My First Love [COMPLETED]

By anjanadstifler

1.7M 45.4K 2K

If I am willing to get the love and care which I never got in my life I do not mind waiting endlessly. I love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Important Note: Change of Title
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 54

23K 566 49
By anjanadstifler

I was drowned in thoughts when Caroline entered the room.

"Lara, there is so much work and you are sitting idle.", she said.

"Sorry. I didn't know what to do.", I said.

"Where is Joy?", she asked.

"Luiz sent him to give quarterly reports.", I said.

She sighed.

"Lara you have to work very hard for this. It is not a cake walk.", she said.

"Sure. I just need a direction.", I said.

"Read the report made by Maryam.", she said.


While reading the reports prepared by her, I had several doubts. I marked all of them in my notepad to ask her later.

I finished going through the report by evening.

I decided to clarify things with her which I did not understand in the report. I went out of the cabin and asked people way to Maryam's cabin.

"She is in the conference hall mam. The meeting got over a few minutes ago.", one of the employee said.

"Thank you.", I said and headed towards the conference room.

Without knocking the door, I just went in.

I froze where I was.

Luiz and Maryam were deliriously kissing each other.

She was devouring his mouth.

Both are experts! Shit!

Luiz noticed my presence and pushed her away.

I walked out of the room slamming the door really hard.

"Lara, please wait. Please listen to me.", Luiz said following me.

I walked quicker and went inside Caroline's cabin. He followed me.

"Lara. I didn't....", he was about to continue but I stopped.

"It really doesn't matter to me what you do.", I said.

"Please let me explain.", he said.

"What is it? She kissed you. You kissed her and I saw that with my own eyes. What else do you want to justify?", I asked.

I felt like my body was heated up due to anger.

"I didn't kiss her. She did.", he said.

"Don't lie. Don't put the blame on her. How could you? You just kissed me few hours ago and now you were kissing her.", I said dismissingly.

I was tired of him.

"It sounds really cheap Lara. Please don't say like that. It really hurts.", he said in a sad tone.

"I just told what you did. I wonder why it sounds so cheap.", I said sarcastically.

"I didn't kiss. She did. I didn't expect that. It was sudden.", he said.

"Please Luiz. I really don't know why you are even explaining this to me. It doesn't matter to me. But the only thing in my mind is why are you acting to choose me over her when you were mad about her. Your love story is like a fairy tale. Is it because of the business? Or is it a new way to hurt or trap me in something? If you want those businesses I will transfer it to you right away and escape to some corner of the world where no one can find me. Then all the businesses will be yours. Is that what you want?", I asked.

He yanked my arms.

"Shut up. Why do you want to run away? Are you scared that the love you have for me will wake up in you again? I will never hurt you intentionally and I am really sorry about the past. I don't want the businesses, I want you.", he said.

I kept staring at him and didn't reply.

I really didn't have anything to say at that time.

He kept looking in my eyes.

Those beautiful deceptive eyes were actually hurt.

"I love you!", he said.

My eyes grew as big as saucers and my heartbeat skyrocketed.

My ears were waiting to hear those three words but not anymore.

"Please trust me. I agree I hated you a lot initially but later I really fell hard for your inner beauty. I realized it when you left me. I just kept fighting it. I was possessive about you. Trust me, I was never possessive about any girl like the way I am about you. I fell for your innocence and your attitude. I wanted to spend my life with you and that is the reason why I cancelled our divorce proceedings much before things happened.", he said.

I freed my hands from his grip.

"How can I believe you? You yourself said that night that you didn't love me.", I said.

"I was really angry that night. I was not being me.", he said.

"What about Maryam?", I asked.

"She is my ex, that's all. You mean everything to me now, not her, not anyone.", he said.

I sighed heavily. My head was breaking.

"I need sometime. I want to concentrate on my career now. I really don't have time for all this.", I told him.

He sighed heavily and said, "Take your time. It's a very important decision. Don't rush it. If you agree to be mine, please do remember that our home is waiting for you.", he said.

He was about to leave but he turned back and said, "I miss the food made by you. Not only the food but all the happy moments we shared together."

I was left with mixed thoughts in my mind. But I just brushed all of them away.

I have to concentrate.

It was almost a month at the office. I used to read all the reports, learn new things and put them in practice.

More than all this, what I found very challenging was handling people.

Caroline told me that I should trust my own employees up to some extent but not blindly. She was very good at judging people.

She knew exactly what her employees wanted and she did that. They all were very happy with her. They were highly qualified and very dedicated people.

Instead of learning everything from Caroline, I used to learn a lot from employees.

Sometimes I used to go to Luiz's cabin and observe him. He never minded me being around him. But after that day, he never even touched or talked to me.

He was an amazing boss. He loved his work and employees. Work was always his priority but he used to take care of his diet too. His memory was excellent he knew exactly what his deadlines were and he followed them.

He was dynamic and versatile.

One thing which I saw in common among both Caroline and Luiz was strategy. They both were very good at it.

They just never worked hard but they worked smart.

They were very quick at their work which made them manage their time really well.

I used to see Maryam always loitering around Luiz. They both used to stay together in his cabin for a very long time. I felt very bad but I always diverted my attention towards the work.

Maryam was an excellent worker. Employees like her are the need of the time. I wonder how she was so intelligent. God gave her everything. A perfect example for beauty with brains.

I used to work endlessly to understand things and implement them.

In this course of journey, I realized how much I love this work. It made me feel worthy.

I even enrolled for a few basic courses which I used to stay late nights and study.

It was very tiring. But I love these busy days. It made me forget everything and gave an entirely new horizon of life.

Hey my High Fliers!!

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Love you all <3 XOXO

For more updates follow me on Instagram at anjana_1118

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