Tom Felton x Reader - Terribl...

By xxTheRetardedGirlxx

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I just want to tell you that you're eighteen and Tom's twenty. He's filming the fifth film (Harry Potter and... More

Meeting The Snake
How Things Got All Screwed Up
Meeting the Lion
The Best Day Ever
Italians, British, French and Spanish
I'm Not The One
Christmas Tradition
The Commuter
L'imbarazzo Di Se Stesso
HRVY - I Won't Let You Down
The Gala
The Gala - 2
Bonus Part - 1
Bonus Part - 2
Other Stories


4.8K 136 55
By xxTheRetardedGirlxx

"This is the big day! The so well known Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter, is going to be officially out of the market today!"

Coral said to the camera in front of her. It was 8:30 am, the first people would only arrive in an hour, but she was more than excited to be there.

"Tom is going to marry the future Y/N Felton and we're already here, at Saint George's Cathedral in Windsor, waiting for the people to arrive. Wich luck to the two lovebirds!"

Meanwhile with Y/N:

"Y/N! I can't believe you! We have four hours to get ready and you're still in bed?!" Bonnie came rushing to me and took my blankets off.

"I'm tired of yesterday!" I groaned. "Can't I stay here for just one more hour?" I spoke putting the blankets over me again.

I slowly started to fall asleep again.

"Sweetie, do I need to call Helena hear to wake you up Bellatrix way!" Bonnie shouted in my ear.

"NO!" I got fastly out of bed. "Bonnie/Ginny way works easily for me."

"Exactly! That's what I thought! Now go get a shower girl! There's a lot we need to do!" SHe clapped twice and Eva appeared there smirking almost like she was telling something like 'She's not the one to mess up with when it comes to weddings.' Wait! Weddings!! Wedding!!! MY WEDDING WITH TOM FELTON!!!!!! TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!


"See that's what I was trying to tell you but nooooooo! Let's not listen to Bon because she's too worried and excited about weddings and-"

I didn't hear the rest because I was too busy having a shower already.

When I got out of there with a training suit, Emma, Bonnie and Eva had put my breakfast on the desk and were already doing their hairs.

"Finally woman! I was starting to think that you got lost in the shower!" Emma exclaimed jokingly.

"Let me have breakfast first!" I laughed.

"Ahh!! I'm so excited! Love is so beautiful!" Eva exclaimed. "Love is magic."

"Love is what makes us feel," Emma said while doing Bon's hair.

"Love is the best adventure in life," Bon said with a dreamy look.

"Love is live with an 'o' instead of an 'i'," I said while chewing a bit of bread.

We all laughed and started to get ready for my wedding.

10 a.m with the people near Saint George's Cathedral:

"It's only 10 a.m and people are coming here just to say 'hi' to the Harry Potter cast. Let's talk to some of them." Coral walked to a group of friends. There were four girls and four boys. "Hi! What's your name?" She asked one of the girls who stopped talking in a blink of an eye.

"Kim Standford." She smiled already with a bear in hand.

"And who are your friends?" She asked smiling brightly.

"This is Amy, Bea, Nimy, Josh, Conrad, Albert and Carl." She pointed at everyone one by one.

"Oh, are you couples?" She asked and smiled at the camera.

"Yes, we are." They all gathered together in the couples they were. Amy and Conrad, Nimy and Josh, Kim and Albert and Bea and Carl.

"So, what are you here for?"

"We're actually friends with the bride." They said. It wasn't totally true because in Y/N's mind Nimy, Amy, Bea and Kim WERE her friends.

"Oh, and weren't you invited to it?" Coral asked looking for trouble on the wedding day.

"Well, we were friends and then we lost touch because we were too selfish to accept the fact that our friend was doing well in life and we weren't even close to her. She's a doctor, is going to marry the love of her life at 24, knows all the Harry Potter cast and is treated like one." Bea spoke with all her courage. "Y/N, if you're listening to this, we would love to speak to you after your wedding and we are truly sorry."

"Oh, look, how sweet!" Coral said getting away from them while looking at the camera. "The clock is ticking and the time is flying. In a few time, everyone will arrive and we'll be here to question everyone. Back to you Jacey." She finished.

At 11:30 a.m:

"So, Tom is already getting in there followed by his best men, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, and they all look gorgeous. Unfortunately, we won't be able to be inside the cathedral and see everything but we'll be showing some images live. all the Harry Potter cast is already there, as well as each family and closest friends. By the looks of Tom, he seems nervous but completely happy. We can see by the way he moves and speaks to Daniel and Rupert that he's experiencing a mix of feelings between confident of marrying the woman he loves and nervous for the day itself. I'm anxious to see the dress. Meanwhile, plenty of other people have arrived just to it all in first hand."

Meanwhile with Y/N:

"Let's get in the car now! We have twenty minutes to get there!" Eva said after letting us follow her behind to get in the car.

I'm more nervous than a freaking... I don't even know what's as nervous as me, how much more nervous than me! I just feel like my lungs are burning, I can't stop smiling but still, I want to cry from happiness! The butterflies in my stomach are more than excited and I can't seem to keep a straight look.

The ride seemed to take ages and as the car got nearer the church I could see loads of people screaming as I passed by.

When I got to the entrance of the church, my heart almost stopped beating. I'm getting married to the love of my life.

I smiled and started to step forward to the sound of the song I and Tom have chosen.

As I slowly walked in there, my memories with Tom floated into my mind.

The first time I saw an interview that he was in, the first time that we met in person, at the airport and I got all mad at him, all that day was amazing! The time when I got to meet everyone, the first time we kissed some days before Christmas. When I saw him with someone else. When he asked me to be his girlfriend and we declared that to everyone. The day he asked me to marry him and finally today. He was smiling that sweet smile of his and I was smiling brightly.

When I finally got to his side after walking what looked like miles, he put my hand in his, smiled again and stayed looking at each other for some time, simply smiling and looking.

"I shall ask if there is anyone here against this marriage, speak now." Father Brown said and there was silence. Well, almost silence because my mother and Tom's were crying from happiness.

We continued to look at each other and then looked at Father Brown.

"Thomas Andrew Felton, do you accept Y/F/N as your wife?" He asked.

"I do," Tom said and smiled at me.

"And Y/F/N, do you accept Thomas Andrew Felton as your husband?"

"I do." I smiled at Tom as well and then we set.

Father Brown gave the miss. We stayed with hand in hand for the whole time and from time to time, we would look at each other and get lost in each other's eyes.

At 12:50 a.m:

"Oh, look at them! They're completely in love! Hand in hand the whole time and looking at each other as if they were the only thing that matters." Coral started to cry as well. "It's so beautiful."

At the Cathedral at 13:10 a.m:

As Ed Sheeran started singing, I and Tom walked to the place were Father Brown was.

"Y/N and Tom, I now invite you to join hands and make your vows in the presence of God and his people." He stopped for a while and then continued. "I, Tom, take you Y/N..."

"I, Tom, take you Y/N" Tom started as the song continued and as we stood with our eyes locked.

"-to be my wife-"

"-to be my wife-"

"-to have and to hold-"

"-to have and to hold-"

"-from this day forward-"

"-from this day forward-"

"-for better, for worse-"

"-for better, for worse-"

"-for richer, for poorer-"

"-for richer, for poorer-"

"-in sickness and in health-"

"-in sickness and in health-"

"-to love and to cherish-"

"-to love and to cherish-"

"-till death us do part-"

"-till death us do part-" Tom was trying to keep a straight face but he was falling completely.

"-according to God's holy law-"

"-according to God's holy law-"

"-in the presence of God-"

"-in the presence of God-"

"- I make this vowel."

"-I make this vowel."

Then Father Brown looked at me and started again. "I, Y/N, take you Tom-"

"I, Y/N, take you Tom-"

"-to be my husband-"

"-to be my husband-"

"-to have and to hold-"

"-to have and to hold-"

"-from this day forward-"

"-from this day forward-"

"-for better, for worse-"

"-for better, for worse-"

"-for richer, for poorer-"

"-for richer, for poorer-"

"-in sickness and in health-"

"-in sickness and in health-"

"-to love and to cherish-"

"-to love and to cherish-"

"-till death us do part-"

"-till death us do part-"

"-according to God's holy law-"

"-according to God's holy law-"

"-in the presence of God-"

"-in the presence of God-"

"- I make this vowel."

"-I make this vowel."

I finished and the two of us kept looking at each other, smiling as the song finished.

"For the power that was given to me, I declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Father Brown smiled and Tom caught my lips right that instant.

Burning fire, butterflies and the need for more. The usual and marvellous feelings I have every time he kisses me.

Tom and I tore apart and touched each other's foreheads.

"I love you, Mrs Felton."

"I love you more, Mr Felton."

"I'm sure you don't want to play this game again, do you?"

We kissed again and space and time were resumed to us two.


I love you all!!!!! Next one will come soon. And sorry for the time it took me to think of the perfect wedding but then I got inspired by Megan and Harry's wedding and I simply started writting. 

Their so in love!!!!! It's so beautiful and dreamy!!!!!

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