
By StarAce11

40.5K 1K 197

Sean Lew, Josh Price, and Julian Deguzman keep fighting amongst each other. Tahani Anderson and Tati Mcquay a... More

Kay Han Ati
Migos S J J
I s s u e s
S e a n & J o s h
J u l i a n & T a t i
K a y c e e & T a h a n i
C a r n i v a l
S t u d y i n g
O l d o r N e w ?
t h e W e i r d o & t h e L e w s e r
T a l e n t S h o w
C a r d G a m e s
P h o n e C a l l
L y i n g
C o n f e s s
C l e a r M i n d
G a m e t i m e
S e c o n d H a l f
G o o d G a m e
H o m e c o m i n g
W o u l d Y o u R a t h e r ?
T e l e p h o n e
T e a m s
New Semester
B o t h e r i n g
C a s e
A m e n d s
D i s c u s s
R v B
D a t e
S o c i a l
S m a l l
P r o m i s e
*New story*

P i c t u r e s

904 23 6
By StarAce11

Kaycee POV

It was about 7:30pm the dance was at 8, and the last one to get finished changing was Tati who knew she would take the longest so she went last

Leon already got here and was currently taking pictures with Tahani in the living room, while the rest of us waited on the last three boys, the migos as they liked to be called

"When did they say they would be here?" Bailey asked

"I don't know they said they left from Sean's about 10 minutes ago" I said to her

"Aren't you and Sean always texting? Just ask him" Bailey said

"It's not that big a deal, we're already going to be late just because of the game anyways"

"I know but this is one of the last times I get to spend with all of you" Bailey said to me only reminding me of the inevitable

Our school was weird, honestly the whole school district we were in was, the basketball season carries over into the second semester with the tournament, homecoming was one of the last things before finals and the end of the first semester instead of it happening earlier in the semester to help kick off the school year, so we are literally counting the last couple of weeks of Bailey being here as a Lion

"I know!" I said not wanting to be reminded of me losing my friend "That's why these next couple of weeks are going to be fun... well besides finals"

"I hope you're right Rice" Bailey said

"The Rice is right!" I said messing up the gameshow name The Price is Right

"Isn't it the price is rice? oh wait!" Bailey said messing it up as well making us laugh

"Definitely changing Josh's name to that in my phone" I said

"I'm going to miss you all" Bailey said

"Stop or I'm going to cry!"

Luckily the doorbell ringed

"Finally!" Bailey said as I went to answer the door

I opened the door "It's about tim-" I tried saying but words stop forming after seeing Sean in a suit

Josh POV

Me and Julian and Sean's mom slipped by Kaycee and Sean as they were both just staring at each other

"I guess they're too shocked too see each other dressed so nice?" I said to Julian as we didn't see the big deal, I mean they looked nice totally different from the never wear a dress or even a skirt Kaycee and barely even wears a jacket let alone a suit Sean but I think they're being over dramatic as usual

"They are honestly made for each other" Julian says to me as we greeted Bailey

"Agreed" Bailey agreeing with Julian "You both look nice"

"Thanks and not too bad yourself Bails"

"Dude don't act all cool now you were saying earlier that you couldn't wait to see Bailey in a dress" Julian had to call me out on which easily made Bailey laugh

"Whatever, where's the others?"

"Tahani and Leon are stuck taking pictures so unless you want to get stuck doing that avoid the living room" Bailey said "And Tati's changing"

"Still?" Julian asked "We gave you over 3 hours"

Tati then emerged from the bedroom and walked out "Sorry it took so long the dress was a little tighter than I thought" Tati said as I could actually hear the drool coming from Julian's mouth

I grabbed a napkin and passed it to Julian "Don't look stupid" I said as he begins to wipe the drool "Go be a gentleman and help her down"

"R-right!" Julian said as he heads up the steps to help Tati walk down safely

"This is going to be a long night" I said as my two best friends seem to be head over heels for there dates while I'm just trying to get through the night

"Yeah" Bailey said as she slips her arm into mine "But I hope it is"

"Yeah we need to talk..."

Tahani POV

"Mom we haven't even seen Kaycee's dress yet let alone Tati can we please leave the living room" I said as Leon arrived right after I finished changing and since we were the first pair we got the first attempts at pictures and haven't seen Kaycee change let alone the others walking in

"Ok sweetie" my mom says as me and Leon finally let go of each other from the pose we were in and we walked into the entrance space

Tati was getting helped down by Julian as if she was a princess going to a ball, Josh and Bailey were joking about something, and Kaycee and Sean staring at each other

"Go make sure Tati gets down safely while I check on the weirdo and the lewser" I said to Leon


I make my way over to the pair and they were out of it, I waved my hand in front of their eyes, tried saying there names, even pretended to trip over myself hoping they would react to save me but nothing

"Josh!" I said bringing the boy over "How do I get them out of it?"

"I got this" Josh said "Sean, Beauchamp is flirting with Kaycee and trying to make her his 8th girlfriend this semester"

"I'll kill him!" Sean immediately said snapping out of it

"Oh I get it" I said seeing the method "Kaycee, Bailey's about to make out with Sean again"

"Over my dead body!" Kaycee said snapping out of it as well

"I can't tell if that's cute because they like each other so much or worrying as they both seemed angry at the thought of it... oh well" I said as Sean and Kaycee came back to the normal world "You look great sis"

"Thanks Hani!" Kaycee said to me as she already complimented me earlier "The boys look good as well"

"Thanks we tried" Sean said "We're not really suit people"

"Yeah Sean almost just came in a vest" Josh said in joking manner but I knew he was serious

"Glad you didn't" Kaycee said slightly adjusting Sean's jacket as I could tell she really liked him in a suit

Which I couldn't blame her all the guys looked much better now that they cleaned up a little

Julian, Tati, Bailey, and Leon joined us

"I'm not going to lie we all look good!" Tati said making us laugh

"Not as good as you sis" Kaycee said as Tati definetly had the fanciest dress

"Yeah I mean how are you going to even move around easily" Bailey asked as like Tati said earlier the dress was a little tight on her

"I'm sure Julian doesn't mind" Leon joked as Julian has been noticeably more red ever since he saw Tati

"Oh so you like my dress?" Tati asked looking up towards Julian who was at a lost of words amusing the rest of us


"Picture time!" Kaycee's mom said with the camera, lighting and prop set up

Pictures took a long time, between single shots, with our dates, all girls, all boys, random duos like me and Josh, trios like Me Kaycee and Tati, to mismatch of groups like Leon Tati and Sean, and of course all 8 of us there was so many flashes between my mom, Kaycee's mom, Tati's mom, Bailey's mom, Sean's mom and Kaycee's sister phones and camera's I swear I'm going blind

Luckily it was time to go

"Alright who's riding with who?" Sean asked everyone as Tati's mom volunteered to drive as she has to check on Tati's brothers afterwards and Sean's mom was already here

"Well we should at least ride with our dates" Tati said which everyone agreed

"Alright so me and Sean and Josh and Bailey in Sean's mom's car and the rest in Tati's mom car?" Kaycee suggested

"Fine with me" was the general consensus as we all went into the two cars

"I can't wait to dance with you babe" Leon said to me as he kissed my cheek

Only reminding me I was going to break up with him after the dance...

(A/N: I thought about it and I don't know if I'm going to stick to my 25 chapter rule
20 of 25)

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