By kimmacchiatto_

22.1K 690 107


Strawberry Kit Kat (1)
Strawberry Kit Kat (3)
Strawberry Kit Kat (4)
Strawberry Kit Kat (5)
Strawberry Kit Kat (6)
Strawberry Kit Kat (7)
Strawberry Kit Kat (8)
Strawberry Kit Kat (9)
Strawberry Kit Kat (10)
Strawberry Kit Kat (11)
Strawberry Kit Kat (12)
Strawberry Kit Kat (13) - END
Strawberry Kit Kat - Epilogue

Strawberry Kit Kat (2)

1.7K 52 6
By kimmacchiatto_

There's a loud sigh from behind her, causing her to stop what she's doing.

Tiffany turns her head and watches Taeyeon stretch long and hard. She smiles to herself. It's a sight that is now common to her after a few days of working together. She has grown to like seeing tired Taeyeon, strangely, with hair pulled up in a messy bun, brows furrowed in deep focus and lips pouting. She has never seen anyone look so cute when exhausted.

"What are you looking at?" Taeyeon asks in a slightly irritated tone when she realizes Tiffany staring.

"But I can do without the snapping," says Tiffany, continuing her thought out loud.


"Nothing. Tired?"

"Aren't you?" Taeyeon stretches some more, noisily, then lets out the loudest sigh to date as she slumps in her chair. "Let's go home."

"We have a deadline to meet, Taeyeon," replies Tiffany. She has already resumed working.

"I know but we can finish this in the morning. The deadline's tomorrow but there's no specific time, right? If we give this to them by lunchtime or even before going home, it still counts as tomorrow, right?"

"Technically, yes."

"Then let's go home and get some sleep. We don't have much left to do anyway."

"You go ahead. I'm gonna try to get a bit more done before I leave."

Taeyeon swivels in her chair to face Tiffany who is still diligently working, eyes focused on the screen.

"Wake me up when you're done then. I need to rest my eyes," she says, clasping her hands over her stomach. She leans her head back and closes her eyes, trying to get comfortable in her chair. It doesn't take long for her to fall asleep for real.

Tiffany turns a few minutes later to see Taeyeon asleep. "Go home and sleep."




Tiffany puts down the drawing pen and quietly approaches the sleeping Taeyeon. She smiles, trying hard to fight the urge to prank the girl. Instead, she settles with taking a stealthy picture of Taeyeon sleeping with her mouth open and goes back to work.


"Don't fall asleep in the train, okay?" says Tiffany, nudging the drowsy looking Taeyeon as they stand in the middle of the small hall.

It's their daily ritual now to stop at that spot and say goodbye before going to their respective platforms.

"I'll try. No promises." Taeyeon yawns.

"You'll miss your stop if you fall asleep."

Taeyeon just stares at Tiffany blankly, making the latter chuckle.

"Alright. Go on home before you decide to sleep here." She pats Taeyeon's arm. "Good night. Well done today," she says. "I'll see you tomorrow. Get home safely."

Tiffany takes a step back then turns around to catch her train.


She hears the Korean word and turns around by reflex to see Taeyeon running towards her.

"I almost forgot!" says the girl rummaging in her bag. "Here."

Tiffany smiles when she takes the small pink package from Taeyeon. "So you're really going to do this every day?"

"Yes," replies Taeyeon, grinning. "And since you've worked very hard today. I'm even adding a bonus." She takes out another package but in green. "My favorite. Give it a try."

"Thank you."

"See ya." Taeyeon waves goodbye and starts walking away, hiding her face. It's been the highlight of her days so far, seeing the amused smile on Tiffany's face and the twinkle in her eyes when she gives her the strawberry Kit Kat. To her, it's the perfect way to end each tiring day at work.

Her steps are light and she's no longer feeling sleepy. Her smile grows and it stays on her face until she reaches the hotel.

"Well someone's looking happy. I was expecting a whining sulking exhausted Taenggoo tonight," remarks Sunny when she comes out of the bathroom to see her roommate smiling at her phone screen. She tries to take a peek over Taeyeon's shoulder. "Message from Tiffany?"

"Yah! Nosy much?" Taeyeon quickly shields her phone screen with one hand, moving away from Sunny.

"What did she say?"

"None of your business." She swiftly locks her phone and puts it on the bedside table. "I'm going to take a shower," she tells her best friend.

"I'm going to crack your phone password," replies Sunny cheekily.

Taeyeon quickly makes a U-turn and grabs the device, taking it with her to the bathroom.

"I was just kidding!"

"I don't care. It's better to be safe."

"So your password is an easy one, huh?" Sunny grins and shakes her head when the bathroom door closes without a single reply from Taeyeon. "Kim Taenggoo's Japan love story. Who knew?"


The dreaded day finally arrives and Taeyeon has been moody since yesterday. Sunny tries to be the understanding best friend and stays clear of her even though she wants nothing but to slap the back of her head.

It's Taeyeon's last day working in Japan. Tomorrow, she and Sunny will board the plane back to Korea.

She arrives at the office with a mix of emotions. On the one hand, it will be great to go home but on the other hand...

She looks at the empty desk next to hers and sighs.

No more Tiffany.

It only took her less than a day to figure out that she likes having Tiffany around. Now she's pretty sure that she has entered the 'having a crush' phase, judging by how much she dreads leaving.

Sunny would disagree, of course. According to her, Taeyeon has had a crush on Tiffany since their fateful meeting at that train platform.

With another dejected sigh, she pulls out her chair, places her bag and jacket on it and is about to go to the pantry to get a drink when she hears, "What's with all the sighing?"

Taeyeon turns around to see Tiffany putting her bag and jacket on her own desk.

"It's too early for a meeting," says Taeyeon, hiding her real reason.

"I know right? I don't like morning meetings either." Tiffany switches her computer on. "I'm gonna get some coffee. Do you want something to drink?"


Taeyeon follows Tiffany to the pantry, greeting other employees on the way there, and makes herself a cup of tea.

They don't talk much. The atmosphere in the quiet pantry is awkward as both silently wish that it wasn't the last day they'd be working together.

But then the supervisor steps in to make his own cup of coffee, greets them and informs them that the meeting will start in ten minutes.

They bow politely to him and excuse themselves to prepare their stuff.

The meeting comes and goes without anything eventful. The team has managed to complete their tasks wonderfully with only minor glitches along the way and Taeyeon is praised for her contribution and cooperation.

"It's been a pleasure working with all of you," says Taeyeon, standing up to bow to the room.

"We'll be sure to keep in touch," says the team leader. "There's still plenty to finish."

"Definitely. I'm sure we will complete this project successfully and my team back in Korea will do anything in our power to assist you."

"Wonderful! And since it's your last day with us, we are going to celebrate it with a little karaoke tonight."

Taeyeon's eyes widen. She has been secretly hoping that she could spend her last night in Japan alone with Tiffany, maybe have a nice dinner somewhere. But she can't refuse the kind offer so she just fakes a smile and nods.

"Great. Once again, good job, team. Let's have fun tonight," the team leader closes the meeting, dismissing the staff.

She steals a glance at Tiffany and sees the same disappointed look on the latter's face, hidden behind a stiff and polite smile. She shoots her an apologetic look when everyone starts to leave.

"I guess we're sending you off with a bang then," remarks Tiffany calmly after they are left alone.

"Or they're just trying to find an excuse to party on a Friday night," jokes Taeyeon.

"I've suspected that too, actually."

They walk back to their workstations side by side.

"So... um... since it's your last day and you technically have nothing left to do today... how 'bout we take a long lunch break and go to this ramen place downtown?" suggests Tiffany once they have taken their seats. "It's even yummier than the one I took you to on your first day at work."

"Can you do that?"

"I need to ask Yamada-san, of course, but I'm sure he won't mind. After all the hard work we've done all week, what's an extra hour of lunch break, right?"

Taeyeon chuckles. "Right. Go ask him then."

Tiffany jumps up from her chair and rushes away, leaving Taeyeon waiting anxiously. When she returns, she can see Taeyeon swivel around in her chair, eagerly expecting good news.

Taeyeon's face falls when she sees the look on Tiffany's face. "No go, huh?"

Tiffany sits down and says, "He said no to the extra hour."

"Ah. It's okay. At least you tried."

"He said to just take the rest of the day off instead."


A huge smile begins to spread on Tiffany's face. "Gotcha! I should've become an actress," she says, laughing.

"Yah! What did he say?"

"He said that since our work is done, for now, I should take you out to see the sights. Then we can meet the rest of the team at the karaoke lounge tonight."

Taeyeon's eyes are practically beaming with joy. "He said that? He really said that?" she asks in disbelief.

Tiffany nods. "We get half a day off, Taeyeon. You must've really impressed them. I know this company is trying to be hip and fresh but it's still quite uncommon for the bosses to give anyone half a day off."

"Oh well. Whatever the reason is, I'll gladly take the offer," says Taeyeon. "Remind me to get Yamada-san something nice later."

"Will do."

Taeyeon spends the rest of the day replying emails and trying to find things to do while constantly glancing at her watch. Lunchtime can't come fast enough for her.

When the clock strikes twelve, both Taeyeon and Tiffany have switched off their computers and have their bags and jackets at the ready.

"Let's go! Ramen time!" says Tiffany cheerfully.

"What about the sights?" asks Taeyeon as she stops at the elevator queue.

"Well, Yamada-san has kindly listed a few places that we can visit before dinner." Tiffany takes out her phone and opens the note app. "We'll figure out how to get there after lunch."

"Sounds like a plan."


Taeyeon watches Tiffany take another sip and puts her hand on her arm, stopping her from pouring herself another glass. "Don't drink too much," she says in her ear so that she can be heard above the loud singing of their colleagues.

"I'm okay," replies Tiffany, smiling. "My alcohol tolerance is quite high."

Taeyeon reluctantly removes her hand and leans back, not taking her eyes off of Tiffany.

Sensing the concerned eyes on her, Tiffany decides not to go for the beer. She takes Taeyeon's glass of juice instead and drinks it.

"Better?" she asks.

"Yeah. You owe me juice now though."

Tiffany laughs. "I'll buy you as much juice as you want."

Taeyeon merely smiles.


Taeyeon turns her head and looks at the girl leaning on her shoulder. I told you not to drink too much. She reaches up and carefully sweeps Tiffany's bangs aside. Good thing it's my last night here so I can splurge on taxi fare.

She smiles and looks out the window, replaying the moments from the past week. She didn't expect to do anything but work while on assignment this week so meeting Tiffany and actually getting along with her are two nice bonuses she considers precious.

Regardless of whether they'll keep in touch after this, she will always look back on this past week with fondness.

Kim Taenggoo's Japan love story.

She recalls her friend's words and laughs silently.

If this is a love story then too bad because it's ending before it could really start.

The taxi stops and she tells the driver to wait.

"Fany-ah, wake up," Taeyeon says, gently patting Tiffany's cheek. "You're home."

The girl mumbles something then slowly opens her eyes. She lifts her head from Taeyeon's shoulder and blinks at her. "Taeyeon?"

"Yeah. Come on." Taeyeon opens the door and steps out. She runs to the other side, opens the door for Tiffany and holds her hand. "Let's go, Fany."

The driver offers his help when he sees her struggling to get Tiffany out of the car but she politely refuses.

Tiffany can walk, luckily. She just feels terribly sleepy and sluggish so she hangs onto Taeyeon the entire time.

Not that Taeyeon minds, of course.

She watches Tiffany slowly take out her keys and open the door to her tiny apartment.

Taeyeon kicks her shoes off and helps Tiffany with hers. She then guides her to the futon and sits her down.

Tiffany lies down, inching her way up to her pillow.

"Sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow," she says, pulling the covers over Tiffany.

She watches her for a minute then remembers what she has prepared.

She takes out two boxes of strawberry and green tea Kit Kats from her bag, neatly tied together with a pink ribbon. There's a card attached to it, with her handwritten message inside.

She places the box on the dining table and squats next to the bed.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

There's no reaction so Taeyeon assumes that Tiffany has fallen asleep yet again.

"Thank you for a great week and for saving me from that misunderstood suicide attempt," she says with a grin as she brushes Tiffany's messy hair aside so she can see her face. "Bye, Fany. I'll miss you."


"Soonkyu-yah, I have never seen so many drunk people in one room before," remarks Taeyeon as soon as she switches the hotel room light on.

"Yah! Turn it off!" shouts Sunny, hiding under her blanket.

"You know those drunk men you see in mangas? I saw them today. They really look like that. Red faced, slurring, loud, their clothes a mess... Some passed out on the floor and some couldn't even walk home," continues Taeyeon calmly, taking off her jacket. "There were empty liquor bottles everywhere. I guess that's what you get when the company is paying." She sits down on her bed with her phone in her hand.

Sunny's head peeks out from under the white fabric. "Did you get drunk too?"

"Not at all. Drank juice and soda the whole night. Fany got a bit drunk though."

"How drunk?" Sunny pulls down the blanket, now awake with interest.

"I had to drag her home."

"Was she unconscious?"

"She was asleep most of the time but I don't think she was unconscious. She'll probably remember everything tomorrow."

"Did you take advantage of her?"

A pillow lands on Sunny's face, making her yelp. "Yah!"

"What do you take me for?!"

"I was just asking!" Sunny throws the pillow back at Taeyeon. "You could've used the opportunity to sneak a kiss or something."

"Again, what do you take me for?"

"Hey, it's the perfect opportunity since you might not be able to do it for real after tonight."

Taeyeon stands up, walking towards her luggage. "Have you finished packing?"

"Yeah. You should pack. We need to check out before 10." Sunny then goes back to sleep, covering herself with her blanket.


She wakes up feeling strangely well rested but the moment she sees her clothes, she knows that she has probably had too much to drink last night.

She checks the clock and yawns, glad that it's Saturday.

Taeyeon's gone, huh?

And just like that, she's back to feeling alone.

It was fun with Taeyeon around. Work wasn't as dreadful and life wasn't as boring as before.

But I guess all good things must come to an end. I should text her later to thank her for taking me home last night.

She lets out a sigh and pushes herself up to take a shower. That's when she sees the Kit Kats on the table.

She smiles when she sees the pink ribbon and carefully detached the small card from the green box.

"Dear Fany,

Thank you for a wonderful week and for the most memorable meeting I've ever had in my life. I still think that green tea Kit Kats taste better than the strawberry ones but to each her own, I guess ^^. Call me when you're in Korea, okay? Don't be a stranger.

Goodbye, Fany. Until we meet again.



Taeyeon puts down her chopsticks and sips her water quietly.

"She hasn't called?"

"Huh?" She looks up at Sunny sitting across from her. "Who hasn't called?"

"Who else? Your lover in Japan. Your Japan Lover. Your J.Lo." Sunny then laughs, totally satisfied with her own joke.

"I don't have a lover in Japan."

"There is someone in Japan whom you love," teases Sunny. "You got yourself a J.Lo, hey yo!" She then begins bouncing in her seat, making hip hop gestures with her hands while going "Yo yo uh-huh yeah come on~ Taenggoo and her J.Lo yo~" over and over again.

"Shut up." Taeyeon picks up a napkin and throws it at her hyperactive friend.

"Admit it! You're still thinking about her." Sunny points her finger at the sulking Taeyeon. "It's been weeks and you're still brooding like you've lost your dog."

"I'm just tired!"


"I really am!"

"You're tired every day?"

"Yes. This project is killing me," Taeyeon lies.

Sunny has it right but Taeyeon doesn't want her to know just yet. She thinks that her best friend needs to try humble pie every once in a while.

"Project smhoject. I know I'm right. You're thinking of her. You can't get her out of your mind. Every night before bed, you always think about her. How you two met. How you worked together. That last day of sightseeing together. Her laugh. Her smile-..."

"Seriously. Shut up!"

Sunny laughs as she dodges the spoon Taeyeon's about to throw at her, shielding her head with her hands. "You can't lie to me and you know it, Taeng!"

"I'm not lying to you! She's there, I'm here and like you said, she might not swing my way. I know reality, okay?"

"Okay okay. I get it but please don't look as if it's the end of the world. You'll meet someone new soon enough. Go to Yuri's party this weekend. You're bound to meet someone there who can help you forget Tiffany."

"If I do that, will you shut up and leave me alone?"

"Most definitely!"

"Fine. I'll go."

"Good. Because even though love don't cost a thing, you can't keep waiting for someone who isn't into you. If you had her love, you wouldn't be so gloomy but since you don't, you have to get out there, get on the floor, get loud and I'm sure you're gonna be alright."

Taeyeon deadpanned, recognizing the song titles.

"Not funny?" asks Sunny mischievously. "I tried my best, Papi."

"Don't 'papi' me!" warns Taeyeon sternly, earning a crazy bout of laughter from Sunny when she adds, "I am not your papi!"

"That's true. You're Tiffany's papi. Or at least you wanna be." Sunny winks greasily in between her laughing.

Taeyeon shakes her head, finishes her drink and stands up. "Go work on your puns."

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Home. This dinner is on you."

"When did we decide that?"

"When you wouldn't stop being nosy. See ya."

Taeyeon walks out of the restaurant and takes a deep breath of fresh air once she's outside. It's true. Her mind can't seem to stop thinking about Tiffany even after all this time but there's nothing she can do about it.

She keeps wondering what could happen if she had called her supervisor and asked for an extended stay. Or if they both lived in the same country.

She has had the urge to text her on several occasions but never had the courage too. The last conversation they had was Tiffany thanking her for taking her home. It stopped there. Tiffany has never sent her another message since and she doesn't want to initiate, afraid to overstep her boundaries. Because after all, it's highly possible that Tiffany only sees her as a friend.

Let it go, Taeng. Some things are just not meant to be.


A few more days have gone by but Taeyeon is still somewhat gloomy.

Her friends have been psyching her up for the party at Yuri's tonight, telling her about the girls that are going to be there. Their chat room has been filled with nothing but pictures of said girls, making Taeyeon feel like scolding Sunny even more for telling them about Tiffany.

"Here look," Yuri says before sending a picture of two young women. "The one on the left. White coat. Isn't she pretty?"

"College student?" asks Sooyoung.

"Yeah. Graduating next year. Young blood, Taeng!"

"Not interested," she types.

"How 'bout her?" This time Hyoyeon quips, sending a different picture of a girl in a club. "Met her while clubbing a couple of months ago. Nice kid and she definitely knows how to have fun."

"I'm not a clubber."

"You don't have to be."

"I'm not into clubbers either."

She sighs and puts her phone aside, deciding to just get back to work.


She looks up at the sound of her name and sees her colleague standing in front of her cubicle.

"Yeonho oppa's looking for you," says the girl, pointing towards her supervisor's office.

"Oh?" Taeyeon saves her work and stands up. What does he want? I still have one more day to finish that last revision he sent me.

She knocks on the glass door and sees him talking to someone sitting across the desk. Judging from the back view and the long hair, the guest is a woman.

"Come in," says the supervisor.

"You want to see me, Oppa?" she asks, stepping inside the room. Their company is a young and trendy one and honorifics are kept at the minimum. They don't even call their CEO 'sajangnim' like other companies do.

"Taeyeon, looks like you're gonna get your old partner back on this project."

"What old partner? I don't have an ol-..."

The words die on her tongue when she sees the guest turning around, standing up from her seat.

"Hi," greets Tiffany with the biggest smile on her face, "Partner."

#taeny #thedonkatsu

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