God Eater: Blood of an Aragami

By StardustCrusader

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The story will be based on the game, God Eater Resurrection. It will go deeper in depth with the protagonist... More

Chapter one: New Type God Eater is born
Chapter two: Team Unit 1
Chapter three: Becoming a God Eater isn't easy
Chapter five: There's another New Type
Chapter six: Rule 1 Don't die
Chapter seven: God Eater to Aragami
Chapter eight: Out of Comission
Chapter nine: Infernal Subway

Chapter four: Sleep. Eat. Live.

103 1 0
By StardustCrusader

I went on a mission with the defense unit. I was impress how well the team was. I feel like I wasn't needed. They were well-sync in battle. I'm just here fighting one aragami that's being annoying blasting out fire at them. Well, I did defeat more aragamis. After watching them work like this, I want to get stronger.

"Thanks for your help," said Tatsumi putting his hands on my shoulder. Brendon devours the aragami. Kanon cheers for our victory.

"You should come with us more often!" said Kanon.

I told them I feel like they were much more control without me fighting alongside them.
Tatsumi pinch my cheeks, "What are you talking about? You help us alot. You defend us so quickly when we almost got trampled by those Kougou."

"Tatsumi is right! You even command us to move back when we were down on our last health. Honestly, we couldn't do this without you," said Brenden.

"We should celebrate!" said Kanon.

"For this mission?" said Brendan looks at her. The mission was simple. It wasn't much.

"Of course, We are alive," said Kanon making her point.
Tatsumi and Brenden glance at each other and shrug going with it.

"I'll ask Hibari," said Tatsumi.

"Sorry, I'm busy," said Hibari over the intercom.

We laugh. Tatsumi sighs again another fail to get Hibari's attention.

"Thank you for taking care of my rookie in one piece," said Lindow standing by Hibari's desk.

"It's more of the opposite," said Tatsumi.

"Oh," said Lindow looks at me. I look the other way hoping he's not getting any ideas.

"Your recruit is really good at commanding. You got yourself a lucky rookie," said Tatsumi.

I feel heat coming upon my cheeks.

"I'm jealous. My rookie here like spending time more with your unit than mine," said Lindow.

"I guess so," said Brenden. "You don't mind we borrow your rookie and celebrate for a bit."

"Go on ahead, my rookie loves you guys more than me. I guess we should transfer the rookie to your unit," he states and look at me. Of course, I made a reaction. I shake my head. I want to stay with unit 1.

He laughs and gives me a pat on the head, "I'm just kidding." Lindow walks away still chuckling about it. Maybe, I should transfer to the defense unit. He obviously trick me to get an reaction. I also apologize to the defense unit.

"Don't worry, we understand. He's like family to you," said Kanon.

"Besides, we can always call you when we need you," said Brenden.

"Anyway, let's treat you out. Lunch is on us," said Tatsumi. "Also, Hibari....."
Hibari wasn't at the desk. It was Tsubaki at the desk.

"She's out. Need something?" she said forwardly. Tatsumi cowardly says no. We snicker. Tatsumi frown and glare at us.

"You are awfully around a lot with the defense unit," said Kota putting his hand behind his head.

"Are you jealous?" I ask.

Kota hit me on the arm, "As if!" he even pouts, "just a little..." he mutters.

I giggle seeing his cheeks puff up.

"Hey! Recruits!"

Kota and I look who called us. It was Gina.

"I need a hand on a mission. My comrades are out sick. I need someone to cover me. Can you guys do that for me?"

Gina comrades are Shun and Karel. They are the ones pick up on me about being a new type. Gina was nice. I cover her in battle before. She was a sniper just like Sakuya except she doesn't have healing bullet. She makes sure to bring items with her to help heal her teammates. On the battlefield, she's a totally different person. When she's around the den, she acts kind of....how to put it..... normal?

"Of course! We can!" said Kota.
"Great, make sure bring anything you need. I'll wait for you guys by Hibari's desk." Gina left taking the stairs.
"I never work with her before. Have you?"
I nod.
"Really? How's she like?"
I couldn't explain to Kota on her way of the battlefield. I did explain she was good at sniping at the aragami.
"Sweet!" he says. "I'll go buy myself flash grenades."
Kota scampers off.
"Already going on a another mission."
I turn around seeing Sakuya walking towards me.
"I heard from Lindow. You just got back with defense unit. Are you sure you want to go for another mission?"
I nod my head firmly.
"Well, don't overwork yourself. We don't want to have you faint out there," said Sakuya.
I told her I'm fine.
"Well okay. Also feel free to call Lindow and I. We are your mentor after all." Sakuya waves good bye to me. I took the stairs heading down to the lobby.

I saw Soma waiting for Hibari giving him a mission. Gina and Kota are waiting for me.
"Yo!" said Kota. I walk pass Soma. I'm not sure if he even acknowledge my presence. It's actually rare seeing him. Seriously, I only went on a mission once with him. That was when Eric.....well...

"Ready?" said Kota taking me out my train of thought. I nod.

"You okay, buddy?" said Kota lean to my face. I push his head being too close in my face.

"Embarrass?" He teases.

Gina laugh watching our comedy duo. Kota push me playfully and I stumble back hitting against Soma. I fronze. Kota turn pale. Gina had neutral expression. I didn't want to turn around. Of course, I had to check. Soma was already glaring at me. I hid behind Kota. Kota his behind me. We both end hiding behind Gina. Gina look at us both.

Soma click his teeth, "This is not playground!"

He walks off with his God arc.

"Jerk!" said Kota.

"He can't hear you," said Gina. Kota and I got out of hiding as we begin ourselves walking out.

"Look at you!" said Gina smiling at the aragami taking a shot at it. Kota had chills seeing Gina's true colors.

"Beautiful!" Gina chirp seeing the aragami defeated.

"Scary, I'm glad I'm not an aragami," said Kota walk over to the defeated aragami and devour it.

"Thanks you two. I couldn't get it done without your help," said Gina place her gun over her shoulders.

"No problems, what comrades are for," said Kota. I pick up materials.

"You're a picker. I see few who does that," says Gina looks at me picking up a Moly.

Kota starts to do the same. He always find rare items. I only find the same ones. When I go pick up the last item, I felt a bit dizzy. I move back and hit my bottom in a sitting position. I hear Kota call my name and they run over to me.

"Are you okay, deary?" said Gina.

I nod my head.

Kota saw my expression.

"We have to head back."

I got to the infirmary. Kota forced me. Dr. Sakaki tells me that I need to rest. I overwork myself. He told me if I gotten any sleep. I gave him partial truth. He didn't believe me seeing my expression on my face. He sighs.

"Rest is also important," he says.

I checkout of the infirmary. I saw Sakuya, Lindow and Kota. I froze seeing Sakuya stomping her feet in anger crossing her arms. Lindow telling me to run. Kota giving me thumbs for good lucks. Traitors....

"What did I tell you!?" said Sakuya putting her finger up in the air. We are in Lindow's quarters. I'm being lectured by Sakuya.

I lower myself.

"I told you not to overwork yourself. You are so lucky you finish the mission before you get any worse."

Kota and Lindow were watching us. Lindow sipping a beer. Kota feels bad for me.

"Sakuya, have some sympathy for the kid," said Lindow.

Sakuya turn around angry. Lindow put his arm up still holding the beer.

"Well, I try kid." He said to me.

Sakuya turns back to me, "I understand, you want to get stronger, but going on mission without breaks is bad for your health."

I nod my head.

"I need an answer."

"Yes, ma'am"


"How about we teach our little rookie how to relax?" said Lindow.

Sakuya looks at him, "I don't see the harm in it. I'll let you handle it since you are the master of relaxing."

Lindow raise his beer, "I'll take that as compliment." Lindow got up from his seat.

"Listen up, rook! Today's mission we going to teach you of relaxing."

I feel like I don't need this lesson. I know what's relaxing.

"Now, loosen up your shoulders," he command.

I look at him. My shoulders are relax.

"They're stiff. It's touching your ear." Lindow put his hands at my shoulders making them lower.

"There we go, now lean back."

I lean back against the couch.

"Now slouch back deep into the core of the sofa."

This is getting ridiculous. It's uncomfortable when there's so many eyes are watching you relax.

"You're stiffing again," said Lindow.

I look at him seeing no wrong to what I was doing.

"I guess, I have to use my secret ingredients," said Lindow going to his refrigerator. He takes out a can of soda? He hands over to me.

"Drink it."

I click it. I begin to drink the soda. I'm surprise how delicious it was. Lindow smile seeing my eyes sparkle to the drink. I drink it down to the last drop.

"More! Please!" I said.

Sakuya and Kota were amaze how fast I drank it. Lindow pass me another. I finish it. I ask for another. Lindow pass it. Five drinks later, I finally ask what's in this drink. Sakuya was curious before after three drinks. Lindow didn't answer her. Now I ask the question, Lindow answers.


I just laugh.

"Wine?" I question if he was lying to me.

Lindow nods. Sakuya slaps back of his head, "you suppose to be a role model."

I laugh even clapping my hands.

"The kid is having a ball. Look how relax," said Lindow. Sakuya looks at me starting to hiccup. Kota couldn't help himself laugh at this. He's on the ground laughing. Sakuya cross her arms disapprove of this.

Kota put my arm around his neck to help pull myself up. Lindow pass out on the couch. Sakuya open the door.

"Are you sure you be alright?" said Sakuya looks at me and Kota.

"It's fine. My pal always cover me in battle. I might as well help them with their hangover."

Sakuya laughs, "well, okay. Good night."

Sakuya close the door. Kota help drag me. I lean into Kota to help me walk.

"Is the ground shaking?" I said.

"No, just you."

"I have legs."

"You always have legs."

"I do!"

Kota laugh seeing me drunk entertain him.

Kota press the button waiting for the elevator. I saw Soma sitting at the bench leaning against the wall drinking can of soda. There were other God eater around muttering.

"I heard that guy is cursed."

"Yeah, the last guy Eric was with him. Poor guy."

"We should stay away from him."

I move myself away from Kota and sit next to Soma. Soma looks at me. I stare at him absentmindedly. My head wasn't thinking straight. Soma glare at me. I wasn't spooked by it. I put my hands on his cheeks and began stretching them.

"Grumpy face! Grumpy face!" I yell. Soma didn't like it. He slaps my hands away. He chase after me. Kota was dumbfounded what I did. I dodge from Soma capturing me. When he did, I fought back. Kota quickly bangs on the door crying for help. Sakuya rush to the door and opens. Kota points at Soma and I. I put Soma in a chokehold. I even change position giving him a German surplus. Lindow drag his feet and see the entertainment.

"When they got so close," he said to Sakuya.

"We should break up the fight," Sakuya said unsure rather to step in or resolve the matter itself.

Lindow cheered, "way to go!" He fist pump in the air.

I release Soma out of my grip feeling myself lost control and collapse.

Kota quickly went to my aid.

"My money was on the rookie," said Lindow disappointed. Sakuya facepalm of what a mess. Soma wanted revenge cracking his knuckles. Kota rescue me to safety back to my quarters.

I woke up with a huge headache. The sound of knocking irritated me. I check who is it. Kota smile widely, "Mor-" I cover his mouth before he could greet me.

Kota snickers, "what a sight." My hair is a mess. I wearing the same clothes from yesterday.

"What happen?" I told him. Kota hold his nose, "your breathe stinks." I cover my mouth and apologize.

"Start off, cleaning your teeth then I'll tell you."

I finish refreshing myself and Kota is waiting for me near my door. We were walking down the hall. Kota told me everything that happen yesterday.

"I did that to Soma!!!!!" I nearly yell.

Kota nod in confirmation.

I put my forehead against Kota's shoulder.

"I'm dead."

Kota pats my head, "good luck buddy."

I don't want to go to the lobby.

Lindow and Sakuya greet us. Soma wasn't here yet. I feel relieved only for a moment.

"I hope everyone had a good morning."

Lindow eyes at me. He knew I was going to have a hangover. Mental note, Don't trust Lindow. I'm never drinking again.

Sakuya hands me over a pill.

"This helps with the headaches."

"Thank you."

I put the pill in my mouth and swallow.

"Are we all here?" said Lindow.

I heard two big stomps behind me. I jump.

"Present," said Soma behind me feeling anger in his tone. I scamper myself behind Sakuya. Kota took few steps to his left. Soma still glaring at me.

Lindow laughs, "aren't you two being cute friends?"

"Ha! Friends!" said Soma vein popping out of his forehead.

Sakuya clap her hand twice, "Enough! We are all comrades here. We don't need any bloodshed."

Bless you, Sakuya.

"Alright then, since you guys have the energy to fight. How about take it out on the mission we going on?" said Lindow.

We all look at Lindow.

"We have a mission?" said Kota.

"Yeah, we going as a team."

The mission is at City of Mercy. Lately, Aragami is almost at this location than Wailing plains and tranquil temple. Lindow lead the team. Sakuya is by his side. Soma is behind them. Kota and I are keeping our distance from him.

"There are two medium size Kougou aragami. We have to split into teams," said Lindow. "Soma."

Soma looks at him.

"You go to the east with the rookies."

Kota and I jaw drops. Sakuya was concern with the set-up.

"Why do I have to baby-sit these brats!?"

Soma was obviously outrage.

"I thought it'll be good for you three to get to know each other. After all, we are comrades not a one man crew." Lindow was referring to Soma.

"Sakuya and I will take West. If anything goes wrong, call us from the intercom."

Lindow and Sakuya walk away leaving us with Soma. Soma turns around. We could feel his aura of anger. Kota went behind me when I'm the one should. Soma let out a sigh.

"Move it!" Soma turn the direction we are going. Kota and I walk in silence behind him.

The silence bothers Kota. He needs to talk. I could see his face changing color. I didn't mind the silence, but I'm worried when Soma is going to strike. This is the perfect chance. Soma stop in his tracks. Kota and I jump back. Soma look at us like we're idiots.

"Idiots...." He mutters.

"Okay! We had enough!" said Kota got this sense courage. Soma glaring at him, " can you be quiet!"

Soma was talking in a hush tone.

"What's your deal!?" said Kota. "You act like a big shot even though you are cool. Do you think you can be.... Cool?"

I shake my head. Kota, you need to work on your comebacks.

"Shut up!"

A Kougou broke through a wall that we are beside it. We quickly move ourselves out of the way. The Kougou has spotted us.

"Look what you done!" said Soma click his teeth at Kota.

"Are you kidding me!?" said Kota.

"Um.. guys! Aragami!" I said pointing my God arc at it.

The Kougou roar. Lindow in the intercom, "we hear a roar. Are you guys fighting it?"

"Yeah, we can handle this." Soma announce in the intercom.

"Alright, we'll give you guys twenty minutes then we join you."

The Kougou throw its punches. We all dodge. Kota had a hard time aiming since it moves a lot. Soma attacks with his blade by the aragami tail. That was its weak point. I follow him. I switch between God arc if the aragami strikes back. The aragami withdraw. We went after it.

"Get back here, you coward!" said Soma.

The aragami made a turn inside a cathedral. Soma ran ahead of us. Another Kougou came out from the window about to grab at Soma. I quickly hit them with my blade before it can grab Soma.

"There's two of them!" said Kota.

"Call Lindow!" I order at Soma as I change my God arc into a gun. I began blasting with freeze bullets. This is only staggers it.

Soma shakes his head, "we should step it up of notch. How about we defeat these two?"

"Are you crazy!?" said Kota.

"Show me what you got," said Soma dash at the second Kougou. We are aware of the first Kougou inside the cathedral. Kota and I rush over to that one as Soma takes care of the second one.

Soma devours the two aragami core. Kota reports to our corporal, Lindow. I hunt down for materials.

"Great job team!" said Lindow over the intercom. "You guys should feel proud. You guys work together defeating two aragami."

Soma roll his eyes. I walk back joining with Soma and Kota.

"I want you guys to report the mission when we get back," said Lindow.

"Awwww man, paperwork," said Kota.

"Meet us back at the chopper."

Soma put his God arc over his shoulder. I saw his arm leaking out blood.

"You bleeding!" I exclaim.

Soma looks at his arm.

"Dude! We need to take you back at the den ASAP," said Kota.

"Quiet! I'm not gonna die. It's just a scratch."

"A scratch! Dude! You're injured!"

"Zip it, monkey! We're going back to the chopper. Not a word."

Soma looks at Kota and I but he stays longer on me. Was he going to say something to me?

"What a day!" said Kota sat on the couch.

"You guys deserve a rest. No mission," said Lindow point his finger at me. I nod my head. He ruffle my head.

"Soma is going to be fine," said Sakuya.

"That guy...." said Kota mutter.

"Do you guys get to know each other?" said Lindow.

"Besides, being scary," said Kota.

"Soma is a good kid. It takes time for him."

Sakuya and Lindow leave us.

"I can snooze right here on this couch," said Kota.

"We should go back to our rooms," I said. We were walking to the elevator.

"Hold it you two!"

We turn around seeing Soma walking towards us.

"Hey...dude how's your arm?" said Kota. Soma glare at him to be silent. I notice two can of soda in his hand. He brings it up.


Kota and I glance at each other.

"Take it!" He demand. We took it.

Soma turns around about to walk away, but he stops pulling down his hood.

"Thank you....for uh....mission."

He walks away pulling his hood.

"He may not be bad after all," said Kota pops the can and drink it. I saw Kota's face turn extremely red.

He burst out, "Hot!!!! Hot!!!!" He ran around in circles trying to find some cool water to drink. Soma is secretly watching it all while snickering from the corner of the room. I look at the can. I sigh. As a comrade, I must take the offer to his gratitude. I took a small sip. What? I don't feel anything funny in my tongue. I drink some more. There was nothing.

Kota is searching for water around the lobby. I continue to sip my soda. Maybe Soma wasn't bad guy after all, but maybe not to Kota. I gave Kota my drink. He soon calms down.

"I'll let it slide..." Soma mutters. He leaves the lobby before he gets spotted by the rookies.

Hibari told me I was being requested by the director to go and see him. 

"Don't worry, it's nothing to worry about," Hibari said. 

She must have saw my expression. 

I head to the director and knock on his door. 

"Come in." I heard a voice on the other side of the door. 

I open the door and see the Director Johannes Von Schicksal sitting behind his desk with folding hands peering his eyes at me. 

I walk over to the front of his desk and bow my head slightly.

"Forgive me for calling you suddenly, I didn't have a chance to properly welcoming you as a God eater. I have heard many great things about you that exceed passing other god eaters. That is remarkable. Please continue serving under Far East Branch. I expect great things from you."

"Thank you sir."

"You may leave. Attend to your duties. Thank you for your time."

I bow slightly and left the office.

I sigh of relief.

 "Frightening isn't he?"

I look up seeing Lindow leaning against the wall.  

"oh, Lindow," I said. 

Lindow walk over and pat my shoulder, "Don't worry about his peer pressure. Keep working at your own pace. By the way," He leans in. "if he tells you anything out of the ordinary, Tell me okay?" 

I nod, but slightly confuse.

"Alright, now shoo. You don't want to hear our boring adult conversation," Lindow said entering the director's office.

I walk away heading to my quarters.  

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