Angel [Hierarchy Series] [Har...

By Reader_as_YourName20

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Harry Potter Ladies x Female Reader -------------------------------------- Had the Father been so blind Putti... More

Chapter 1 - The Call
Chapter 2 - Being Chosen
Chapter 3 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 4 - Hogwarts Express
Chapter 5 - Hogwarts Castle
Chapter 6 - The Tour
Chapter 7 - West Tower
Chapter 8 - A Secret
Chapter 9 - Dueling Club
Chapter 10 - Flying Lesson
Chapter 11 - The Start
Chapter 12 - The Conversation
Chapter 13 - Uncommon Dream
Chapter 14 - To fall
Chapter 15 - Broomstick Flying
Chapter 16 - Her confession
Chapter 17 - Before Christmas
Chapter 18 - Our Neighbor
Chapter 19 - Picture Perfect
Chapter 20 - Evening Run
Chapter 21 - Wolve's Den
Chapter 22 - Ice Skating
Chapter 23 - Reo's Simba
Chapter 24 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 25 - The Godfather
Chapter 27 - Her Epiphany
Chapter 28 - Away Again
Chapter 29 - The Malfoy
Chapter 30 - By January
Chapter 31 - Whole Package
Chapter 32 - Dark Forest
Chapter 33 - The Rumors
Chapter 34 - Coming Clean
Chapter 35 - Wand-less Magic
Chapter 36 - Connecting Everything
Chapter 37 - Girl's Lavatory
Chapter 38 - The Letters
Chapter 39 - Last Night
Chapter 40 - After Before
Chapter 41 - Death's Trade
Chapter 42 - Izumi Village

Chapter 26 - Reid's Castle

128 5 4
By Reader_as_YourName20

Chapter 26

"Well, well, well, look what we have here." grinned Mel Sivan as she lean into the frame of her doorway. "Wha'dya want, Dax-de-box?" Mel, sweaty and brooding a specific scent that Dax will not ask what, flexed her crossed arms as she interrogate the man standing in the front door of the house she shared with her wife, Liza.

With a gulp –because Mel, with her black hair ombre with lilac color and deep set of raven eyes, never failed to intimidate him despite being a complete Muggle –Dax inquired "I... may I speak wi'z Liza for a moment?" as he stood there, awkwardly.

Mel pouted upon realizing that her day-off with her wife was going to be interrupted and simply rolled her eyes at the man. Dax was in the same height at her but Mel can admit he was more muscled out despite her years of body building. Curse his lycanthropy and his puppy eyes.

Mel Sivan was an international Olympian player back in the days –she still is to be honest. She's a body builder and martial art professional since she enjoyed physical activities such as those. And to make it more enjoyable she joined the Olympian to prove her mother wrong about a 'woman' not being fit to such sport-job, that and it was her dream to win most of the games like her father did before Death took him away.

But she put that career on pause to be with Liza and simply entertain herself with singing while her wife's profession to be a music expert goes on. She met Liza no more than 4 years ago after she met this mutt that had saved her from a wizard –a 'stick-holding people' as Mel would call them. She was injured and needed aids and what's better was Liza was the best medic nearby.

In the end, she ends up being the Veela's mate.

"Hey, babe," Mel shouted for Liza on the second floor, "be decent, Daxellion is here for you!"

Flushed, Dax cleared his throat as Mel opens the door wide for him to enter –the smell was stronger now and by how Mel wiggling her eyebrow knowingly at him, he was right about what 'activity' was going on before he arrived. He coughs with his cheeks a bit red.

Mel led him to the lounge room and offered him a seat before asking if he wanted something to drink, "I wouldn't mind a glass of water." he stated and Mel nodded to bring the guest's request and to get some snack on her way to the kitchen.

Liza joins him a moment after, showered and well dress with a green draped shirt and white flared pants. "Daxellion, bonjour." she greeted, kissing him in both cheeks too.

"Bonjour, Liza, I apologize for... interrupting you two on your... well."

"Hah, oh Dax, you know well enough v'at we do around 'ere, you should've known." chuckled the woman with flawless curled redhead and smoky black eyes, sounding teasing and it didn't failed to make the man flushed at the bluntness. Liza laughed. "But anyways, v'at brought you 'ere in z'is fine day?" she inquired, sitting down across Dax to face him. "Will Y/N be joining us soon?"

"Oh no..." Dax shook his head and explain "She actually send me 'ere." as he sat back down.

Taken back by that, Liza tilted her head, pondering "V'y iz z'at?"

"Well..." he coughs, "She wanted to ask, since you are in z'e Veela Clan, if you know z'e whereabouts of z'e Delacour."

Liza squint her eyes suspiciously. "...And Y/N knows about eet? Z'at I am a Veela?" she interrogate in surprise.

"Well, she figured." Dax looked smug and proud. "V'en I told her z'at z'e descendent of z'e Delacour are a quarter-Veela, she just... told me to ask you about z'eir family and location and, if you do know, for me to retrieve z'em. I reckon z'at she may 'ave compared you to z'e two and somehow connected z'e lines."

Liza gapes at that. She knew that Y/N was a very witty one but to just point out her identify by a mere information was impressive for a young girl as Y/N is. "Well, z'at iz quite..." Liza wanted to say amazing, unpredicted, unbelievable but Mel had decided to rejoin them in the lounge room at the very moment she open her mouth again.

"Very Sherlock of her." and that single comment from Mel say it all. Liza, getting what had been said, giggles but nodded in agreement while Dax grin sheepish at the two of them. Mel took a sit next to her wife after placing the glass of water in front of Daxellion and the pastries that both of them made yesterday, "Didn't think she'll be smart to get that right at first try." Mel commented more. "I didn't even realize you guys are freaking magic until you told me."

"Oui, and you didn't even move for an hour!" Dax inserted, howling at the remembrance, before informing "Mon ange just found out just z'is dawn. She also busted me and z'e pack about being werewolves too."

"She did?" inquired Liza, surprise again.

"Oui," nodded Dax, "I guess since she's now studying in Hogwarts, she's becoming aware of many z'ings. Eet's doing 'er good." He sighs, "Eet iz doing 'er very good."

"Oh my, I didn't know." Liza gasps, "She's officially a witch?"

"Ouaip, and I got z'e feeling z'at –"

"She's hella gonna rule the world." Mel implied then, cutting the man off. Dax laughed along with her and Liza joins in by giggling as she reaches out to take one of the pastries.

As she takes a bite of it, a thought came in mind that she had to ask "Daxellion, do your parents know about z'is?"

"About v'at?" pondered the werewolves as he finish the glass of water. "Y/N?" and he got a nod from the woman while Mel simply watches curious, mouth full of baked goods. He sighs, "I'm afraid z'ey do, Liza... and seeing 'ow faz'er 'ad ask for Severus to mentor 'er v'ile in school, eet safe to say z'at my little Mel 'ere said, iz hella going to rule."

The Veela's mouth was a bit agape to hear it and she trailed off, "You mean...?"

Dax nodded, "Z'e Reid Castle 'as finally found eet's oz'er 'eir."

It was quiet then as the Veela taking the information in, her wife looking back and forth between her and the man in question while Dax had glance over the window, eyes dictating that he had begin to dwell in his thoughts.

"But she iz so young..." mutter Liza as she begin to nip the nail of her thumb.

Snapping out of it, Dax counters "Do not worry, faz'er 'ad once told me z'at z'e 'eirs are to be crowned v'en z'ey are ready and since Y/N knew noz'ing about 'ow to rule yet, I'm sure she'll 'ave to be... maybe18 years old and above until z'e Holy Grail agrees to crown her as Empress."

Liza sighs and nodded, yet deep in her feels like that wasn't going to be the case but she didn't voice this and simply throw her worried wife a smile and a kiss on the cheek as her other hand caress the spot after. "Well," started Liza, deciding that it was best to change the subject, "I actually know v'ere z'ey are, z'e Delacour iz somev'ere in Belgium and if you're lucky, you may able to catch z'em z'ere if z'ey 'aven't left just yet."


"Dearest Hermione;

               Yes, I'm doing well too. I'm in France at the moment ever since my uncle had retrieved us from Britain. We quickly arrive at the night of 24th of December quicker than before (since my uncle was just hiding his identity as a wizard, we had to use airplanes), we travelled via Portkey! Did you know the existent of it? It's fascinating, a quick –but not so swift – transportation. Also, I've meet an elf who side-Apparate me! It 1was so dizzying and almost got me sick.

                Actually, Nathan is in America with his family, you could have seen his face –just so excited about the trip. And believe it or not, Nick Price is with me here instead. It's less lonely with him tagging along, and he seems to enjoy the company of my friends and family, especially the Haworth triplets.

                Long story short, I'm neighbored with his mum after all this time and my parents and I –with Nathan –had just return from the mall when Nick's dad and Alice, his mother, were arguing about where Nick can stay in the Holiday. In the end, my parents welcome him in our home. And since that both of my parents are busy until after New Year, I tagged Nick along with me.

                 I do hope that you three are doing alright there in Hogwarts –I've heard the rumors Hermione, I know what happened last year about the Troll. Professor McGonagall shared a few of it; she called you three "Magnetic" when causing something as that. So, I hope no troubles there.

                 Did you fancy my gifts? I couldn't think of anything else fitting and I wanted to share some interest with you. What did you think about them? I wanna know if you like it so I could give you the second volume if you wish.

Sincerely yours,

Y/N L/N"

"And..." Y/N then signs the parchment, "done!" She put down her quill then with exhausted hand. She's been writing letters the whole afternoon after Nagel and Ordeal arrived with letters and few gift from everyone. Thankfully the items had been casted a Feather-light charm on so the owls weren't truly wasted when they came through the window after their long-term flights around.

Y/N was just knitting her gift for her Professor when the owls arrived and she quickly let them rest and fed, thanking Nagel and Ordeal with gratitude for bringing the sends ones to her in a perfect shape.

She wrote letter for Luna, the Nelson sisters, Anya, Tiff, Professor McGonagall, Nathan and now she finished the one for Hermione. But she won't be sending them until tomorrow in hope not to take the two owl's service for granted, they needed rest –both deserved that luxury. Y/N let the owls rest on her bed then with Pixie curled against them.

Y/N, seeing she was done, survey the things she's been given. Luna gave her a pair of large spectacles owl-like glasses –Spectrespecs she called them. It was an amusing item, said to make the Wrackspurt –which Luna had said to be invisible creatures that floated through one's ears, making their brain fuzzy –to be easily seen.

She wishes to try this very soon in favor of doing just what Luna had request. She said that her father needed some feedbacks upon it and Y/N's willing to provide later on after she come backs to Hogwarts.

Now, from Mia was a letter of explanation that says;

"Dear N/N;

               I've missed you so much! It's been months after I've last seen you. Ella says you keep asking where I've been and that's really sweet, I never really thought you'd think of me while I was away. I've always think about you too, it tend to get boring sometimes here at home but the thought of you always let me pass the time.

              Oh, and about that, it was all sudden actually. My family had this case of which we needed to disassociate ourselves away from everybody for a few weeks. It's weird, I know, but... family tradition, right?

               You wouldn't know –wait, I mean that it would be just confusing for you to understand. I wasn't saying that in any offensive way, Y/N! I'm sorry. Oh and thank you for the shampoos, I've been using them since, just so you know.

               Unfortunately, I wasn't able to gather any gift worthy of you but I promise to give you one on our way back to school! I hope you won't get mad.


Mia Nelson"

And Y/N found herself smiling as she finishes reading the letter. Mia was adorable really and the way the words were written sounded as if it wasn't truly a letter but was Mia herself rambling. And she harbor no ill-will at all, Y/N appreciates that Mia manage to write her a letter either way.

Ella's was a bit surprising, seeing how well-written it was, that and it was longer than she expected. Ella's writing wasn't messy –like Mia's but it was readable enough –but had been elegantly written down, she never seen such format before.

"My dear sweet Y/N;

                Hey little Siren! Gee, I miss you so much babe! Gah never thought that the Christmas Holiday could get this dreading –and boooring –in here this year. I hope yours is better. Ma had been raging on me, you know, since I came back. She's already talking about marriage and whatnot but I wasn't really listening that much to her. She means well but dang that woman, she's more excited about such bond than me. And no worries though, I don't think any weddings will happen any soon.

                Man, I wanna get out of here! Ma gets like that when our Pop's away and thank Merlin, he'll be back home tomorrow so Ma's gonna back away from me until the end of the Holiday. Pop's not ready to let his babies go apparently.

               Oh and how are you? You've mention you're at France with your uncle, how is there? Can you see the Eiffel Tower in where you're staying? Is it beautiful as everyone says it does? How magical? –Hah, this whole saps things are getting into me. It's because some of my cousin took vacation in there and they haven't shut up about it while in the dinner.

               Oh, also did you know that there's this rumor that said that the Eiffel Tower is charmed place so that when you confess your love to someone, they'd immediately likes you back? I don't know if that's true or would it even works in the Muggle world but there's some evidence that says it works to some. I've always wanted to go there myself; you're so lucky Y/N.

                And wow, you're French? How come you've never told me this? But yeah, I kinda guessed that when I heard you talking to Lo-lo back then, you had that accent with you sometimes too so I've been right this whole time, haha!

                And ah, babe, thank you so much for the equipments! My parents never really thought of buying me these ever since I told them what type of job I wanted to pursue. They actually think it's just gonna be a hobby or a phase that I'm in. "You're too young to know what you want." is what they said to me. You're the only who can understands me, Y/N. I love you~

                Gah, I wanna marry you for this, little Siren. Just so you wait, Y/N L/N, 'cause soon your last name's gonna be Nelson too!

Love, your un-irresistible soon to be spouse


Y/N laughed at the older Hufflepuff's promise and couldn't help but shake her head in amusement. 'Oh El, you never failed to make me laugh.' She pondered, grateful to have a person like Ella in her life.

Y/N can admit, she misses her friends –Y/N smiled at that, thinking 'To be able to call someone else that, it's still feel a bit foreign in my tongue. No one else but Nathan had been my friend but now...' and she then sigh happily –back in Hogwarts but Y/N does enjoy spending her time with her uncle, Adele and Luis, Dane, Nick, Fleur and Gabrielle, and especially with her grandparents... and also her Godfather? Y/N still needs to progress the fact that Severus Snape is somehow related to her now.

Fixing the pile of letters –she made sure to separate the ones she wrote and the ones send to her –Y/N only then take notice of the box that Nagel handed to her back then. She has forgotten all about it after being busy with writing a respond to the letters. With it was a folded card that was secured into the red ribbon.

"Mum and I are sorry for not being with you again this year so I wanted to give you this. Your Grand-mère gave it to me when I was in your age; I thought it's time to past it on. She'll be happy if you take care of it. We love you, Y/N, Merry Christmas, from mum and mummy."

Y/N didn't hesitate to quickly unwraps the box in the mention of her grandmother and had gasp loudly upon seeing what was inside. A locket! Y/N never received a locket before nor did she ever see this with her mother, Megan. Its chain was silver –'Typical, really. It's expected even.' Y/N chuckled a bitand in between the feathery shape was a crest made of ruby, shaped like a dragon head, and it was rounded.

"Wicked..." She breathes out, mesmerized by the beauty of the locket, and as she take a hold of it, electricity made her flinch away. But perhaps it wasn't what she thought it was since the tip of her index finger started bleeding and a drop of it had fallen down to the locket by mistake.

When she was about to grab it again to clean away the blood, it was sucked into the crest and the ruby begins to glow a subtle red, "Wha...whoa!" and startled, Y/N stood from her seat and back away, uncertain what will happen next. She stood firm, prepared with her own wand, as she continue to watch the floating pendant closely.

It levitate by itself as it continues to shine but a sound, faint but Y/N can describe it as a roar of some sort, rang in her ears before it falls back into the table with a crack. Still poised with her wand, Y/N takes careful steps closer back to table to inspect the necklace and there she saw the locket opened, showing two tiny portrait.

A picture of Lilith and Megan beaming a smile and waving... it's moving. Below those two portraits were a golden lining that says 'Meminerunt omnia amantes.' And in Y/N's mind, it looked like a bit Latin.

"What... how?" Y/N questioned instead but the photo only shows her mothers' smiling at her, still moving, they wave their hello when Y/N tested "H-hello?" Her jaw decided to drop as she dwells into her thoughts, eyes never leaving the two woman portrait in the locket. "C-can you understand me?"

Both nodded, still smiling.

Y/N gasps "Mon Dieu! You two really can! This is amazing!" and filled with this wonder, Y/N questioned "Can you talk back?" but had been unfortunate when the two women shook their head altogether again. "I- I see, but still, this is quite wicked, is it not?"

Y/N knew how the magical portraits work, Hogwarts full of them after all, she had asked Professor McGonagall about them. The woman explained that such existent of the portrait are only painted after ones death and that the memories of whoever had been painted as been casted into the portraits so that they can forever be alive yet not physically.

Yet Y/N wonders how her mothers' –whom she knows are alive and well –are in the tiny portraits of the pendant her mother had given her. Had it been her blood? Perhaps the amulet had sucked it in and magically painted the ones she loved the most. Y/N cannot be so sure but everything had been possible now that she knows magic.

"I miss you guys." Her tiny voice whispered the truth that had been building in her hearth. Despite her adventure and discovery of the true harness of magic, Y/N missed waking in the morning, making breakfast with Megan and waking Lilith up to get her ready to work, then to share a peaceful breakfast with them and get to school with Nathan knowing she'll go home with her mothers' waiting to ask her how her day had been.

She loves Hogwarts but the sacrifice that Y/N had to give to stay there was to be dreadfully distance to the couple. Y/N's eyes got teary then as repeatedly chanted "I really, really miss you guys." And the two women reflect sadness in their eyes as they feel the glum in Y/N's heart. Her teary eyes finally fall into her cheeks and without noticed, it falls directly into the heart of the locket. She whispers "I love you, so much."

And then there was another glow and the foreign words begin to shamble, rearrange. "Lovers remember all." and as it continues to flash, something came out of the locket, a hologram or some sort, and it drew a... map?

Y/N couldn't understand but was the locket showing her the way? To where is truly the question but as Y/N study the map, which seem to look like the world-map itself –and there was a green dot, somewhere in France, and a red dot somewhere in London...

'Home...' Y/N realized as an arrow-like begins to point her direction. 'It's showing me the way back home!'

But before Y/N could further investigate, there were rushed footsteps nearing so she quickly take grasp on the levitating locket and closed it, the hologram disappearing like a smoke. Without knocking, the cupper boy busted through the door with a yell, startling Y/N. His hair was shambled as always, Nick refuses to comb it after all, and there was panic in his eyes.

"AAHHH...!" Y/N screamed and her instincts made her hide the pendent behind her as she turned and face the intruder. The boy was too alarmed to put attention to any suspiciousness that Y/N was hiding. Composing herself, Y/N interrogates "Nick? Hey, w-what's wrong?"

Gathering himself, Nick opens his mouth to alert the girl but he just couldn't find his voice. Stuck in a state of shock, Nick gapes like a fish in the door way until a shadow overcomes his. Nick shivers, knowing well enough his instinct wasn't wrong. 'He's here.'

Y/N was surprise too but a smile quickly takes over her face as she greeted, "Professor Snape!"

Nick tries to move away, to run, to escape, but a hand took a hold of his shoulder and gave a squeeze tight enough to hurt, maybe even break his bones. Nick slowly turns his head to look up to the Potion Master, only to see that sneer that weakens his knees and silent promises that says that if ever this Holiday had gone away, he'll be receiving his daily reminder of what he had done with the Weasley twin's dare.

I mean, come on, the man did make him scrub the whole boys' dormitory with his bare hands without magic to lean on. Nick couldn't write a thing after that! He wanted revenge, a way to get back to this greasy man. But of course, despite not being caught, it had been a mistake.

Before Nick had board the Hogwarts Express, he unfortunately had to bump into the Potion Master and had the Weasley Twin, who he was talking to, accidentally inform the man about their little scheme.

He may have been saved when he hurried to the train but Nick knew he was doomed when he returned but can avoid any confrontation if he simply gets out of man's radar whenever until the end of the ear. Well... that's what he expected what would happen. That way, he may not even face any consequences. Not today too, he hopes.

"Why are you... why are you here?" Y/N questioned the Professor, still hiding the strange pendant behind her. Y/N noticed Nick's tense posture and those eyes that are darting around the place in search for an escape. She decided to let that be after she thrown the boy a suspicious look.

"Your grandfather had asked me to escort you back to the castle, Miss L/N. He has some issues that need to be discussed." The head of the Slytherin house inserted, still not letting go of Nick's stiffed shoulder yet.

"Oh... Oh! O-okay, I –umm..." Y/N stammered, looking as if she needed to hurry. "B-but is it okay if I change first, I-I don't feel like walking around still in my pyjamas." She gave a nervous smile.

Nick tenses as the grip got tighter. "Make it quick." said Severus and look down the Hufflepuff boy to bid "I'll be seeing you soon Mister Price." with a glare before going away.

When his footsteps were far and probably descending on the stairs, Nick leans into the frame of the door weakly and gave a long, relief sigh as his knees gave up. Thank Merlin's beard that Professor Snape hadn't kill him in the spot. Nick is surely now starting to regret the Ducklifors Jinx he had casted at the man's wand by the Weasley twin's bickering pressure.

Y/N small voice asked "A-are you okay?"

And without moving, eyes glued to the floor that he wishes that would swallow him now, Nick admitted that "I-I think," he cleared his throat, "I think I just died a little bit, that's all."

"I'll pray for you Nick Price." commented Y/N empathically before she starts gathering some comfortable clothing and decided to change somewhere else since Nick was still slump on the floor, near in tears, and had no desire to move. She gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before going.


Y/N hadn't really seen the castle the last time, she didn't know that there was seven solid, round towers form a protective barrier all around the castle. That they were connected by high, narrowed walls made of polished gray stone with refined windows in rows generously around the walls, quite symmetry they are to be honest. It was like Hogwarts, a bit –there's a sense of familiarity too –and its twin-gate was obviously made of yew wood, strong as stones, and there were frightening, human-size gargoyles as its guard.

Y/N gulps her fear.

Severus waits for her by the entrance as she take in the view but he gave an impatient call "Come along now." to snap Y/N out of her trance. Y/N followed him, still have her jaw down. When they got inside, one thing was for sure. Despite the darkness that clouds the castle and the lack of life the halls seems to have, is that whoever lived in here really, like really, really like clocks.

Walls were mainly occupied by running clocks, each one having different time zone.

They pass by several empty portraits, some artifacts framed safely, a door being banged yet Severus ignored it, and there was suddenly a growl that vibrates in the floor. It was deep and bone-shivering. Y/N felt a scared now. That sound was also animalistic, probably coming from someone –something filled with animosity and it wasn't near of being a pleasant sound.

"So..." she started, wanting to be distracted by the shivers of her spine.

Severus glance over his shoulder to dictated that he heard her.

"Your friends with uncle and are now my Godfather, huh?"

Y/N heard him mutter "Such fortunate." and she chuckles a little at how his voice lacks any malice even with such sneering tone.

"Can you tell me a bit of a story? Of how you two met, I've been victimized by curiosity." She pleads with a smile, happy to take the chance to have some civilization with Severus.

There was a frown in the man's face when he once again glances over his shoulder to see Y/N tailing him with a shy smile. Severus did consider it for the lack of stopping the girl from asking for more.

"He saved me." was his first statement after a moment of silent. Y/N perks when he started talking. "I was solemnly targeted by ignorant Gryffindors who think highly of themselves, but Daxellion had step in that one time and received the hexes that were meant for me." Severus can admit he felt a bit grateful. "He and this Gryffindor girl... either of them wouldn't really leave me alone."

Y/N's ears may have heard it wrong but when the greasy man mentions the 'Gryffindor girl', a hint of something –mourning pain­, she felt it –was there. Y/N didn't hesitate to open her mouth to ask the name of the girl but they've just entered a room then, the bedchamber.

It was the same one as before, where she woken up and met Drums for the first time. "What are we doing here?" she throws the question at the Potion Master, only for him to ignore it and head closer to the bed. On the bedside table was a small clock, this one wasn't working it seems –broken even. But Severus took a hold of it and moved its arrow.

He points the small one to '2' and time the minutes to '22'.

Y/N felt a burn in her right thigh as a loud click –almost sounding like a 'bang!' really –was heard. There was a sudden movement not made by either of them but the castle –the room. The queen size bed lift itself with nothing support it and the floor below it were beginning to dissolve away and what took it place were levitating glass that formed stairs to be step on.

There was a slight glow leading to the depth of what she couldn't see.

Y/N looked uncertain. Severus was not. The Potion Master gladly takes the lead that give Y/N no choice but to follow. She was careful, not wanting to slip and let this be her end. Y/N felt the heat of her thigh still active. It was bearable but it still makes her feel bothered with its sudden awakening. She was careful not to groan out her pain but each step she takes makes it burn more. It was starting to really hurt.

They soon reach the cellar, it was dark at first. The glowing stairs weren't enough but to make it more suspicious, torches suddenly appears and kindled blue flames light up that let Y/N inspect the stoned, empty corridors.

In the end of the hall was something... unexpected.

Y/N had let her imagine gone wild while she was just descending from the stairs, she thought of a dungeon filled with magical weapons that would be similar to the ones she sees in the movies, maybe she'd see someone standing on an open space that's gonna give her something, a quest maybe or will give her a brief of history that would explain the castle.

She'd think of those things and hoping that it wouldn't be too extreme.

She imagines those, you know... but the reality at the moment tells that in the end of the hall right there, right now, is a... clock, a freaking giant clock. Her grandparents must really, really like clocks around here. 'I'm starting to think it's like some type of an obsession.'

Severus paid that thing no attention and simply continues on escorting Y/N to the study room, only looking over his shoulder to make sure that the little Hufflepuff was following. "W-umm –do you know what they wanted to tell me?"

"You'd know when we're there, Miss L/N." answered Severus, quickly dismissing any sign of continuing the conversation.

They've arrived to see Drums dusting off the shelves.

"Ah Missus," a smile from the elf made Y/N quickly replace her frown, "it's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too, Drums." Y/N beams at the elf before looking up to the portraits, only to see them empty. "Where's Grand-père and Grand-mère?"

"Right here, dearie."

The voice came from the doorway and Y/N turned to face whoever answered her. At first, Y/N thought she was seeing her uncle but she quickly pinpoint that it wasn't Daxellion at all but her Grand-père instead. Seeing that her uncle would never wore a squire top-hat and a white tailcoat suit.

But of course that would be impossible! Her Grand-père is dead... well physically, but still dead!

Maybe she's hallucinating?

That guy can't be her Grand-père.

He can't be.

Dead people don't come back to life.

Not physically healthy and young, looking as if Death never crossed them.

Oh no, oh no, no, no, they don't of course, Y/N's sure about that.


She's a hundred percent certain so who are they?

Why do they look like Daxellion?

Why do they look like Alfonso Reid?

Whoever was in the door just waits but gave a small mumbled "Princesa, are you okay...?" Nope. Only one person in her life would call her that and he just called her the same way that Grand-père would call her. Now looking a bit uncertain, the guy inquired "Too much?"

"Haha...haaa." Y/N gave a humorless laugh before her eyes roll back as she obviously blackout.

Severus was quick to catch the girl since he was just standing behind her the whole time and Alfonso darted quickly to check on her. Alfonso then called for Drums and have the elf safely Apparate Y/N to the bedchamber and for Drums to watch over the girl until she woke from fainting.

This is gonna be harder than they've thought.

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