By kimmacchiatto_

22.1K 690 107


Strawberry Kit Kat (1)
Strawberry Kit Kat (2)
Strawberry Kit Kat (3)
Strawberry Kit Kat (4)
Strawberry Kit Kat (5)
Strawberry Kit Kat (6)
Strawberry Kit Kat (8)
Strawberry Kit Kat (9)
Strawberry Kit Kat (10)
Strawberry Kit Kat (11)
Strawberry Kit Kat (12)
Strawberry Kit Kat (13) - END
Strawberry Kit Kat - Epilogue

Strawberry Kit Kat (7)

1.3K 44 0
By kimmacchiatto_

When she sees that it's almost midnight, Taeyeon closes the file she's been doodling on and opens the finished one.

She final checks everything seriously, brows furrowed and hands moving efficiently.

She doesn't see the look of amusement and adoration from across the table from the girl no longer reading her book.

Then when she's done, she heaves a sigh, saves it plus an extra backup in the cloud folder and stretches.

"I'm done," she tells Tiffany.

"Let me see."

Taeyeon yawns –more out of boredom than exhaustion– and turns her laptop towards Tiffany who pulls the computer closer and begins checking Taeyeon's work.

"Good job. Wanna see mine?"

"Nah. I trust you." Taeyeon stands up, cracks her back and neck then goes to lie down on the couch. "I've uploaded one to the cloud folder. Can you please send both to Yeonho oppa?" she asks, closing her eyes.


"And tell him that we'll come in late tomorrow. He has taken our weekend away from us so it's the least he could do."

"I'll notify him that you passed out and might need medical attention."

Taeyeon opens her eyes and turns her head. "Yah!"

Tiffany laughs as she types the email, notifying the supervisor that their work is done and that he should check the cloud folder where they've put both files, while Taeyeon goes back to resting her eyes.

"Done," Tiffany says. "Whew. Finally. You work fast despite the distractions."

Taeyeon holds in her smile. If only you knew how fast I really work. But she says nothing.

She hears Tiffany getting off the couch, leaving the room. Before she has the chance to take a peek to see what Tiffany is doing, the girl has returned – as indicated by the soft shuffling of approaching slippers.

Taeyeon opens her eyes to see Tiffany taking a seat next to her, just like the previous night, and she scoots a bit to make room.

"Your reward." Tiffany dangles another Kit Kat package from her hand, a green one this time.

"Green tea?" asks Taeyeon, sitting up.


Taeyeon takes the treat and observes it. "Wasabi?!"


"Whoa! I thought you've run out of weird flavors? What is it with you and poisoning me with spicy Kit Kats?"

Tiffany chuckles, shoving Taeyeon's shoulder lightly. "The chili one wasn't spicy at all."

"So you're taking this up to the next level? And since when is wasabi flavored chocolate not weird?"

"Shush and give it a try."

"Have you had one of these?" Taeyeon asks, ripping the package open.

Tiffany nods then grins.

"I don't like the look of that grin." Taeyeon breaks the Kit Kats in two and gives one to Tiffany. "Share."

"No need. It's all yours. I've tried this one before, remember?"

"I don't care. I'm not going down alone. Take it." Taeyeon gestures the short green stick forward.

"It's really not that bad!"

"Take it or I will not accept another bite of Kit Kat from you."

"And you call me a dictator? Wow." Tiffany snatches the treat from Taeyeon's hand and takes a bite. "See? It's not spicy!"

Taeyeon wrinkles her nose when she sniffs her half and eats it hesitantly. She chews and chews and when she finally realizes that it's not bad at all, she takes another, bigger, bite – much to Tiffany's amusement.

"See? Told ya it's okay." Tiffany finishes the rest of her Kit Kat all at once then dusts her hands.

"It's better than the chili one, actually," comments Taeyeon. "Although both smell kinda strong."

"Yup. But not weird, right?"

"They're weird but not as weird as I thought."

"Good enough."

Taeyeon crushes the empty wrapper in her hand and is expecting Tiffany to move since there's no more Kit Kats to eat but the latter doesn't budge.

She looks up, sees her eyes staring her face and inadvertently becomes self-conscious.

"Is there something on my face?" she asks, wiping the corner of her mouth with her fingers while licking her bottom lip.

It's like Tiffany has been spacing out because the girl suddenly jerks a bit, shakes her head and quickly gets up.

"N-no. Nothing."

Taeyeon watches Tiffany retreat to the kitchen with raised eyebrows.

What just happened? Was she staring at my lips?


Tiffany opens the fridge and hides her face in it, pretending to be looking for something in case Taeyeon walks in.

She takes a deep breath and exhales.

Damn those lips.


"Quick! How was the sleepover?"

Taeyeon stops halfway through putting the food in her mouth and stares at her friend sitting on the chair across from her. "What sleepover?"

"You spent two nights at her place," Sunny says. "Something must have happened. Now tell me! Hurry! Before she returns!"

The three of them are in the middle of lunch that Monday and Tiffany had just excused herself to go to the toilet when Sunny launched into her interrogation.

"Nothing happens! We worked our butts off and that's it!"


"I'm not lying," says Taeyeon. "Nothing happened."

"Why? She didn't respond?"

"What? What should she respond to?"

"Your advances?"

"I did not make any advances! We worked, talked, ate meals and that. Was. It," she emphasizes.

"Well you should've done something." Sunny folds her arms. "You really should."

"Why?" Taeyeon puts her fork down and furrows her brows, observing the smug look on her best friend's face. "You know something, don't you?"


"Please don't tell me that you interrogated Sooyoung?"

"I didn't! I just asked her some light, innocent questions."

Taeyeon heaves a sigh. "Stay out of this."

"Why? Aren't you curious as to whether your J.Lo likes you too, Papi?"


"What? I know you're dying to know. Don't try to lie to me, Kim Taeyeon. I know you." Sunny points her finger at Taeyeon. "Playing hard to get is so not you, Taeng."

Taeyeon sticks her tongue out at her friend, sees Tiffany returning from the corner of her eyes and signals Sunny to shut up.

"So what did I miss?" asks Tiffany, sitting down.

"Nothing much, actually," replies Sunny nonchalantly. She has taken hold of her phone and is typing on it. "I think I have to go though. My sister has given me errands to run. Thanks for lunch, Taeng," she says, taking her bag.

"Hey, who says I'm paying for you?"

"I am." Sunny smiles at Taeyeon sweetly and wink, making the latter gag. "Bye."

"Bye," replies Tiffany.

Taeyeon's phone beeps and she sees a message from her friend who has just left the table.

"FYI, Syoung said she swings both ways," read the message. "Go get her, Papi Taeng!"

Taeyeon's eyes widen and for a second, she just stares at the words 'she swings both ways', reading them over and over again.

"Is something wrong?"

She hears Tiffany asks and looks at her after quickly closing the chat app.

"Nah. Just some random Pokopang invitation."

"They're annoying, aren't they?"


When they arrive back at the office, the supervisor has sent them another email with his feedback and more revisions for them to do.

They spend the rest of the day working with only one short coffee break suggested by Taeyeon.

After they're done for the day, Taeyeon asks Tiffany whether she'd want to have dinner with her and of course, the answer is yes.

She gets another green tea Kit Kat from Tiffany as they part ways at the station that night and decides not to eat it. Instead, she puts it in the fridge to remind her of the fun weekend she just had.

She sees an incoming message just as she plugs her phone to charge it before bed. It's from Tiffany.

"Good night. Thanks for dinner."

"I didn't pay for you though," replies Taeyeon.

"But you invited me to dinner and I had fun with you."

Taeyeon instantly remembers Sunny's words. So... what should I do now? Should I go for it? Will it work? Will she be able to like me back? But she lives in Japan now. It's too crazy to think that there's a chance that she'd stay here for me. We've only known each other for a few weeks.

"I had fun too," she finally says after deciding to take it slow and just continue spending as much time as possible with Tiffany. "Thanks for putting up with me the entire weekend."

"No problem. I've had some babysitting experience so it was a walk in the park."

Taeyeon sets her phone on the bedside table, rummages in the drawer for her earphones then switches off the light before she lies down on the bed, plugs the earphones into her phone and dials.


"I am not a baby."

Tiffany laughs and Taeyeon instantly smiles at the sound she has grown to adore, imagining Tiffany's smiling face.

They talk until the wee hours of the night and Taeyeon falls asleep with the biggest smile on her face, not even caring that she doesn't have much time left until she has to wake up.

It doesn't matter to her anyway. She wishes it were morning already because she'd be able to see Tiffany again then.

She wakes up before her alarm rings –a record breaking first in her 25 years on earth– and hops into the shower singing.

She buys two cups of coffee on her way to work and places one on Tiffany's desk.

When Tiffany arrives, Taeyeon pretends not to notice, keeping her eyes glued to her computer monitor instead.

An instant message pops up on her screen soon enough.

"Thanks for the coffee," says Tiffany.

"What coffee?"

"The one you put on my desk."

"I didn't put anything on your desk."

"You're drinking from a cup with the same logo, liar."

Taeyeon looks at the cup she is holding and chuckles, turning her head towards Tiffany's cubicle only to see the latter shaking her head at her.

She shoots her a grin and gets a smile in return.

Tiffany lifts her cup, mouths a thank you and goes to work, leaving Taeyeon feeling like she has just bought her a diamond ring instead.


Sometimes Taeyeon wishes that both Tiffany and herself were not so good at what they do because now they have managed to finish their tasks within a week – much faster than expected.

"Good job, you two!" exclaims Taeyeon's supervisor. "This is just awesome! The Japan office would be thrilled and so would the bosses upstairs."

He rounds up the team to happily tell them that they're right on track and that the project is nearing its end.

"All thanks to the wonderful cooperation from Taeyeon and Tiffany. We should put you two on a lot more collaboration projects from now on," he praises the two who modestly shake their heads, saying that they haven't really done much.

After the meeting, Taeyeon sits down with a frown on her face and a nagging feeling in her heart.

She clicks the always open instant messenger window and types, "Does this mean that you're leaving soon?"

She sends it and leans back in her chair, waiting for Tiffany to reply.

The past week has been sheer bliss for her, even better than Japan.

They were practically inseparable from morning till night, spending almost 24 hours together each day except when they're home sleeping.

Her day would start with buying coffee for Tiffany then working with her, having lunch with her, having dinner with her after work; ending with a long phone conversation before bed and another Kit Kat stored safely in her fridge.

She has honestly forgotten her routine before Tiffany arrived in Seoul and wishes that she could keep the current one instead.

"I'm not sure," says the message that pops up on her screen. "There's technically no more use for me here."

"Has your supervisor contacted you?"

"Not yet. I'm expecting to hear from him soon though. Yeonho oppa's updating him as we speak, probably."

Taeyeon heaves a sigh. "But they assigned you here for two weeks, didn't they?"

"Yes but I'm not sure they'll let me stay here for much longer now that the project's done."

"I should've played more Wii."

Tiffany sends a laughing emoticon that makes Taeyeon smile.

"Agreed. And I should've let you play more."

The reply sends a tiny jolt to Taeyeon's heart. So you also prefer staying?

"But I'd have to go back to Japan sooner or later anyway," comes Tiffany's next message, immediately deflating Taeyeon's hopeful heart.

"True," she replies. This is just not going to happen, is it?

Taeyeon minimizes the window and decides to get herself some fresh air.

She locks her computer, takes her phone and wallet and goes to ask her supervisor for permission to make a coffee run.

He lets her and she leaves the office without telling the girl who's been secretly watching her.


Tiffany silently sighs when she sees the gloom on Taeyeon's face as the latter leaves the office without saying anything to her.

She, too, doesn't want to leave Seoul but she's not sure that staying would be the right thing to do.

They've just known each other for a little over two weeks, in total, and despite the unusually fast tumble her heart has taken for Taeyeon, she is still afraid.

She sits back and takes a minute to think, absentmindedly tapping the desk with her finger.

Then she reaches out for her phone, unlocks it and sends Sunny a message.

"Hey, Sunny. Can I have Sooyoung's number? I feel like catching up with her over coffee later."

Sunny's reply arrives fast. "Sure thing. Here you go."


She saves the number and gets up to talk to the supervisor.

"Oppa?" She knocks on the open door and peeks inside.

The man looks up from the papers on his desk. "Yes?"

"Can I leave early today? I don't feel well," she says, putting on her best sick face.

"Of course! You two have been working too hard. Take a well-deserved break," he says. "Oh and I've emailed your supervisor. They'll probably contact you tonight. I'm hoping they'd let you stay another week. There's another ongoing project that I want your input on."

"I'm fine either way, Oppa," replies Tiffany. "I like working here."

"Good to know. You and Taeyeon make a great team."

I know. Trust me, I know.


Tiffany looks up to see Sooyoung entering the coffee shop and looking around, searching.

She waves at her and straightens up when she sees her approaching, feeling awkward and tense.

"Hey," greets the tall girl with a smile as she takes her seat across from her.

"Hi. Thanks for agreeing to meet me on such short notice."

"No problem. I happen to have a free day today."

"No clients?"

"None whatsoever."

They grow quiet and Sooyoung excuses herself to get something to drink, leaving Tiffany nervously fidgeting with her coffee cup.

When Sooyoung returns, Tiffany decides to just cut straight to the chase.

"I'm sorry for not keeping in touch," she says.

"It's okay. I understand," replies Sooyoung, still with that soft smile on her face. "Must not have been easy being here again."

"Yeah but I've successfully been in incognito mode, thankfully," Tiffany chuckles.

"I'm sorry about what happened."

"Thank you. I'm sorry if this is too sudden but I guess... I need to talk to someone who knows. Honestly, I wasn't planning on coming back or meeting old friends while I'm here but since we bumped into each other that day, I can't think of anyone else to talk to about this."

"About Taeyeon, you mean?"

Tiffany is caught off guard by her friend's bluntness. "Y-yeah. Sunny told you?"

"She only told me that Taeng has been crushing on you since she met you in Japan."

That makes Tiffany blush. She tries to covers her face with her cup, sipping her drink as slowly as she possibly can.

Sooyoung notices the reaction and smiles. "You like her too?"


"She's a good person, Fany. I can vouch for her and I'm sure Sunny can too. I've known her for quite a while, actually. I just never thought of introducing her to you back then because... you know... you were in a relationship," she says that last bit carefully, knowing how sensitive it is to Tiffany.

"I... I've only known her for about two weeks though. Our meeting was quite memorable," says Tiffany, cracking a small smile when she recalls that random platform incident, "and I never expected to click so well with someone I've just met. I thought I would never be able to do that again especially after what happened." She swallows as the pain resurfaces.

"Hey, take it easy. Sometimes things just happen with or without you realizing it. I don't think it's a bad thing, this chemistry you have with Taeng, but I understand your fear." Sooyoung now knows why Tiffany had wanted to talk to her. "Taeyeon is not like her, Fany. She's not a fake or a gold digger. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body! She can be childish, emo and stubborn to a fault but she is definitely not like her."

"Who is to know? I mean, none of us expected her to do what she did. She just... turned into a monster one day."

"I'm going to be very honest with you here," says Sooyoung, taking great care to formulate her words after a short pause. "Some of us, me included, had actually tried to warn you about her. You didn't listen to us and I understand why. It's hard to think objectively and rationally when you're in love. We never really liked her. We just pretended for your sake."

Tiffany clenches her jaws. "Then how can I trust your words now?"

"Because I'm through pretending. I've seen how much you hurt and I don't wish to ever witness that again. I do care about you, Fany." Sooyoung reaches out to gently squeeze Tiffany's hand. "You're one of my closest friends."


"Are. You still are."

Tiffany can feel tears surging up but she holds it back. She regrets cutting Sooyoung off after what happened.

"Don't feel bad. I know you needed the time and space to recover, and if starting over in a brand new place is what you need then by all means, do it. I'm not going anywhere anyway." Sooyoung chuckles. "Stuck in Seoul forever. You can always come back and visit me."

"Thanks," mumbles Tiffany, hiding her wet eyes. She takes a deep breath then says, "Japan is fun. A bit lonely but fun nonetheless."

"I'm glad."

After she has managed to get her emotions under control, Tiffany looks up to see Sooyoung typing on her phone nonchalantly, as if nothing has happened – and she is once again grateful for what her friend is doing.

"How's your parents?" she asks.

"They're good," says Sooyoung, putting her phone down. "How's your family?"

"Thawing," Tiffany says. "No more 'I told you so', thankfully."

"Good to hear."

Tiffany takes a moment to sip her drink, feeling less awkward and tense.

"Have you told Sunny or Taeyeon about me or what happened?" she asks, breaking the silence.

Sooyoung shakes her head. "I don't gossip about my friends behind their backs. If they want to know, they should ask you directly."

"Thanks for that."

"Don't mention it."

"I've finished the job I'm supposed to do here, by the way."

"Oh? Are you flying back to Japan?"

"I don't know. We managed to do everything a week faster than expected so..."

"Do you want to leave?"

Tiffany exhales. "I don't know about that either."

"I'd say don't pressure yourself so much. If you still need time then take time. If you're not ready yet then wait," says Sooyoung. "I don't want to be mean especially now that we're friends again but there's something you need to know about Taeyeon."

"What is it? I thought you said she's not like her."

"She's not but she doesn't do long distance relationships."


"Yeah. Sorry."

"W-why should you be sorry?"

"You've considered it, haven't you?"

"Maybe but it's too early to tell. Like you said, I should wait if I'm not ready yet. After all," she chuckles dryly, "it's not like it's gonna happen. I mean, we barely know each other."

Sooyoung merely smiles, knowing the truth behind the fake nonchalance. "By the way, now that you have my number, don't be a stranger, okay? I miss my loud Fany."

Tiffany smiles again, sincerely this time. "Thanks, Syoung-ah."


"Where are you?"

Tiffany sees the message on her phone and replies, "I'm home."

"You went home? Why?"

"I'm not feeling well," she lies. "Where were you?"

"I went to get some snack and coffee."

Why didn't you tell me or ask me to come along like usual? But Tiffany doesn't ask Taeyeon that. Instead, she just sends her a short "Oh" in reply.

"I thought you went on a snack break too but you never returned," says Taeyeon. "I couldn't text you because my battery ran out. Why didn't you tell me that you're not feeling well?"

"You were out and I didn't wanna make a fuss. I thought you had something to do when you left the office."

"I just went on a short snack run. Didn't even take my bag with me."

"I didn't know that. Sorry."

The replies stop coming and for the first time in a long time, Tiffany can feel the familiar heavy sinking in her heart.

I guess I really am not ready for this. Not yet, at least. Sorry, Taeyeon.

She places her phone on the bedside table and decides to order dinner.

She's watching TV, waiting for the food to arrive, when the buzzer rings.

Thinking that it's the deliveryman, she leaps to her feet and goes to the receiver on the wall only to see someone she's totally not expecting.


"Yeah. Hi." Taeyeon grins and waves to the camera. "Can I come up? I think this belongs to you too." She lifts the plastic bag in her hand that bears the familiar logo of the chicken restaurant.

"How did you get that?"

"Met the delivery guy just now. This chicken craving of yours is getting out of hand and it's definitely not a meal for a sick person."

"I-... Err... come up," Tiffany says, pressing the button to open the door.

She makes a mad dash to her bedroom to change her clothes and tidy her hair only to realize that Taeyeon has practically seen her in her pajamas and with no make up. They were her best pajamas, of course, but still.

With a defeated sigh, she runs the brush through her hair once more, ties it up in a bun and goes to answer her doorbell.

"Maybe you should eat something healthier," is the first thing Taeyeon says when Tiffany pushes the door open.

"I'm not that sick," she says, stepping aside to let Taeyeon through. "Just feeling tired, that's all."

"You should've told me." Taeyeon takes off her shoes and waits for Tiffany before she follows her inside the apartment, heading straight to the kitchen to put the chicken on the counter.

"Why are you here?" Tiffany asks, noticing the other plastic bag in Taeyeon's hand.

"I know how empty your fridge is so I thought I'd come by and put my cooking skills to good use."

"I can always order out."

"Take outs are not exactly sick people's food."

"I'm not that sick. I really am not, Taeyeon."

"Well now I know," replies Taeyeon, grinning. "Anyway, I've brought some basic necessities for you." She shows Tiffany the bag. "Rice, kimchi, meat, some vegetables and spices... Not much, really. I just took whatever I have left at home."

"I really don't want to trouble you."

"It's no trouble. Can I put these away?"


Tiffany doesn't know what to say or do to repay Taeyeon's kindness except share her dinner.

She avoids Taeyeon's gaze the whole time, feeling like she's been on a rollercoaster ride.

One minute she's sad and disappointed, then she's touched by Taeyeon's gesture, and now she's just one very happy fluttery mess inside with Taeyeon there.

"I took the liberty of buying you some vitamin C and herbal tea on my way here," Taeyeon says once she has finished washing the dishes – a chore she insisted on doing. She goes to take the vitamin bottle and tea package out of her bag. "Take the vitamin and go to bed early. You can drink the tea tomorrow morning."

"Thanks but I'll be fine."

"You also need proper food," Taeyeon says, ignoring Tiffany's reply. "No more chicken. Do you happen to have an apron?"

"Err... I don't know. Maybe it's somewhere in the cabinet, near the tea towels."

Taeyeon tiptoes, checking each cabinet in search of an apron and finally found one. "Flowery and frilly," she says, laughing. "I guess it will have to do. Please don't take my picture in this."

"I'll think about it but umm... what are you doing? We've just had dinner," says Tiffany when Taeyeon proceeds to tie the apron around her waist.

"Making you breakfast."

"What?" Tiffany sees Taeyeon opening her fridge. "Breakfast?"

"Yeah. I'll cook you something now and you can warm it up tomorrow morning. It's not gonna be anything fancy though. Probably just rice and... hm..." Taeyeon rummages in the fridge, taking out the stuff she has brought with her. "I think I have enough here for a nice pot of stew. Where's your rice cooker?"

"You don't have to do this," Tiffany gets up from her seat and approaches Taeyeon, trying to stop her.

"I want to," replies Taeyeon with a soft smile that melts Tiffany's heart and sends more butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "Just tell me where the rice cooker is and I can take it from there. I'm allowed to use anything in this kitchen, right? Pots, pans, knives?"

"Of course. But I don't know where the rice cooker is."

"Somehow I've expected that," says Taeyeon, chuckling. " Don't worry. I'll manage. Now go on. Take your vitamin and go to bed."

"I can't sleep right after a meal."

"Then rest in the living room. I'll take care of everything."

Tiffany wants to hug Taeyeon and thank her for everything but stops herself and settles with giving Taeyeon a warm squeeze on the arm. "Thank you. You really don't have to do this."

"You're welcome and I want to. I really do."

They stand there, eyes locked and Tiffany's hand still on Taeyeon's arm.

Taeyeon is the first to move, clearing her throat and taking a step back, effectively making Tiffany drop the hand she has on her arm. She looks away, busying herself with her cooking preparation.

Tiffany lets Taeyeon have her space but she doesn't leave the kitchen. She takes in the back view of the busy Taeyeon who's doing so much for her and can't help but remember Sooyoung's words.

You don't do long distance relationships and I can't go back to Seoul.

She heaves a quiet sigh.

But I do want you, that I can't deny no matter how scared I am. What are we going to do about this, Taeyeon?

#taeny #thedonkatsu

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