head to see Logan's facial expression, he just only sighed.

Now with him quiet I can focus my mind on what's probably going to happen today. Well today is a big day…
Today is going to determine if I am actually able to take the job as part of the Militarum Protectorate in this Sanctuary, the role of this branch of security isn't just guarding checkpoints, Protectorates are sent in groups through the now scarred and devastated landscape to salvage and recover anything that might be of use to the Sanctuary.

Very strange this all happened nine years ago, when a massive war erupted with a major rebel militant faction that had spread out to the entire world, all the Democratic nations of NATO and even Russia and their alliance with CSTO helped to put down this private militant faction that sprung out of the UK, to install a monarchy, but due to international diplomatic ties the UK had, it escalated into an international conflict. It could all be traced to one man who lost a polictal campaign to reinstate the UK into an Empire, the people, the army, the navy and even some of the goverment's own cabinet supported this movement and they did wage war against their opponents. However, internationally these were recognised as "revolutionaries" and had to be put down to save the current UK goverment, all oblivious to reasoning it became an international affair, that meant the second age of revolutions had begun.

Anyways enough of dwelling in the past, I got to get through today, this will decide my future in this Sanctuary. The Sanctuaries spread out across the planet. They now hold what is left of mankind and what is left to be considered Humanity.... apart from the groups of bandits laying around of course, then you have the Stargazers and lastly you have the "farms". As far as my knowledge is concerned anyways.

Eventually after walking though the hallways, silently making our way to the Cafeteria. Not wanting to wake anyone else that wasn't needed and disturb their sleep, not a word was shared between me and Logan as we made our way down to the Cafeteria.

As we entered the Cafeteria and opened the doors to enter, we heard murmurs of whispers and quiet conversations taking place all over the cafeteria.

Logan and I joined the que and waited for our food, everyone ahead of us was people who are now eighteen, obviously being prepared for the day today, so it just wasn't me and Logan that has the best ideas…

Logan tapped my shoulder from behind, trying to get my attention, I turned my head slightly behind me, to his direction. "Psst, do you think if we do become Protectorates we can really travel to other places other than just guarding this Sanctuary"

"I think we will be able too, it only makes sense, who else scavenges resources?" I counter-questioned back to Logan's question, which made him nod in agreement with me, but he had something else to ask as we took a few steps forward in line with the que.

"You know, if we are going outside of the sanctuary and into the world, you think we will be able to see Montgomery and his Monarchists or at least remnants of it" Logan's question intrigues me greatly, but before I can get an answer my thoughts are interrupted by moving que and the cook.

"Your tray son" the cook had a firm yet polite tone in his voice however veins representing stress can be seen on the temples of his head, making them very visible. I handed my tray over to him, the Cook scoops up mash potatoes, places them onto the plate with a variety of vegetables and sorts as well. Although I was walking away I can hear the Cook sigh in relief as he noticed the que gotten apparently significantly smaller.

When I got my plate back I went over and decided to take a seat down in the back corner of the room at the table there. It was only a minute after I started eating Logan came over to join me. Logan sat down next to me, and before he knew it I am about to answer his question he asked earlier.

"Montgomery could've died or he could've survived, all I can say for definite is that elements of what was his nationalistic, monarchist faction are out there and are still around, they were just too large not to have some remaining survivors out there somewhere"
I'm now talking a bit louder then when I was at the que, but not loud enough for other people at the other tables to hear our conversation, for obvious discrete values.

Logan nodded his head in agreement with me.
"I agree with you're conclusion Will, just that I think Montgomery might've survived"
'Will' is my nickname Logan has given when referring to me, he has been calling me that for months now….

"Well we may never know anyways, but perhaps he is out there, but I'm telling you, no way he is here at the outskirts of Toulouse, or anywhere close to the Sanctuary" I plainly said, trying to grab all the logical points I can get, but someone had to interrupt the conversation going.

"Hello there, I see you both are enjoying your meals"
An unfamiliar yet recognisable voice thundered yet had a soft tone to it, my head turned to face the source of the noise, while Logan done the same as me simultaneously, we both looked up and seen the face of the Headwatch of the sanctuary looking at us both, observing us, buy not without having an ever slight smile on his lips.

I glanced at Logan then looked back at the Headwatch. The noise dimmed down slightly when people started seeing the Headmaster on sight and some people are turning their heads around to see what is going on.

I straightened myself and tried to be as polite as I can to the person who runs this sanctuary, well this part of it anyways.
"Hello sir" my response was met with a dissapointed look from the Headwatch as Logan just looked down at his food fiddling with a spoon in one of his hands, unsure what to do.

"I see, I hope you two do well at your trials today"
The Headwatch moved his head towards to Logan who is still just looking at his food, the Headwatch let out a dissapointing sigh and continued on.
"You know you boys need to buckle up today, it's going to be harsh when you start your trials, you don't want to end up nowhere, I'm telling you that"
The Headmaster's voice escalated into harshness as I just nodded to his words.

I looked up to Headmaster acknowledging his authority "Understood sir"

The Headmaster's gray eyes gleamed as his forehead now has a few more wrinkles, his hair I just noticed is greying, very little remnants of his former black hair remains, it has a grey crown too….

The Headmaster continued onwards with this topic with me and Logan.
"Well If you could not tell everyone in this cafeteria as of now are all taking up the role of security"--The Headwatch turned his head around as his eyes zoomed through the 250 odd people that fills the expanse that makes up the cafeteria--"You will have a lot of competition too it seems, so give it your all or you will have to do something else, you do not want to know what happens to people who can't do anything at all"

The Headwatch squinted his eyes at us, Logan finally had the courage to look at the headmaster straight on.
"Understood sir, we will do our best"
Logan's plain comment was met with a smile from the Headwatch.

The Headwatch coughed a little
"Good, now I have a speech to present to you all, so excuse me" and with that he left us be, walking to the front of the cafeteria leaving behind all the rugged and worn out tables and chairs while groups of congregated people looked over at the Headwatch wondering what he is doing, since anything the Headwatch does is something pretty major in the Sanctuary.

I looked over at Logan and gave him a 'look'
"You should know better then to talk to the Headwatch that way, he runs this part of the Sanctuary you know-"

Logan pointed a finger at me as a signal to be quiet so I complied, he always has a bit of an attitude so it's best not to get in his way.
"I know, I know…. Just, unsure at what to do I guess, very odd he talked to us"

I nodded in defeat, however how does someone not know how to recognise a person of authority? Or possibly pushing them to the wrong side? I find the logic in his reasons out of place sometimes…
But then my thoughts were interrupted by someone standing in front of the cafeteria entry doors since there is no stage for that purpose.

Everyone stopped at what they're doing and looked at the Headmaster who patiently waited for everyone to stop and start listening to what he has to say.
Obviously everyone immediately stopped, some took a few seconds longer than other people.

The Headmaster took a deep breath and started his speech. "Now I see everyone that has wanted to take the role as security in this Sanctuary and I am glad you all are going to participate in this trial to help this Sanctuary thrive for other people and future generations, willingly ready to give your time and resources for the betterment of this community"--The Headwatch took a quick scan over the room, his eyes scrolling over people meeting everyone in eye contact--"I am Headwatch of this sector of the Sanctuary that is named Sideville, my name is Michael F. Hamill, I see that 287 people here have come today to try to take the role as Protectorates in Sideville, so you have a bit of a competition to get the role, I wish you all the best of luck as you might need it, also do not forget to be compassionate and create strong bonds to your colleagues that will last through all the way through your service, and just one final thing to say…"---The Headwatch now known as Michael smirked before continuing that went unnoticed by everyone and set his voice into a different tone---"…do as your told, now that will be all"
The Headwatch put a fedora on himself then left the cafeteria entirely…

An unfamiliar voice crackled into the room
"I want everyone to que up outside the doors, two single files and evenly spaced!"

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