No More Sympathy (Abused Male...

By Ibanez303x

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(Y/N) (L/N) was the adopted son of Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose. He was loved, cherished, and well train... More

Profile Card
Chapter 1: Enter The Dragon
Chapter 2: Lights, Camera, Action!
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Way of the Dragon
Chapter 5: Way of the Dragon pt. 2
Chapter 7: The Knight Versus the Dragon
Chapter 8: Forever Falling
Chapter 9: Gray Area
Chapter 10: Off With a Bang
Chapter 11: Bonded by Blood
Chapter 12: Sharing is Caring
Chapter 13: Dance Dance No Solution
Chapter 14: The Mission
Chapter 15: Breach in Security
Chapter 16: Game of Death
Chapter 17: Date Night (Filler)
Chapter 18: 4v1
Chapter 19: What Would We Do with a Drunken Sailor
A/N: Changes
Chapter 20: 2v1
Chapter 21: 1v1
Chapter 22: End of the Line
Chapter 23: Missing in Action
Chapter 24: A Few Step Ahead
Chapter 25: Tyrian
Author's Note: Under editing

Chapter 6: More Than a Burden

14K 191 44
By Ibanez303x

(2nd person view)

     It was the morning after initiations. You were currently doing your morning workout, finishing up with your reps of sit ups. Beforehand you had done one hundred push ups, some light weight lifting, and a two mile jog. Once you finished your workout you grabbed a towel to wipe yourself off before putting on your school uniform. While the gold trim suit, blue vest, red tie and white dress shirt with black dress pants weren't what you were used to, they'd have to suffice.
You head down to your first class of the day with Professor Port. You arrive at his class fairly early, even the professor himself wasn't there. You take a seat in the front row and for the mean time, meditate.

(Your mindscape, 1st person view)

     I walk around the void, perfectly clear of any emotion. Perfect. That's one step down to becoming like water. You smile getting into a stance and slowly practice on your Hapkido movements. While I've mastered the martial art it's the one I practice the least. I continue practicing, although without a partner it looks as if I'm just pushing air to the ground.

(A/N: if anyone reading doesn't know what Hapkido is, its pretty much take downs and pressure points. I recommend googling videos)

While I'm practicing, I can hear water dripping. Odd. I stop practicing and walk towards the sound. As I move towards the sound I notice a door. An all too familiar door. I reach to open it but I notice my hand starting to shake. I grab it, steadying it as I slowly turn the knob. I look inside and freeze, my past room unfolds in front of my eyes. Every bloodstain, every woodgrain exactly how it was. I look to the corner to see a child curled up in a ball, a tear falling from his eyes and as it hits the ground, you hear the dripping noise from before.
"You still remember." The kid says.
You walk inside the room before replying.
"Of course, I can't forget."
"Then it's your downfall."
The kid suddenly aged rapidly until he was my age. This kid was me. But this me was different. He had longer hair, more scars, and his uniform was torn with chains adorning his wrists.
"What is this?" I ask.
"I am you. A slave to your sadness and anger. With Tai, Yang, and Ruby alive your anger grows ever stronger. With them dead, you still be shackled to this memory."
"What am I suppose to do then?" I ask.
"What do you think?" The chained version of me asks.
I look down to my feet, realizing I must forgive. I know Master Lee told me already but after yesterday, I had my doubts.
"This isn't just about you. This is about your life. Without peace how can you expect to maintain it? This burden you carry has weighed you down for too long." The chained me says.
I nod as I walk away from the room, closing the door behind me.

(Real world, 2nd person view)

You open your eyes to see other people in the classroom. You look around and see the Professor. The man currently was drawing Grimm on the blackboard, probably in preparation for class. As time passes and class is about to begin, both Team RWBY and JNPR run into the classroom, sitting in the middle rows. Professor Port turns around and starts speaking about the Grimm and goes into a story, kinda the opposite of how you thought this class was gonna be. Near the end, the Professor asked anyone who was qualified to be a huntsman, to which you and Weiss raised your hands.
"Ms. Schnee, Mr. (L/N). I would love to see the eagerness of you two put to the test. Please take your time getting ready." Port tells us.
Weiss leaves to change as you simply step forward to the front of the classroom, ready for what he has.
"Mr (L/N), are you sure you don't want to get into an outfit more suited for combat?" Professor Port asks.
"We will not always have that privilege, I'll be fine." You say.
     "Some confidence, I like it!"
     After saying that, the Professor pulls down on a lever opening up a cage. Out of the cage walks an Ursa Major, looking very pissed off.
     "Bet you weren't expecting that." Professor Port says.
     The Ursa sets its eyes on you, walking towards you ready to attack. You walk up to the Ursa cracking your knuckles as the Ursa raises its arm to swipe at you. As it brings its paw down, you catch it and twist it. The crunch of bones moving in places they shouldn't fill the room, causing everyone to cringe. The Ursa lets out a roar in pain as you twist farther, eventually causing the beast to loose its balance and fall. You let the Ursa get up only to drive your foot straight through its chest like a sword. You pull your foot out of the chest of the Grimm as it falls and starts to disintegrate.
"Bravo! Why, I don't think I've seen that skilled of a martial artist here at Beacon since Taiyang Xiao Long." Professor Port says.
You feel anger build up inside you but restrain yourself from acting. You take a deep breath before walking out of the classroom, slamming the door behind you. Little did you know a certain heiress watched you walk out of the class.

(Timeskip because laziness)

You find yourself standing outside on a balcony close to Professor Port's room. You stare off into the distance, pondering how you'll bring yourself to forgive your siblings.
"So what brings you out here?" An agitated voice asks.
You turn around see Weiss walking up besides you. You look back at the distance as Weiss leans over the fence preventing people from falling.
"Just needed to clear my mind. I was reminded of something I'd rather not recall." You say.
"You mind telling me what that is?"
"Maybe another day."
Weiss looks at you, her eyes gazing at your steady expression. You show no turmoil but that's all you feel inside.
"What's up with you? How did taking down the Grimm go?" You ask looking at her.
"I could've done better, especially if Ruby hadn't been distracting me." Weiss replied.
You could tell she did not care for Ruby. Not one bit. While you couldn't blame here you felt there had to be more of a reason.
"So why are you angry? You beat the Grimm, take the victory and don't let your distracter have the satisfaction of getting to you."
"I feel I should be the leader of Team RWBY."
You nod your head, processing Weiss' claim.
"Why do you feel this?" You ask.
"All my life I've been train by the best, studied from the best, and driven myself to be the best. Like you, except you got the recognition of being a solo act while I'm stuck listening to that dolt!" Weiss explains.
"Well, it's not about any of that. It's about your spirit, your mind, and your goal. You have a strong spirit and a brilliant mind but what is your goal?"
"Well, to bring honor back to the Schnee name."
"Your goal is filled with a selfish desire hidden behind a curtain of duty. You wish to achieve something only for yourself as a way to make yourself satisfied." You tell her.
"Why that's ridiculous! I wish to bring back the honor that my dad took from our company name!" Weiss yells back at you.
"Who benefits from this goal other than your pride in your name and the popularity of your brand?"
Weiss stays quiet, realizing what you said is true.
"Let me tell you something, I am not fond of Ruby by any means. Although she is my sister we are not on good terms. But I do admire one thing about her. Her goal was always to help the people of Remnant. Just like our mother." You say.
     "So because her goal is better than mine she's more fit to be a leader?" Weiss asks.
     "There are many qualities about being a good leader. And they do not simply appear over night. I'm not saying one of you is more qualified than the other, I simply know that Ozpin knows your goals. And he knows which goal will bring your team to be the best."
     You walk away from the balcony and head back to your dorm, leaving Weiss to ponder her thoughts. On your way you couldn't help but remember when things weren't so bad.

(Flashback, 8 years ago)

You and Ruby were running around the house, playing with your Grimm action figures.
"Rawr! I'm a big bad Beowolf!" Ruby yells as she opens her toy Beowolf's mouth.
"Your Beowolf doesn't stand a chance against my Ursa! Roar!" You yell moving your toy closer to Ruby's.
The two of you continue to run around having fun before Yang comes in from outside.
"Ruby! (Y/N)! Mom's back!" Yang yells.
"Mommy!" The two of you yell as the both of you drop your toys and run outside.
The two of you run and jump into her arms. A white cloaked woman with dark hair that faded to red at the tips.
"Summer! I didn't expect you to be back so soon!" Tai says coming outside hugging Summer as well as you and Ruby.
"The mission went better than I expected, so here I am." She said happily.
"Mommy I'm so glad your back!" You yell.
"Me too mommy!" Ruby yells.
"Mommy don't forget about me!" Yang yells running back outside.
"Oh I'm so glad to see the three of you! Did you all behave?" Summer asks.
The three of you nod your heads, causing Summer to giggle and hug you all.
"I missed you all so much." She said.

(End of flashback)

You sniffle as a single tear falls from your face. You wipe what remains away and open the door to your dorm. Once inside you walk over to a punching bag that's hanging from the ceiling. You take a deep breath before letting out a blood curling yell and punching the punching bag so hard, your hand goes straight through it.
"Why did things have to change?" You ask yourself.

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