your island » baekhyun ✓

بواسطة xxbyunhyun

49.5K 3.1K 2.4K

❝ Even if the sun rises, without you I'm cold. ❞ She was lost. He was like a rainbow in the form of a person... المزيد

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
six years special

chapter 12

1.9K 148 124
بواسطة xxbyunhyun


That day it was raining for the first time since the beginning of summer.

Drops of water were gently falling from the grey sky, slipping off tree leaves and gathering in puddles. A refreshingly cold breeze was blowing between the houses of the town and people were standing by their opened windows and enjoying the welcome change from the usual summer heat. I was one of them too, sitting on my window sill, swinging one of my legs outside and letting the rain land on my skin. I was biting in to the sandwich that I was having for lunch and curiously watching what was going on in Hando island. 

Children without umbrellas were playing in the mud and their laughter was echoing through the streets, people were running from door to door to not get wet under the rain and some tourists were strolling around with their colourful umbrellas. The town seemed as lively as ever, the only difference was that the restaurants and shops were full instead of the beaches and no boat left the port. It was unusual to see all of them gathered around the long wooden piers. I would always see them out in the open waters even during brief and short storms, but the sign hanging in the port that day clearly reminded everyone of the no sailing policy during weather like this one. The sea was dark and waves were crashing on the beach and the sailors were taking this as a chance to do reparations and things like that on their boats. 

'' It's because of the Hando island disaster, '' Jinah told me and bit in to her sandwich. We finished doing some work in the inn and we were eating lunch together now. We were in one of the hallways where none of the rooms were booked in hopes we would not run in to our grandmother. It seemed like her mood drastically worsened with the weather and I often caught Jinah gazing towards the ocean with a strange sorrowful expression too. '' The mayor decided on the rule that no boat can leave the port if it's raining in the morning. Storms don't count, those come and go and not everyone can smell them in the air like some people do, but... If it's raining like this, you must stay. It's a sad attempt to prevent the past from repeating itself. The sea doesn't seem dangerous today, but it doesn't even matter. When it's like this... We all see the sea of that day. We remember the pain, the loss and we are thankful that we survived. '' 

I was watching her, looking at the sea and smiling. Then I opened my mouth and blurted out the first thing that I could think of: '' Jinah, did our father die in the disaster? '' 

My sister's smile instantly disappeared and her features distorted in to a frown. She crossed her arms on her chest, leaned against the wall by the window and I regretted asking that question. Our father was a hard topic to talk about and most of the time we chose to pretend like he never existed. That was what my mother taught me and my sister played along too, but I couldn't help it but to feel that she knew something that I didn't. She knew him, she remembered him, she had a bond with him. 

I had nothing.

'' Does it matter? '' Jinah quietly murmured and sighed. '' Knowing will only bring you pain. I promised your mother to keep what happened a secret. I'm not about to give her a reason to come to the island and beat my ass. I already struggle to get rid of her when she calls me like three times a year. A family reunion is the last thing that I meed. ''

I frowned and stared at her with anger. '' A secret? You two agreed to make something a secret and not tell me just like that? How is that fair? ''

'' Things are never fair when you are the youngest in the family, '' she said and evilly grinned. She flicked my forehead and my head fell back before I glared at her in annoyance. She giggled at my furious face and stuck her tongue out. '' You can think of this as payback from me, because you are also always the most spoiled when you are the youngest child. ''

'' From him too? '' I mumbled and my eyes widened with curiosity.

She sighed and adverted her gaze at the ground. '' I told you that I don't want to talk about your father, but yes... He adored you too. I was jealous all the time to be honest. I remember he would take you to the port on his shoulders and you would watch the boats together. You were still very young back then and you would listen to his endless tales of the open sea with wide eyes full of excitement. Mom was always angry when he did that, because she was scared that you would turn out like him and abandon us for the ocean. She loved him more than anything else in the world, but she always told me to never make the same mistake as she did and fall in love with a sailor. '' 

I turned towards the grey ocean and raised my arm out under the rain. The cold droplets were landing on my skin and a gentle breeze blew through my fading brown hair. I was silent for a few moments, then I lowered my arm again and signed to Jinah: '' Do you love Junmyeon? '' 

'' Junmyeon was my first love and I don't think my heart would ever be able to forget him, '' she replied with shook her head in laughed. '' I told myself that I will never become like my mother, but I guess the stupidity runs in our family! I made the same mistake as her and now I am stuck with the endless waiting, praying for the sea to be kind to him and running to the port every time a boat similar to his sails towards Hando island. I am really glad she never comes to visit us, because I would never be able to handle all the 'I told you so'. '' 

What about Baekhyun and his heart?

I hated her for falling in love with someone else, but at the same time I knew that there was nothing that she could do. You couldn't force the heart to love somebody that it had only friendly feelings for. Jinah looked at Baekhyun the way I looked at Haneul or Chanyeol, but I hoped her emotions would change. Now I realised that it was never going to happen. 

'' When did you realise that you were in love? '' I hugged my legs and rested my chin on my knees. Jinah glanced towards me with surprise. '' How did you know that you love Junmyeon? ''

Jinah's eyebrows furrowed together with confusion and she tilted her head to the side. She thought about it for a moment and it seemed like her eyes could see right through me. Her lips curved in to a strange smile and she opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted by the sudden sound of screaming. 

The two of us simultaneously turned our heads and listened. The screaming was distant at first, but it was soon joined by more yelling and we could hear the banging footsteps of people that were running around the inn. The two of us exchanged a look before we rushed to see what was happening and were instantly met by a worried crowd of tourists and workers of the inn. They were standing around one of the doors that got manually taken off the wall and whispering to each other. We could tell that something was going on inside the room, but we were reluctant to enter. Th

Then Haneul and the island's doctor came running from the other end of the hallway. There was no sign of the usual humour on my best friend's face and Baekhyun's mother was carrying her bag of equipment with her. They ran inside the room without hesitation and that was when Jinah went after them. I was frozen on the spot, feeling like I was stuck in a trance and unable to move. I heard the whispers around me and I knew which person was staying in that room at the moment. I was too scared to move and see what she did, but the sound of Jongin's voice made me snap out of my fears and stumble forward. 

Haneul, Jinah and the doctor were gathered around Jongin's unmoving sister and trying to perform first aid the best that they could. Jongin seemed to be in a state of shock, on his knees and staring in to distance with wide and teary eyes. He was mindlessly calling her name and begging her to answer, but she was asleep on the bathroom floor and there were deep cuts on her arms. He was the one that found her.

I squatted down in front of him and hugged him. Jongin was not one for physical contact like this, but it was the only thing that I could think of. Another person's touch made him flinch and for a moment I thought he was going to push me away, but instead he buried his face in my shoulder and started sobbing. '' It's going to be okay. '' 

'' It's all my fault, '' he quietly cried and his voice was breaking between sobs. '' This is all my fault. ''

'' This is nobody's fault, '' I whispered and hugged him even tighter. I thought he was going to shatter in my arms if I was going to let go. '' She just felt so lost that she thought there was no other way. It is nobody's fault. You have to be strong for her too. They will save her, but you must not break like she did. ''

Jongin was still crying in my arms when Baekhyun and a nurse from the hospital ran in the room. They were carrying stretchers with them and the unconscious girl with bandaged arms was lifted on them. Then the duo grabbed each end and the doctor quickly started packing her tools again. Baekhyun's gaze briefly stopped on me before him and the female nurse ran out of the room, carrying Jongin's unconscious sister with them. The doctor sprinted right after them and soon they disappeared under the rain, trying to make it to the hospital as fast as possible. 

Jongin was silent the whole way up to the building on the cliffs. The hood of his jacket was covering his head, but he was still completely soaked by the rain. Drops of water were falling from his dark hair and his empty eyes were looking at the ground. I was stepping by his side, my hands were intertwined on my back and my plastic raincoat was rustling in the faint wind. 

It was a long walk to the hospital and we were greeted by good news. Jongin's sister wasn't in a dangerous state and the doctor put her in one of the patient rooms. She was currently asleep, but she was sure that she was going to wake up soon. Jongin simply nodded in response and silently sat on the ground in the hallway by her door. He hugged his legs, rested his chin on his knees and closed his eyes. The doctor said that it was possible she would sleep for a few hours or even until tomorrow, but he was clearly planning to stay by her side for as long as it'll take. At the same time he was too scared to wait inside the room, because he knew what she thought of him and he wasn't sure if she would be happy if he would be the first thing she would see after she would open her eyes.

'' Do you want a ride back to town? I left my motorcycle at home, but I am borrowing one of the bicycles from here, '' Baekhyun quietly asked me and moved his wet hair from his forehead. He didn't have the time to put on a raincoat or anything like that. Him and the female nurse ran the whole way until here. '' I am going home to change and get some things and then I am coming back. I can drop you off if you want. '' 

I glanced over my shoulder and thought about it for a moment. Then I shook my head and looked back at Baekhyun. We were standing at the end of the hallway and keeping our voices low, so that Jongin wouldn't hear us. '' I think I'm going to stay with him. I can understand how much it hurts, so I can't just leave. '' 

Baekhyun sighed at the sound of my words and I saw him look at the scars that I carried on my own arms. I was able to understand because I experienced the exact same thing in the past. '' Poor guy. I can't imagine coming home and finding one of my family members in such a state. Do you really think that the girl is going to be okay? ''

'' I can't say... '' I murmured and looked out the window. '' When I opened my eyes and realised that I failed, the first thing that I thought was how I wanted to try again. Everything came back in an instant. It was almost like the pain was even worse than before. ''

'' What made you change your mind? '' Baekhyun nervously asked and looked at me with his shining dark eyes.

'' I'm not sure. I don't think I would change my mind at all if I would have to stay in that hospital room, but I got to leave and I was sent here so... I guess I was forced to live. You people here continuously forced me to live until I started doing it on my own. Now I hear one of my friends scream at me and tell me to go and I want to run and never stop. I want to work together, laugh together, experience different things together and I look forward to whatever crazy thing will happen the next day. '' I trailed off and frowned in thought. Then I ran through my hair with my hand and an idea suddenly formed in my head. My eyes grew wide with excitement and I looked at Baekhyun with hope. He was watching me with surprise, clearly taken back by everything that I just told him. '' Do you think I could make her realise all that? Could I do that? ''

He was looking at me in silence at first, then he slowly raised his hand and patted my head. '' You can do anything you put your mind to, city prawn. You are surprisingly stubborn when you decide to be. It's a shame it doesn't happen more often... Well, I'm off! ''

Baekhyun made his way back to town and I returned to Jongin. He heard the sound of my footsteps, raised his head and his eyes slightly widened with surprise. It seemed like he thought that I already left, but he didn't say anything. He was simply looking at me, while I sat down next to him, stretched my legs and crossed my arms on my chest. I closed my eyes like he did before and murmured: '' It's always easier when you don't have to face a tough situation on your own. ''

I saw his hand slowly move towards mine, but he stopped himself before he would really touch it, hugged his legs instead and closed his eyes again.

We ended up sitting there in silence and waiting for hours. At one point the doctor came back to check up on the girl and we were surprised to hear that she already woke up. She refused to speak with her, so she suggested her brother would give it a try, but he ended up panicking and saying that he was going to wait until their parents would get here. I wasn't sure if it was my place to get involved, but I still asked him if I could talk to her instead. She had no reason to really listen to me, but there were still some things that I wanted to say to her. 

She was sitting on her bed and looking out the window when I stepped inside the room. She immediately tensed and glanced over her shoulder at the sound. Her eyes were dazed from the tranquillisers that the doctor gave her, but she still immediately recognised me and glared in my direction before turning her head again. The wind blowing through the opened window made her hair raise in the air behind her and there was still some dried blood on her fingers. '' Leave. ''

'' I know how you must feel right now, but the pain won't last forever and you can become strong enough to- '' I began, but she interrupted me by suddenly turning towards me and screaming.

'' What do you know about suffering? ''

What do I know about suffering?

Her eyes were heated and teary and her fists were trembling with anger. She was looking at me the same way I used to look at the world. Now I understood the position that my family was in and how powerless they must have felt. 

'' I know how it's like when life becomes nothing but suffering, '' I quietly replied and lowered my head. '' I know how it is when the world suddenly turns grey. You become so incredibly tired and no amount of sleep can fix it. The things that used to make you happy suddenly have no meaning anymore. Nothing has meaning anymore. Day after day you are just sitting there with your thoughts, wondering why you are still holding on and looking out that damned hospital window- ''

I was speaking faster and faster, my voice was laced with anger and pain that managed to resurface with my memories and I was almost going to go too far, but I managed to stop myself just in time.

'' I have a gaping hole inside me and on some days I still think that I am going to be swallowed by it, '' I quietly murmured and looked at the girl again. She was staring at me with wide eyes now and I saw her gaze wandering over my scarred arms. '' I just know about suffering, okay? I was stuck in a hospital for so long that I lost all hope and will to live. I thought that killing myself would be better than living a life like that. ''

She nervously bit her lower lip and carefully asked: '' What made you change your mind? '' 

'' I went through a surgery that saved my life and my parents sent me here to recover. I hated it at first, but it ended up the being the biggest turning point of my existence. My heart was empty and I had no hope, but this place changed me. The people here didn't care about my pain, they just accepted me and welcomed me in their home. They dragged me out of bed in the morning until I started waking up on my own, they kept asking me about my dreams until I remembered what I always wanted to be and they smiled until I smiled back at them. I was working from morning until night every day, joining the island people in their daily activities and doing crazy things with my friends and before I knew it... It was gone. I didn't want to die anymore. Instead I wanted to live and I was looking forward to the next day for the smallest of reasons, like seeing a beautiful sunrise. '' 

I was so lost in my talking that I didn't even notice the tears that began falling down her cheeks. She was sitting on her bed, looking out her window, watching the stormy sea and crying in silence. My eyes widened in alarm at the sight of that, I began to panic and apologise for clearly saying something that I shouldn't have. She only shook her head, but when she tried to say something, she only began crying even more.

I took a nervous step towards her and the door of the room suddenly opened. I turned my head and to my surprise I saw Jongin's mother. She looked at her daughter with a horrified expression on her face. The sight of her bandaged arms and tears shocked her even more and when she noticed me, her surprise turned in to anger. She muttered an insult, walked towards me and slapped me across the face.

'' Mom! '' the girl shrieked with surprise, while my head fell to the side. I was just as taken back as she was and my hand slowly touched my burning cheek. '' Mother, she didn't- ''

The older woman paid no attention to her and instead she grabbed the collar of my shirt, slapped me again and screamed in my face: '' It's your fault, isn't it? You somehow made my daughter do something so stupid! I can tell that it is you who planted those crazy thoughts in her head! You clearly tried to do it already! '' 

The woman was enraged and desperate. Her hand raised in the air again and I didn't try to stop her. I wasn't sure why, perhaps it was because I felt guilty. I still remembered how my mother did the exact same thing, hitting the nurse that was coming by my hospital room every day. She wanted to blame it on someone else, just so that she wouldn't feel the crippling guilt of not knowing it. She was punching the nurse and the girl didn't try to fight her, because in a way she did notice and not say anything and I felt the same, since I did see the pain of Jongin's sister.

'' Mother, stop! '' the girl screamed again, but it was useless. The woman was filled with pain, anger and desperation and she didn't stop until somebody else ran through the door. Her hand raised in the air again, but fingers wrapped around her wrist. A tight grip stopped her from hitting me again and it seemed like in that moment she suddenly realised what she was doing. '' Jongin. ''

He was standing next to her mother, holding her hand and his face held no emotion. He didn't dare to look at me when he murmured: '' Jian... Please, go. Thank you for everything, but now, please go. I'm sorry. '' 

I stumbled back and slightly bowed at his shocked mother before running out the room. I stopped when the door closed behind me and took a few deep breaths. My cheeks were stinging from the slaps, my head was spinning and I could hear screaming behind me. I slowly raised my head and started walking again. I politely bowed at Jongin's father, leaning out an opened window and smoking a cigarette, but he didn't even notice me. His sad and thoughtful stare was focused far in the distance and I walked past him in silence.

I was descending down the stairs, lost in my thoughts and rubbing my pained cheeks, when I spotted Baekhyun. He was standing on a ladder by the opened entrance of the hospital and trying to reach some porcelain plates that were stacked on the very top of a huge cabinet where the people here kept all sorts of things. He turned his head at the sound of someone approaching and that was when he suddenly lost his balance. His eyes grew wide and he held the precious plates in one hand, while waving his arm through the air and trying to hold on to something. 

I gasped in alarm and quickly sprinted down the stairs. '' What to do? What to do? ''

'' Grab the plates, stupid city prawn! '' Baekhyun hissed with anger.

'' I'm not good in stressful situations! '' I yelled and stopped right under his ladder. In that moment Baekhyun really did fall and I did the first thing that I could think of. I raised my arms in the air and tried to catch him. My palms touched his back and at first he really did stop. Then my weak muscles gave out and the two of us ended up falling on the ground. The precious porcelain plates loudly shattered and Baekhyun began cursing like there was no tomorrow.

His elbow buried in my stomach and I groaned in pain before he picked himself up from the ground. '' I know I told you to watch my back, but that means nothing when my mother's precious porcelain plates come in the picture. She was going to use them for the family of that girl that tried to kill herself. She knows they come from the mainland and have a lot of money and she felt bad about inviting them to stay for dinner without preparing anything special. ''

I slowly stood up and dusted off my jeans. '' I panicked, okay? Next time I'm just going to let you fall like I usually do. Where do you keep the brooms here? ''

'' Brooms? You're right! We have to clean up the evidence of the broken plates and hide it before my mother notices! '' Baekhyun replied and raised his fists in the air.

I frowned and seriously muttered: '' Or before someone someone accidentally steps on it and hurts themselves. Probably me. ''

'' That too, '' he replied and dismissively waved with his hand. His eyes were still shining when he turned at me, then he noticed my reddened and lightly swollen cheeks. His eyebrows furrowed together with confusion and his smile lowered again. He clenched his teeth and I tried to step back, but he already grabbed my chin, brought his face closer to mine and inspected my cheeks. '' What happened to your face, city prawn? Did you infuriate somebody? ''

'' Why did you automatically think that it's my fault? '' I muttered and glared at him with anger.

He smirked in amusement, still holding my chin. '' It's fun to make you angry, but you can be infuriating too. Does it hurt? I think there's a packet of frozen vegetables in the kitchen and the nurse that's in charge of cooking tonight would be more than happy if you would defrost it. You can tie it to your face and then let's get to work! I have to finish some repairs around the house and you need to take your mind of everything that you've seen today! ''

He let go of my chin and ruffled my hair instead. I was still frowning in annoyance, but I did like his idea of putting something cold to my face and working until I would forget the image of Jongin's sister and her bandaged arms. The sound of a vespa approaching the hospital made both of us pause our conversation and turn our heads towards the door. 

Baekhyun stepped forward and his eyes immediately shined at the sight of my sister. She was sitting on the back of the vespa and her arms were wrapped around the driver. Then the man kissed her cheek and I saw Baekhyun tense and hold his breath. My sister giggled, waved at him and ran towards the door. She was dodging the puddles and trying to get away from the rain as fast as possible. Her clothing was covered by a plastic raincoat and she was carrying a flower basket in her hands. Her eyes were twinkling with excitement and she greeted us with a bright grin. '' My favourite duo! I knew I was going to find you two together! How is the girl doing? Grandma told me to bring this basket of flower to her and wish her a fast recovery! '' 

I took my eyes of Baekhyun, who was watching Junmyeon drive in to the forest again. He was turning his back towards me, so I couldn't see his face, but I could tell that he was hurt by the way his shoulders slumped. Jinah didn't seem to notice and she kept looking at me with expectation. I nervously smiled and nodded. '' She is awake, but I believe her and the rest of her family are dealing with some private drama. I would stop at the door, wait and listen if there's any sound of screaming and then proceed with caution. '' 

'' Got it! '' she carelessly answered and showed me a thumbs up. She was about to run up the stairs that lead to the second floor when she suddenly noticed my red face. Her eyebrows furrowed together with confusion and she tilted her head to the side. '' Why is your face so red? You should control yourself a little better or Baekhyun is going to think that you were blushing because of him and get some strange ideas. ''

She patted my shoulder and ran off without another word. Now I really was embarrassed and I almost stuttered when I stepped towards Baekhyun and carefully spoke up: '' Are you okay? '' 

'' She was... She was sitting on the back of his vespa, '' he seriously replied and sighed. 

It took me a moment to remember how he told me when we first met that the back of his own motorcycle was reserved only for his future wife. It was something he thought was very important and he didn't let anyone besides his mother sit there. Now Jinah came to the hospital on the back of Junmyeon's vespa and the problem was that she did look like his future wife. They were young and in love and Baekhyun was slowly beginning to realise that he could never have her.

I scratched the back of my head and tried to think of what to say to console him. '' Look, if it makes you feel any better, I really will pretend like I am blushing because of you. ''

He sighed and shook his head. '' You suck at consoling people, city prawn. Now I understand how you can only make yourself more and more gloomy until Haneul and Chanyeol come by and yell until you forget what you were sad about. ''

'' Tch. '' I rolled my eyes in annoyance, then I suddenly remembered a conversation we had a while ago. I was telling him how much I disliked the way the people from this island always invaded my personal space. He was lecturing me about how they were a lot more open here and they believed that hugs always helped in tough situations. I was trying to argue and say that sometimes just talking was better, but it didn't take long before our debate ended with him chasing me around and purposely trying to invade my personal space. 

I triumphantly grinned at the memory, raised my arms and wrapped them around him. My face buried in his chest and my fingers gripped his shirt. I held on to him for a few moments before I realised that he was completely frozen. He wasn't moving at all, he even seemed to be holding his breath and when I looked up, I saw him staring at me with wide eyes. There was a slight red blush on his cheeks and he seemed completely shocked.

'' What? Why are you looking at me like that? I am just trying to be sympathetic here and you are supposedly a person that likes hugs, so stop it! Stop looking at me like that! '' I frowned with embarrassment and adverted my gaze at the ground. I lightly hit his shoulder and hissed: '' Will you stop it? You are making it awkward on purpose! We can just throw ourselves of this cliff together if that's what you would prefer! It would certainly end your love problems and get me out of this situation! ''

I raised my fist to hit him again, but that was when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him again. My breath got caught in my throat and this time it was him who hugged me. He was holding me so tight that it almost hurt and I wasn't sure what to do. My heart was racing in my chest and I reluctantly raised my hands to put them on his back. '' Everything is going to be okay, isn't it? ''

I seriously nodded. '' Probably. ''

'' If you say it, I believe you. '' He lightly smiled and rested his cheek on top of my head. He didn't seem to realise the way my heart was beating in my chest. '' Please, say that I'm not going to be alone. If I have at least you then I'm sure everything is going to be fine. You will always be here, won't you? '' 

Will I? 

The people of Hando island had no idea that I was never planning to stay.

I stopped wishing to leave with the next boat, but I didn't think that I would stay here either. I never asked myself where my true home was. All I knew was that now I was here, working, having fun and filming, but when summer would be over, I had no idea. 

'' Probably. '' 

Baekhyun pulled me away, put his hands on my shoulders and stared deep in to my eyes. '' I don't like that answer. ''

I shrugged and seriously mumbled: '' You are the one who secretly calls me a brat and a pain in the ass behind my back. That's right, Haneul was eavesdropping to your conversation and she told me everything! Let's just clean up the broken porcelain from earlier and get to work, okay? You said it yourself that working takes your mind off your problems. '' 

I pushed his hands away and looked outside. Baekhyun frowned in annoyance, clearly not happy with how the conversation ended, but he didn't say anything else. Instead he just sighed in defeat and the two of us made our way to the kitchen. First we had to unclog the sink and change the pipes and it was all going to be just similar basic work from then on, but one of the nurses of the hospital ended up discovering that the roof was leaking. It created an enormous puddle in a room and I was hoping that they would just set up some buckets everywhere and leave it for us to take care of it on a sunny day, but Baekhyun being himself, wanted to take on the challenge and do it in the rain. 

I was uselessly arguing and trying to convince him to let me just stay inside the hospital, but I wasn't too surprised when I found myself on the roof. We were both wearing plastic raincoats and Baekhyun's eyes were shining in excitement, while I was handing him tools with a deathly serous expression on my face.

'' They say that frowns attract lightning, '' Baekhyun happily sang when I handed him a tile to replace the old one on the roof. 

He held his hand to pull me up from the attic again and I glared at him before muttering: '' They also say that annoying attitude gets people pushed of roofs. You totally made that up too. You sometimes forget that I am not five and I do know some things. Now please tell me that we can put some superglue on the roof tile and go because I feel like I am starting to get sick. ''

'' Superglue? You see, this is why I am the teacher and you are the student, '' he replied and chuckled in amusement. '' You think you are going to get a cold from the rain? You need to have tougher skin, city prawn. It's not a good thing if you get sick so easily. '' 

'' You are saying that now, but you are probably going to be the one that will have a fever tomorrow, '' I quietly murmured and rolled my eyes. We were sitting on the roof and I was trying to balance myself, while being careful not to drop his tool box at the same time. 

Baekhyun loudly laughed and pushed his blonde hair of his forehead. '' If we're lucky, we are both going to be sick and stuck in quarantine together. '' 

I cringed and glared at him from the side. The rain was finally ending and he was having way too much fun by annoying me. I tried to ignore him, but I could feel my mood getting better too when I could finally pull my hood of my head. I breathed in the fresh air that smelled of wet grass and rolled up the sleeves of my raincoat. I accidentally let go of Baekhyun's tool box in the process and my eyes grew wide with surprise when it began to slide of the roof. I held my breath and instantly reached out to grab it, only to find myself losing my balance and falling on my back. My heart skipped a beat and I let out a surprised shriek, because I suddenly found myself sliding down the roof too. 

'' Baekhyun! '' I yelled and waved my hands through the air in panic. There was nothing for me to really hold on to and it looked like I was going to fall right off. My head hung over the edge of the roof and that was when Baekhyun grabbed my leg and stopped me. The tool box fell at the same time and I watched it crash on the ground with wide eyes. '' The tool box! '' 

Baekhyun was holding on to the chimney with one hand, his other one was clasped around my ankle and he was looking at me with anger. '' You seriously need to get your priorities straight. You didn't care about my mother's precious porcelain plates earlier and now you worry about my tool box? '' 

'' B-But all your tools are scattered around the garden of the hospital now and I am going to have to be the to pick them up again! '' I whined in response and frowned.

Baekhyun was looking at me with disbelief at first, then he shook his head and his lips curved in to a grin. '' I seriously can't believe you sometimes. You are way more like the inhabitants of Hando island than you think. There are moments when you are even more crazy than them. ''

I was only half listening to him, because something else caught my attention. Rays of sunlight began to peek through the grey clouds and the sea glistened again. Drops of water were falling from the trees and gathering in puddles and the first boat already sailed from the port. A nurse just stepped out of the back door of the hospital with a bucket of laundry to hang up now that the rain ended, but the sight in front of her made her stop. Her eyes grew wide in amazement just like mine, looking at the beautiful rainbow that coloured the sky above the ocean. 

There was a dazed smile on my lips and my voice was quiet: '' It's been a very long time since I last saw a rainbow. The skyscrapers always block it in Seoul. I used to try to chase it when I was younger, but it would always disappear before I got out of the subway station, so I decided to stop. ''

Baekhyun was watching me with a strange expression on his face, then he pulled me back up on the roof and grinned in excitement. '' Why did you stop? Want to try chasing a rainbow again? We can do that here in broad daylight. I'll show you, you just have to say that you believe in chasing rainbows. ''

I was looking at him for a long time, then my lips slowly curved in to a happy smile. 

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I wanted to believe. I didn't even know why I stopped. Perhaps it was because I had no one to smile at me in encouragement like Baekhyun did and convince me to believe in to something so silly like that. I felt bad about lying to him about how long I was going to stay here and I hoped he wouldn't be too hurt if I would make the decision to leave this island one day. The future was unsure right now and I had no idea what was going to happen even after the next sunrise, but there was one thing that I knew.

No matter how many summers would come, I would never forget this one.


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