Adeline's Reign

By DianiaSilver

669 1 0

Adeline the ninth and tenth companion of The Doctor and the constant companion of his didn't know how to get... More

We meet again
The ups and downs of knowing everthing
I can't love
The Original Jack Harkness
Panic and Troubles
Meeting Martha
Everyone hates Torchwood
the escape attempt
Panic's Master
Adeline's return
Reality resets itself
John Hart
Family Reunion
Secrets are never good
Authors Note Sorry!
Normal at least for me
Death itself
A long over due history lesson
a first wedding
Circuses are really creepy
I get to know my niece
Remedy Smith
late rescue
Amy Williams, Rory Williams, and Jack Harkness
Pieces in a puzzle

A worse torture

21 0 0
By DianiaSilver

(This is what Izzy looks like)
Adeline didn't think halo could get much worse, but it seemed having Jack here was what made her struggle with everything. They would torture him in front of her and he would try his best but eventually he would scream out in pain. This would usually happen right before he was killed and it was slowly tearing her apart. She didn't fully understand what Halo wanted from her, but from what Panic had told her they wanted to expirament with their genetics. It took them hurting Amy in front of Rory for the three to come to a mutual agreement. " Leave them alone Belladona we'll do it just stop it please." Izzy begged tears glistened in her eyes making her look the age she pretenteded to be. "Do the two of you agree to this as well?" Bella asked with a smirk as Kalypso who had been torturing Jack in front of her stopped and he gasped trying to catch his breath. " I won't allow you to hurt the man I've loved most of my life anymore." Sabrina stated softly giving a sad look towards Jack. " Amy's the only thing I have left of my sister I can't let you destroy that." Adeline said her tone completely hopeless.
" Don't do this for me Sabrina please." Jack gasped out, but Kalypso just knocked him out. " Get them out of here and I'll set up the expiraments." Bella grinned sadistacally. She and the other agents forced them on metal tables securing their arms, legs, and heads to it. " First Tempetures we'll start extremely hot first." Bella spoke and soon the room was blistering hot. Adeline could feel it's effects almost immediately. Her people couldn't take heat well and she wasn't much of an exception. Sweat covered her body as She tried to deal with the extreme temperature change, but at least she was doing better then Izzy who was right next to her. Her being the one that controlled ice made her extremely vulnerable to this.
" Intresting isn't it." Kalypso said as She rejoined them. " It's hard to believe they're all the same entity."  Bella marveled as She scribbled down notes on the notepad she had. Izzy was passed out by ten minutes of it, then Sabrina at 20, which left her alone with Kalypso and Bella." Why are you the last one. There's nothing special about you. No powers, no mutations, there's nothing that makes you different yet You're the last one." Bella frowned as She winced at the last part." I'm really surprised you haven't figured it out yet Bella. Can't you just read my mind." Adeline mocked and Bella glared at her slapping her hard in the face. " You do have powers what are they." Bella demanded and Adeline grinned.
" Why in all of Earth would I tell you anything." Adeline snarled her
" To protect your niece I know how much she means to you." Kalypso purred in her ear and Adeline yanked her head away from the woman. " I'm enhanced in every way possible." Adeline sighed to tired to fight back at this point. It was ten minutes before Adeline joined Sabrina and Izzy in the land of the unconciousness.
~unknown pov~
She sighed as She entered her TARDIS her many companions waiting for her. She had Matthias who had insect antennas, yellowish skin, brown shaggy hair, and time lord looks despite that. He had powers of empathy, sound vibration, and plant manipulation. He was a Mantrinium or Mantis people. Then there was Rin Nightingale a fellow time lady daughter of Luaria. She had raven black hair w/ A red streak in it, pale skin, dark brown eyes, and usually wore black dresses. Rin was brakiokenetic which she got from her mother though she wasn't insane which Luaraia had been. The other time lord was Eron Sunset Ava and the masters only remaining son. He had blonde hair of his father, but Ava's bright green eyes and pale complexion. He also got her powers over light making the two completely contradictory in powers, but they got along well. Then there was the Matthew sisters Shade, Ransom, and Rowan. Shade had bright red hair, pale skin, and purple eyes.  Shade had psyionic powers as well as sorcery abilities that were unheard of for Pokilla's. Then again they were known for their variety. Rowan had black hair, dark skin, and brown eyes.
Rowan had control over ice. Ransom had white hair, purple eyes, and pale skin.  Ransom had control over poisons, a toxic touch, and fire which made her extremely dangerous.  there was their earth duo Diana and Apollo Barton. The twins were in there 20's and excellent archers. Diana had long dark brown hair, grey eyes, and pale skin while Apollo had red hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. " Alright where are we going now?" She asked as they got to their spots. " I don't really care as long as it's not the syrcorax cause they hate my mom." Rin shrugged and she looked towards Eron next. " I don't know." Eron said uselessly before she faced the Matthew sisters. " How about you three?" She asked.
" I would prefer somewhere less populated for me and Rowan's powers can be a bit dangerous." Ransom suggested. She was going to look towards the twins when the phone rang. " Or you could just pick up the phone and go there." Diana reasoned.
" Hello." She answered. " Hey Remedy it's me Panic we need your help, because Adeline's been kiddnapped." Panic said her voice held a trace of panic in it. " Who all knows?" Remedy demanded putting her dark brown hair in it's signature braid. " Just me and Aliyah Campbell. Just please hurry it's Halo." Panic stated and she frowned at the name her green eyes darted nervously before she hung up.
" So." Apollo said excitedly as She tried to get some color back to her already pale skin. " Code 9 everyone we have an Earth emergency." Remedy ordered setting the coordinates for Earth and the 21st century. Remedy Smith was on her way and their was nothing stopping her from saving her father's oldest companion.

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