Ashes to Ashes: The Female Al...

By JasminSega

711K 21.4K 1.5K

BOOK 1: (Not Edited) The BlackRain Pack is the Warrior Pack. They are the ghosts that protect the werewolf wo... More

Part Four
Part Five
Part six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine: Her
Part Ten: Liar
Part Eleven: Bloodlines
Part Twelve: Warrior
Fear Me (pt.13)
Keep me Sane (pt.14)
Natural Born Killer (pt.15)
Warzone (pt.17)
Accept Me (pt.18)
Hunt (pt.19)
Afraid (pt.20)
Mate (pt.21)
Dine & Dash (pt.22)
Sickly & Pale (pt.23)
Memory (pt.24)
Alive (pt.25)
Flames (pt.26)
Taken (pt.27)
Kiss me goodnight (pt.28)
Part 29: Alpha's Warrior (1)
Part 30: Alpha's Warrior (2)

Gulity : (pt.16)

21.7K 654 23
By JasminSega

Guilt flooded over me. When I turned to look at the field, body parts and organs were scattered around. I knew letting my wolf loose was needed to fight these rogues, but at what cost? I feared that my nightmares would return. I feared that I would have new nightmares. I feared myself.

The look of horror etched onto everyone's face made what I did sink in further. The warriors had seen me like this before, it wasn't a pretty sight.

I watched as the wolves slowly started to walk away, dragging some of our pack to medical, some to the pack house and some to the cells. The warriors had caught two rogues and put them down there along with the one I decided not to kill. My eyes soon found Rush's, filled with the same horror, but had a hint of awe. I turned my back quickly and ran through the woods, wanting to clear my mind. I could hear Samuel telling Rush not to follow me, and for that I was thankful.

My wolf was silent as I wove my way through the trees. I pushed my paws into the ground, suddenly stopping. I needed to stop. I need to take a breath. My ears twitch at the sound of a critter, I stand on my four legs and run again.

I spent two hours running. Repeating the short battle over and over in my head. The look on the faces of the rogues when they knew they were next. The loud cries that shook me to my core, the spilt blood on the grass. Everyone is going to see me for the monster I truly am.

Making my way back to the pack house, I kept my head high, not wanting anyone to see how I truly felt. I strutted up the stairs in my wolf form until I reached my room to shower. I put the water on scorching hot, feeling the slight amount of discomfort, trying to punish myself for the sins I have committed. Turning the water off and stepping out, I found myself in front of the mirror.

My wolf flashed her silver eyes, eyes that I once thought were beautiful, now reminded me of a sleek knife that was sharp enough to plunge through an enemy. My white hair was my curse and a symbol to all that I was dangerous. My red lips, the same shade of blood. The scars that cover my arm, reminding me of loss and pain.

I stepped away from the mirror and threw on some black pants, a red tank top and my combat boots. I ran my fingers through my hair then made my way downstairs and out the pack house. I had to put my feelings aside for the moment, getting information out of the rogues is what is important right now.

I took a deep breath before opening the steel door to the cells. The dark passageway held a few candles to light the way. Multiple voices sounded as I began to near, but it was one voice that caught my attention


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