Love You Like A Love Song - A...

By AustinMahoneFan

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Bre hasn’t never heard of Christian Beadles, but when her friend Gabbie introduces them at her birthday party... More

Love You Like A Love Song - A Christian Beadles love story <3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Party
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 <3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 :)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 <3
Chapter 13 <3
Chapter 15 <3
Chapter 16 <33
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 <3
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 <3
Chapter 24..
Chapter 25
Author's Note

Chapter 14 <33

40 0 0
By AustinMahoneFan

Bre's Pov

It was the morning now and I had just got home. I spent the night crying at the park. I felt so lost inside. I had no one. I would call Gabbie, but she would probably be busy with Madison and I didn’t intrude. I didn’t know who to turn to. I always end up ruining my happiness. I can never be happy. It kills me inside knowing that Christian will never be mine again. He hates me. I love him so much that it hurts. I just don’t know how to deal with all of this. Going back to Texas wouldn’t help anything because my parents would probably make me start seeing my therapist again and I hated that with a passion. I just needed to get through this. I can do this as long as I stay strong. I’m just so scared that I will never be happy. It was then that I decided to call Gabbie, I couldn’t get through this alone and I know she’d be there for me no matter what. I quickly dialed her number and waited for an answer. Hello. She said. Hey, I need someone right now. I can’t be alone going through all of this, can you come over? I asked. Well, I sort of can’t. I’m helping Christian at the moment, he’s really hurting and I know you are hurting too, but he needs someone. She replied. Just great. I have no one now, I thought that you’d be there for me! Instead, you’re helping Christian! That’s it, I just can’t deal with this. You chose someone…Christian can be your best friend now. I yelled. But, Bre..I cut her off saying: But, nothing! Bye! I screamed and then hung up. I just wish that someone knew the amount of pain that I’m in. Poor Christian..Not. He doesn’t have to re-live all of his fears, regrets, and grief. I missed my baby so much. Drew, meant so much to me and when I lost him, I couldn’t sleep for weeks without having nightmares. I just wish someone could help and understand me. I mean, Austin did, but I didn’t trust myself around him after kissing him last night. It was all because I was all worked up and just a plain mess at the moment. It shouldn’t have happened. I regretted that, so that’s another thing to add to my list of regrets. I was just crying at the moment, I had to get out and do something, but what? Then, I felt someone grab me and throw me against the wall and then everything went black.

Gabbie's Pov

I feel so guilty for not being there for Bre, but Christian had came over and he was just a mess and needed someone to talk to. Madison wasn’t here, so that person had to be me. Bre had told me that we were no longer friends and that hurt. We had been best friends every since kindergarten, before we were famous. I had to go over to her house like now before she does something stupid. Christian, you’re coming with me. I said. To where? He asked. Bre’s house, now you can just stay in the car and it won’t take long. Fine, but don’t expect me to get out and talk to her like everything’s ok. He said sounding grumpy all of a sudden. Ok, now lets go. I said and with that we left and was headed towards Bre’s house.

    I got out of the car and knocked on Bre’s door, waiting for her to answer. It was 2 minutes and there was still no answer. I figured she was just to angry and upset to answer, so I got my key out and unlocked the door. I saw no sign of her. I looked around and noticed that her wall was covered in some blood and that a note was laying on the couch. I made my way over to the couch and read the note it said: Dear whoever is reading this, Bre is in good hands now. She is no longer with Christian and she can finally be mine. It’s a good thing that she’s not with that loser. Right? Yeah, you probably agree with me. Well, Bre is with me and you will never find her. I’m not going to even give you a hint. You are so dumb that you could never figure it out. Bre is sad, but she’ll be happy with  me. I can give her what she wants and I can also give her another chance to be a mom. She wants my kid anyways, right? Yeah, she does, so just give up on even trying to find her because she doesn’t care about you and hates you just as much as I do. I can imagine that it’s Gabbie whose reading this, so yeah I don’t like you. You were never truly there for Bre and I can tell that you wanted Christian anyways…so good luck with him and don’t have to much fun, like I will. - Josh. I can’t believe that Josh had taken Bre! I just know that she isn’t going to be ok! I’ve got to call the cops and try to find her! I dialed 911 and waited for an answer. 911, may how I help you? What is your emergency? The woman asked. My besr friend was kidnapped. I found a note from the kidnapper and he said that no one was going to find her. Plus, there was blood on her wall. I replied. Ok, just stay calm and we’ll be at the crime scene soon. The woman said. Well, I’ll leave the door unlocked because I’ve got to find her. I said and then I gave her the address and ran out the door. What’s wrong? Why are you so jumpy? Christian asked sounding concerned. Well, Josh kidnapped Bre and if I don’t find her, he is going to hurt her. Her blood is on her wall, so you’re coming with me whether or not you like it. I replied cranking my car up and quickly leaving Bre’s house. I was trying to figure out where Josh would take her. What? He took Bre? What is he going to do to her? Christian said panicking. I thought that you didn’t care about Bre anymore since she didn’t tell you. I said. I don’t hate her! I’m in love with Bre! Just tell me what he plans on doing! Christian yelled. He was so freaking out and this is how I knew that they were going to be together again..that is if she survives. Well he mentioned that he was going to make her a mom again..I said trying to sound calm as possible. WHAT?!? She doesn’t want to have his children! She made a mistake before and she realized it. Bre wanted to have kids with me in the future. This shouldn’t be happening right now! We’ve got to find her! He said freaking out. All of this is true and I’m so glad that you finally understand how she feels now. I bet she is so scared and just wants you by her side. I said. I know and if I wouldn’t have been a jerk to her, none of this would have happened. She would be happy and safe in my arms. Christian told me sounding like he felt guilty. Don’t worry, we’ll find her and she’ll be safe with you again. I told him this, even though I was worried that none of us would ever see Bre again.

Bre's Pov

I woke up and I was so scared right now! My head was throbbing and I realized that I was tied up. Who had me though? The last thing I remember is trying to think of something to do and now I’m tied up. This makes no sense whatsoever to me. Hello, sleepy head. I looked up and saw Josh. Great what was he going to do to me? I see that you’re not wanting to talk? What’s the matter? Are you shocked that you’re here with me? Josh said cruelly. What the hell do you want? Are you here to finish me off? Why did you even have to come back to town? I questioned. I want you and no, we are going to be happy together. I just had to come here and tell Christian the truth. When I found out about you two, I was thinking why does she always go out with losers? Why can’t she see that I’m the only one who is going to treat her right? So, yeah I came back into town to get you back. It worked didn’t it? Josh said sounding very mean. He was so cruel and it made me upset that at a point of time I actually thought that I loved him. So, you think we’re good together and that you’re better for me? That’s the biggest joke that I’ve ever heard. You are the worst person for me. If we were so good together, then you wouldn’t have to tie me up to get me to talk to you, would you? I told him sounding bitter. You’re going to stop sassing me! He yelled and then he slapped me. Gosh, that hurt and it didn’t help my headache out at all. I just wanted to be with Christian. I missed him so much. I had to find a way out of here.

Christian's Pov

I just had to find her. I know he’s hurting her and I couldn’t stand the fact that he was. He was going to rape her..I didn’t even want to think about that because it just made me more upset. Why did yell at her? Why didn’t I believe her last night? Most importantly, why did I break up with her? I haven’t been the same every since and I know she hasn’t either. I might have been mad, but I’m not anymore. I’m concerned. No matter how many times we argue, we always find a way back to each other.  I’ve got it! I know where Josh has taken her! Gabbie squealed in happiness! Where? I asked. The empty warehouse that no one ever goes to! She said and started driving towards the warehouse.

    We had finally got there. I couldn’t let Gabbie get out here and end up getting hurt. This was my job and I wasn’t going to give up without a fight. I want to help!!! Gabbie pleaded. Ok, you’re our getaway car, so be prepared to floor it and leave. I said. Ok, yay! She said. I got out of the car and barged through the door to find Bre screaming: “Get off of me! I just had to help her, he was trying to rape my girl! GET OFF OF HER! I screamed. Josh quickly got off of her and we immediately began fighting. BRE!!! RUN!!! I yelled. She got off of the bed and ran to the car, Josh was too busy dealing with me right now to catch up to her. I punched Josh and he was knocked out! I tied him up and called 911. He was going to pay for trying to hurt the one girl that I’m in love with.

Bre's Pov

Christian jumped in the car and Gabbie quickly left the warehouse. Are you ok? I was so worried about you? Look at your head, you’re going to need stitches. Christian said pestering me with questions. I’m fine and yeah I know you were, or you wouldn’t have saved me. My head hurts so bad. I told him. It’s going to be okay, Josh isn’t going to be able to hurt you ever again! He is going to be in prison and we are going to take you to the hospital. I’m so sorry for being such a jerk to you and not believing you. I’m so in love with you and don’t know what I’d do without you. I made you feel so bad about yourself. I didn’t even think about how bad it made you felt when you baby was brought up. I should have thought about you. I should have been there for you. Christian apologized. It’s ok, I should have told you sooner. It might have made me cry if I told you, but you would have been there for me. I replied. It’s ok, there’s a lot of what if’s, but I’m not focused on that. I love you…correction I’m in love with you, so will you take me back? Christian wondered. Yes, I will take you back and I’m in love with you too. I said. We were headed to the hospital. Today had been the worst day of my life, but at least I have Christian back. He means the world to me.

Lot's of drama, but they are finally back together. What will happen to Josh? Will he have to go to prison? Or will he be set free? - FaithInAustinM

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