Reincarnated as a Dragon - A...

By CaseDescarazo

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I believe my name was Iriko. I was twenty years old. My life used to be normal, getting teased by my sisters... More

Prologue Part 1: Beginning
Prologue Part 2: Children
Prologue Part 3: A Belief Until The End
1| A New Life
2| There Was An Attempt
3| First Days End
4| A Rude Awakening
5| Snakes and Leeches
6| Carnivorous Plant
7| Third Meeting
8| Horned Rabbit
9| Shelter
10| Arts & Crafts
12| A Hidden Strength
13| Fierce Battle On River's Edge
14| Dog Fight Conclusion
15| Home Once Again
16| A Certain Female Adventurer (S)
17| To Kill Some Time

11| Field of Flowers

3.8K 154 52
By CaseDescarazo

The next morning, the rabbit and I prepare to leave the cave. While the horned rabbit slept, I created a few more baskets (since the rabbit had destroyed the first one) with two new features to make carrying it easier.

I added two holes on each side of the baskets, large enough for my tail to fit through, as well as a grass lid attached to the top. The lid had a strap of grass that can be tightened to seal the basket. This way, my hands would be free while also allowing me to move without worrying about the contents falling out.

After sliding a basket onto my tail and adjusting the straps of its lid, I made my way to the front of the cave. A cold blast of air welcomed me as I exit. I still can't believe how drastic the shift in temperature is.

Back inside of the cave, horned rabbit was digging at the ground. It didn't look like the rabbit was making a burrow, the hole wasn't deep enough. Not to mention it just woke up. What is horned rabbit doing?


I call for horned rabbit, but it just ignores me and continues digging. When it felt the hole is big enough, the rabbit pushed the ball into the hole and covers it up. After patting the earth to conceal whatever traces were left, the rabbit turns and hops to me.

I guess horned rabbit got attached to the ball and didn't want to lose it.


Horned rabbit looks at me, its fur puffed up to shield it from the cold.

Alright, let's go.


We start off by exploring our immediate area. When we first found the cave, we didn't roam too far as it was approaching night time. Since it's decided that this will be our home, we needed a better grasp of what's around us. This would mean we needed some form of navigation to keep track of where everything is.

I decide to use the cave as the center, a reference to where everything is. South of the cave is the river me and horned rabbit traveled along the other day. We were lucky that the cave is so close to the river nearby. This allowed us to have easy access to fresh water.

To the west, not far from the cave, there was this massive tree that towered slightly above the rest of the forest. The tree was barren of any leaves, its trunk split roughly down the middle with charcoal coating the bark. The two sides bent in a large curve opposite of each other. Lightning must have struck this tree long ago.

It looks too unstable to climb, but it serves as a great landmark. This will make distant expeditions less risky as whenever we wanted to return to the cave, all I had to do was climb a tree in the forest and search for the charred tree.

The east and north of the cave are just a mass expanse of trees. There was nothing notable that we could use as a reference. If it weren't for the charred tree marking the cave, we would be liable to become lost if we explored in these directions.

The basket waves behind me as my tail swish from side to side. While we walk, we tore open a few bitter bushes and ate some fruits for breakfast. Occasionally, I would fill the basket with materials that had caught my attention. I wanted to create more things when I get back.

Horned rabbit follows closely behind as we travel. Its ears shifts on its head, alert for any threats. I also keep a lookout for other creatures, but the majority of my attention is focused on creating a mental map of the area.

Once we finish exploring the premise around the cave, we decide to travel further north using the charred tree as our starting point.

I was a bit hesitant about straying too far from the cave. What if a wild creature stumbled upon it and claimed it as its home? Then again, if it did so, I'm willing to fight it. The cave is perfect and I'm simply not going to let anything take it.

We walk north for a while, there isn't anything interesting. I ponder about exploring in a different direction, but then I see the forest open up ahead. I might as well check it out before returning.

When we reach the tree line, I gasp.

In front of us is a vast meadow that stretched seemingly for miles. The other side of the forest is just barely seen. Flowers of every color imaginable ripples from the soft breeze, wafting a sweet scent through the air.

I stare in awe at the sight before me, there isn't a time where I recall seeing flowers as vivid as these.


Oh, it's nothing horned rabbit. Let's keep moving.

The flowers brush against my waist as I walk through the field. The flowers are too tall for horned rabbit to see over, so it sat on my tail to keep a better lookout.

Occasionally, whenever I see a flower that I particularly like, I would pluck it and place it into the basket. They looked nice and I wanted to see if I could use them as decorations for the cave.

As much as I want to just relax and stroll, I have to stay vigilant. The meadow is perfect in concealing whatever that may use it to hide. It doesn't help that the colorful flowers sway with the wind, making it harder to detect movement.

I would have preferred to move around the meadow instead of heading straight through, but the area is too large. It's just quicker this way.

Horned rabbit doesn't seem too concerned though, it's cleaning itself from the loose petals that caught onto its fur.

While I was wary of the meadow since entering, it wasn't until I was halfway through that I start to feel a bit uneasy. There would be times where I thought I saw something move in the flowers nearby, but whenever I turned to it, there wasn't anything unusual.

It may just be me being paranoid though. My last experience with seemingly safe plants, I ended up getting beaten half to death. The last thing I want right now is the flowers trying to eat me.

Just then, a patch of flowers and earth collapse nearby. I jump back out of reflex. Horned rabbit held onto my tail to keep from falling. It couldn't hop to the ground or else it would be swallowed by the tall grass.

Clumps of grass and dirt become displaced as a creature emerges from the broken ground.

It's a rhinoceros beetle, about triple my size. Its six legs flattened the grass around it, giving me a clear view of my opponent. The beetle's dark blue shell glitters against the sun. On its head is a large, dark, pincer-like horn which looks unnaturally sharp.

Seriously, what type of forest is this? Everything is so damn big here.

The beetle's head turned as it scans its surroundings. It flinches when it notices me.


The beetle screeches as it brandished its horns and lifts its body threateningly. I lean forward and ready myself in response.

It would have been fine if I was alone, I could have easily escaped, but now I have to protect horned rabbit. I have to fight, that way horned rabbit can dig a hole and stay safe.

I lower my tail to the ground so horned rabbit could easily hop off.


I motion for the rabbit to create a burrow, but the rabbit holds onto my tail and pulls, most likely telling me to run.

As much as I want to flee, it is simply not an option. If I run, there is a risk that horned rabbit could fall off into the meadow. If it falls, it would be extremely hard to find each other amidst the flowers, especially if that beetle is chasing us. It would also leave the rabbit very vulnerable to other creatures that could be stalking the meadow and looking for prey.

Keeping my eyes fixed on the beetle, I repeat the motion, urging the rabbit to listen.


The rabbit refuses to get off and continues to pull at my tail.


The beetle screeches again and slams its horns on the ground menacingly. There's no time to protest against the rabbit's decision. Hopefully, the rabbit can hold on. But if it comes to it, I'll fling the rabbit away to keep it safe.

The beetle looks like it about ready to charge. I need to keep away from its horn to avoid being impaled. If I could somehow climb onto its back, I could deal with it in relative safety.  With the beetle's large size, I don't think it could turn very well, so if it charges, that will be my opportunity to dodge and attack.

I stare at the beetle and wait for it to make the first move, but it just stands there, motionless. What is it waiting for?

During the tense standoff, I notice two small figures hiding behind the beetles back.


The beetle lets out a high-pitch screech. It rears its horns and kicks the ground when it notices what I had seen. 

I understood the situation immediately. Hiding behind the giant beetle are two smaller beetles; It's children. The parent beetle isn't hostile, it is only trying to protect its kids.

Hoping to resolve the conflict peacefully, I take a few steps back and straighten myself. I want to show the beetle that I have no intention to attack.

The beetle was wary at first, but after seeing that I made no attempts to get closer, it raised its horns and becomes a bit more relaxed. The tension in the air dissipates. It looks like I don't have to fight it after all.


Horned rabbit looks at me with approval. Did the horned rabbit tell me to back off because it knew about the kids and how it would respond?

Now that everything seems to have calmed down, the two child beetles that were hiding poked out from the cover of their parent. They stare at me and horned rabbit curiously. Compared to their parent, they were only a quarter of its size, their horns weren't developed, and their shells are more of a bright blue instead of dark.

They weren't able to observe for long as the parent beetle turned and ushered its kids into the tall grass. One of the child beetles kept trying to look back, but the parent nudged it forward, ignoring its protest.

The parent beetle takes one more cautionary glance at me before it joins its kids and disappears.

Excluding the horned rabbit, I think this was the first time I've ever encountered a creature that didn't want to kill me. I look at the ground where the beetles emerged. There are three holes, one is bigger than the rest. This must have been the beetle's nest and had just decided to leave.

After adjusting the basket on my tail, we continue to walk through the meadow. I moved a bit more cautiously this time. If a beetle could pop out of the ground and catch me off guard, what's to say something else couldn't do the same? It was scary to think that at any given moment, something could pop out of the flowers and attack us.

As we near the end of the meadow, I spot a patch of white move between the trees near where the flower field ended and the forest began. I thought it was nothing, just my eyes playing tricks on me. But then four more spots of white appeared, following the first as they moved through the trees.

They were definitely some form of creature. I couldn't tell what they were though, from where I stood, they looked like moving dots. I move forward to try to get a closer look, but then I felt a fast tapping sensation on my tail.

I glance back to see horned rabbit looking at me with its ears flat against the side of its head. Its eyes held an expression of fear.


The rabbit spoke in a quiet voice, a warning to tell me not to continue. I duck underneath the flowers. The rabbit knows something I don't.

The five white dots continues to move along the forest's border before disappearing behind the trees. As curious as I was to continue north, what were those things that made horned rabbit so afraid? Maybe it's better that I don't find out. We should head back and pick a different direction.

Hidden underneath the flowers, I backtrack towards where we began. I move slowly, my senses are on a heightened alert. Seeing horned rabbit's fearful reaction put me on edge. I kept glancing behind me and becoming startled whenever I heard a slight rustle from the grass.

After what seemed like forever, the meadow opens up and we were back to where we started.

I breathe a sigh of relief. We were able to make it back without anymore surprise encounters. I would like to keep it this way.

I swing my arms up as I stretch. Crouching under the flowers for so long made my back all sore.

Alright, so going north of the meadow is off limits. Whatever those things were, they were clearly dangerous. There's still much of the forest that I don't know about, so it's better to be as cautious as possible.

As I turn away from the meadow, I can't help but take another glance over my shoulder. I'm sure it's just the after effects of being on edge earlier.

But still... that uneasy feeling haunted me.

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