anonymous || pjm

By stale-bread-stick

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[Highschool!au] Despite the majority of the bad boy stories showcasing a fearless protagonist with a nonsensi... More

(Prologue): Unsolicited Embarrassment


202 8 1
By stale-bread-stick

"Tell. Me. Everything." Taehyung spoke, eagerly sitting opposite the male, whom in turn closed his eyes and lethargically pinched the bridge of his nose. A tinge of red dusted his cheeks as he just knew what his friend was talking about, but Jimin refused to give the male the reaction he so desperately wanted to see (and tease him about).

He glanced up from his phone for only a second before shifting his eyes back to the screen, ignoring Taehyung's cheekiness that was just oozing from both his knowing grin and his pose, arms crossed as he waited for a response patiently, yet with no patience whatsoever. "So?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jimin even had the audacity to lie through his.. perfectly straight teeth.

Taehyung sighs dramatically at Jimin's words, draping an arm over his forehead as he leaned back in his seat, crossing one leg over the other, "Oh, I get it, so when it's three in the goddamn morning and all you want to do is blabber about the color of her eyes and whatever else, and then you'd know what I'm talking about, but now-"

"TaE sToP-" Taehyung could only then feel the sting of being hit with the pillow of shame. And dishonor.

The pillow flops to the ground along with his dignity. Maybe that's an exaggeration, but still. "What the heck, hyung?!"

"It was the safest and closest weapon I could find besides my fists."

"I'm just trying to help you, hyung. It's not like she likes anyone, this isn't a fanfiction or anything like that! Or, wait," He scrambled upwards, bending so that his elbows rest on his knees, folding his hands together with his two index fingers placed against his lips in contemplation, "Oh my gosh, I'm a genius."

"Whatever you're thinking, stop-"

"Jungkook-ah!" It's too late, the older thought to himself, sighing as he watched his friend sprint around the room in search of the mentioned male. Jimin only sighs, wondering how he got caught up in such a situation.


Two weeks have passed since you became partners with Jimin. Which means two entire Friday morning sessions for the project have passed.

It was rather awkward at first, barely audible bursts about what the project should be about from both parties, along with a few minor mishaps such as Jimin internally shrinking in embarrassment when he accidentally laughed a little too loudly in the library from a damn meme Taehyung sent him, but the embarrassment thankfully dwindled and was replaced with a mutual hope for a well made project.

Admittedly, you were charmed. You were charmed by the way he'd seemingly disappear whenever he laughed, burying his face in his hands as his eyes shaped into cute crescent moons whenever he smiled too widely, occasionally throwing his head back in a laugh so unique, smiling in a way you had only seen children or those with a carefree soul do, naturally making you marvel at the mellifluous sound that came shortly after. Maybe you were paying a little too much attention to his laugh, but how could you not?

Admittedly, you were charmed by the way he'd tease you with unexpected smirks whenever you got too close, the way he'd just naturally throw in a cocky lift of his brows as if to imply something you weren't willing to dwell further in, the way his deep yet somewhat boyish chuckles that elicited whenever you'd snap your head away or lightly slap his arm in response somehow managed to catch you off guard every single time.

You were charmed by Jimin. Doesn't mean your breath didn't hitch when you were walking towards your locker, spotting- surprise surprise- the one and only raven haired male that unintentionally stole your heart standing right in front of it.

He was leaning against it oh so casually, watching his friends converse through half lidded eyes, throwing in a few comments here and there as the conversation went on. He nodded slightly- the most subtle yet cutest nod- whenever he agreed with whatever they were saying, throwing in a few hand gestures to prove his point.

You stood glued to your spot, not even noticing students bumping into you as they passed, clutching your books closer as your heart threatened to palpitate out of your chest. Luckily your logical side kicked in as you hastily looked elsewhere, careful to not be caught in the act of (naturally) staring at the love of your life. At least that's what you fantasized about, but you'd never openly admit that fact.

"Y/n." Red flags immediately went through your brain as it processed the voice that was right next to your freaking ear, warm breath sending shivers down your spine as your fight of flight instincts unintentionally kicked in, making you jump away from the source of your discomfort with your hands balled into fists and your knees buckled in a fighting stance. The individual- that you only then determined was an oh so familiar male- blinked slowly, his confusion quickly morphing into amusement as he snickered at your reaction. Damn him.

"Jimin, what in the hecking heck-"

He gasps rather dramatically, "Y/n, language!"

You snort, standing up straight as you slowly composed yourself, "Oh, stop."

He only smiles. "Ah!" He fishes through his pocket, eventually retrieving the object he was looking for before handing it to you, "Here, your pen. I kinda forgot about it."

You blink, not having imagined that he would actually give it back. And as for Jimin, this is definitely, definitely not just another excuse to talk to you again. "Oh, thanks, Jimin-ssi."

You graced him with a small smile as you took the pen, a bubble of respect materializing in your chest, because damn the people that borrow things but don't give them back. Jimin's smile twitches just the slightest bit, irked at the way you addressed him as if you were both strangers. He wished to be closer than that.

"You can, uh.." He muttered, barely audible as he whispered it under his breath, clearing his throat in an attempt to also clear his nerves, "You can stop calling me that, you know.."

"Ah, right, I almost forgot." You flashed him a smile, holding your books with one hand and shooting finger guns with the other as you walked away, "See ya, then.. Chim!"

He had to double take on that one.

You didn't notice. You couldn't notice, not with disappointment forming in the pit of your stomach as you watched the object of your affections walk away from your view with the other males. Jimin blinks from behind you, a goofy smile slowly surfacing on his features before he dramatically fist bumped the air, whispering a small, overjoyed "yes!" under his breath. You frown, unaware.


"Alright, listen up, you damn spoons," Jimin started, an expression of both annoyance and seriousness filling the fire in his eyes, boring holes into each of the five males' eyes that expressed nothing but either boredom or just sheer amusement. Or both. "whoever doodled Y/n's name all over my textbook-" He was interrupted by an abrupt snort from a certain member. He lifts a brow, crossing his arms and shifting his weight to his other foot as he towered over the youngest male, the said male shifting his gaze anywhere but the older as sweat trickled down his temple, "Well? What do you have to say for yourself, Jungguk-ssi?"

"It was Taehyung's idea!"

The male in turn shot up from his seat immediately, "How much damn longer are you going to rat me out?!"

"You're all at fault here, you little twats!" Jin, himself, shot up from his seat, hands flailing around wildly as he tried to prove a point, "You're all over there, forming your own little club or whatever, don't think I don't see you."

"I can see your sharpie sticking out from your pocket, Jin-hyung!" He slowly sat back down at the claim.

Jimin sighed, shoulders sagging in defeat, "You're all a pain in the-"

"-language-" Jin interjected,

"Butts! Pain in the butts!" Namjoon quietly exchanged eye contact with Yoongi, both of them sharing silent amusement for the situation as chaos continued to take place around them.

Hoseok suddenly bursts inside the room, a smile gracing his features as the others inwardly shielded their eyes from the blinding light (not really, but the idea still stands). "Guys!" He started, skipping towards the center of the room- an empty classroom they were currently hanging around in- before jumping in place, clapping his hands together in excitement, "There's a party in a few days, who's going?"

"Ooh, party!" Taehyung shoots up from his seat as he flashes the youngest a cheeky smile, "Phase two will have to wait, it seems, Jungkookie. But fear not! Nothing can possibly stop us-"

"I'm literally right here." Jimin clicks his tongue, sending the others a confused expression, "What are you two thinking?"

"We'll need your participation, hyung. It would be much appreciated." Jungkook smirks to himself, rubbing his hands together as if he were ready to conduct an evil plan. Which was most likely the case.

"Yeah, no, I'm leaving."

"Hyung, wait!"

It's safe to say, Jimin wasn't going to go through any of their schemes. Or so he thought.

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