You and I [Completed!]

By PastelPencil

3.4K 117 42

Life takes an unexpected turn for Hanami Izuko, when she marries Arata Miyama, a person much older than her... More

The Castle Of Glass
A Cup Of Comfort
Bon CafΓ©
Back to Monotony
End Of Road
A Little Bit Of Me And A Little Bit Of You
Coming Home
Ordinary Lives
We're Clear, Aren't we?
Old Bonds
Shared Coffee
Plum blossoms
A short goodbye
Back To The Start
Author's Note


65 3 0
By PastelPencil

In the car, swamped in a gray jacket, Arata remained silent. Hanami, on the other hand, had gotten to texting fervently.

From: Hanami

To: Mari

Text: I invited Arata too. he agreed

Immediately, her phone buzzed.

From: Mari



Hanami sighed.

From: Hanami


Text: Please bear with me for tonight. And, please, be nice? :)

She slipped the phone back into her pocket and made no effort to check it even when it buzzed thrice. The decision was impromptu and she had little idea how it would go down. Her gaze trailed towards Arata and she caught him glancing.

"You needed a driver?"he asked."Because I'm not stupid enough to think your friend would want me there."

"They're fine with it,"she lied. "And I thought going out once in a while would make you feel better."

He gave a low chuckle. "You talk as if I'm sick."

"You are."

He looked at her through the mirror. She did not reply to the questioning gaze and tugged her scarf up to her chin.The car soon ground to a halt. She followed his figure as he got out of the car, circled to her side and held the door open for her.

"You don't have to worry about me,"he said.

She stepped out into the street. "But I do."

A chilly wind ruffled their brows, tugging at collars and scarves as they hurried to the bar. The place was jammed and it took scanning the place twice to find Kyoko and Mari sitting in the back. Hanami gave them a sheepish smile. It was returned by Kyoko but Mari chose to look away sullenly.

Hanami motioned Arata to follow and despite Mari's nonchalance, the pair settled into chairs.

There was a long awkward stretch of silence. Kyoko looked between the uneasy faces and took up her natural role of the mediator. "So, Mr Miyama, isn't it? I'm Kyoko. Nice to meet you."

Arata gave her a small smile. "Likewise."

"Aren't you always, like, super busy, Mr Miyama?"Mari put her chin in her palm. "How did you manage to find time out of your busy schedule?"

Arata looked at Hanami, though without the usual annoyance. "Your friend–Hanami invited me."

"And you agreed to grace us with your presence, my, thank you so much."

"You're welcome,"he quipped. "Let me compensate and buy you ladies a round."

"Or two,"added Mari.

He stood. "Any preferences? or am I free to choose?"

"Surprise us, Mr Miyama." Kyoko smiled and watched the man saunter away, probably to escape them. "He's a looker-rugged-but a looker, nonetheless. I'll give you that, Hanami."

Hanami snorted but stopped short when she caught Mari glaring.

"I don't like him, you know that,"she said. "I was looking forward to this night and you had to go ahead and ruin it."

"I'm sorry, but I- he looked pretty down and I didn't want to leave him like that."

"Why do you even care about that rock? I've never seen him smile at you. He could at least be nice."

Hanami's gaze trailed towards the man standing at the counter. "That's just the way he is. But I think he is kind. Just doesn't show it much."

Mari made a face, though did not comment any more. Arata returned with the drinks and set the tray on the table. A simple mint-soda was reserved for him. "I've to drive,"he explained, catching Mari's smirk.

The women sipped their drinks in silence, wondering what subject could be broached in the presence of the man. As always, Kyoko took the responsibility with a warm smile.

"Tell us something about your childhood, Mr Miyama. Let's get to know each other."

Hanami looked over the rim of her glass. Arata's expression showed no changes.

"I was brought up in Kyoto by the Miyama family. Had no siblings. They expected me to study business administration and so I did. Other than that, I don't remember much."

To push the lagging conversation, Hanami added,"He played the tuba."

That made the girls chuckle. Arata turned red in the cheeks and for once Mari smiled at him without being sarcastic.

"That was a one time thing,"he glanced at Hanami who evaded his gaze by concentrating on the drink. Eventually, he shook his head and broke into a small smile as well. "I was tired of studying calculus."

Kyoko snorted, "That's a strange picture. Also, Hanami often tells us about your cooking."

"Is that so?"

Hanami glanced at him. Luckily, he seemed more amused than annoyed.

The night passed with little tid bits of conversation floating from one side to the other. Hanami could tell Arata was at ease and Mari only pretended to sulk. She listened to him and often made comments, once managing to kick Hanami under the table as a punishment for Arata's sarcastic reply. Although still awkward, it was a pleasant night and she'd achieved the one goal she'd had in her mind- to have Arata forget whatever troubled him, even if for a few moments.

At the door, they parted. Arata offered to drop Kyoko and Mari, but Mari retorted with a "Too much of this gentleman thing doesn't suit you" and refused.

Kyoko thanked him and gave Hanami a hug."You've become so wife-like,"she whispered. "Looking out for him and all that." Hanami gave her a surprised look.

In the car, Arata was silent again but didn't look as tired as before. Relieved, she rested her head against the glass pane and gazed out. Soon home drew close- the high rise, seventeen storey building that no longer looked as imposing as it had in the beginning.

As she fumbled with the scarf that had tangled with the zip of the purse, Arata touched her hand, taking the purse from her hold to free the brown cloth. Once she was freed, she turned to push open the car door, when a heaviness on top of her head, made her still. The gentle, warm touch belonged to Arata's hand resting on her head. Surprised, Hanami blinked at him.

"You're a stubborn one."

She softened as well,touched by the gesture. Neither of them moved, acknowledging there was something to be said.

Arata retrieved his hand. "I don't know where I am going,"he said, looking ahead into the darkness. The voice was unsure and seemed full of effort.

"I don't either,"she replied, resting back as if she didn't want to leave the warmed seat. "None of us do... but we don't have to... You enjoy long aimless walks, don't you? It's just like that. You don't have to reach anywhere, just keep walking and while you're at it, smile and laugh as much as you can. And, if it hurts, share with me."

"With you?"

Hanami flushed at her words. She straightened, took in a breath and offered him a hand. "Let's be friends?"

Arata looked at her hand for a moment, then took it, giving it a shake.

"Deal." He nodded, looking much different than the man she'd first met. She realized Kyoko's words were true. Maybe not as a wife, but she did care for this strange person.

They returned home, still quiet but comfortable in each other's presence. No longer strangers.


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