Carry On This Way (A Gerard W...

By haleyukulele

26.7K 1.2K 816

Time was running out for Ally Shores. It was running out because she had been diagnosed with leukemia . She a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 ~ Epilogue

Chapter 3

1.1K 46 35
By haleyukulele

"Knock knock!" A voice said, knocking on Ally's front door in a sing-a-song voice.

After waiting for someone else to answer it, Ally ended up having to. No one else was awake. But neither was she until she heard it. So after putting on the hood of her bath robe, she went to answer it. 

"Oh, hey Frank." Ally said rubbing her eyes. 

"Hey, Ally." He said with a smile. "Can I come in?" 

"Yeah, of course." She said opening the door wider.      

"Oh, everyone's asleep." He said putting his hands in his pocket. "So, then I probably woke you?" 

"Yeah, it's fine though." She explained. "I should get ready for the day. You can come up when I've finished changing." 

He waited in the hallway for a few minutes before she called him up. 

"So, which one?" She said holding out two different color beanies. One was blue one was black. 

"Hmm." He said stroking an imaginary goatee. "Black." 

She tossed the blue one, and put the black one on. 

"Didn't you say that you wanted one of those wig things?" He said sitting down on the side of her bed. 

"Yeah, I did." She sighed. "I still do, but we don't have the money for it."  


"Definitely. It costed a lot for the chemotherapy, so that's pretty much the only reason." She said sitting down next to him. "I don't see the point in therapy." 

"Why?" He asked, slightly tilting his head. 

"Because it doesn't work." She explained. "It won't change anything, at least for me." 

"Hey." He said putting his arm around her. It's okay." 

She leaned on his shoulder. "Yeah. But it still sucks." 

"Well I guess that's true. I'm sorry." He said. "Oh! I forgot to tell you. I'm saving up for a new guitar." 

"Cool!" She said lifting her head from his shoulder. 

"And maybe I'll let you play it sometime." He said with a smile. "I do 'owe you" He used air quotes on the word 'owe'. 

"Yeah you do." She laughed.  

"So, what did you think of Gerard?" 

"He's nice. My parents don't seem to like him though." She explained. "Yesterday I met his brother, Mikey. He's nice too." 

"Ah. Yeah, they're pretty cool." He said. "Oh, and one of the reasons I asked you about Gerard, is because I'm taking you to lunch today. And he'll be coming too." 

"That sounds like fun!" 


"Come in!" Ally said, hearing a knock on her door. 

"Ally, are you coming down for breakfast?" Her Mom said opening her door. "Oh, hi Frank!" 

"Hey Mrs. S." He said with an ear to ear smile. 

"Breakfast sounds good." Ally said standing up and heading down stairs. "Coming, Frank?" 

"Coming!" He said in a high singing voice. 

They all sat down for breakfast. Ally's mom had made chocolate chip pancakes. Crystal and Kenny didn't say a word the whole time, they were too busy stuffing their faces. While her Dad read the paper. 

"So, I'm taking your daughter to lunch this afternoon." Frank explained, not even looking up from his meal. 

"You are now?" Her Mom asked. 

"Yep." He replied. "We're going to that place downtown called sandwich work shop" He explained. 

"I don't think I've ever been there before." Ally said. 

"I think you'll like it." Frank said with a smile. 


Frank pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and drove around for a minute in search of a spot. 

"I wonder if Gerard is here yet." Ally said, looking out the window as Frank pulled into his spot. 

"Oh, there he is." Frank explained, pointing to Gerard's car as it pulled in and parked next to them. 

"Hey guys." Gerard said, opening Ally's door for her. 

They all walked in to the restaurant. 

It wasn't that crowded, but it was a rather small place. It wasn't a big name restaurant. The flooring was tan tile and a dark brown carpet. the walls were a pale green color with a few pictures on them. Mostly pictures of musicians, like Elvis. And other oldies. 

"What can I get for you?" The waitress asked with a smile. 

"I'll have a classic ham and a Pepsi." Frank spoke up first. 

"Classic turkey and a chocolate milk." Ally said. 

"Same here." Gerard added. "But I'll have a coffee."  

After waiting awhile, their lunch was served. 

"So, Ally," Gerard said as he swallowed a bite of his sandwich, "how's your ankle been since you fell?" 

"It's doing better, thanks." She explained. "Although, my little siblings have almost crushed it a time or two." 

"Speaking of kids," Frank said before taking a sip of his drink, "a little brat at the coffee shop, made a huge mess the other day! OH my God! It was like, his mom's coffee, his blueberry muffin and smoothie, all fell onto the floor, and was smashed together. I wanted to bring him in the back and lock him in a closet! He was SO loud." He yelled to put emphasis on 'so'." 

"I don't like kids." He said with a glare while folding his arms. 

"Really?" Ally said tilting her head. "Because I can hardly tell you apart from one, Frankie." 

Gerard spit his coffee out. "Oh, ouch!" He said with a laugh. "Nice one, Ally." He gave her a high-five. 

"Hey, Gerard." She said as the corner of her lips turned up. "Did you know that I'm taller than Frank?" 

"Only by a fraction of an inch!" Frank pouted. 

Ally and Gerard busted into laughter because of his child-like pouting. 


*Over at Ally's house* 

"How long has she been gone, Harry?" Ally's Mom asked her husband. 

"I dunno." He replied putting both hands on his hips and furrowing his eyes brows. "But I do know that I don't like the kid who brought her home a few days ago." 

"Agreed." Her Mom said with a sigh. "I'm going to call her, she's been gone for at least an hour and a half." 

Ally's phone began playing 21 guns by Green day. The caller ID said 'mom'. 

"Hello?" Ally said, answering the phone. 

"Where are you honey?" Her Mom asked. 

"At lunch with Frank and another friend." Ally explained. 

"Another friend?" Her Mom asked in a curious voice. 

"Yeah, y'know. The guy who brought me home the other day, Gerard." 

Her Mom rolled her eyes. "Okay, just don't be out for ever." She said before hanging up. 

Ally sighed. She could tell her Mom was upset by her tone. Also by the fact that she hung up before she got to say 'good-bye'.  

They sat and ate lunch for about a half an hour more. Talking about random little things that came up, mostly. 

"Hey guys?" Ally asked with a tired looking face. "Can I get home now? It's not that I'm not having fun or anything. I'm just kinda..." She hesitated a bit before saying, "tired." 

"I can take you home." Gerard offered. "It's not too far from my place." 

"Thanks." She said standing up, but she almost eminently fell over towards the table. 

"Whoa!" Gerard said catching her. "What's wrong?" 

"I-It's nothing, I'm just tired, that's all." 

Frank stood up, threw things away, and caught up with them as they left. When they pulled out of the parking lot, he waved to them and got in his car. And as soon as he closed the door, he rested his head on the steering wheel, knowing was wrong with her. 

As he drove, Gerard looked over at Ally between glances of the road. She rested her elbow on the window sill and her head in the palm of her hand. 

"Are you okay?" He asked in a worried voice. 

She nodded and met his gaze. "It's nothing. I just don't feel very good." 

He scratched his head and bit his lip as he continued to look at her every few seconds. He thought something was wrong, beside just being tired. But he didn't want to pry. 

"I don't think you should get out of the car when we get there." She explained. "My parents are kind of over protective when it comes to me." 

"If you think it'd be best." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Hey, do you want to do something tomorrow?"

"Do something?" She asked slightly furrowing her eye brows. "Like what?" 

"What ever you want." He said messing up his already messy hair. 

"I dunno what I'd wanna do." She said. 

"Well, if we exchange numbers, you can all or text me if you feel like doing something tomorrow." 

"Sure, sounds good." She said. The corners of her pale lips turned up. 

He pulled into her driveway, and before they got out, they exchanged their numbers. 

"Shit." He said looking around for a piece of paper. "I don't have anything to write on. Here, you can write your number on my hand." He said holding out the palm of his hand. 

She wrote it down, and held out her hand for him to write his on. He put his left hand underneath the hand she held out, and with his right, he wrote down his number. After he finished, he didn't let go of her hand right away. He furrowed his eyes brows as he looked at them, and noticed how pale they were. She pulled her hand away slowly.

"Thanks, Gerard." She said with a smile, opening the car door.

"Oh lemme get that for you!" He said running around the front of the car.

She had already gotten out by the time he got there. He almost ran into her and knocked her over. 

"You better go." She explained. "Thanks, I really appreciate it." 

"No problem." He said, stuffing his hands in his pocket. "I hope you feel better." 

"Thanks. I'll text you or call you later." 

She waved as he pulled out of her driveway, before her parents had a freak out that he dropped her off again. She reached for the door knob, but before she could open it, her Dad did. 

"You've been gone for hours." He said in a grumpy voice. 

"I know." She said, walking in. "But Mom called, so you guys knew I was fine." 

"But you were out for about forty five minutes after she did." He said, folding his arms and furrowing his eyes brows. 

"Was it really that long?" She asked scratching the back of her neck. 

"What is that?" He said, gesturing to her hand. 

She looked at the hand he was asking about, and saw that it was the hand with Gerard's number on it. Inside she said something like, "Shit! Shit! Shit! Damn it! What the hell was I thinking?! Letting a boy put his number on my hand!" 

But on the outside she said, "uh. it's someone's phone number." 

"Yeah, I can see that. But who's phone number?" He said in a quieter but angrier voice. 

"A friend's." She explained. 

"Come one, Ally!" He said a bit louder. "What 'friend'?" 

"Gerard." She nervously said. "So I can call or text him, or vise versa." 

"Ally, you know that your mother wouldn't like that." He said in a quiet and calmer voice. 

"It's just a number." She chuckled. "Okay look, I'm really tired. I'm going to take a nap." 

"Wipe it off before you go to sleep." He said. 

"What? Why?" 

"Because you don't need to be wasting your time on calling some boy." He explained. "Especially not this 'Gerard'." He used air quotes on 'Gerard'. 

"What's wrong with Gerard?"  

"Just do as I say." He said leaving the room.

She sighed and went up the stairs. Looking at the number on her hand, she thought for a minute, then smiled.   

"He said to wipe it off. He didn't say when." She said picking up a piece of paper and writing his number down on it. Then she wiped it off her hand. 

She fell back onto her bed, and went to sleep for awhile. 


*A couple hours later* 

 She woke up, and one of the first things she did was pick up her phone, and put in Gerard's number. 

"Hey, Ally." Gerard answered the phone with. "I was hoping you would call."   


Please vote! And comment as well. Thanks for reading. I really love writing it. :) 

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