By kimmacchiatto_

22.3K 705 107


Strawberry Kit Kat (1)
Strawberry Kit Kat (2)
Strawberry Kit Kat (3)
Strawberry Kit Kat (4)
Strawberry Kit Kat (5)
Strawberry Kit Kat (6)
Strawberry Kit Kat (7)
Strawberry Kit Kat (8)
Strawberry Kit Kat (9)
Strawberry Kit Kat (10)
Strawberry Kit Kat (12)
Strawberry Kit Kat (13) - END
Strawberry Kit Kat - Epilogue

Strawberry Kit Kat (11)

1.2K 42 2
By kimmacchiatto_

Tiffany can't hold in her laughter when she sees the state Taeyeon's in and the shock on her face.

She has spent yesterday running around like a mad woman. First, she had to repack her luggage and rush back to the airport with Sooyoung driving her.

Then she went to one airline counter after another, looking for a last minute ticket back to Japan.

She followed Sooyoung's advice and prepared her father's credit card –which was given to her a long time ago but has never been used because of her stubborn determination to be independent– to be able to pay for any available class on any flight. Business class, first class, she'd take them all.

But as luck would have it, all flights were fully booked and she almost gave up when Sooyoung told the lady behind the counter to notify them as soon as a spot opens up in any flight, leaving her phone number behind.

"We'll be waiting here at the airport so please call us and we'll come rushing," said the tall girl. "It's an emergency. Please help us."

Tiffany thanked her friend who then ushered her to the nearest restaurant so that they could have late lunch while they waited.

In the end, Tiffany managed to secure a first class seat on an evening flight to Japan.

She thanked Sooyoung who had kindly stayed with her all day and when she arrived in Tokyo, she decided to let Taeyeon rest for the night and went to her own apartment to get some sleep.

Now she has finally met the person she's been dying to see and all fatigue and stress from yesterday disappears as she pulls Taeyeon into a hug.

She hears her gasp and feels her tensing but she doesn't care. It feels so good to have Taeyeon in her arms.

Soon, Taeyeon relaxes and returns the hug, warmly placing her arms around Tiffany before she squeezes her, releasing more flutters inside.

"I thought we're done with the surprises?"

Tiffany chuckles when she hears Taeyeon's voice.

"Just this last one then no more," she says. "I'm sorry for the stupid miscommunication yesterday."

"It's okay. I'm sorry I made you fly back and forth," says Taeyeon.

"Don't worry. I did that on my own because I just had to see you."

Taeyeon loosens her hold and Tiffany does the same.

They grin shyly at each other before Tiffany laughs once more, brushing Taeyeon's cheek with her hand, dusting the sticky crumbs away.

"Did you sleep in a bed of Kit Kats or something?" she asks.


Tiffany can see Taeyeon's face reddening right before the girl dashes inside the hotel room.

"What are you doing?" she asks, following Taeyeon inside.

She finds her picking up what look like wrappers off the bed and the floor, stuffing them into the trash bin.

"Wow. How many did you eat?"

"I... I don't know," mumbles Taeyeon as she gathers every last piece – her face burning in shame.

Tiffany hears the clang of an empty can hitting the bin. "Were you drinking as well?"

"No no! It's non-alcohol beer."

"Oh good. Because you can't handle your alcohol, Taeyeon."

"I know I know," mumbles the girl now trying hard to clean the bed from crumbs.

"Okay enough. Stop. You've done enough cleaning." Tiffany approaches Taeyeon and takes hold of her arm to stop her. "It's okay."

"It's not okay," Taeyeon says, hiding her face.

"It's really okay. You should see my apartment after tough days. Ice cream stains are harder to clean."

Taeyeon looks up, staring at Tiffany with innocent round eyes. "You eat ice cream in bed?"

"Only on tough days." Tiffany lets go of Taeyeon and smiles at her.

"Okay. That makes me feel better." Taeyeon relaxes and sits down on the bed. "I've never done this before though. My mother raised me with a strict 'no food in bed' policy. It's just... I thought... I was..."

"I understand." Tiffany takes a seat next to Taeyeon. "I nearly spent the night at Gimpo airport."

"Alone? That's dangerous."

"Nah. I had Sooyoung with me."

"That's good."

Tiffany nods then looks at Taeyeon. "I'm just glad I could get on that plane."

Their eyes lock and for a second, she forgets what else she wants to say. She just sits there, lost in the soft gaze she has missed terribly.

"I should... take a shower first," Taeyeon hesitantly says, slowly bringing Tiffany out of her daze.

"Y-yeah. Sure," she replies, not failing to notice that Taeyeon's eyes have dropped to her lips.

She unconsciously wets her lips, wondering once again how Taeyeon's Kit Kat coated lips would taste, but then quickly stops herself from leaning in.

They need to talk, first and foremost, before anything can happen.

Taeyeon apparently has the same idea because the girl abruptly stands up, mumbling something about being right back before she disappears inside the bathroom.

Tiffany inhales then exhales through her mouth. Self control. Self control. Forget how cute she looks when shy like that. Let's not think about her lips today, shall we? I'm here to talk to her. Let's do that first.


Taeyeon closes the bathroom door a bit harder than intended and leans back against it with one hand on her chest.

She can feel her heart beating like crazy under her palm.

That was close. Damn those lips. I forgot how enticing they look up close.

She jumps in the shower, deliberately using cold water so she could keep her head straight, then walks back inside the room with a towel around her head while still wearing her pajamas. The flowers in the sink have been thrown into the trashcan because some of the roses have started to wilt.

She briefly notices Tiffany sitting on the bed, watching TV, as she squats down next to her luggage to get a change of clothes.

"I ate one of your Kit Kats. Hope you don't mind."

Taeyeon hears Tiffany say from the bed.

"Eat as much as you want," she replies without turning her head. "I'll be ready in a minute."

"Take your time. No rush."

Taeyeon takes her clothes to the small bathroom and changes as quickly as she can. Then she dries her hair and after brushing her teeth for the second time, she comes out of the bathroom to see Tiffany still in the same position: on the bed, holding the TV remote.

"What's for breakfast?" she asks as she takes her makeup kit out of her carry-on.

"Whatever you're in the mood for."

"I ate ramen last night," Taeyeon says. She goes to the bathroom to use the mirror there, too shy to apply her makeup in front of Tiffany. But she leaves the door open so they can talk.


"At that small shop near your office. The one you took me to."

"Ah I see."

There's a smile on Tiffany's face that Taeyeon unfortunately doesn't see.

"So no more ramen today?" continues Tiffany.

"Up to you, really."

"Do you want to eat sushi?"


"Let's have sushi then."

"For breakfast?"

"It's almost lunch time so I'm sure we can find something. Or would you prefer rice bowl?"

"I think rice bowl is better. We can have sushi later."

"Alright then."

Taeyeon only puts on light makeup so she doesn't make Tiffany wait too long.

Once she's done, she zips up her suitcase, takes her wallet and phone, and puts on her socks.

Tiffany turns the TV off and stands up to put on her shoes. She then waits for Taeyeon by the door, never taking her eyes off her.

"Got your keys?" she asks before Taeyeon closes the door.

"Yeah." Taeyeon pats her pocket then pulls the door close. "Let's go."


Their brunch is comfortable and fun because they have decided to forget yesterday's mishap and enjoy their time together as if it never happened.

Taeyeon has been trying to find the right moment to say what she came to Japan to say but it's not until they sit at the corner table of a small yet cozy dessert shop that she is able to get herself together.

She lets Tiffany order whatever she wants, taking the time to gather her courage and prepare herself.

"Let's hope I ordered the right thing," Tiffany says once the waitress has walked away. "You okay?" she asks the quiet Taeyeon.

"Yeah. I... there's something that I've been meaning to say," begins Taeyeon slowly – eyes darting between the table and Tiffany. She's nervous even though she has found hope in Tiffany's sudden reappearance at her hotel room this morning.

Luckily, Tiffany seems to understand as she remains silent, letting Taeyeon take her time.

"I've spent the past two months thinking about what you said at the airport," Taeyeon says, fidgeting with her nails, "That I should find someone who deserves me and who can take good care of me. I think I've found that person."

Taeyeon lifts her head, eyes meeting Tiffany's slightly puzzled ones, and says, "And that's why I came here. I need to tell you how I feel."

"Me?" Tiffany has to reconfirm just to make sure there's no misunderstanding.

"Yes. You. You're that person. I can't stop thinking about you, Fany. I missed you. I tried to forget you or just consider you another one of my good friends but I couldn't. I've never met anyone that feels so right from the start," Taeyeon says, ignoring her warm cheeks and the urge to curl her fingers. "I'm pretty sure that I've had a crush on you since the first time we met, when you gave me those Kit Kats."

Tiffany chuckles shyly, recalling the drunken phone call and Taeyeon's confession. I think it's no longer just a crush though. But she lets Taeyeon finish.

"I'm pretty sure you've known how I feel about you but I need to let you know in person. Not through a letter or a phone call." Taeyeon pauses, taking a deep breath. "Fany-ah, I-..."

Suddenly the cheerful waitress reappears, placing the huge dessert on the table along with two spoons and two glasses of water. "Here you go," the girl briefly says before leaving.

Taeyeon instantly sulks, feeling like she's lost her momentum and the courage she's been building up.

Tiffany has to laugh at Taeyeon's sour face. "She doesn't understand Korean so she can't know that she's interrupting you. Don't kill her."

When Taeyeon still doesn't want to talk, Tiffany takes one of the spoons, scoops up some ice cream and gestures it towards Taeyeon, holding it right in front of Taeyeon's mouth.

Taeyeon looks at the spoon then at Tiffany. "What are you doing?"

"Turning your frown upside down. Now open your mouth."

Taeyeon wants to take the spoon but Tiffany moves it out of her reach.


Tiffany only shakes her head before returning the spoon to where it was, in front of Taeyeon's mouth.

Taeyeon sighs, opens her mouth and lets Tiffany feed her the ice cream while silently turning red at the cheeks.

"Happy?" asks Tiffany, scooping more ice cream with the same spoon to then eat it.

"I think we've just kissed," Taeyeon says, nearly causing Tiffany to choke.

"W-what?" Tiffany sets the spoon down and quickly takes a sip from her water, glaring at Taeyeon who's now laughing from across the table.

The joke helps Taeyeon to calm down, ready to continue what she wants to say.

"Fany-ah, I like you," she says, choosing not to use the word 'love' for now since there are still too many uncertainties as to what will happen after this. "I know you still need time and I'm okay with giving you as much time and space as you need. Besides, I can't do long distance relationships because the last one I attempted failed miserably. I don't want to hurt you or myself so I'm not going to put us through that or make false promises." She pauses for air. "But I'm willing to wait. If you want me to, that is."

"I don't know how long it will take," replies Tiffany.

"That's okay. I'll wait for as long as I have to."

"That would be unfair to you."

"I don't mind."

"I'm serious, Taeyeon."

"So am I. All I need is the assurance that you want this too. I don't care if I have to wait a month, a year... as long as I know it'll happen. So, do you?" asks Taeyeon carefully, searching Tiffany's eyes.

"I... don't know," Tiffany says. She doesn't miss the crestfallen look on Taeyeon's face so she quickly adds, "Please don't get me wrong. Meeting you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I like you too, Taeyeon-ah."

Her hand reaches out for Taeyeon's in an attempt to convince her.

"I really do," she says, giving Taeyeon's hand a warm squeeze, ignoring the spark she feels when their skin touch. "I can't deny it no matter how hard I've tried."

"Then why are you saying no?" asks Taeyeon as she shifts her hand to hold Tiffany's properly, forgetting her shyness or the other patrons around them.

"I'm not saying no. I'm just... I'm scared," whispers Tiffany, her eyes wet and her heart heavy with guilt. "You mean a lot to me but I can't go back to Seoul and my family... I don't know what this would do to our still fragile relationship. Back then, I'd gladly give up everything but look where it got me. I can't risk that hell again."

"You don't have to be scared. I'm not her."

Tiffany looks up, sees the serious yet sincere eyes gazing at her lovingly and she can't help but smile. "I know that. I wouldn't have flown all the way to Seoul and back here in one day just to see you otherwise."

"I'm not asking you to go back to Seoul or to tell your family about this. I'm not asking you to put your heart on the line for me. I'm asking you to allow me to put myheart on the line for you and wait until you're ready."

"Why would you want to do that? You might get hurt."

Taeyeon shakes her head. "I'm pretty sure I won't. What you did yesterday convinced me that you're worth it." She is now holding Tiffany's hand with both her hands. "You don't have to feel burdened. I'm not asking you to commit. We won't be in a relationship."

"Is that healthy?"

"I don't know, to be honest," says Taeyeon with a chuckle. "I don't have everything figured out. All I know is that I want to tell you how I feel and what I'm willing to do for you because you deserve to know."

Tiffany pats Taeyeon's hand with her free one then slowly pulls her hand free. "So what now?"

Taeyeon shrugs. "Enjoy whatever's left of our weekend then just go back to our lives, I guess. But should you decide that you're ready to take that plunge again one day, remember me because I'll be waiting."

Tiffany shakes her head. "Now I know why Sooyoung called you stubborn to a fault. You're only gonna get hurt, Taeyeon."

"I'll be fine." Taeyeon takes hold of her spoon and begins eating. "Hurry. This thing is melting fast."


They spend the rest of the day together, walking around the city, doing some light shopping and eating all kinds of food.

Tiffany walks Taeyeon back to her hotel and up to her room, reluctant to say goodbye.

"I'll take you to the airport tomorrow," she says to which Taeyeon just nods.

"Wanna come in for a bit?" asks Taeyeon as she unlocks the door.

"Sure," Tiffany says, following Taeyeon inside the room that's been neatly made by the housekeeping. She sits on the bed and watches Taeyeon rummage in her carry-on.

"I got you these." Taeyeon shows Tiffany the Kit Kats.

"I got you something similar." Tiffany opens the bag and takes out two boxes of green tea Kit Kats, also tied with a pink ribbon.

They smile at each other as Taeyeon takes her seat on the bed, next to Tiffany, and gives her the two boxes.

"I think you should save this for tomorrow. You've eaten enough sugar and chocolate this weekend," says Tiffany, placing Taeyeon's Kit Kats on the bedside table.

"I agree."

Tiffany moves up the bed so she can lean against the headrest and turns on the TV.

Taeyeon soon follows, settling down next to Tiffany.

They surf through the channels, stopping at interesting shows every now and then but since both don't really speak the language, they end up watching the Korean cable news channel.

"Now this is fun. News," comments Taeyeon. "Better than movies."

"Funnier than variety shows," adds Tiffany.

They laugh and Taeyeon turns her head, taking in the face she deems perfect. She knows she's going to miss Tiffany like crazy after this.

Tiffany also turns her head when she feels Taeyeon's eyes on her. "What?" she asks shakily, suddenly nervous due to the proximity of their faces.

"Nothing." Taeyeon turns her head away, back to watching the TV. She has to exercise every ounce of self-control for that move because what she really wants is to just lean in and kiss Tiffany.

Tiffany keeps her eyes on Taeyeon for a moment longer before following suit, changing the channel once again.

"Hey! I was watching that," protests Taeyeon.

"Admit it. There's nothing to watch." Tiffany switches the TV off and drops the remote onto the bed. "I better get going," she says, sitting up.

"I'll take you home." Taeyeon moves off the bed.

"You don't have to. It's not even that far."

"I want to."

"No, Taeyeon. I'll be fine on my own."

"At least let me walk you down to the lobby?"

"That I will allow."

They part ways at the lobby with Tiffany waving out of the taxi's open window.

Taeyeon watches the vehicle until it disappears into the Tokyo traffic and sighs, smiling to herself, glad that this trip hasn't been a total waste after all.


Tiffany watches Taeyeon like a hawk as the latter moves along with the queue at the check-in counter. She regrets that they can't spend more time together but she has tried to make up for it by fetching Taeyeon at the hotel as early as possible and they managed to eat breakfast together before Taeyeon checked out of the hotel.

She didn't get enough sleep last night because she kept thinking about the conversation they had.

Tiffany still considers it unfair if Taeyeon has to wait indefinitely but she doesn't know what to say or do to change her mind. Plus, she can't deny the joy and that flattered feeling every time she remembers what Taeyeon is willing to go through for her.

She straightens up when she sees Taeyeon making her way back to where she's standing.

"Done. Let's go," Taeyeon says. "I'm thirsty."

They find an empty table in a café and order drinks, chatting away until it's time for Taeyeon to go.

Their feet move slowly towards the boarding area.

"This feels too much like a bad dejavu," remarks Taeyeon jokingly although her eyes are sad.

"I know but at least I get to see you again," replies Tiffany, also with the same sad look in her eyes.

To Tiffany's surprise, Taeyeon reaches out and holds her hand.

"I'll come back and visit you," Taeyeon says.

"I'll do that too."

"Call first before you do, okay?"

They chuckle, grinning at each other.

"Taeyeon-ah," Tiffany looks down at their hands, "I gotta ask for one final time. Are you sure about this?"

"About what?"


"Totally. I know whom I want."

The confident tone causes Tiffany to lift her head only to see Taeyeon smiling at her.

"You know..." She clears her throat, feeling like she should say something to repay Taeyeon for everything she's done and willing to do. "You've really managed to brighten up my days and I don't feel alone anymore whenever I'm with you," she says in all honesty. "You make me feel things I thought I'd never be able to feel again and I've even hoped that you could be the one who'd heal my heart."

Her fingers move, fitting themselves between Taeyeon's as she holds her hand even tighter.

"But now I know that I need to heal on my own before I could give you my heart. I don't want you to have only bits and pieces of it. I want you to have it all, wholly."

"Thank you," says Taeyeon softly. "And I don't mind waiting until then. I really don't. So don't push yourself too hard. Let nature take its course. I'm not going anywhere." She squeezes Tiffany's hand. "I promise."

Tiffany slowly, reluctantly, lets Taeyeon's hand go. "Don't be a stranger, okay?" she says, tearing up.

"With you? Never."

Tiffany sighs and closes her eyes when Taeyeon hugs her. She buries her face in her hair, inhales and whispers a thank you.

"You're welcome," she hears Taeyeon say and nearly cries when she feels her press her lips against her cheek.

"I'll miss you," adds Taeyeon.

"I'll miss you too."

"Aw... don't cry. We'll see each other again. I promise." Taeyeon wipes Tiffany's tears with her thumbs even though she's fighting to keep her own tears from spilling.

"I didn't bring any Kit Kats with me this time."

Taeyeon laughs at that. "Good. Because I don't think it's healthy for either of us. Let's switch to fruits."

Tiffany sniffs and laughs. "Take care," she says, watching Taeyeon take a step back, further and further away.

"You too. Bye, Fany."

Her tears flow down her cheeks once again when their eyes meet. "Bye, Taeyeon." Thank you for everything.

#taeny #thedonkatsu

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