بواسطة FashionabelyyyyyLate

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[#9 in Dominating on 21/07/18] Why stop dreaming when you're awake? ~~~~ Welcome to the story about a girl, w... المزيد



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بواسطة FashionabelyyyyyLate

The pain demands to be felt.

                         -John Green
                  (The fault in our stars)


Ria's pov:-

I rubbed my hand over my face and yawned. I hate mornings! Getting out of the comforter and jumping out of the bed, seems like the most difficult task a person could ever do.

Sighing, I force my body out of the bed and towards the bathroom. Brushing my teeth seems like a chore, when all I want to do is, burry myself in my bed.

After dressing up in a white button up, black pants and a black blazer, I put the necessary files in my briefcase and head down for breakfast.

"Good morning, love!" Miranda greeted and flashed me a heart warming smile.

"Good morning! Can I get my cup of coffee and the pills? I am in a rush," I smiled back at her.

"Breakfast? I made pancakes."

"Some other time. You enjoy them."

"You said the same thing yesterday and the day before. You really need to eat. Coffee won't help you survive."

"I promise, I'll eat tomorrow."

"Ok, here's your coffee. Have the pills first," she ordered and handed me a glass of water along with two pills.

"Yeah. Thanks!" I gulped the medicine down and then took a sip of my coffee, as I answered some mails.

"So, what are your plans for today?" Miranda asked, as she settled across me, on the dinning table.

"The usual. Work till I can't do it anymore, visit grandpa and then come home. I have a meeting to attend as well."

"There's absolutely no need to push yourself so hard, love. The company is already blooming under your leadership. Find some time for yourself."

"You know I can't do that, not yet. I want our company to be the best all over U.K and we are stuck on number two since the past seven months."

"Second best, is good as well. Your health matters more. You've grown so thin."

"I am not thin! I literally couldn't get into the dress for Paige and Brandon's wedding and I did end up ripping it!"

"You bought that dress when you were in highschool! I don't even know why you chose to wear it."

"Paige wanted me to. It was a special one. I wore it the day she gave me this." I pointed at the anchor bracelet on my right wrist that I haven't taken off since it was put here.

"I am done, I'll leave now. Take care, bye!" I kissed Miranda's cheek, waved her a goodbye and got into my white porsche 911.

Quickly parking in my private space, I get out and pull off my Ray bans.

"Good morning, ma'am," the guard and a few other employes greeted and I nodded in response.

No need to get too friendly.

I entered my office and my assistant followed a few seconds later.

"Good morning, ma'am. Here's your schedule," she said while handing me a paper in a white folder.

"Just tell me the timings for the meeting, I'll deal with the rest."

"Ok. Your meeting is at one p.m with the-"

"I just asked for the timings. Do as your told. Now get me a cup of black coffee."

"Yes ma'am, sorry. And, I'll get the coffee."

I didn't bother answering her and she left the room quickly.

I pulled out the necessary files and started going through them. I need to win the deal, today. If I manage to bag this one we'll be on the top in no time.

"Coffee, ma'am."

"Thank you. Leave."

Taking a sip of my coffee, I sighed. I almost wanted to throw up after looking at the huge pile of paperwork waiting for me.

Rolling up my sleeves, I picked up the first file and started reading.

The rest of the day passed in a similar manner, and soon it was time for the meeting.

My eyes widened on seeing the  number of mugs sitting on my table. How much coffee did I consume?

Count for yourself idiot!


I can imagine Miranda pulling my ear and scolding me for being so careless, but I didn't even realise.

Being a CEO sucks.

Pushing my thoughts away, I picked up my briefcase and headed for the meeting.

Lord, wish me luck.

I have to win today.

"We've reached, madam."

"Thank you."

"No problem, madam."

The chauffer nodded at me one last time and then flew down the streets of London.

Taking a deep breath, I look up. The building was tall, at least fifty floors, I assumed. My eyes caught the board which held the company's name. It's way to huge and flashy.

Show off!

Rolling my eyes at my childish thoughts, I entered the building with my assistant right behind me.

"Good morning, miss. Welcome to the Zia Enterprices! I'll lead you to the conference room," a smartly dressed woman greeted us at the reception.

Zia Enterprices.

The name stirred an ugly feeling in my heart. It sounded awfully familiar and I wanted nothing more than to destroy it at the moment.

I can imagine myself dancing like a possessed witch, on the flashy board from outside, in a pair of sky-high, shiny black heels.

When my laughter threatened to escape my mouth, I had to conceal it with a cough.

"Are you fine, miss?"

"What if I am not? Will you give me, whatever I ask for?" I narrowed my eyes at the lady.

I don't like her attitude, I decided almost instantly.

"Of course, miss. Sir, asked us to make all the arrangements according to your prefrences."

"And, how does your sir know what I want?"

"I can't answer that, but we have everything you want."

"Oh really?" This woman is getting on my nerves now.

"Yes miss."

"Ok, I want a cotton candy, right now!" I smirked at her shocked face, while my assistant tried to stiffle her laughter.

When her eyes met mine, she tried to compose herself, but I winked at her and she caught the hint.

Clearing her throat, she spoke, "Didn't you hear what ma'am asked for? Get it now!"

"Well of you're not aware, we are currently in a moving elevator," the woman answered and I frowned at the sass.

"So?" I raised an eye brow at her answer, "you told me you had everything I would want. You clearly don't have a cotton candy, were you lying earlier?"

"No! Not at all miss," her eyes widened at my accusation.

"Fine, chuck the damn candy, I'll assume that you have a chocolate."

"A chocolate?"

"Yes, a chocolate. You know the hard, smooth, brown-"

"I know what a chocolate is miss. We don't have it at the moment, but it can be arranged."

"What the hell do you have then?!"

"Miss, we-"

"No wait, didn't you tell me that you have everything I would need. Then, why is it so that when I ask for something, you don't have it? Did your boss picture me as a ninty year old woman, with a crazy obsession for black cats and tea!"

"Sorry miss, but I think you should talk to sir about this."

Ha, she gave up!


"Of course, I will. I think he has the rights to know about the inconvinience I faced."

I looked at the mirror covered walls of the elevator and saw the ugly scowl on the lady's face.

Double score!

Smirking to myself, I stared at the doors of the elevator. My mind was running with ideas on how to shake these people up.

"We have reached, miss."

"I can see that."

After serving us coffee, the lady asked us to wait for her boss.

I took a sip of my coffee and suddenly a wave of dizziness hit me.

I blinked my eyes to clear my vision and then looked at my assistant who was busy reading a file.

Did the elevator lady add poison in it?

Taking deep breaths, I tried to regain my sense of stability. After a few seconds, I felt normal again.

"You may go inside, now," an old lady informed.

Giving her a brief nod, I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants, and stand up.

Dizziness hit me again and it almost caught me to stumble, but I caught myself at the last moment. Clutching my head in my plams, I applied some pressure and massaged my temples.

What the hell is happening to me?

I swear the elevator cat lady is involved in this!

"Are you alright, ma'am?"

"I am. Let's get over with this shit."

"Oh. . .ok."

Raising her hand, my assistant knocked twice on the door, and  a few moments later, a sharp 'come in' was heard.

"Good afterno-" my voice got caught in my throat, as my eyes met with his.


"Yes, me. Were you expecting someone else, darling?" he smirked at my shocked expression.

"What the fucking hell do you want?"

"I want you, darling."

"And, I don't want you!" I all but screamed.

Is this guy ever going to leave me alone?

"Stop thinking so hard, love. You might invite a headache."

"My health is none of your concern, Zeeve," I answered, my anger was rising with every word the bastard uttered.

"Everything about you is my concern."

"Fuck you!"


Cursing under my breath, I turned around to leave.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Strip club! Want to do the honours of accompanying me?" I asked sarcastically.

"I can take you to a better place and put up a better show," he smirked.

I signalled my assistant to leave the room.

"Listen here, asshole," I took a step closer to him, "I want nothing to do with you. I'll ignore whatever shit happened today, but show me your face again, and I'll make sure that your life would be no better than trash."

Turning on my heels, I made sure to flip my hair before taking a leave, but the sudden action made my head spin.

Stumbling due to the sudden wave of dizziness, I tried to lean on the table for support while blinking to clear off the black dots.

"Ria! Fuck, are you ok? What's wrong with you? Baby talk to me!" Zeeve was by my side almost instantly, and he wrapped his hands around my waist, after pushing my head into his shoulder.

I didn't dare object, for the warmth of his body was comforting and it was shielding me from the bright lights in the room.

"Ria? Ria! Tell me what happened?"

"Can you lower your voice?" I tired to push myself away from him after my vision cleared a bit, but he held on tighter.

"Let go," I groaned. My head was throbbing and my vision blurred again.

"Not until you tell me what happened."


"What?" he looked confused.

"Chocolate, I wanted chocolate. Anything sweet infact, but your elevator cat woman didn't have one."

"Elevator cat woman? Who the hell are you talking about?"

"The woman you asked to accompany us! She didn't have a chocolate! All she had was a fucking scowl on her face and a rotten attitude, with a tinge of sass," I shut my eyes because of the weird nauseous feeling.

Honestly, the lady wans't that bad at all. I don't even know why I'm being so moody now.

"I'll look into it. And, I'll get you a chocolate right now. Lay down on the couch for me, please."

"No! I don't want a chocolate now, just give me a steaming cup of black coffee and a few minutes. We'll start the meeting then."

"Are you sure?"


"Ok. But lay down for a few minutes. It will make you feel better."

"I am fine now. Just get me my damn coffee!" I snapped,  irritation getting the best of me.

"I already called for it. It'll arrive in a few minutes," he answered and slowly guided me over to the brown couch in his office.

Before he could say a word, I sat on the couch and massaged my head.

I looked up when I felt the couch sinking in beside me. Zeeve slowly put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me towards himself. I laid my head on his chest and took a deep breath.

I could feel my eyes drooping and a sense of relaxation wash over me as he stroked my hair silently.

The peaceful moment was broken by a knock on the door. That knock somehow managed to push me right back into reality and I pulled away from him.

"That would be your coffee," Zeeve said as he got up and pulled open the office door.

Snatching the cup from him, I took a huge sip and regretted it instantly as the hotness burned my tongue.

"Be careful."

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Not possible."

I raised my middle finger at him, put the coffee on the table and made my way out of his office.

That bastard.

My eyes fell on the watch adorning my left wrist and my eyes almost widened.

Now I know why I am so grumpy. It was almost an hour past my medicine time and my cool fascade was slowly slipping.

Picking up a glass of water from the table nearby, I quickly took out two pills and gulped them down.

"Can I get a cup of coffee, please." I asked the lady sitting outside his office who quickly nodded and got up to get me coffee.

Slumping on the visitors couch, I rubbed my temples while waiting for my coffee.

"Your coffee, miss."

"Thank you."

I took a sip and the coffee made me feel warm instantly. I sipped my coffee, with occassional deep breaths when I would feel faint.

Hell knows what's wrong with me!

Suddenly, I didn't want the coffee anymore again, so I put the cup on the table and headed for Zeeve's office.

I walked in, without knocking, and found him busy on the phone. But, when his eyes met mine, he ended the call.

"Only you are daring enough to enter without permission."

"I don't need your permission."

"This is my office."

"And?" I raised an eye-brow at his stupid remark.

"My office, my rules."

"Does it look like I give a damn? Wherever I go, people follow my rules."

"That attitude has to go."

"Not possible with you around. Now, stop beating around the bush, and sign the deal."

"I am not signing anything," he smirked lightly, when he took notice of my enraged expression.

"Why the hell not?!"

"You have to prove yourself."

"I don't need to prove shit!" I got up from my chair and felt dizzy almost instantly.

"Sit down, kitten. You be my assistant for a month, and I'll sign the contract."

"I am a CEO, not a personal assistant!"

"Then I am not signing the deal," he shrugged.

"The bloody hell! This is blackmail."

"No love, it's called making a profitable deal."

"I don't want your damn deal. Fuck it, for all I care!" I took a step ahead, but all of a sudden I felt light-headed and my vision blurred. I stumbled, and I tired to reach out for some support, but it was too late.

I could feel my body collapsing, as black dots blinded my vision.

"Ria!" I heard Zeeve yelling in the background, but it soon fadded, as darkness took over.


That was freaking dramatic!

Btw, who liked the elevator cat lady? I didn't.

I picture her as the mean old history teacher from my school.

Keep that a secret. *winks*

Bye! See you soon :-)

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