Everything I Want (Book 1 in...

By LifesAFairyTale

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Abandoned by her alpha father left to live with her aunt and cousins, treated unfairly she runs away in an at... More

Everything I Want
Lost and found
Off again
With me
Getting Hitched


226 3 0
By LifesAFairyTale


"Alpha we've found their hideout." Karina informs me, sitting up straighter behind my desk I motion for her to sit in the chair across from me.


"West of here on the outskirts of town but it appears that Alpha Leon has a team there already to handle the situation." Furrowing my eyebrows the thought of her dad getting to her before me doesn't exactly confuse me, I don't know how to feel. Do I call my team off and let him handle it or do I send mine in to support his?

"Let them handle it." Weak decision I know but she hasn't seen her dad in so long I want to give them that opportunity together before I come in the picture and bring her home with me as my Luna.

~Alpha Leon

It was a few hours travel out here to the sticks of Georgia, but for my daughter I would go through hell and high water. My men and I have set a trap around the house Candy is holding Nadia captive. My wolf rages with fury causing my whole body to shake at the sight I see before my eyes.

"Scream you little bitch!"Candy yells in her face before she swipes at her chest with bloodied knife.

Nadia doesn't scream she doesn't even whimper she takes the abuse like a true future Luna would I could've cheered for her if that were the appropiate reaction but this wasn't.

Signaling with my hand counting to three everybody in position we ambush the house tossing in a smoke grenade to distract Candy long enough to grab my daughter. Chaos erupts around us but since its three to twenty I have to admit this was an easy search and rescue. Dina came willingly, lindsey put up a fight until she was tazed and Candy looking around where the hell is she?

"I knew you'd come for me." She whispers slumping into my shoulder the moment I untie her, my baby that I loved and carried and cherished was at deaths door bleeding non stop.

"Marcus take Dina and Lindsey into custody, where's Candy?

"She tried to flee the scene sir but we shot her in her her leg it won't kill her but she won't be wondering off anytime soon." That's why he's my beta best damn sniper an alpha could have.

"Good work men let's move out!" I bellowed wrapping Nadia in a cover carrying her close to me. I didn't want to let her go.

"Angel where's my angel?" She moaned out frustated reaching for something that wasn't there, this beating had her hallucinating but who the hell is Angel?

"There's no angel baby." Tears immediately spring to her eyes which send me into a panic. What do I do the last time she cried around me she was six and skinned her knee playing football even then I didn't know how to comfort her, my wife did, now that she's gone how do I stop her crying?

"Hey do you come with an off button." I coo wiping her tears leaning over to kiss her forehead she sputters laughing and crying at the sametime.

"Angel is my mate dad."

"YOUR WHAT!?" I bellow which I soon regret as I watch her flinch away from me.

"Sorry but this is so...amusing I geuss its cause for more celebration than just you returning home."

"Mhm let's talk later I'm tired."

"No baby you have to stay awake you're losing too much blood."

"Nadia Anais Lopez OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES NOW!" A ringing sounds in my ear as everything moves in slow motion, I thought I was doing fine keepig her concious I hadn't realized her responses were beginning to slow, before I know it the ambulance wisk her away leaving this haunting feeling that the two most important women in my life will have eachother in the afterlife leaving me here in sorrow.


I feel a hand caressing the palm of mine, cool breath tickling it as a person whispers into it. I can't make out what's being said but from the smell I know its my dad. A tear burns my cheek as it trickles down my bruised and mutilated face but none of that matters because I feel safe almost as if I was in a really bad dream that I'd just been rescued from, except where's my prince charming?

"Nadia Anais I know you can hear me baby it has been a week and not once have your eyes opened but I think it is time they do baby, come back to reality." I don't want to wake up yet sure I miss Angel but if he couldn't even rescue me what good is it to live when I'm just realizing he might not have cared as much about me as I thought he had. On top of that what if my dad sends me to live with another crazed relative I like it just being us.

"My face hurts." Are the first words I whisper, my throat feels like somebody poured acid down it. My dad lifts my top half from the bed clutching me in a bear hug until I yelp in pain my inner wolf howling in discomfort.

"I'm sorry baby about everything I should've been a better parent than what I was from now on I promise to be around twenty four seven watching you like a hawk even if I have to carry you in my mouth like when you were little. If I had the facial strength I'd scrunch my nose up but everything on me hurts too badly, his new idea of parenting was in the line between highly protective and Somebody-help-me-he's -gone -crazy, type parenting. "Dad you really don't need to do that it is okay."

"No its not my sister tried to kill my daughter and exceeded in killing my mate."My heart pangs at the mention of a mate but pangs even harder when I remember Candy confessed to murdering my mother, which rises the question."So what are you going to do about her?" Raising an eyebrow smirking the way only my father could when he was up to no good he pats my hand kissing it rising to leave. "Her punishment will be determined by you the moment you feel better until then she is being held captive." Which is code for 'we're torturing her a little bit but you can finish her off when you get better.


It has been a week since I have seen or heard any news of Nadia and I have had just about enough I need to see her now. Looking through the pile of mail a small black envelope falls in my lap the address I don't recognize. "What the hell?" I whisper out loud. Opening it is an invitation to Alpha Leon's house, for a welcome home party for Nadia. My heart soars at the mention of her name reading down all the details in small scribble is a personal part to the letter I'm sure no other pack received. 'Alpha Angel can't wait to meet you son Nadia Anais won't shut up about you.' Grinning like an idiot at that part of the letter I swell with pride My Love hasn't stopped thinking about me I just want to wrap my arms around her beautiful small frame never letting go.


Candy is in a tiny enclosure with her daughters they all have an electric caller on that goes off at any sudden movement. Not like they need to move seeing as how the enclosure is surrounded by barbed wire and an electric fence its extremely tiny to say the least,think along the lines of the movie Saw. I want to torture them the way they did me, I want to take Candy's life leaving her daughters without their mother,living on what could have been the way I do. But in doing so I would be hurting my father, I mean this is his little sister I'm about to punish. "Are you sure you want me to do this dad?" I ask him unsure of myself.

"Yes baby it has to be done, an eye for an eye." Closing my eyes I motion for Candy to be taken from the cage. "Ah princess what should be my punishment huh?" Her smugness removes any remorse I might've felt for what I'm going to do.

"Candy Anya Lopez Your punishment will result in living alone banished from our pack and others, you've had your fun but no longer will you harm,torture,or force things upon people against their will." I couldn't bring myself to kill her so I did the next best thing.

"Your to kind princess entirely too kind." She spits veins rising on her temple deep down inside I know this is killing her which is great.

"Yeah well you're a bitch so we're even." And with that I turn on my heels living the guards to do the second part of her punishment bestowed upon her by my father, the chopping of her hands. Rough huh? Taking my time leaving the room my father calls me from down the hall.

"What's up?"

"Are you ready for your party?" What kind of question is that hello its a party duh!

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say sighing not because I don't want the party but because my mate is no where to be found and it is beginning to bum me out in a major way, I feel like my heart has been ripped out.

"Don't look so down baby things will only get better from this weekend on you'll see." He tells me kissing my forehead scurrying off like a kid who has a big secret they are struggling not to reveal. He can't be that damn happy I'm home.

~Alpha Leon~

"So it is settled then I throw this party for her, meet her mate and that's that?"

"With all do respect Leon if you ask me that again I might have hit you." Chuckles Diego playfully punching my arm, this man is old but was the greatest Alpha of all time during his reign I'm beyond pleased that someone from his lineage is mated to my daughter.

"I know I know I feel like I'm meeting my mate for the first time." I say rubbing my temples.

"Leon if that's the case is their something you're not telling me?" He laughs heartily resting into my chair.

"I've missed your humor old friend you must come visit more often."

"Well now I defenitely will with that daughter of yours here, she is the sweetest thing and will make a fine Luna." He nods seriously, we've been discussing the nature of our two packs and how they will coexist under new mangement as I plan to announce my stepping down at the party.

"Yes she is I'm so proud of her and how well she's coped with all that has happened to her."

"The real question Leon is you just got her back...are you prepared to let her go,again?" I hadn't thought of that before with her finding her mate,was I?

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