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(Stealth elf POV)

"Come on Flameslinger, you're the leader this time around," I could hear Spyro say as he pushed Flameslinger to the front of the group, "you don't have to hang in the back you know." Flameslinger nodded and continued walking, however I noticed Pop fizz was poking his back. It wasn't until fifteen minutes until Flameslinger finally said something. "Why ArE yOU pOkIng mE?" He asked the gremlin. "Isn't it obvious?" Pop fizz replied, "I'm trying to get you to talk, man. It's pretty nice when you actually respond." "ThIs vOIcE Is Ugly thO...." He tried saying, however Roller brawl cut him off.

"Don't you lie mister!" She said, "your voice was always kinda cute, now it's beginning to sound amazing." I couldn't help but agree with her. The almost toddler-like slur his voice had was slowly beginning to fade, and his voice's age was catching up with his. It was becoming less and less slurred, but that wasn't all I liked about it.

I couldn't help but find his voice pretty attractive.

It was soft and low, but warm and friendly. I could only imagine what a whisper from him would have sounded like. I don't know why, but I felt strange and tingly, also warm and fuzzy whenever he spoke. To be honest, I felt that way around him whenever he was near, but I had no clue what to make of it.

I only looked on and smiled as Roller brawl, Pop fizz, and Spyro tried to drag him into a conversation.

(Flameslinger's POV)

The longer the trip took, the more and more the others kept making me speak. I didn't know how to feel about this, except that I was slightly uncomfortable. They knew I didn't like her slurred my voice sounded, why were they making me talk? Besides dragging me into conversations, there were other things they'd do.

When eating, I'd often try reaching for something, like a topping or salt, but then Pop fizz or Jet-vac would hold it out of my reach. "What do you say Flameslinger?" They'd keep saying, and they'd constantly repeat themselves before I finally asked for it verbally. One time, Roller brawl kept bugging me to try and practice hitting on her, saying it was an important skill for me to master. I got so fed up with her asking, that I leaned against a tree and came up with the best pickup line I could.

Roller brawl laughed, but Stealth elf covered her face for some reason. He ears turned a little red, but I wasn't sure what happened.

Eruptor told me that talking more would make my voice stronger, like a workout. However I didn't believe him, however he actually wasn't lying. I just couldn't tell how much stronger my voice was getting. Infact I couldn't tell there was any improvement, but apparently my friends did, I just didn't know.

(Stealth elf POV)

We had all stopped by a lake to bathe one evening. All of the boys on one side, and the girls on the other. Far enough away so we couldn't see each other from the distance.

I had just finished washing myself, Cynder flapping her wings to help me dry my extremely long hair. Roller brawl stepped out of the water and grabbed a towel, looking off into the distance with a slight grin.

"I wonder how mister sexy is doing over there..." She said. "Why do you have to hit on him?" I asked, "he seems slightly uncomfortable with it." She only laughed, "I can't help it, he's pretty fricken cute~," She said, "however the way his voice is changing... He may turn from adorable to hot soon..."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" I found myself saying, my face turning a little red. Roller brawl noticed this and grinned. "Are you jealous?" She asked, "don't worry about me getting in the way, I think you two would make a better couple without me," she said with a smile.

My face was heating up a lot more, "what do you mean?" I asked, though I knew exactly what she was talking about. "I see how you've been acting around him lately," she said, "but I think you need to tell him before I step in~." She said, winking before walking off to change.

I only sat there looking at the ground. She was right. Cynder didn't know how to respond, but she didn't need to. My feelings were finally beginning to make some sense.

I had to tell him eventually.

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