Fire of Dreams


10.2K 96 47

When a rare powerful elf is born, anything can happen. After enduring a rough childhood, and establishing a... Еще

The years go by
Escape attempt
A new place
Rough training
First mission
A freak
Nothing wrong
An off day
Eon's wisdom
In the night
Ground to cover
An unsettling night
Visions of the past
On the outside
Dark path, dark memories
An explanation
Point of enlightenment
A coming threat
What we knew
The more the merrier
More questions
Traptanium chains
Raging flames
One last vision
Better from here

A little Spark

286 2 0

Apparently after finding out I'd been sleeping in a tree worried a few of the other Skylanders, so I was invited to move in with Spyro, Stealth elf and the others. It was a decent sized house with a enough rooms for everyone. Eruptor slept in a lava pool he dug into the stone floor of the basement, it was the only place in the house he could keep one. Pop fizz had his own room, which doubled as his alchemy lab, no one stayed there with him for obvious reasons. Sprocket would stay up late working on things sometimes, so she set up a room in the garage, which had two locks on its heavy metal door. Stealth elf shared one of the two bedrooms with Cynder, and I would share one with Spyro, which I didn't mind. Inside the room was a bed, a couch, a computer on a desk, a few posters, and a dresser he never really used, with a couple of lamps here and there. Spyro looked at me and said, "I actually sleep on that couch all the time, you can sleep on the bed." He turned to leave and let me settle in, but turned back real quick. "Oh, it's Stealth elf's turn to cook tonight, so I'm pretty sure she'll be done soon," he said, before making his way downstairs.

After dinner, which was a very delicious casserole Stealth elf made, I suddenly found myself getting really sleepy. While everyone else piled into the living room to watch a marathon of a cartoon series, I went upstairs to get used to something. I sat on the edge of the bed, slipped my boots off, and laid down. It was weird, considering I slept in tree branches most of my life. But soon, even I was no match for the warm covers and soft pillow as sleep embraced me for the night.

Two life element elves traveled down a forest path, not too quickly, but not too slowly either. One was a man, holding his wife's hand as if she was the only other elf in the world as they traveled. They were getting ready to have a baby, and he promised his wife they would go to her home village before their baby was born.

As they traveled through, they noticed a fox caught in a troll built trap. Being kind and loving of nature, the two stopped to help the poor creature before whoever set the trap returned. With all his might, the kind elf was able to open the trap just enough so the little canine could scurry out and run back into the forest. Satisfied with having saved a life, the couple continued on their way. Unbeknownst to them, they were being stalked.

The baby was born just an hour after they finally arrived. It was a healthy little boy, only the size of a cabbage. The two parents were absolutely in love with their new son, and as they focused on picking a good name, the tired infant opened his eyes for the first time.

His parents were met with a soft orange glow, as if two candles had been lit. The little flames in his eyes danced as he shared with them a gummy smile. The parents' hearts melted even more, and both decided on a name for him. "I think we should name him, Sparx," said the baby's mother. "I think it's perfect," said the father. The two stared into the two little flames all night. This was the happiest day of their lives.

In his first two years of life, young Sparx proved to be quite a handful. He wasn't a bad kid, but her sure could move. He learned to walk at ten months old, and that walk soon turned into a run. He was strong for his age, he could be in the living room one minute, and in the end of the hall the next. The only time the adorable little speed demon seemed to stop was when he needed to eat or sleep, however, at age three he picked up coloring, which calmed him down immensely.At age four, it was a coin flip whether or not he was hyper or mellow, but his parents wouldn't change a thing.

One day, while he sat coloring on the floor, there was a knock on the door and his father went to answer it. As soon as the door opened, he was met with a big lance being stabbed into his chest, and four weirdly dressed elves storming inside. Three carried lances, while a woman elf with an odd hood and crescent shaped blades grabbed Sparx off the floor.

While the woman carried Sparx outside, he could here a loud scream from inside, followed by the drow filing out. Before leaving, they set the house on fire, threw Sparx in a cage, loaded onto a wagon and left. The wagon traveled fast, and the road was bumpy. However the elves did nothing as the little Sparx shook violently around in the metal cage. Nothing could save him, especially as the cage fell overboard.

I suddenly woke up on the floor, sweating and breathing heavily. Unable to process what just happened, I decided to join my friends as they reached the halfway point on the cartoon's marathon.

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