My Dangerous Boss and Crazy M...

By mars_111

258K 10.7K 3.3K

#70 in fanfiction on 24/11/2017 #106 in fanfiction on 22/11/2017 it is humorous fun loving story of an arroge... More

MDBCM-- Shot 1
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New Story
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MDBCM---Shot 12(First Kiss)
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New Stories
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Vote For Helly Shah
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Please Vote
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Sunshine in the darkness
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Thank you
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8.5K 439 93
By mars_111

My dangerous boss and crazy me 
(SwaSan fs)
Recap: swara pregnant and rubby said yes to bappy for marriage. 

After five months:
Swara is in fifth month of her pregnancy. Sanskar take good care of her and try always to be with her when he know how much careless swara is so, he usually work from home. After two days is rubby and bappy's marriage, swara has convinced everyone in the family and as rubby is nice girl all agreed. The arrangements for the marriage are going in maheshwari mansion. Swara is super excited but she gets irritated when sanskar didn't let her do anything. She has minimal baby bump.

" swara" sanskar shouted with plate of food in his hand. He saw her sitting between the ladies and selecting sarees for the marriage. " I'm here" she wave her hand. Sanskar signed and went near her.  "Come have your food" he said. It's her lunch time.

" I will eat afterwards now i am not hungry" she said. Sanskar was not going to listen to her so he sit beside her and started feeding her. Everyone in the family knows his possessiveness so it's his regular routine to feed her. She silently ate while talking to ladies. When she was done, sanskar went to kitchen.

" tomorrow we are going to our ancestors temple as it's good if we go before marriage" ap said. " yes jiji we will go" sujata said. " i will also come" swara sequealed. " but swara it has 150+ stairs to go through. It will be tiring for you" ap said. " i will walk slowly" she said because she don't want to lose chance to go. " okay ask from sanskar and I'm sure he won't agree" sujata said. Swara make faces as she know to convince sanskar for this is next to impossible when he don't let her climb stairs at home. " i will convince him" swara said though she herself was not sure.

At night, swara enter inside her room and close the door. She look around for sanskar but he was not there and then only washroom door open and sanskar came only in his lowers and rubbing his wet hairs with towel. Swara smile sheepishly at him and approaching him, she took the towel and softly rub against his head. He was suspicious that something is going in her not so smart mind. He wrap his arms around her waist pulling her closer. " what you want??" He asked raising his eyebrow.

" nothing" she pretended to be normal.

" swara i know you in and out so stop playing around and come to the point" he said." Okay" she said while he chuckle. Swara leave the towel around his neck and said " can i go to temple with all tomorrow?" She asked making patterns on his bare chest. Sanskar already know that they are going to temple. " no swara it will be tiring for you" he seriously said. " please all are going" she pleaded. "I will be here with you" he said. " sanskar why are you doing like this? I never saw that temple" she pouted. 

" swara you have to cover so many stairs and that's not good for your health so you are not going and no more discussion on this topic" he said with finality. " i will walk slowly and you also come to take care of me" she tried to convice him. " no means no swara" he strictly said. " you are very bad husband" she jerked and moved back. " swara" he called her softly. " i will never talk to you and i will make our baby on my side" she pointed her finger towards him and lie on the bed. Her eyes were teary. Sanskar stare her helplessly. She is still so childish. Sanskar went to bed and off the lights. He lie beside her. Sanskar took swara in his embrace. " don't touch me" she winced and struggled in his arms. He smile and tighten the grip. Swara accepted defeat when sleep overpower and she close her eyes. Sanskar look at her, leaning on he kissed her forehead and slept.

Next Morning:
All are going to temple in the evening and swara has not talked to sanskar because he didn't agreed yet. Sanskar is sitting in the hall while swara is in dinning area with other ladies. They are arranging for the breakfast. " swara call sanskar for breakfast" sujata said. " noooo I'm not talking to him" she said loud enough for sanskar to listen. He couldn't help but smile at her talks. " don't worry mom i will come myself" sanskar said  going to them. Swara turn her face angrily. 

All sit for their breakfast except swara. 

" swara have your breakfast" sanskar said. " i will not have" she said. " why??" He asked. "When you don't listen to me why should i listen to you??" She answered. Sanskar didn't said anything and put food in the plate. He got up and holding her hand move towards sofa. " open your mouth" he said when they sat there. " i will not" she said. 

" swara no fun with food" his tone was harsh and swara's eyes got filled with tears. She ate and sniffs. " stop crying" he softly said as he realized he almost shouted at her. " let's go sanskar please" she pouted. 

"Okay" he said. " really!! i love you " she tightly  kiss his cheeks.  " but i will carry you on stairs and you have to accept" he said. " done" she said. " bappy I'm also coming" she shouted to bappy who was busy in having breakfast. " wowww that will be fun sweety" he give her hifi from far. 

All went to temple in the evening and sanskar picked swara in his arms and climbed the stairs. They had great fun over there. 

It was marriage today and swara is wearing  blue saree matching to sanskar's blazer. He is wearing white shirt and light blue pants with royal blue blazar. They are looking perfect. " no running here and there" sanskar said. Swara nodded, it's his everyday dialogue. They attended guest and most of the time sanskar was beside swara. " may i go to them??" swara pointed to rubby and bappy. " okay" he said. Swara went near them and got busy talking to them. She met her parents and spend sometime with them.

Sanskar noticed swara is standing from almost two hours so, he went near her.

" excuse me" he said to swara's friends with whom she was standing. "What happened??" She asked. " nothing sit and take this juice" he said giving her juice. He took seat beside her. He started talking to her. He know if he will intentionally ask her to take rest then she won't agree so he keep her busy in talks. The wedding went well and all went to their rooms when function was over. 

After four months:
Swara is admitted in the hospital when sanskar came running. Rubby, bappy , sujata and ap are waiting outside OT. Sanskar has to attend urgent meeting so he has to leave. After him swara got Labour pain. He regretted going to meeting and now his heart is ready to burst. She got pain one week before the date doctors predicted. 

" where is swara??" He asked breathing heavily. " sweety is inside, doctors are operating" bappy said. " how much more time they will take?" He asked. " don't know" sujata said. Sanskar took deep breath and run his hand through his hairs. His hands are shivering and lips are trembling. " calm down she will be fine" bappy kept hand on his shoulder. Sanskar nodded though he only know how much panicked he is. 

" Mr Maheshwari " a nurse came out after an hour. " it's me" sanskar stepped forward. He saw small baby is wrapped in white cloth. He gulped and skipped his beat seeing something which is very new to him. 

" congratulations sir it's baby boy" nurse said with smile. " thank you" sanskar smile brightly and took the baby. " how is swara?" He asked. " she is fine you can meet her after half an hour" she said before leaving. 

" sanskar kisses baby's forehead whose eyes are closed" all others start playing with the baby when he open his eyes. " he is like sweety" bappy said touching his cheeks. Sanskar was again and again looking at the door because he can't wait to meet swara. 

" you can meet your wife" doctor came out and said. Sanskar nodded and went inside.

Swara is lying on the bed and she smile as she saw sanskar. He ran and hug her. " I'm sorry " he whisper. " why??" She asked confusedly. " i was not there when you felt pain" he said. " it's okay I'm fine" she said wiping his tears. " i never knew my khadoos boss cry also" swara said. Sanskar laugh at her. She is unique piece. " where is baby?" She asked. " outside, it's baby boy" he said taking her hand in his. " is it paining??" He asked. She shook her head. 

"Sweety a new member in our group" bappy shouted when he enter with baby and others also follow him. " yes we will make him like us cool not serious and boring like someone" swara narrow her eyes at sanskar. He was smiling at her. She is looking so cute in sky blue loose hospital dress and free hairs. 

After somedays they came back to home and they named their baby as " Sagar Sanskar Maheshwari". Sanskar came inside the room and saw swara playing with sagar who is now two weeks old. He is attached to swara and Sanskar equally. " sanskar when he will start talking like now he don't answer to me" she said. Sanskar sit near her and said. " you know small babies can't talk" he said. " i know but i can't wait" she pouted. 

Sanskar kiss her lips quickly. " don't make him more talkative" he said. " i will make because we have all rights to speak and we should not hesitate okay baby??" Swara said in one breathe. Sagar is helplessly staring her while sanskar widen his eyes. She is crazy enough to speak without any topic non-stop. " let's sleep" sanskar said. Swara nodded and they lie on either side of sagar and slept. 

Happily ever after. 

The End.

After long time, finally another story came to end. Kindly leave your comments. 
Thank you
Take care 

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