By inosekiyo

18.4K 1.1K 341

The story is about the feelings between Kim Jonghyun and Choi Minki during their time on Produce 101 Season 2... More

- 07 - OTHERS
- 10 - OTHERS
- 13 - OTHERS
- 16 - OTHERS

- 19 - OTHERS

633 29 25
By inosekiyo


The first time Yoon Jisung joined this show, he thought that he wouldn't even made it this far.

He feels like he's already old enough and lots of youngsters are so talented more than him, so he just joined it and try to enjoy the show because this will be his last chance to debut.

The moment when he saw Pledis trainees appeared, he thought that they are the real celebrities and he might not have a chance to get close to them.

So he's just take it easy, luckily he got a friendly personality that could make people feels comfortable talking to him and that indeed helped him to get along with the one he thought would be out of reach, the NU'EST members.

The first time he get the chance to talk to them is when he got into the D class rank along with Hwang Minhyun and Kang Dongho.

He thought Minhyun won't talk too much but that thought is wrong.

Aside of his five years career, Minhyun and the other NU'EST members are so nice, Jisung really regret that he ever thought of them being cocky or showing off that they're the senior in this show.

He always likes how Minki always trying to entertain the other trainees, with his jokes or just making a funny gestures such as the shoulder gangster things.

The more time they spent together, the more closer they get with each other.

Sometimes, Minki will talk to him about a few things, Jonghyun also share his thoughts and sometimes told him how he missed their oldest member, Aron. Minhyun and Dongho also talk to him about their performance and their worries.

At first, Jisung don't understand why Minhyun seems got a lot of things on his mind, but then he understand that it's all because he received some bad comments about him and his group, that they shouldn't join this show just because they already debuted and this show is supposed to be only for trainees.

Jisung once tried to talk about this to Minhyun, but Minhyun just smiles and saying that they already getting used with people like that.

Minhyun also said that this show is their last chance, otherwise NU'EST will be disbanded.

That words makes Jisung surprised at first, but then he realized that this show is also his last chance.

If he wants to debut, he must do his best in this show, because if not, he won't get another chance, due to his age.

Jisung got a chance to be in the same team with Minhyun during the vocal concept team and ever since that day, they're getting to know each other better.

One day, Minhyun is just sitting on the cafeteria all alone, his eyes just gazing at the cup of coffee in front of him.

Jisung walks to him and sit next to him, "Minhyun-ah, what's wrong? Are you thinking about the elimination again?"

Minhyun shakes his head, "no, it's not about that. Well, of course I'm thinking about it too but there's another thing that keep bothering me."

"What is it?"

"It's about Minki." Minhyun sigh, "we've known each other for years and I already think of him like my brother, but lately, he seems to keep a distance from us. He never do that before and this really makes me think that maybe we shouldn't take this chance. Maybe we should just ask to our daepyonim to give us another chance..." Minhyun stirs the spoon on the cup. "But if we do that, we might have been announcing our disband now." He let out a sigh again.

Jisung taps Minhyun's shoulder, "just give him a time. This is the first time he got separated from all of you, right? It must be hard for him too."

"I know." Minhyun keep staring at the coffee cup without any intention to drink it. "But Jonghyun feels down too. He seems so stressed out these days. Jonghyun and Minki used to be close with each other, but they seems like a stranger now."


Minhyun finally stares at Jisung, "last night, Jonghyun is crying. I heard from someone that he seems to talk to Minki that night, but Minki didn't admit that. I think there's something going on between those two."

"Could it be that they're on a fight?"

"Maybe. But if that's true, we need to make them settled their problem. I don't want Jonghyun to lose his focus on this show." Minhyun finally take a sip of his coffee.

"Hmmm..." Jisung thinks for a while. "How about we make them talk to each other?"

"I think Minki is now avoiding him," Minhyun commented.

"Then how about we locked them up in a place, just the two of them? They can't go anywhere else and in the end they have to talk to each other, right?"

Minhyun stay quiet for a while then smiling at Jisung. "Jisung-hyung, you really have a great idea!"

Jisung looks confused at first, but then Minhyun explains that he already think of something to settled up the problem.


Jisung decided to help Minhyun with his plan. Minhyun said that he wants to lock Jonghyun and Minki inside the practice room, so they could talk and won't avoid each other again.

To do that, Jisung needs the key to the practice room and to get that key isn't an easy task.

Luckily, he have someone that he could ask to help him getting the key, someone that the staff can't say no to, and that person is Kang Daniel.

Daniel smooth talk to the staff really help Jisung right now.

Although Daniel is a little bit suspicious with Jisung's act, but Jisung managed to convinced him that he needs the key to help him focusing on his own singing and luckily, Daniel believes him.

Jisung smiles happily and walks approaching Minhyun once he see Jonghyun enter the blue practice room from far away.

"Hyung, you got it?" Minhyun asks.

"Don't call me Jisung-ssi if I can't get this," Jisung shows the small key on his hand.

"You're the best," Minhyun smiles and walks approaching the room with Jisung.

Jisung talks about how he didn't realize that Jonghyun and Minki got a problem, while Minhyun only replies him with a smile.

The door to the practice room is closed now.

"I wonder what they're doing there," Jisung smirks. He open the door slightly and peek from the small gap, but the scene that he could see from that gap is something that he knows it should be a secret.

He looks surprised and closed the door slowly without making any sound before he turns around and face Minhyun.

"Why? What happened?" Minhyun asks.

Jisung pulls him away for a while, "wait.. Did I miss something about them?"

"What's the matter?"

Jisung told Minhyun what he saw earlier, that Jonghyun is doing a backhug to Minki so tight and Minki is holding Jonghyun's hand, like a couple.

Minhyun chuckles, making Jisung getting more confused, he almost forgot to lock the door.

After he lock the door to the practice room, he follows Minhyun to the cafe area, where Minhyun finally explained about the truth of Jonghyun and Minki's relationship.

They're dating and it's already going on for a while. Of course, they used to be close to each other before but he said that they're officially dating since two years ago.

Jisung just listened to Minhyun's explanation without saying anything. He already promised to Minhyun that he will keep this secret and he
will keep that promise.


Everyone is busy with the preparation for the top 35 song concept elimination.

This is the last elimination stage that will decide whether or not they will be on the final and Jisung really need to do his best, he keep repeating to himself that this is his last chance, that if he still wants to be an idol and makes his parents proud of him, he must do the performance as good as possible.


That night, Jisung just finished practice and had a talk with his team.

He's going to the pantry area to get a drink when suddenly he see someone near the pantry area.

It's Jonghyun.

Seems like he's looking at someone else inside the pantry area.

Jisung narrowing his eyes, trying to see who's the person that Jonghyun's been looking at. He takes a step forward and realized that it's Minki with Taedong.

In this distance, Jisung couldn't heard what they're talking about but suddenly Taedong is hugging Minki, making Jisung have to close his mouth with his hand so Jonghyun won't know that he's standing behind him.

Jisung stares at Jonghyun for a few seconds and he could tell that Jonghyun is really jealous, his face looks scary, so Jisung just take a few steps back and turns around, leaving Jonghyun there.

But after that, he could see that Jonghyun walks fast, Jonghyun doesn't even look twice at him.

Now he really wonder about what happened earlier.

Taedong hugs Minki, while Minki is supposed to be Jonghyun's boyfriend.

From the look on Jonghyun's face, there must be something going on between them.

Could it be that Taedong likes Minki?

And Minki cheated with Taedong?

As far as he knows, Taedong choose Minki in the visual rank and ever since that day, he often talks about how he really admire Minki.

But Jisung never know that Taedong really fall in love with Minki.

But first, he needs to focus on his team performance.


Jisung eat the breakfast while staring at Minki and Taedong who sits next to each other.

They talk to each other happily, ignoring the intense glare from Jonghyun who sits with his 'Never' team members.

Obviously, Taedong really likes Minki. The only problem is Minki already have a lover.

"Jisung-hyung, why are you staring at them like that?" Samuel asks.

"They seems very happy with each other," Jisung points at Taedong and Minki.

"Ah, yeah, Taedong-hyung and Minki-hyung is getting closer right now."

"They look like a couple, right?" Jisung mumbles, making Samuel almost get choked.

"Yeah, kinda look like that, but I think they're best friends now," Samuel said after he take a sip of his drink.

Jisung suddenly let out a sigh. "A love life is really complicated."


The top 35 concept performance just finished and Jisung feels like one of his burden already lift up now, although he know that this isn't over yet.

He still need to know whether his position is safe or not.

Apparently, he's safe but not with Minki.

He's in the 24th position.

If this position stay the same next week, then he have to be eliminated and not getting into the finals like the other NU'EST members.

Minki try to smile when they met after the recording but his eyes looks sad. He's about to cry and Jisung hugs him, patting his back as Minki drops his tears.

"It's alright, you already try your best," Jisung trying to comfort Minki.

"I don't know, hyung, I might get eliminated next week. I'm gonna be away from them. I'm just..... I'm pathetic..." Minki keep saying those words between his sobs.

"Noooo! No, you're not pathetic, you already did your best, I believe you're gonna be on the final! All four of you are talented! You got to believe in your own talent. Come on, Minki-ah, you're gonna be on the debut team."

"I feel like I don't deserve it," Minki said.

"You deserves it, hyung. You have to believe in your own strength," another man said.

Both Minki and Jisung turns around and realize that Taedong is standing near them.

"Taedong is right, you should believe in yourself, Minki-ah," Jisung release his hugs. "So, don't feel like that again, okay?"

Minki wipes his tears, "I'll try."

"Good," Jisung smiles.

"Jisung-hyung, Taehyun-hyung is looking for you, he said he have something to talk," Taedong said and that makes Jisung have to leave both of them together.

Before he really leaves that place, he take a glance at Taedong who sits next to Minki and still trying to calm him down.

If Minhyun didn't told him about Minki's relationship with Jonghyun, Jisung probably will told Minki to just accept Taedong as his boyfriend.

It's kinda disappointing for him that Jonghyun hasn't arrived and cheer Minki up during this hard times.

But he realized his position, that he shouldn't interfere their relationship. He only knew them for a few months, he's still an outsider for them.


Jisung is tidying his belonging and realized that he left something when he's going to the 'I know you know' team room.

Last night he was talking with Moonbok and Donghyun until they're really tired and sleepy.

Jisung walks to the room.

It's getting quiet because everyone seems already going to the dining room to get the breakfast.

Jisung knocks on the door and open it, "Donghyun-ah, I think I left my jacket here, do you still keep it? I need to......"

He doesn't continue his words when he see that Donghyun isn't there, instead he meet Taedong and Minki on one of the bed.

Minki wears a shirt with a short pants and sitting on the bed while Taedong still lying on the bed, shirtless with his hand wraps around Minki's waist.

"Oh, what are you guys doing here?" Jisung asks awkwardly.

"I'm about to wake him up, but this lazy boy just won't wake up," Minki said.

"We don't have any practice, hyung, just let me sleep a little bit more," Taedong commented.

"Actually, Taedong is right," Jisung adds. He goes to the table and notice that someone already folds his jacket and put it on the table. "We don't have any practice."

"But that doesn't mean we could just relax. We still have to do our practice, we have to prepare ourselves." Minki said.

Jisung smiles. "It's alright, Taedongie already practice hard, let him rest for a while, okay? Now you better changed your clothes, wash your face, everyone is waiting for you on the dining room."

Minki sigh, "alright." Then he released himself from Taedong's grip and going to his own room.

Now it's Jisung turns who sit next to Taedong, "seems like he's so stressful about this."

Taedong sigh, "yeah. He keep repeating about practice over and over again. His mind seems so blank right now," Taedong sits on the bed.

"Hey.." Jisung stares at Taedong. "Do you know that Minki....."

"Belongs to someone else?" Taedong continues Jisung's words. "Yeah. I know Minki-hyung is dating Jonghyun-hyung."

Jisung widen his eyes, "you already know it?"

"I saw Minki-hyung's instagram account. I saw him talk to Jonghyun-hyung about this."

"Actually, I don't have any right to interfere your relationship, but you might want to consider it again. It's not right..."

"I know, hyung," Taedong smiles, "but I likes him. I want to be by his side. Even though I know that he might not feeling the same way, at least I could see him smile at me. I want to see him happy, I want to give him the strength that he needs in his stressful days."

"You know the consequences, right?"

Taedong nods. "At least I could be with him, even just for a while."

Jisung stares at Taedong for a few seconds before pulling him into his arms, "Taedongie, you're so romantic. I wish I have someone like you."

Taedong just laugh. "Anyway, let's get ready, otherwise Minki-hyung will come to drag us."

Jisung release his hugs, "but that means you know that Jonghyun is jealous with you, right?"

Taedong smirks, "it's already obvious, but if Minki-hyung doesn't say anything about who's the person that he'll choose, I'm gonna keep making Jonghyun-hyung jealous."

Jisung sigh and once again saying, "dealing with a love thing is really complicated."


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