The Death Of Me ✔️

By scribbledsomeshit

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"I didn't fall for you, you fucking tripped me over." Tara thought her life turned crazy when her best friend... More

new work..?


5.9K 182 26
By scribbledsomeshit

(n.) constant distraction


Chapter 3


My phone starts ringing but I don't bother picking it up because applying a coat of mascara is more important right now. Just when I got done with my make up, tossing the mascara in the mess of my cosmetics, I heard a car honking. Is it Justin? Oh my god I'm not ready yet!

If I let him see me in my oversized sweatshirt that easily pass off as a dress with like really big sleeves, he might actually go for my mom's fancy knife collection. And why does my mom have a fancy collection of knives?

You know, a woman needs her entertainment.

My doorbell rings and I curse. So it really is Justin.

I climbed down the stairs and get the door. Justin was dressed in all black and his fresh hair was combed back. Justin wasn't much of a messy hair guy, his hair would always behave. His eyebrows shot up when he saw me, "Why aren't you ready yet?" He exclaimed.

"Well, I just need to put the dress on and then we're good to go."

"I say we ditch her." A voice behind Justin spoke. That unfamiliar voice caught me by surprise, then Shawn walked out. He was wearing a beige colored shirt with dark denims and his hair was nothing like Justin's. All messy and pretty.

"Five minutes Tara. Go hurry!" He ushered and walked into the house.

I ran up the stairs while shouting, "You don't go anywhere near mom's vodka Justin!"

I put on my cream colored dress and comb my hair, leaving it to its natural wave.  Now that I look at my reflection, I see my color is a lot familiar to the one Shawn is wearing. Gathering my important stuffs, I climb down.

The boys weren't in the living room when I made it down. Which meant...

Groaning, I make my way towards the kitchen. Both of them were emptying mom's vodka bottle into plastic bottles. Shawn couldn't hold the temptation in so he took a sip and giggled like a child.

"Stop that right now!" I snap and Justin jump in fright, dropping some of the vodka on the floor in process. I hate him!

I squeeze my eyes close and take a deep breath in. When I open my eyes Justin spoke up, "Sorry Tara."

I fake a glare at him while Shawn appears nonchalant.

"Clean that." I tell him and Justin nods. Shawn looked at me and then at Justin. "Bro we are getting late." He said and started to walk away from the crime zone.

"You are helping him, go. What you need is at the closet right there." I tell him and Justin obliges.

"I'm running late for a party, I need to get laid. I don't have time for you shit."

I walk closer to him, "Running late huh?" I take the bottle of vodka from him and turn it upside down above his head. He left the bottle open so you know what happened. I felt happy doing that. Watching his expression changing was so so so satisfying.

"I'm not even surprised." Justin mumbles.

My eyes went back to Shawn. He was still gaping down at his drenched shirt, fabric clinging to his toned abs. Too hard to believe, poor guy.

His eyes found mine and my breath slightly hitched. My victorious smirk faded a little. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

But he looked drop dead gorgeous with his shining blue eyes, drenched hair that sticked to his damp forehead now.

"You're gonna regret that." He said slowly and I furrow my eyebrows. He ran his hand through his wet hair. I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Hurry the fuck up Justin!" I shout and walk away from him. Standing close to him didn't give me good vibes.

"I have spares in my car." Justin said and started to mop the floor. Shawn walked out of the house and Justin came where I was standing. "That is a one time thing Tara. Don't fuck with Shawn."

I roll my eyes, "I don't care Justin, get done quick. Why are you so obsessed with mom's vodka? Just leave it be."

Justin smirked. "It tastes better." He said as he placed the mopping brush back at it's closet.

"Better when it's stolen?"



We both get out of the house and I lock it. Walking up to where the car was parked, I felt bad for what I did to Shawn. So maybe apologizing would be a good idea.

I spotted Shawn not so far away from Justin but the scene caught me off guard. He was shirtless. If that wasn't hot enough to make my breath hitch, he started putting his shirt on. His muscles flexed and I kept gawking. The spare Justin had isn't something amazing. It was a plain white shirt with Spongebob and Patrick drawn in front of it. I immediately snicker catching their attention. Girls are going to love it.

Shawn narrowed his eyes at me, "Not funny." Rolling my eyes I walk to the car and open the door to the passenger seat and plop in.

"Oh no, you didn't. I seat next to Justin." He said, crossing his arms. I give him a bored look, "I thought you were running late for the party?"

Glaring at me for a few moments, he got into the backseat.  "If you two keep on fighting like this then I'm not hanging out with you guys anymore." Justin said and drove off.

Why was I going to a party? Oh, so that I can find him a proper chick to fuck. Not my words, Justin's.

"So who's gonna be your girl of the night?" Shawn asked Justin. He smirked and glanced at me, as if I already knew the answer, "Lauren."

"What about you?" Justin asked.

"I have my eyes on Alyssa." He said and both Justin and I burst out laughing. For real though, Alyssa? I thought my school had better girls.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Justin looked at me playfully and I chuckle, "Everything. Alyssa is not a good option. There are even rumors that once she stole money from the guy she hooked up with. There's another time, she tried to shove a guys dick down a plastic bottle." Justin answered.

"Who on earth does that?" Shawn exclaimed.

"Alyssa." Justin and I reply in unison.

"Find me someone else then. Are Florida girls very boring?" Shawn asked.

"You have no idea how they are. I'm pretty sure you will find a good one tonight. If you want, Tara will help you." Justin said. I look at him, my eyebrows knit together.

"What?" He asks innocently. I roll my eyes and look away. Justin pulled into the parking lot of the house. The scene sprawled out in front of me was as you think it is. Drunk people and clingy hormonal creatures making out.

We get into the house and Justin is immediately pulled into a Bro hug my Aaron. He and Justin were good friends. But me and Aaron? I don't know. Aaron then greeted Shawn and I stood by the side. His eyes fell on me next. What can I say? Aaron had the looks and he surely had a big mouth.

"I like this dress on you, you look ravishing." Aaron winked and pulled me into a hug. I roll my eyes, making Justin snicker.

Aaron eyed me up and down, "Oh there is something on your legs." He started pointing to my legs. I check what it is but I didn't spot anything. I look up at him questioningly.

"My eyes." He said and smiled. I inhaled deeply and gave him a tight smile. "That was so lame."

"I'm trying my best here Tara I just—"

"That's your best?" I give him my best resting bitch face until he has no option but to step back.

"Just don't fuck her." Justin says and Shawn and he walks away.

"This cheeky bitch." Aaron muttered.

I smile at him, "Its fine Aaron. Flirt all you can, I'm not getting under you."

I like the boldness in me. Aaron smirks at me, "There's a thing I want to clarify, you don't always have to be under me. I can do you against the wall too. But the choice is yours."

Cue the eye roll.

"Tell me something about you and Trevor." Aaron said as we walked further into the house. "We hate each other." I tell him.

Aaron shook his head, "He does not."

"A crush will stay for a week maximum." I argue.

"You're his crush since elementary school, I'm friends with him for a while now, trust me I've noticed." He said and I groan.

"Trust me, I'm really good at hiding dead bodies. Yours will take no time."

Aaron burst out laughing and I looked away, wanting to run away from him. My eyes scan through the room and finally find Justin, his arms around a girl. I frown when I see its not Lauren. Isn't he supposed to be with her?

I don't even know her but I'm pretty sure, she's not from our school.

"Look who's approaching." Aaron said and I looked at him. He was smirking.

"Hey Tara." Trevor greeted seating next to me in the couch. I was taken back by his presence. Is he really going to try to convince me so that I go on a date with him? Oh, good god.

"What do you want Trevor?" I ask politely.

"Let's talk and get to know each other? Look, I know we were never into good terms and your best friend hates me but why do we hate each other? For no apparent reason actually. Let's give us a try tonight. I swear you won't have a bad time." Trevor explained and I stared at him. What he said was kinda true, we never had our own genuine fight but still, he knew I was always on Justin's side. He can't have a crush on me.

"Oh and I don't have a crush on you Tara, I like you." He said with a smile. I raise my eyebrows at that. There were surely differences between liking someone and having a crush. And it's me who had to end up in that mess, not the hundred other girls he goes to school with. Just my amazing luck.

"You have any idea what you're saying?" I ask, keeping my cool. I found it all so corny.

"Don't get offended, it's not like we're dating and you have to like me back. I'm just stating a fact here." He explained and I looked away at Justin's direction. He was intensely making out with the girl, not a care in the world. Shaking my head I look back at the idiot sitting next to me. Aaron disappeared long ago, before I could even realize.

"You're not gonna say anything?" Trevor asks. I look at him, then look away. I don't know what I am doing. "What am I supposed to say?"

He smiled, "Say anything to not make it awkward." There isn't anything that's going to help this damn situation, I'm certain. All the awkwardness feels like it's clinging onto my skin. I could sure use a guardian angel right now.

"If you're done flirting, I need Tara for a while." A voice interrupted us and I look up to see Shawn. My guardian angel in a Patrick shirt. He looked so tall just standing there. When he motioned with his eyes, I stood up.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Come with me." He said before he started walking. Not even looking back at Trevor, I follow behind Shawn. Thank the lords, he saved me. I did not want to talk to Trevor.

"Kiss me thank you." He says after a while when we enter the kitchen. I narrow my eyes at him, "Why do you care?"

He popped a beer can open and held it out for me. Arching a brow at him, I accepted the Can. Justin once told me, not to drink anything from strangers I meet at parties. Shawn was close to that given I know him for two days only.

"Where's Justin?"

"With his girl." He replied.

"He doesn't care about Lauren." I tell him and roll my eyes. Shawn scoffs, "He's with Megan."

I don't know why, but that made me laugh. What Justin was doing to Lauren is bad, so very bad. But he's been like that forever and nothing's gonna change him, or so I think.

"I'm bored. Florida parties are no fun." He said and took a sip of his beer.

"What is your problem with Florida though? Parties in general, suck." I tell him. Shawn looked at me skeptically, "You're right but I've been to parties that are more fun. They were held in Chicago though."

"Why don't you just go back there? No one wants you here."

He smirks, "You must be the only girl that doesn't want me here and soon, that will change."

"Flush your overconfidence down the toilet Shawn." I tell him and walk out of the kitchen.

I think I saw him smirk, he looks so beautiful, standing there and smirking. His arms crossed over his chest, that smug expression. His looks turned me into a creep. Not that I was a total prude but gawking at hot boys is something I haven't done in a while.


"Get out of here, asshole." I say again but Justin didn't budge. It was one of those times when I hated being not strong.

"C'mon Tara." Justin whined and shoved a little harder. He almost won but I pushed again, "Go away I said."

I try my best to close the door but Justin was indeed one hell of a strong guy and I want nothing to do with him today but he never understood.

It's just another Sunday morning and I really wanted to enjoy the day before I had to go back to school for five wrecking days. But Justin decided to show up, he wants to hang out at one of the pizza places in our town and I didn't. So that's how the fight started.

He called me and I said no to him, he didn't budge, he kept texting me and I didn't reply to any of those. Then he shows up at my place and rings the bell thousand times per second. I didn't open the door because I knew what the consequences will be so we talked through the closed door for a while. But it's Justin we are talking about. He knows everything about me, embarrassing facts included.

He knew where mom hid the spare key, under the doormat, so he unlocked the door and now, Justin and I were into a fight. I tried to keep my door close and Justin tried to do otherwise.

He inspires my inner serial killer.

"Why can't we just dump this drama queen and continue? I'm wasting my time here." I hear a voice and it took me a moment to realize it's Shawn.

"I'm not a drama queen." I snap.

"If we take her the waiter will serve us quick. I've tested this theory and it's true Bro. That waiter has a crush on her." Justin explains and I roll my eyes.

"There must be other waiters." Shawn reasoned.

"But Tara is fun and you are boring." Justin replied making me laugh.

"Please Tara, lets go I'm starving." Justin whined the last part. I was hungry too but I feel so lazy and the pajamas I'm wearing are way too comfortable. I gotta pick one.

Hm, decisions. Decisions.

Fuck it, free food is more important.

I get away from the door and Justin walks in, grinning wildly.

"Give me five mins and don't touch mom's vodka." I warn before climbing up my stairs. After changing, I climb down to see the boys sitting in the living room. My eyes fell on Shawn. He was wearing a red shirt and I look down at my red shirt. What?

He paired his shirt with dark jeans and I wore a black skirt. I roll my eyes and call for them, Justin stands up and examine me before smirking. I walk ahead of them and toss the door keys to Justin. "Lock the door please." I say and walk to the car. Why? Because the passenger seat is mine.

"You're not winning again." Shawn muttered as he walked to me.

I smirk. ''Already did."

Justin unlocks the car and I turn around and open the door. In a flash, I was pulled away from the car and the door shut close. I stood there like a gaping fish.

"What the hell just happened." I whisper to myself. Just as I opened the door Shawn pulled me away and he got in quickly. I can't believe he did that. The window rolled down and Shawn smirked at me, "No. You didn't win."

Glaring I got into the back seat. I felt defeated and I knew, I had to take revenge.

Cue to the evil smirk.


edited [14/8/2022]

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